{-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} module Main (main) where #if !MIN_VERSION_simple_cmd_args(0,1,3) import Control.Applicative ((<|>)) #endif import Control.Monad import qualified Data.List as L import Data.List.Extra import Data.Maybe import Data.Version.Extra import Numeric.Natural import SimpleCmd import SimpleCmdArgs import System.Directory import System.Environment (lookupEnv) import System.FilePath import System.IO (BufferMode(NoBuffering), hSetBuffering, stdout) import Directories (getStackSubdir, traversePlatforms') import GHC import GHCTarball import Paths_stack_clean_old (version) import Snapshots import Types data Mode = Default | Project | Snapshots | Compilers | Global | Tarballs data Recursion = Subdirs | Recursive deriving Eq main :: IO () main = do stackroot_str <- maybe "~/.stack" (const "$STACK_ROOT") <$> lookupEnv "STACK_ROOT" hSetBuffering stdout NoBuffering simpleCmdArgs (Just version) "Stack clean up tool" "Cleans away old stack-work builds (and pending: stack snapshots) to recover diskspace. Use the --delete option to perform actual removals. https://github.com/juhp/stack-clean-old#readme" $ subcommands [ Subcommand "size" "Total size" $ sizeCmd <$> modeOpt stackroot_str <*> recursionOpt <*> notHumanOpt <*> optional systemOpt , Subcommand "list" "List sizes per ghc version" $ listCmd <$> modeOpt stackroot_str <*> recursionOpt <*> optional ghcVerArg <*> optional systemOpt , Subcommand "remove" "Remove for a ghc version" $ removeCmd <$> deleteOpt <*> modeOpt stackroot_str <*> recursionOpt <*> ghcVerArg <*> optional systemOpt , Subcommand "keep-minor" "Remove for previous ghc minor versions" $ removeMinorsCmd <$> deleteOpt <*> modeOpt stackroot_str <*> recursionOpt <*> optional ghcVerArg <*> optional systemOpt , Subcommand "purge-older" "Purge older builds in .stack-work/install" $ purgeOlderCmd <$> deleteOpt <*> keepOption <*> recursionOpt <*> optional systemOpt , Subcommand "delete-work" "Remove project's .stack-work/ (optionally recursively)" $ deleteWorkCmd <$> deleteOpt <*> recursionOpt ] where modeOpt stackroot = flagWith' Project 'P' "project" "Act on current project's .stack-work/ [default in project dir]" <|> flagWith' Snapshots 'S' "snapshots" ("Act on" +-+ stackroot "snapshots/") <|> flagWith' Compilers 'C' "compilers" ("Act on" +-+ stackroot "programs/ installations") <|> flagWith' Tarballs 'T' "tarballs" ("Act on" +-+ stackroot "programs/ tarballs") <|> flagWith Default Global 'G' "global" ("Act on both" +-+ stackroot "{programs,snapshots}/ [default outside project dir]") deleteOpt = (flagWith' Delete 'd' "delete" "Do deletion [default is dryrun]" <*> switchWith 'y' "yes" "Assume yes for all prompts") <|> pure Dryrun recursionOpt = optional ( flagWith' Subdirs 's' "subdirs" "List subdirectories" <|> flagWith' Recursive 'r' "recursive" "List subdirectories") notHumanOpt = switchWith 'H' "not-human-size" "Do not use du --human-readable" ghcVerArg = readVersion <$> strArg "GHCVER" keepOption = optionalWith auto 'k' "keep" "INT" "number of project builds per ghc version [default 5]" 5 systemOpt = strOptionWith 'o' "platform" "SYSTEM" "Specify which OS platform to work on (eg 'x86_64-linux-tinfo6', 'aarch64-linux-nix', 'x86_64-osx', 'aarch64-osx', etc)" withRecursion :: Bool -> Maybe Recursion -> IO () -> IO () withRecursion needinstall mrecursion = withRecursion' True needinstall mrecursion . const withRecursion' :: Bool -> Bool -> Maybe Recursion -> (FilePath -> IO ()) -> IO () withRecursion' changedir needinstall mrecursion act = do case mrecursion of Just recursion -> do dirs <- (if recursion == Recursive then map (dropPrefix "./" . takeDirectory) <$> findStackWorks else listStackSubdirs) >>= if needinstall then filterM (doesDirectoryExist . ( ".stack-work/install")) else return forM_ dirs $ \dir -> if changedir then withCurrentDirectory dir $ do putStrLn $ "\n" ++ (if recursion == Recursive then id else takeFileName) dir ++ "/" act dir else act dir Nothing -> act "" sizeCmd :: Mode -> Maybe Recursion -> Bool -> Maybe String -> IO () sizeCmd mode mrecursion notHuman msystem = case mode of Project -> withRecursion' False False mrecursion $ sizeStackWork notHuman Snapshots -> sizeSnapshots notHuman msystem Compilers -> sizeGhcPrograms notHuman Tarballs -> error' "use --compilers" Global -> do sizeCmd Snapshots Nothing notHuman msystem sizeCmd Compilers Nothing notHuman msystem Default -> do isProject <- doesDirectoryExist ".stack-work" if isProject || isJust mrecursion then sizeCmd Project mrecursion notHuman msystem else sizeCmd Global Nothing notHuman msystem listCmd :: Mode -> Maybe Recursion -> Maybe Version -> Maybe String -> IO () listCmd mode mrecursion mver msystem = withRecursion True mrecursion $ case mode of Project -> listGhcSnapshots msystem mver stackWorkInstall Snapshots -> getStackSubdir "snapshots" >>= listGhcSnapshots msystem mver Compilers -> listGhcInstallation mver msystem Tarballs -> listGhcTarballs mver msystem Global -> do listCmd Snapshots Nothing mver msystem listCmd Compilers Nothing mver msystem Default -> do isProject <- doesDirectoryExist ".stack-work" if isProject then listCmd Project Nothing mver msystem else listCmd Global Nothing mver msystem removeCmd :: Deletion -> Mode -> Maybe Recursion -> Version -> Maybe String -> IO () removeCmd deletion mode mrecursion ghcver msystem = do removeRun deletion mode mrecursion ghcver msystem remindDelete deletion removeRun :: Deletion -> Mode -> Maybe Recursion -> Version -> Maybe String -> IO () removeRun deletion mode mrecursion ghcver msystem = withRecursion True mrecursion $ case mode of Project -> do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory traversePlatforms' (return stackWorkInstall) msystem $ cleanGhcSnapshots deletion cwd ghcver Snapshots -> do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory traversePlatforms' (getStackSubdir "snapshots") msystem $ cleanGhcSnapshots deletion cwd ghcver Compilers -> do removeGhcVersionInstallation deletion ghcver msystem Tarballs -> do removeGhcVersionTarball deletion ghcver msystem Global -> do removeRun deletion Compilers Nothing ghcver msystem removeRun deletion Snapshots Nothing ghcver msystem Default -> do isProject <- doesDirectoryExist ".stack-work" if isProject then removeRun deletion Project Nothing ghcver msystem else removeRun deletion Global Nothing ghcver msystem removeMinorsCmd :: Deletion -> Mode -> Maybe Recursion -> Maybe Version -> Maybe String -> IO () removeMinorsCmd deletion mode mrecursion mver msystem = do removeMinorsRun deletion mode mrecursion mver msystem remindDelete deletion removeMinorsRun :: Deletion -> Mode -> Maybe Recursion -> Maybe Version -> Maybe String -> IO () removeMinorsRun deletion mode mrecursion mver msystem = do withRecursion True mrecursion $ case mode of Project -> do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory traversePlatforms' (return stackWorkInstall) msystem $ cleanMinorSnapshots deletion cwd mver Snapshots -> do cwd <- getCurrentDirectory traversePlatforms' (getStackSubdir "snapshots") msystem $ cleanMinorSnapshots deletion cwd mver Compilers -> removeGhcMinorInstallation deletion mver msystem Tarballs -> removeGhcMinorTarball deletion mver msystem Global -> do removeMinorsRun deletion Compilers Nothing mver msystem removeMinorsRun deletion Snapshots Nothing mver msystem Default -> do isProject <- doesDirectoryExist ".stack-work" if isProject then removeMinorsRun deletion Project Nothing mver msystem else removeMinorsRun deletion Global Nothing mver msystem purgeOlderCmd :: Deletion -> Natural -> Maybe Recursion -> Maybe String -> IO () purgeOlderCmd deletion keep mrecursion msystem = do withRecursion True mrecursion $ cleanOldStackWork deletion keep msystem remindDelete deletion deleteWorkCmd :: Deletion -> Maybe Recursion -> IO () deleteWorkCmd deletion mrecursion = do withRecursion False mrecursion $ removeStackWork deletion remindDelete deletion findStackWorks :: IO [FilePath] findStackWorks = -- ignore find errors (e.g. access rights) L.sort . lines <$> cmdIgnoreErr "find" [".", "-type", "d", "-name", ".stack-work", "-prune"] [] listStackSubdirs :: IO [FilePath] listStackSubdirs = listDirectory "." >>= fmap L.sort . filterM (doesDirectoryExist . ( ".stack-work")) remindDelete :: Deletion -> IO () remindDelete deletion = unless (isDelete deletion) $ putStrLn "\n(use --delete (-d) for removal)"