-- | Create a bundle to be uploaded to Stackage Server.
{-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards   #-}
module Stackage.ServerBundle
    ( serverBundle
    , epochTime
    , bpAllPackages
    , docsListing
    , createBundleV2
    , CreateBundleV2 (..)
    , SnapshotType (..)
    , writeIndexStyle
    , DocMap
    , PackageDocs (..)
    ) where

import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar         as Tar
import qualified Codec.Archive.Tar.Entry   as Tar
import qualified Codec.Compression.GZip    as GZip
import qualified Data.Map                  as M
import           Data.Aeson (ToJSON (..), (.=), object, FromJSON (..), (.:), withObject)
import System.IO.Temp (withTempDirectory)
import qualified Data.Yaml                 as Y
import           Filesystem                (isFile, getWorkingDirectory, listDirectory, isDirectory, canonicalizePath)
import           Foreign.C.Types           (CTime (CTime))
import           Stackage.BuildConstraints
import           Stackage.BuildPlan
import           Stackage.Prelude
import           System.IO.Temp (withTempDirectory)
import qualified System.PosixCompat.Time   as PC
import qualified Text.XML                  as X
import           Text.XML.Cursor
import System.PosixCompat.Files (createSymbolicLink)
import Stackage.Types

-- | Get current time
epochTime :: IO Tar.EpochTime
epochTime = (\(CTime t) -> fromIntegral t) <$> PC.epochTime

-- | All package/versions in a build plan, including core packages.
-- Note that this may include packages not available on Hackage.
bpAllPackages :: BuildPlan -> Map PackageName Version
bpAllPackages BuildPlan {..} =
    siCorePackages bpSystemInfo ++ map ppVersion bpPackages

serverBundle :: Tar.EpochTime
             -> Text -- ^ title
             -> Text -- ^ slug
             -> BuildPlan
             -> LByteString
serverBundle time title slug bp@BuildPlan {..} = GZip.compress $ Tar.write
    [ fe "build-plan.yaml" (fromStrict $ Y.encode bp)
    , fe "hackage" hackage
    , fe "slug" (fromStrict $ encodeUtf8 slug)
    , fe "desc" (fromStrict $ encodeUtf8 title)
    , fe "core" corePackagesList
    fe name contents =
        case Tar.toTarPath False name of
            Left s -> error s
            Right name' -> (Tar.fileEntry name' contents)
                { Tar.entryTime = time
    hackage = builderToLazy $ foldMap goPair $ mapToList packageMap

    -- need to remove some packages that don't exist on Hackage
    packageMap = foldr deleteMap (bpAllPackages bp) $ map PackageName
        [ "bin-package-db"
        , "ghc"
        , "rts"

    goPair (name, version) =
        toBuilder (display name) ++
        toBuilder (asText "-") ++
        toBuilder (display version) ++
        toBuilder (asText "\n")

    corePackagesList =
        builderToLazy $ toBuilder $ unlines $
            map (\(PackageName name) -> name)
                (M.keys $ siCorePackages bpSystemInfo)

docsListing :: BuildPlan
            -> FilePath -- ^ docs directory
            -> IO DocMap
docsListing bp docsDir =
    fmap fold $ mapM go $ mapToList $ bpAllPackages bp
    go :: (PackageName, Version) -> IO DocMap
    go (package, version) = do -- handleAny (const $ return mempty) $ do
        let dirname = fpFromText (concat
                [ display package
                , "-"
                , display version
            indexFP = (docsDir </> dirname </> "index.html")
        ie <- isFile indexFP
        if ie
            then do
                doc <- flip X.readFile indexFP X.def
                    { X.psDecodeEntities = X.decodeHtmlEntities
                let cursor = fromDocument doc
                    getPair x = take 1 $ do
                        href <- attribute "href" x
                        let name = concat $ x $// content
                        guard $ not $ null name
                        return (href, name)
                    pairs = cursor $// attributeIs "class" "module"
                                   &/ laxElement "a" >=> getPair
                m <- fmap fold $ forM pairs $ \(href, name) -> do
                    let suffix = dirname </> fpFromText href
                    e <- isFile $ docsDir </> suffix
                    return $ if e
                        then asMap $ singletonMap name [fpToText dirname, href]
                        else mempty
                return $ singletonMap (display package) $ PackageDocs
                    { pdVersion = display version
                    , pdModules = m
            else return mempty

data CreateBundleV2 = CreateBundleV2
    { cb2Plan :: BuildPlan
    , cb2Type :: SnapshotType
    , cb2DocsDir :: FilePath
    , cb2Dest :: FilePath

