{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE ConstraintKinds #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} -- | Create new a new project directory populated with a basic working -- project. module Stack.New ( new , NewOpts(..) , TemplateName , templatesHelp ) where import Stack.Prelude import Control.Monad.Trans.Writer.Strict import Data.Aeson as A import qualified Data.ByteString.Base64 as B64 import Data.ByteString.Builder (lazyByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as LB import Data.Conduit import Data.List import qualified Data.Map.Strict as M import qualified Data.Set as S import qualified Data.Text as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import qualified Data.Text.Encoding as T import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Encoding as TLE import Data.Time.Calendar import Data.Time.Clock import Network.HTTP.StackClient (VerifiedDownloadException (..), Request, HttpException, getResponseBody, httpLbs, mkDownloadRequest, parseRequest, parseUrlThrow, setForceDownload, setGithubHeaders, setRequestCheckStatus, verifiedDownloadWithProgress) import Path import Path.IO import Stack.Constants import Stack.Constants.Config import Stack.Types.Config import Stack.Types.TemplateName import qualified RIO.HashMap as HM import RIO.Process import qualified Text.Mustache as Mustache import qualified Text.Mustache.Render as Mustache import Text.ProjectTemplate -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Main project creation -- | Options for creating a new project. data NewOpts = NewOpts { newOptsProjectName :: PackageName -- ^ Name of the project to create. , newOptsCreateBare :: Bool -- ^ Whether to create the project without a directory. , newOptsTemplate :: Maybe TemplateName -- ^ Name of the template to use. , newOptsNonceParams :: Map Text Text -- ^ Nonce parameters specified just for this invocation. } -- | Create a new project with the given options. new :: HasConfig env => NewOpts -> Bool -> RIO env (Path Abs Dir) new opts forceOverwrite = do when (newOptsProjectName opts `elem` wiredInPackages) $ throwM $ Can'tUseWiredInName (newOptsProjectName opts) pwd <- getCurrentDir absDir <- if bare then return pwd else do relDir <- parseRelDir (packageNameString project) liftM (pwd ) (return relDir) exists <- doesDirExist absDir configTemplate <- view $ configL.to configDefaultTemplate let template = fromMaybe defaultTemplateName $ asum [ cliOptionTemplate , configTemplate ] if exists && not bare then throwM (AlreadyExists absDir) else do templateText <- loadTemplate template (logUsing absDir template) files <- applyTemplate project template (newOptsNonceParams opts) absDir templateText when (not forceOverwrite && bare) $ checkForOverwrite (M.keys files) writeTemplateFiles files runTemplateInits absDir return absDir where cliOptionTemplate = newOptsTemplate opts project = newOptsProjectName opts bare = newOptsCreateBare opts logUsing absDir template templateFrom = let loading = case templateFrom of LocalTemp -> "Loading local" RemoteTemp -> "Downloading" in logInfo (loading <> " template \"" <> display (templateName template) <> "\" to create project \"" <> fromString (packageNameString project) <> "\" in " <> if bare then "the current directory" else fromString (toFilePath (dirname absDir)) <> " ...") data TemplateFrom = LocalTemp | RemoteTemp -- | Download and read in a template's text content. loadTemplate :: forall env. HasConfig env => TemplateName -> (TemplateFrom -> RIO env ()) -> RIO env Text loadTemplate name logIt = do templateDir <- view $ configL.to templatesDir case templatePath name of AbsPath absFile -> logIt LocalTemp >> loadLocalFile absFile eitherByteStringToText UrlPath s -> do let settings = asIsFromUrl s downloadFromUrl settings templateDir RelPath rawParam relFile -> catch (do f <- loadLocalFile relFile eitherByteStringToText logIt LocalTemp return f) (\(e :: NewException) -> do case relSettings rawParam of Just settings -> do req <- parseRequest (tplDownloadUrl settings) let extract = tplExtract settings downloadTemplate req extract (templateDir relFile) Nothing -> throwM e ) RepoPath rtp -> do let settings = settingsFromRepoTemplatePath rtp downloadFromUrl settings templateDir where loadLocalFile :: Path b File -> (ByteString -> Either String Text) -> RIO env Text loadLocalFile path extract = do logDebug ("Opening local template: \"" <> fromString (toFilePath path) <> "\"") exists <- doesFileExist path if exists then do bs <- readFileBinary (toFilePath path) --readFileUtf8 (toFilePath path) case extract bs of Left err -> do logWarn $ "Template extraction error: " <> display (T.pack err) throwM (FailedToLoadTemplate name (toFilePath path)) Right template -> pure template else throwM (FailedToLoadTemplate name (toFilePath path)) relSettings :: String -> Maybe TemplateDownloadSettings relSettings req = do rtp <- parseRepoPathWithService defaultRepoService (T.pack