{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE GADTs #-} -- | Make changes to project or global configuration. module Stack.ConfigCmd (ConfigCmdSet(..) ,configCmdSetParser ,cfgCmdSet ,cfgCmdSetName ,configCmdEnvParser ,cfgCmdEnv ,cfgCmdEnvName ,cfgCmdName) where import Stack.Prelude import Data.ByteString.Builder (byteString) import qualified Data.Map.Merge.Strict as Map import qualified Data.HashMap.Strict as HMap import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Yaml as Yaml import qualified Options.Applicative as OA import qualified Options.Applicative.Types as OA import Options.Applicative.Builder.Extra import Pantry (loadSnapshot) import Path import qualified RIO.Map as Map import RIO.Process (envVarsL) import Stack.Config (makeConcreteResolver, getProjectConfig, getImplicitGlobalProjectDir) import Stack.Constants import Stack.Types.Config import Stack.Types.Resolver import System.Environment (getEnvironment) data ConfigCmdSet = ConfigCmdSetResolver (Unresolved AbstractResolver) | ConfigCmdSetSystemGhc CommandScope Bool | ConfigCmdSetInstallGhc CommandScope Bool data CommandScope = CommandScopeGlobal -- ^ Apply changes to the global configuration, -- typically at @~/.stack/config.yaml@. | CommandScopeProject -- ^ Apply changes to the project @stack.yaml@. configCmdSetScope :: ConfigCmdSet -> CommandScope configCmdSetScope (ConfigCmdSetResolver _) = CommandScopeProject configCmdSetScope (ConfigCmdSetSystemGhc scope _) = scope configCmdSetScope (ConfigCmdSetInstallGhc scope _) = scope cfgCmdSet :: (HasConfig env, HasGHCVariant env) => ConfigCmdSet -> RIO env () cfgCmdSet cmd = do conf <- view configL configFilePath <- case configCmdSetScope cmd of CommandScopeProject -> do mstackYamlOption <- view $ globalOptsL.to globalStackYaml mstackYaml <- getProjectConfig mstackYamlOption case mstackYaml of PCProject stackYaml -> return stackYaml PCGlobalProject -> liftM ( stackDotYaml) (getImplicitGlobalProjectDir conf) PCNoProject _extraDeps -> throwString "config command used when no project configuration available" -- maybe modify the ~/.stack/config.yaml file instead? CommandScopeGlobal -> return (configUserConfigPath conf) -- We don't need to worry about checking for a valid yaml here (config :: Yaml.Object) <- liftIO (Yaml.decodeFileEither (toFilePath configFilePath)) >>= either throwM return newValue <- cfgCmdSetValue (parent configFilePath) cmd let cmdKey = cfgCmdSetOptionName cmd config' = HMap.insert cmdKey newValue config if config' == config then logInfo (fromString (toFilePath configFilePath) <> " already contained the intended configuration and remains unchanged.") else do writeBinaryFileAtomic configFilePath (byteString (Yaml.encode config')) logInfo (fromString (toFilePath configFilePath) <> " has been updated.") cfgCmdSetValue :: (HasConfig env, HasGHCVariant env) => Path Abs Dir -- ^ root directory of project -> ConfigCmdSet -> RIO env Yaml.Value cfgCmdSetValue root (ConfigCmdSetResolver newResolver) = do newResolver' <- resolvePaths (Just root) newResolver concreteResolver <- makeConcreteResolver newResolver' -- Check that the snapshot actually exists void $ loadSnapshot =<< completeSnapshotLocation concreteResolver return (Yaml.toJSON concreteResolver) cfgCmdSetValue _ (ConfigCmdSetSystemGhc _ bool') = return (Yaml.Bool bool') cfgCmdSetValue _ (ConfigCmdSetInstallGhc _ bool') = return (Yaml.Bool bool') cfgCmdSetOptionName :: ConfigCmdSet -> Text cfgCmdSetOptionName (ConfigCmdSetResolver _) = "resolver" cfgCmdSetOptionName (ConfigCmdSetSystemGhc _ _) = configMonoidSystemGHCName cfgCmdSetOptionName (ConfigCmdSetInstallGhc _ _) = configMonoidInstallGHCName cfgCmdName :: String cfgCmdName = "config" cfgCmdSetName :: String cfgCmdSetName = "set" cfgCmdEnvName :: String cfgCmdEnvName = "env" configCmdSetParser :: OA.Parser ConfigCmdSet configCmdSetParser = OA.hsubparser $ mconcat [ OA.command "resolver" (OA.info (ConfigCmdSetResolver <$> OA.argument readAbstractResolver (OA.metavar "RESOLVER" <> OA.help "E.g. \"nightly\" or \"lts-7.2\"")) (OA.progDesc "Change the resolver of the current project. See https://docs.haskellstack.org/en/stable/yaml_configuration/#resolver for more info.")) , OA.command (T.unpack configMonoidSystemGHCName) (OA.info (ConfigCmdSetSystemGhc <$> scopeFlag <*> boolArgument) (OA.progDesc "Configure whether stack should use a system GHC installation or not.")) , OA.command (T.unpack configMonoidInstallGHCName) (OA.info (ConfigCmdSetInstallGhc <$> scopeFlag <*> boolArgument) (OA.progDesc "Configure whether stack should automatically install GHC when necessary.")) ] scopeFlag :: OA.Parser CommandScope scopeFlag = OA.flag CommandScopeProject CommandScopeGlobal (OA.long "global" <> OA.help "Modify the global configuration (typically at \"~/.stack/config.yaml\") instead of the project stack.yaml.") readBool :: OA.ReadM Bool readBool = do s <- OA.readerAsk case s of "true" -> return True "false" -> return False _ -> OA.readerError ("Invalid value " ++ show s ++ ": Expected \"true\" or \"false\"") boolArgument :: OA.Parser Bool boolArgument = OA.argument readBool (OA.metavar "true|false" <> OA.completeWith ["true", "false"]) configCmdEnvParser :: OA.Parser EnvSettings configCmdEnvParser = EnvSettings <$> boolFlags True "locals" "include local package information" mempty <*> boolFlags True "ghc-package-path" "set GHC_PACKAGE_PATH variable" mempty <*> boolFlags True "stack-exe" "set STACK_EXE environment variable" mempty <*> boolFlags False "locale-utf8" "set the GHC_CHARENC environment variable to UTF8" mempty <*> boolFlags False "keep-ghc-rts" "keep any GHC_RTS environment variables" mempty data EnvVarAction = EVASet !Text | EVAUnset deriving Show cfgCmdEnv :: EnvSettings -> RIO EnvConfig () cfgCmdEnv es = do origEnv <- liftIO $ Map.fromList . map (first fromString) <$> getEnvironment mkPC <- view $ configL.to configProcessContextSettings pc <- liftIO $ mkPC es let newEnv = pc ^. envVarsL actions = Map.merge (pure EVAUnset) (Map.traverseMissing $ \_k new -> pure (EVASet new)) (Map.zipWithMaybeAMatched $ \_k old new -> pure $ if fromString old == new then Nothing else Just (EVASet new)) origEnv newEnv toLine key EVAUnset = "unset " <> encodeUtf8Builder key <> ";\n" toLine key (EVASet value) = encodeUtf8Builder key <> "='" <> encodeUtf8Builder (T.concatMap escape value) <> -- TODO more efficient to use encodeUtf8BuilderEscaped "'; export " <> encodeUtf8Builder key <> ";\n" escape '\'' = "'\"'\"'" escape c = T.singleton c hPutBuilder stdout $ Map.foldMapWithKey toLine actions