module Tests.Transform ( tests ) where import Data.Bits ((.&.), shiftL) import Data.Complex (Complex((:+))) import Data.Functor ((<$>)) import Statistics.Function (within) import Statistics.Transform import Test.Framework (Test, testGroup) import Test.Framework.Providers.QuickCheck2 (testProperty) import Test.QuickCheck (Positive(..),Property,choose,vectorOf, arbitrary,printTestCase) import qualified Data.Vector.Generic as G import qualified Data.Vector.Unboxed as U import Tests.Helpers tests :: Test tests = testGroup "fft" [ testProperty "t_impulse" t_impulse , testProperty "t_impulse_offset" t_impulse_offset , testProperty "ifft . fft = id" (t_fftInverse $ ifft . fft) , testProperty "fft . ifft = id" (t_fftInverse $ fft . ifft) ] -- A single real-valued impulse at the beginning of an otherwise zero -- vector should be replicated in every real component of the result, -- and all the imaginary components should be zero. t_impulse :: Double -> Positive Int -> Bool t_impulse k (Positive m) = G.all (c_near i) (fft v) where v = i `G.cons` G.replicate (n-1) 0 i = k :+ 0 n = 1 `shiftL` (m .&. 6) -- If a real-valued impulse is offset from the beginning of an -- otherwise zero vector, the sum-of-squares of each component of the -- result should equal the square of the impulse. t_impulse_offset :: Double -> Positive Int -> Positive Int -> Bool t_impulse_offset k (Positive x) (Positive m) = G.all ok (fft v) where v = G.concat [G.replicate xn 0, G.singleton i, G.replicate (n-xn-1) 0] ok (re :+ im) = within ulps (re*re + im*im) (k*k) i = k :+ 0 xn = x `rem` n n = 1 `shiftL` (m .&. 6) -- Test that (ifft . fft ≈ id) -- -- Approximate equality here is tricky. Smaller values of vector tend -- to have large relative error. Thus we should test that vectors as -- whole are approximate equal. t_fftInverse :: (U.Vector CD -> U.Vector CD) -> Property t_fftInverse roundtrip = do n <- (2^) <$> choose (0,9::Int) -- Size of vector x <- G.fromList <$> vectorOf n arbitrary -- Vector to transform let x' = roundtrip x id $ printTestCase "Original vector" $ printTestCase (show x) $ printTestCase "Transformed one" $ printTestCase (show x) $ printTestCase (show n) $ vectorNorm (U.zipWith (-) x x') <= 1e-15 * vectorNorm x ---------------------------------------------------------------- -- With an error tolerance of 8 ULPs, a million QuickCheck tests are -- likely to all succeed. With a tolerance of 7, we fail around the -- half million mark. ulps :: Int ulps = 8 c_near :: CD -> CD -> Bool c_near (a :+ b) (c :+ d) = within ulps a c && within ulps b d -- Norm of vector vectorNorm :: U.Vector CD -> Double vectorNorm = sqrt . U.sum . (\(x :+ y) -> x*x + y*y)