
Module: Network.Starling
Copyright: Antoine Latter 2009
Maintainer: Antoine Latter <aslatter@gmail.com>

A haskell implementation of the memcahed

This implements the new binary protocol, so
it only works with memcached version 1.3 and newer.

Example of usage, using the network package to obain
a handle, and the OverloadedStrings language extension:

> h <- connectTo "filename" $ UnixSocket "filename"
> hSetBuffering h NoBuffering
> con <- open h

> set con "hello" "world"
> get con "hello"

In the above example we connect to a unix socket in the file \"filename\",
set the key \"hello\" to the value \"world\" and then retrieve the value.

Operations are thread safe - multiple threads of execution may make
concurrent requests on the memcahced connection.

Operations are blocking, but do not block other concurrent threads
from placing requests on the connection.

module Network.Starling
    ( open
    , close
    , Connection
    , Key
    , Value
    , Result
    , ResultM
    , ResponseStatus(..)
    , set
    , get
    , delete
    , add
    , replace
    , update
    , increment
    , decrement
    , flush
    , stats
    -- , oneStat -- doesn't seem to work for me
    , version
    ) where

import Network.Starling.Connection
import Network.Starling.Core hiding
    ( get
    , set
    , delete
    , add
    , replace
    , increment
    , decrement
    , flush
    , stat
    , version
    , quit
import qualified Network.Starling.Core as Core

import Data.ByteString.Lazy (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy as BS
import qualified Data.Binary.Get as B

import Data.Word

import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO, MonadIO)

type Result a = ResultM IO a

-- | If an operation fails the result will return in 'Left'
-- with the failure code and a text description of the failure
type ResultM m a = m (Either (ResponseStatus, ByteString) a)

-- | Set a value in the cache
set :: Connection -> Key -> Value -> Result ()
set con key value = simpleRequest con (Core.set key value) (const ())

-- | Set a vlue in the cache. Fails if a value is already defined
-- for the indicated key.
add :: Connection -> Key -> Value -> Result ()
add con key value = simpleRequest con (Core.add key value) (const ())

-- | Set a value in the cache. Fails if a value is not already defined
-- for the indicated key.
replace :: Connection -> Key -> Value -> Result ()
replace con key value = simpleRequest con (Core.replace key value) (const ())

-- | Retrive a value from the cache
get :: Connection -> Key -> Result ByteString
get con key = simpleRequest con (Core.get key) rsBody

-- | Delete an entry in the cache
delete :: Connection -> Key -> Result ()
delete con key = simpleRequest con (Core.delete key) (const ())

-- | Update a value in the cache. This operation requires two round trips.
-- This operation can fail if the key is not present in the cache, or if
-- the value changes in the cache between the two calls.
-- So watch out! Even if the value exists the operation might
-- not go through in the face of concurrent access.
-- Testing indicates that if we fail because we could not gaurantee
-- atomicity the failure code will be 'KeyExists'.
update :: MonadIO m =>
          Connection -> Key -> (Value -> m (Maybe Value)) -> ResultM m ()
update con key f
    = do
  response <- liftIO $ synchRequest con (Core.get key)
  case rsStatus response of
    NoError -> do
        let oldVal = rsBody response
            cas = rsCas response
        res <- f oldVal
        let baseRequest = case res of
                            Nothing -> Core.delete key
                            Just newVal -> Core.replace key newVal
            request = addCAS cas $ baseRequest
        liftIO $ simpleRequest con request (const ())
    _ -> return . errorResult $ response

-- | Increment a value in the cache. The first 'Word64' argument is the
-- amount by which to increment and the second is the intial value to
-- use of the key does not yet have a value.
-- The return value is the updated value in the cache.
increment :: Connection -> Key -> Word64 -> Word64 -> Result Word64
increment con key amount init
    = simpleRequest con (Core.increment key amount init) $ \response ->
      B.runGet B.getWord64be (rsBody response)

-- | Decrement a value in the cache. The first 'Word64' argument is the
-- amount by which to decrement and the second is the intial value to
-- use of the key does not yet have a value.
-- The return value is the updated value in the cache.
decrement :: Connection -> Key -> Word64 -> Word64 -> Result Word64
decrement con key amount init
    = simpleRequest con (Core.decrement key amount init) $ \response ->
      B.runGet B.getWord64be (rsBody response)

-- | Delete all entries in the cache
flush :: Connection -> Result ()
flush con = simpleRequest con Core.flush (const ())

simpleRequest :: Connection -> Request -> (Response -> a) -> Result a
simpleRequest con req f
    = do
  response <- synchRequest con req
  if rsStatus response == NoError
   then return . Right . f $ response
   else return . errorResult $ response

errorResult response = Left (rsStatus response, rsBody response)

-- | Returns a list of stats about the server in key,value pairs
stats :: Connection -> Result [(ByteString,ByteString)]
stats con
    = do
  resps <- synchRequestMulti con $ Core.stat Nothing
  if null resps then error "fatal error in Network.Starling.stats"
   else do
     let resp = head resps
     if rsStatus resp == NoError
      then return . Right . unpackStats $ resps
      else return $ errorResult resp


       = filter (\(x,y) -> not (BS.null x && BS.null y)) .
         map (\response -> (rsKey response, rsBody response))

-- | Returns a single stat. Example: 'stat con "pid"' will return
-- the 
oneStat :: Connection -> Key -> Result ByteString
oneStat con key = simpleRequest con (Core.stat $ Just key) rsBody

-- | Returns the version of the server
version :: Connection -> Result ByteString
version con = simpleRequest con Core.version rsBody