# The `stack new` command ~~~text stack new PACKAGE_NAME [--bare] [--[no-]init] [TEMPLATE_NAME] [-p|--param KEY:VALUE] [DIR(S)] [--omit-packages] [--force] [--ignore-subdirs] ~~~ `stack new` creates a new project using a project template. By default: * the project is created in a new directory named after the package. Pass the `--bare` flag to create the project in the current directory; * the project is initialised for use with Stack. Pass the `--no-init` flag to skip such initialisation; and * the project template is the one specified by the [default-template](yaml_configuration.md#default-template) option. A package name acceptable to Cabal comprises an alphanumeric 'word'; or two or more such words, with the words separated by a hyphen/minus character (`-`). A word cannot be comprised only of the characters `0` to `9`. An alphanumeric character is one in one of the Unicode Letter categories (Lu (uppercase), Ll (lowercase), Lt (titlecase), Lm (modifier), or Lo (other)) or Number categories (Nd (decimal), Nl (letter), or No (other)). !!! note In the case of Hackage and acceptable package names, an alphanumeric character is limited to one of `A` to `Z`, `a` to `z`, and `0` to `9`. !!! note The name of a project is not constrained to be an acceptable package name. A single-package project can be renamed to differ from the name of its package. The `--param :` option specifies a key-value pair to populate a key in a template. The option can be specified multiple times. The arguments specifying directories and the `--ignore-subdirs`, `--force` and `--omit-packages` flags are as for the [`stack init` command](init_command.md). These arguments are ignored if the `--no-init` flag is passed. ## Project templates A project template file can be located in a repository named `stack-templates` on GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket; at a URL; or on the local file system. Project template file names have the extension `.hsfiles`. The extension does not need to be specified with `stack new`. A project template file `my-template.hsfiles` in a repository `username/stack-templates` on GitHub, GitLab or Bitbucket can be specified with `stack new` as: ~~~test :username/my-template ~~~ where `` is one of `github` for [GitHub](https://github.com/), `gitlab` for [GitLab](https://gitlab.com), or `bitbucket` for [Bitbucket](https://bitbucket.com). The default service is GitHub, the default username is `commercialhaskell` and the default project template name is `new-template`. ## Examples Create a project for package `my-project` in new directory `my-project` with the default project template file and initialise it for use with Stack: ~~~text stack new my-project ~~~ Create a project for package `my-package` in the current directory with the default project template file and initialise it for use with Stack: ~~~text stack new my-package --bare ~~~ Create a project with the `rio` project template at the default repository and initialise it for use with Stack: ~~~text stack new my-project rio ~~~ Create a project with the `mysql` project template provided by the `yesodweb/stack-templates` repository on GitHub and initialise it for use with Stack: ~~~text stack new my-project yesodweb/mysql ~~~ Create a project with the `my-template` project template provided by the `username/stack-templates` repository on Bitbucket and initialise it for use with Stack: ~~~text stack new my-project bitbucket:username/my-template ~~~ Create a project with the `my-template.hsfiles` project template file at `https://example.com` and initialise it for use with Stack: ~~~text stack new my-project https://example.com/my-template ~~~ Create a project with the local project template file `/my-template.hsfiles` and initialise it for use with Stack: ~~~text stack new my-project /my-template ~~~ Create a project with the `simple` project template file at the default repository (which does not use Hpack and a `package.yaml` file) and do not initialise it for use with Stack (`stack init` could be used subsequently): ~~~text stack new my-project --no-init simple ~~~