req) pure (settingsFromRepoTemplatePath rtp) downloadFromUrl :: TemplateDownloadSettings -> Path Abs Dir -> RIO env Text downloadFromUrl settings templateDir = do let url = tplDownloadUrl settings req <- parseRequest url let rel = fromMaybe backupUrlRelPath (parseRelFile url) downloadTemplate req (tplExtract settings) (templateDir rel) downloadTemplate :: Request -> (ByteString -> Either String Text) -> Path Abs File -> RIO env Text downloadTemplate req extract path = do let dReq = setForceDownload True $ mkDownloadRequest (setRequestCheckStatus req) logIt RemoteTemp catch (void $ do verifiedDownloadWithProgress dReq path (T.pack $ toFilePath path) Nothing ) (useCachedVersionOrThrow path) loadLocalFile path extract useCachedVersionOrThrow :: Path Abs File -> VerifiedDownloadException -> RIO env () useCachedVersionOrThrow path exception = do exists <- doesFileExist path if exists then do logWarn "Tried to download the template but an error was found." logWarn "Using cached local version. It may not be the most recent version though." else throwM (FailedToDownloadTemplate name exception) data TemplateDownloadSettings = TemplateDownloadSettings { tplDownloadUrl :: String , tplExtract :: ByteString -> Either String Text } eitherByteStringToText :: ByteString -> Either String Text eitherByteStringToText = mapLeft show . decodeUtf8' asIsFromUrl :: String -> TemplateDownloadSettings asIsFromUrl url = TemplateDownloadSettings { tplDownloadUrl = url , tplExtract = eitherByteStringToText } -- | Construct a URL for downloading from a repo. settingsFromRepoTemplatePath :: RepoTemplatePath -> TemplateDownloadSettings settingsFromRepoTemplatePath (RepoTemplatePath Github user name) = -- T.concat ["https://raw.githubusercontent.com", "/", user, "/stack-templates/master/", name] TemplateDownloadSettings { tplDownloadUrl = concat ["https://api.github.com/repos/", T.unpack user, "/stack-templates/contents/", T.unpack name] , tplExtract = \bs -> do decodedJson <- eitherDecode (LB.fromStrict bs) case decodedJson of Object o | Just (String content) <- HM.lookup "content" o -> do let noNewlines = T.filter (/= '\n') bsContent <- B64.decode $ T.encodeUtf8 (noNewlines content) mapLeft show $ decodeUtf8' bsContent _ -> Left "Couldn't parse GitHub response as a JSON object with a \"content\" field" } settingsFromRepoTemplatePath (RepoTemplatePath Gitlab user name) = asIsFromUrl $ concat ["https://gitlab.com", "/", T.unpack user, "/stack-templates/raw/master/", T.unpack name] settingsFromRepoTemplatePath (RepoTemplatePath Bitbucket user name) = asIsFromUrl $ concat ["https://bitbucket.org", "/", T.unpack user, "/stack-templates/raw/master/", T.unpack name] -- | Apply and unpack a template into a directory. applyTemplate :: HasConfig env => PackageName -> TemplateName -> Map Text Text -> Path Abs Dir -> Text -> RIO env (Map (Path Abs File) LB.ByteString) applyTemplate project template nonceParams dir templateText = do config <- view configL currentYear <- do now <- liftIO getCurrentTime let (year, _, _) = toGregorian (utctDay now) return $ T.pack . show $ year let context = M.unions [nonceParams, nameParams, configParams, yearParam] where nameAsVarId = T.replace "-" "_" $ T.pack $ packageNameString project nameAsModule = T.filter (/= ' ') $ T.toTitle $ T.replace "-" " " $ T.pack $ packageNameString project nameParams = M.fromList [ ("name", T.pack $ packageNameString project) , ("name-as-varid", nameAsVarId) , ("name-as-module", nameAsModule) ] configParams = configTemplateParams config yearParam = M.singleton "year" currentYear files :: Map FilePath LB.ByteString <- catch (execWriterT $ runConduit $ yield (T.encodeUtf8 templateText) .| unpackTemplate receiveMem id ) (\(e :: ProjectTemplateException) -> throwM (InvalidTemplate template (show e))) when (M.null files) $ throwM (InvalidTemplate template "Template does not contain any files") let isPkgSpec f = ".cabal" `isSuffixOf` f || f == "package.yaml" unless (any isPkgSpec . M.keys $ files) $ throwM (InvalidTemplate template "Template does not contain a .cabal \ \or package.yaml file") -- Apply Mustache templating to a single file within the project -- template. let applyMustache bytes -- Workaround for performance problems with mustache and -- large files, applies to Yesod templates with large -- bootstrap CSS files. See -- https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/4133. | LB.length bytes < 50000 , Right text <- TLE.decodeUtf8' bytes = do let etemplateCompiled = Mustache.compileTemplate (T.unpack (templateName template)) $ TL.toStrict text templateCompiled <- case etemplateCompiled of Left e -> throwM $ InvalidTemplate template (show e) Right t -> return t let (substitutionErrors, applied) = Mustache.checkedSubstitute templateCompiled context missingKeys = S.fromList $ concatMap onlyMissingKeys substitutionErrors unless (S.null missingKeys) (logInfo ("\n" <> displayShow (MissingParameters project