cabal-version: 2.2 name: stack2cabal version: 1.0.5 x-revision: 1 synopsis: Convert stack projects to cabal.project + cabal.project.freeze license: GPL-3.0-or-later license-file: LICENSE author: Tseen She maintainer: Tseen She copyright: 2018 Tseen She bug-reports: tested-with: GHC ^>=8.2.2 || ^>=8.4.4 || ^>=8.6.5 category: Building description: Convert @stack.yaml@ \/ @package.yaml@ to @cabal.project@ \/ @cabal.project.freeze@\/ @*.cabal@. -- flag ghcflags description: Generate .ghc.flags files during compilation manual: True default: False common deps build-depends: , base >=4.10 && <5.0 , bytestring , Cabal >=2.2 && <3.0 , containers , directory , extra ^>=1.6.13 , filepath , hpack ^>=0.31.0 || ^>= 0.32.0 || ^>= 0.33.0 , HsYAML ^>= , http-client ^>=0.5.14 || ^>=0.6.0 , http-client-tls ^>= , text ^>= if flag(ghcflags) build-tool-depends: hsinspect:hsinspect build-depends: ghcflags ghc-options: -fplugin GhcFlags.Plugin ghc-options: -Wall -Werror=missing-home-modules default-language: Haskell2010 executable stack2cabal import: deps hs-source-dirs: exe main-is: Main.hs build-depends: stack2cabal ghc-options: -threaded library import: deps hs-source-dirs: lib -- cabal-fmt: expand lib exposed-modules: StackageToHackage.Hackage StackageToHackage.Stackage