{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TupleSections #-} -- | Provide ability to upload tarballs to Hackage. module Stack.Upload ( -- * Upload upload , uploadBytes , uploadRevision -- * Credentials , HackageCreds , loadCreds , writeFilePrivate ) where import Stack.Prelude import Data.Aeson (FromJSON (..), ToJSON (..), decode', toEncoding, fromEncoding, object, withObject, (.:), (.=)) import Data.ByteString.Builder (lazyByteString) import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as S import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as L import qualified Data.Conduit.Binary as CB import qualified Data.Text as T import Network.HTTP.StackClient (Request, RequestBody(RequestBodyLBS), Response, withResponse, httpNoBody, getGlobalManager, getResponseStatusCode, getResponseBody, setRequestHeader, parseRequest, formDataBody, partFileRequestBody, partBS, partLBS, applyDigestAuth, displayDigestAuthException) import Stack.Options.UploadParser import Stack.Types.Config import System.Directory (createDirectoryIfMissing, removeFile, renameFile) import System.Environment (lookupEnv) import System.FilePath ((), takeFileName, takeDirectory) import System.IO (putStrLn, putStr, print) -- TODO remove putStrLn, use logInfo import System.PosixCompat.Files (setFileMode) -- | Username and password to log into Hackage. -- -- Since data HackageCreds = HackageCreds { hcUsername :: !Text , hcPassword :: !Text , hcCredsFile :: !FilePath } deriving Show instance ToJSON HackageCreds where toJSON (HackageCreds u p _) = object [ "username" .= u , "password" .= p ] instance FromJSON (FilePath -> HackageCreds) where parseJSON = withObject "HackageCreds" $ \o -> HackageCreds <$> o .: "username" <*> o .: "password" withEnvVariable :: Text -> IO Text -> IO Text withEnvVariable varName fromPrompt = lookupEnv (T.unpack varName) >>= maybe fromPrompt (pure . T.pack) -- | Load Hackage credentials, either from a save file or the command -- line. -- -- Since loadCreds :: Config -> IO HackageCreds loadCreds config = do fp <- credsFile config elbs <- tryIO $ L.readFile fp case either (const Nothing) Just elbs >>= \lbs -> (lbs, ) <$> decode' lbs of Nothing -> fromPrompt fp Just (lbs, mkCreds) -> do -- Ensure privacy, for cleaning up old versions of Stack that -- didn't do this writeFilePrivate fp $ lazyByteString lbs unless (configSaveHackageCreds config) $ do putStrLn "WARNING: You've set save-hackage-creds to false" putStrLn "However, credentials were found at:" putStrLn $ " " ++ fp return $ mkCreds fp where fromPrompt fp = do username <- withEnvVariable "HACKAGE_USERNAME" (prompt "Hackage username: ") password <- withEnvVariable "HACKAGE_PASSWORD" (promptPassword "Hackage password: ") let hc = HackageCreds { hcUsername = username , hcPassword = password , hcCredsFile = fp } when (configSaveHackageCreds config) $ do shouldSave <- promptBool $ T.pack $ "Save hackage credentials to file at " ++ fp ++ " [y/n]? " putStrLn "NOTE: Avoid this prompt in the future by using: save-hackage-creds: false" when shouldSave $ do writeFilePrivate fp $ fromEncoding $ toEncoding hc putStrLn "Saved!" hFlush stdout return hc -- | Write contents to a file which is always private. -- -- For history of this function, see: -- -- * https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/issues/2159#issuecomment-477948928 -- -- * https://github.com/commercialhaskell/stack/pull/4665 writeFilePrivate :: MonadIO m => FilePath -> Builder -> m () writeFilePrivate fp builder = liftIO $ withTempFile (takeDirectory fp) (takeFileName fp) $ \fpTmp h -> do -- Temp file is created such that only current user can read and write it. -- See docs for openTempFile: https://www.stackage.org/haddock/lts-13.14/base- -- Write to the file and close the handle. hPutBuilder h builder hClose h -- Make sure the destination file, if present, is writeable void $ tryIO $ setFileMode fp 0o600 -- And atomically move renameFile fpTmp fp credsFile :: Config -> IO FilePath credsFile config = do let dir = toFilePath (view stackRootL config) "upload" createDirectoryIfMissing True dir return $ dir "credentials.json" applyCreds :: HackageCreds -> Request -> IO Request applyCreds creds req0 = do manager <- getGlobalManager ereq <- applyDigestAuth (encodeUtf8 $ hcUsername creds) (encodeUtf8 $ hcPassword creds) req0 manager case ereq of Left e -> do putStrLn "WARNING: No HTTP digest prompt found, this will probably fail" case fromException e of Just e' -> putStrLn $ displayDigestAuthException e' Nothing -> print e return req0 Right req -> return req -- | Upload a single tarball with the given @Uploader@. Instead of -- sending a file like 'upload', this sends a lazy bytestring. -- -- Since uploadBytes :: String -- ^ Hackage base URL -> HackageCreds -> String -- ^ tar file name -> UploadVariant -> L.ByteString -- ^ tar file contents -> IO () uploadBytes baseUrl creds tarName uploadVariant bytes = do let req1 = setRequestHeader "Accept" ["text/plain"] (fromString $ baseUrl <> "packages/" <> case uploadVariant of Publishing -> "" Candidate -> "candidates/" ) formData = [partFileRequestBody "package" tarName (RequestBodyLBS bytes)] req2 <- formDataBody formData req1 req3 <- applyCreds creds req2 putStr $ "Uploading " ++ tarName ++ "... " hFlush stdout withResponse req3 $ \res -> case getResponseStatusCode res of 200 -> putStrLn "done!" 401 -> do putStrLn "authentication failure" handleIO (const $ return ()) (removeFile (hcCredsFile creds)) throwString "Authentication failure uploading to server" 403 -> do putStrLn "forbidden upload" putStrLn "Usually means: you've already uploaded this package/version combination" putStrLn "Ignoring error and continuing, full message from Hackage below:\n" printBody res 503 -> do putStrLn "service unavailable" putStrLn "This error some times gets sent even though the upload succeeded" putStrLn "Check on Hackage to see if your pacakge is present" printBody res code -> do putStrLn $ "unhandled status code: " ++ show code printBody res throwString $ "Upload failed on " ++ tarName printBody :: Response (ConduitM () S.ByteString IO ()) -> IO () printBody res = runConduit $ getResponseBody res .| CB.sinkHandle stdout -- | Upload a single tarball with the given @Uploader@. -- -- Since upload :: String -- ^ Hackage base URL -> HackageCreds -> FilePath -> UploadVariant -> IO () upload baseUrl creds fp uploadVariant = uploadBytes baseUrl creds (takeFileName fp) uploadVariant =<< L.readFile fp uploadRevision :: String -- ^ Hackage base URL -> HackageCreds -> PackageIdentifier -> L.ByteString -> IO () uploadRevision baseUrl creds ident@(PackageIdentifier name _) cabalFile = do req0 <- parseRequest $ concat [ baseUrl , "package/" , packageIdentifierString ident , "/" , packageNameString name , ".cabal/edit" ] req1 <- formDataBody [ partLBS "cabalfile" cabalFile , partBS "publish" "on" ] req0 req2 <- applyCreds creds req1 void $ httpNoBody req2