template missingKeys (configUserConfigPath config)) <> "\n")) pure $ LB.fromStrict $ encodeUtf8 applied -- Too large or too binary | otherwise = pure bytes liftM M.fromList (mapM (\(fpOrig,bytes) -> do -- Apply the mustache template to the filenames -- as well, so that we can have file names -- depend on the project name. fp <- applyMustache $ TLE.encodeUtf8 $ TL.pack fpOrig path <- parseRelFile $ TL.unpack $ TLE.decodeUtf8 fp bytes' <- applyMustache bytes return (dir path, bytes')) (M.toList files)) where onlyMissingKeys (Mustache.VariableNotFound ks) = map T.unpack ks onlyMissingKeys _ = [] -- | Check if we're going to overwrite any existing files. checkForOverwrite :: (MonadIO m, MonadThrow m) => [Path Abs File] -> m () checkForOverwrite files = do overwrites <- filterM doesFileExist files unless (null overwrites) $ throwM (AttemptedOverwrites overwrites) -- | Write files to the new project directory. writeTemplateFiles :: MonadIO m => Map (Path Abs File) LB.ByteString -> m () writeTemplateFiles files = liftIO $ forM_ (M.toList files) (\(fp,bytes) -> do ensureDir (parent fp) writeBinaryFileAtomic fp $ lazyByteString bytes) -- | Run any initialization functions, such as Git. runTemplateInits :: HasConfig env => Path Abs Dir -> RIO env () runTemplateInits dir = do config <- view configL case configScmInit config of Nothing -> return () Just Git -> withWorkingDir (toFilePath dir) $ catchAny (proc "git" ["init"] runProcess_) (\_ -> logInfo "git init failed to run, ignoring ...") -- | Display help for the templates command. templatesHelp :: HasLogFunc env => RIO env () templatesHelp = do let url = defaultTemplatesHelpUrl req <- liftM setGithubHeaders (parseUrlThrow url) resp <- httpLbs req `catch` (throwM . FailedToDownloadTemplatesHelp) case decodeUtf8' $ LB.toStrict $ getResponseBody resp of Left err -> throwM $ BadTemplatesHelpEncoding url err Right txt -> logInfo $ display txt -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Defaults -- | The default service to use to download templates. defaultRepoService :: RepoService defaultRepoService = Github -- | Default web URL to get the `stack templates` help output. defaultTemplatesHelpUrl :: String defaultTemplatesHelpUrl = "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/commercialhaskell/stack-templates/master/STACK_HELP.md" -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Exceptions -- | Exception that might occur when making a new project. data NewException = FailedToLoadTemplate !TemplateName !FilePath | FailedToDownloadTemplate !TemplateName !VerifiedDownloadException | AlreadyExists !(Path Abs Dir) | MissingParameters !PackageName !TemplateName !(Set String) !(Path Abs File) | InvalidTemplate !TemplateName !String | AttemptedOverwrites [Path Abs File] | FailedToDownloadTemplatesHelp !HttpException | BadTemplatesHelpEncoding !String -- URL it's downloaded from !UnicodeException | Can'tUseWiredInName !PackageName deriving (Typeable) instance Exception NewException instance Show NewException where show (FailedToLoadTemplate name path) = "Failed to load download template " <> T.unpack (templateName name) <> " from " <> path show (FailedToDownloadTemplate name (DownloadHttpError httpError)) = "There was an unexpected HTTP error while downloading template " <> T.unpack (templateName name) <> ": " <> show httpError show (FailedToDownloadTemplate name _) = "Failed to download template " <> T.unpack (templateName name) <> ": unknown reason" show (AlreadyExists path) = "Directory " <> toFilePath path <> " already exists. Aborting." show (MissingParameters name template missingKeys userConfigPath) = intercalate "\n" [ "The following parameters were needed by the template but not provided: " <> intercalate ", " (S.toList missingKeys) , "You can provide them in " <> toFilePath userConfigPath <> ", like this:" , "templates:" , " params:" , intercalate "\n" (map (\key -> " " <> key <> ": value") (S.toList missingKeys)) , "Or you can pass each one as parameters like this:" , "stack new " <> packageNameString name <> " " <> T.unpack (templateName template) <> " " <> unwords (map (\key -> "-p \"" <> key <> ":value\"") (S.toList missingKeys))] show (InvalidTemplate name why) = "The template \"" <> T.unpack (templateName name) <> "\" is invalid and could not be used. " <> "The error was: " <> why show (AttemptedOverwrites fps) = "The template would create the following files, but they already exist:\n" <> unlines (map ((" " ++) . toFilePath) fps) <> "Use --force to ignore this, and overwrite these files." show (FailedToDownloadTemplatesHelp ex) = "Failed to download `stack templates` help. The HTTP error was: " <> show ex show (BadTemplatesHelpEncoding url err) = "UTF-8 decoding error on template info from\n " <> url <> "\n\n" <> show err show (Can'tUseWiredInName name) = "The name \"" <> packageNameString name <> "\" is used by GHC wired-in packages, and so shouldn't be used as a package name"