-- | Create a V2 bundle, which contains the build plan, metadata, docs, and doc
-- map.
createBundleV2 :: CreateBundleV2 -> IO ()
createBundleV2 CreateBundleV2 {..} = do
    docsDir <- canonicalizePath cb2DocsDir
    docMap <- docsListing cb2Plan cb2DocsDir

    Y.encodeFile (fpToString $ docsDir </> "build-plan.yaml") cb2Plan
    Y.encodeFile (fpToString $ docsDir </> "build-type.yaml") cb2Type
    Y.encodeFile (fpToString $ docsDir </> "docs-map.yaml") docMap
    void $ writeIndexStyle Nothing cb2DocsDir

    currentDir <- getWorkingDirectory
    files <- listDirectory docsDir

    let args = "cfJ"
             : fpToString (currentDir </> cb2Dest)
             : "--dereference"
             : map (fpToString . filename) files
        cp = (proc "tar" args) { cwd = Just $ fpToString docsDir }
    withCheckedProcess cp $ \ClosedStream Inherited Inherited -> return ()

writeIndexStyle :: Maybe Text -- ^ snapshot id
                -> FilePath -- ^ docs dir
                -> IO [String]
writeIndexStyle msnapid dir = do
    dirs <- fmap sort
          $ runResourceT
          $ sourceDirectory dir
         $$ filterMC (liftIO . isDirectory)
         =$ mapC (fpToString . filename)
         =$ sinkList
    writeFile (dir </> "index.html") $ mkIndex
        (unpack <$> msnapid)
    writeFile (dir </> "style.css") styleCss
    return dirs

mkIndex :: Maybe String -> [String] -> String
mkIndex msnapid dirs = concat
    [ "<!DOCTYPE html>\n<html lang='en'><head><title>Haddocks index</title>"
    , "<link rel='stylesheet' href='https://maxcdn.bootstrapcdn.com/bootstrap/3.2.0/css/bootstrap.min.css'>"
    , "<link rel='stylesheet' href='style.css'>"
    , "<link rel='shortcut icon' href='http://www.stackage.org/static/img/favicon.ico' />"
    , "</head>"
    , "<body><div class='container'>"
    , "<div class='row'><div class='span12 col-md-12'>"
    , "<h1>Haddock documentation index</h1>"
    , flip foldMap msnapid $ \snapid -> concat
        [ "<p class='return'><a href=\"http://www.stackage.org/stackage/"
        , snapid
        , "\">Return to snapshot</a></p>"
    , "<ul>"
    , concatMap toLI dirs
    , "</ul></div></div></div></body></html>"
    toLI name = concat
        [ "<li><a href='"
        , name
        , "/index.html'>"
        , name
        , "</a></li>"

styleCss :: String
styleCss = concat
    [ "@media (min-width: 530px) {"
    , "ul { -webkit-column-count: 2; -moz-column-count: 2; column-count: 2 }"
    , "}"
    , "@media (min-width: 760px) {"
    , "ul { -webkit-column-count: 3; -moz-column-count: 3; column-count: 3 }"
    , "}"
    , "ul {"
    , "  margin-left: 0;"
    , "  padding-left: 0;"
    , "  list-style-type: none;"
    , "}"
    , "body {"
    , "  background: #f0f0f0;"
    , "  font-family: 'Lato', sans-serif;"
    , "  text-shadow: 1px 1px 1px #ffffff;"
    , "  font-size: 20px;"
    , "  line-height: 30px;"
    , "  padding-bottom: 5em;"
    , "}"
    , "h1 {"
    , "  font-weight: normal;"
    , "  color: #06537d;"
    , "  font-size: 45px;"
    , "}"
    , ".return a {"
    , "  color: #06537d;"
    , "  font-style: italic;"
    , "}"
    , ".return {"
    , "  margin-bottom: 1em;"
    , "}"]