module Staversion.Internal.FormatSpec (main,spec) where import Data.Monoid ((<>)) import Data.Text (pack) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as TL import Test.Hspec import Staversion.Internal.Aggregate (aggOr, Aggregator, aggregateResults) import Staversion.Internal.Format ( formatAggregatedResults, FormatConfig(..), formatVersionCabal, formatVersionCabalCaret, ) import Staversion.Internal.Log (LogEntry) import Staversion.Internal.Query ( PackageSource(..), Query(..), Resolver, PackageName ) import Staversion.Internal.Result ( Result(..), ResultBody, ResultBody'(..), ResultSource(..), singletonResult ) import Staversion.Internal.Cabal (Target(..)) import Staversion.Internal.TestUtil ( ver, simpleResultBody, verPairs, vthis, vors', vint ) main :: IO () main = hspec spec spec :: Spec spec = do spec_simple spec_aggregate spec_formatVersionCabalCaret -- | for backward-compatibility. formatResultsCabal :: [Result] -> TL.Text formatResultsCabal = formatAggregatedResults fconf . map singletonResult where fconf = FormatConfig { fconfFormatVersion = formatVersionCabal } -- | for backward-compatibility. formatResultsCabalAggregated :: Aggregator -> [Result] -> (TL.Text, [LogEntry]) formatResultsCabalAggregated agg = mapFirst (formatAggregatedResults fconf) . aggregateResults agg where fconf = FormatConfig { fconfFormatVersion = formatVersionCabal } mapFirst f (a, b) = (f a, b) spec_simple :: Spec spec_simple = describe "formatAggregatedResults" $ do it "should return empty text for empty list" $ do formatResultsCabal [] `shouldBe` "" it "should format a Result in a Cabal way" $ do let input = [ Result { resultIn = ResultSource (SourceStackage "lts-6.10") (Just $ SourceStackage "lts-6.10"), resultFor = QueryName "hoge", resultBody = Right $ simpleResultBody "hoge" [3,4,5] } ] expected = ( "------ lts-6.10\n" <> "hoge ==3.4.5\n" <> "\n" ) formatResultsCabal input `shouldBe` expected it "should group Results by PackageSource with preserved order" $ do let input = [ simpleResult "source_c" "hoge" [0,5,7], simpleResult "source_a" "hoge" [1,0,0], simpleResult "source_b" "foobar" [0,2,5,3], simpleResult "source_b" "hoge" [1,2,0], simpleResult "source_a" "quux" [300,5], simpleResult "source_a" "foobar" [0,3,2], simpleResult "source_b" "quux" [299,10] ] expected = ( "------ source_c\n" <> "hoge ==0.5.7\n" <> "\n" <> "------ source_a\n" <> "hoge ==1.0.0,\n" <> "quux ==300.5,\n" <> "foobar ==0.3.2\n" <> "\n" <> "------ source_b\n" <> "foobar ==,\n" <> "hoge ==1.2.0,\n" <> "quux ==299.10\n" <> "\n" ) formatResultsCabal input `shouldBe` expected it "should group Results by PackageSource with preserved order (2)" $ do let input = [ simpleResult "lts-5.0" "pack-A" [1,0], simpleResult "lts-5.0" "pack-A" [2,0], simpleResult "lts-6.6" "pack-A" [3,0], simpleResult "lts-6.6" "pack-A" [4,0], simpleResult "lts-8.0" "pack-A" [5,0], simpleResult "lts-6.6" "pack-A" [6,0], simpleResult "lts-6.6" "pack-A" [7,0] ] expected = ( "------ lts-5.0\n" <> "pack-A ==1.0,\n" <> "pack-A ==2.0\n" <> "\n" <> "------ lts-6.6\n" <> "pack-A ==3.0,\n" <> "pack-A ==4.0,\n" <> "pack-A ==6.0,\n" <> "pack-A ==7.0\n" <> "\n" <> "------ lts-8.0\n" <> "pack-A ==5.0\n" <> "\n" ) formatResultsCabal input `shouldBe` expected it "should not put comma at the last non-N/A entry even if it is followed by N/A entries" $ do let input = [ simpleResult "s" "hoge" [1,0,0], simpleResult "s" "not-found-1" [], simpleResult "s" "foobar" [2,0,0], simpleResult "s" "not-found-2" [], simpleResult "s" "not-found-3" [] ] expected = ( "------ s\n" <> "hoge ==1.0.0,\n" <> "-- not-found-1 N/A,\n" <> "foobar ==2.0.0\n" <> "-- not-found-2 N/A,\n" <> "-- not-found-3 N/A\n" <> "\n" ) formatResultsCabal input `shouldBe` expected it "should output resultReallyIn field" $ do let input = [ Result { resultIn = ResultSource (SourceStackage "lts") (Just $ SourceStackage "lts-7.4"), resultFor = QueryName "foobar", resultBody = Right $ simpleResultBody "foobar" [3,4,5] } ] expected = ( "------ lts (lts-7.4)\n" <> "foobar ==3.4.5\n" <> "\n" ) formatResultsCabal input `shouldBe` expected it "should show ERROR if resultBody is Left, resultFor is QueryName" $ do let input = [ Result { resultIn = ResultSource (SourceStackage "lts-4.2") Nothing, resultFor = QueryName "hogehoge", resultBody = Left "some error" } ] expected = ( "------ lts-4.2\n" <> "-- hogehoge ERROR\n" <> "\n" ) formatResultsCabal input `shouldBe` expected it "should show ERROR if resultBody is Left, resultFor is QueryCabalFile" $ do let input = [ Result { resultIn = ResultSource (SourceStackage "lts-5.3") (Just $ SourceStackage "lts-5.3"), resultFor = QueryCabalFile "foobar.cabal", resultBody = Left "some error" }, Result { resultIn = ResultSource (SourceStackage "lts-5.3") (Just $ SourceStackage "lts-5.3"), resultFor = QueryName "hoge", resultBody = Right $ simpleResultBody "hoge" [5,5] } ] expected = ( "------ lts-5.3\n" <> "-- foobar.cabal ERROR\n" <> "\n" <> "hoge ==5.5\n" <> "\n" ) formatResultsCabal input `shouldBe` expected it "should show build-depends blocks for CabalResultBody" $ do let mkRet = cabalResult "lts-7.0" "hoge.cabal" input = [ mkRet TargetLibrary [ ("base", [4,6,0,0]), ("foobar", [5,7]) ], mkRet (TargetExecutable "hoge-exe") [ ("bytestring", [1,9]) ], mkRet (TargetTestSuite "hoge-test") [ ("hspec", [10,8,9]), ("QuickCheck", [5,4,2]), ("unknown", []) ], mkRet (TargetBenchmark "hoge-bench") [ ("base", [4,8,0,4]), ("quux", []), ("parsec", [3,0,2]) ] ] expected = ( "------ lts-7.0\n" <> "-- hoge.cabal - library\n" <> "base ==,\n" <> "foobar ==5.7\n" <> "\n" <> "-- hoge.cabal - executable hoge-exe\n" <> "bytestring ==1.9\n" <> "\n" <> "-- hoge.cabal - test-suite hoge-test\n" <> "hspec ==10.8.9,\n" <> "QuickCheck ==5.4.2\n" <> "-- unknown N/A\n" <> "\n" <> "-- hoge.cabal - benchmark hoge-bench\n" <> "base ==,\n" <> "-- quux N/A,\n" <> "parsec ==3.0.2\n" <> "\n" ) formatResultsCabal input `shouldBe` expected it "should show mixed blocks and lines" $ do let input = [ simpleResult "lts-5.0" "pack-A" [4,5], simpleResult "lts-5.0" "pack-B" [7,7], cabalResult "lts-5.0" "X.cabal" TargetLibrary [("pack-A", [4,5,1]), ("pack-B", [6,0])], cabalResult "lts-5.0" "X.cabal" (TargetExecutable "X-exe") [("pack-A", []), ("pack-B", [6,6]), ("pack-C", [0,10])], cabalResult "lts-6.6" "Y.cabal" TargetLibrary [("pack-C", [9,99,0])], simpleResult "lts-6.6" "pack-A" [], simpleResult "lts-7.2" "pack-B" [8,4], cabalResult "lts-6.6" "Y.cabal" (TargetTestSuite "X-test") [("pack-D", [1,0]), ("pack-A", [5,0]), ("pack-C", []), ("pack-B", [6,5])] ] expected = ( "------ lts-5.0\n" <> "pack-A ==4.5,\n" <> "pack-B ==7.7\n" <> "\n" <> "-- X.cabal - library\n" <> "pack-A ==4.5.1,\n" <> "pack-B ==6.0\n" <> "\n" <> "-- X.cabal - executable X-exe\n" <> "-- pack-A N/A,\n" <> "pack-B ==6.6,\n" <> "pack-C ==0.10\n" <> "\n" <> "------ lts-6.6\n" <> "-- Y.cabal - library\n" <> "pack-C ==9.99.0\n" <> "\n" <> "-- pack-A N/A\n" <> "\n" <> "-- Y.cabal - test-suite X-test\n" <> "pack-D ==1.0,\n" <> "pack-A ==5.0,\n" <> "-- pack-C N/A,\n" <> "pack-B ==6.5\n" <> "\n" <> "------ lts-7.2\n" <> "pack-B ==8.4\n" <> "\n" ) formatResultsCabal input `shouldBe` expected spec_aggregate :: Spec spec_aggregate = describe "formatAggregatedResults" $ do it "should aggregate Results over multiple package sources" $ do let input = [ simpleResult "lts-4.2" "hoge" [1,2,3], simpleResult "lts-5.0" "hoge" [1,5] ] expected = ( "------ lts-4.2, lts-5.0\n" <> "hoge ==1.2.3 || ==1.5\n" <> "\n" ) formatResultsCabalAggregated aggOr input `shouldBe` (expected, []) it "should show resultReallyIn in the header" $ do let input = [ setRealSource "lts-4.22" $ simpleResult "lts-4" "foobar" [2,3], hackageResult "foobar" [2,3,10], simpleResult "lts-5.3" "foobar" [2,3,4] ] expected = ( "------ lts-4 (lts-4.22), latest in hackage, lts-5.3\n" <> "foobar ==2.3 || ==2.3.4 || ==2.3.10\n" <> "\n" ) formatResultsCabalAggregated aggOr input `shouldBe` (expected, []) simpleResult :: Resolver -> PackageName -> [Int] -> Result simpleResult res name vs = Result { resultIn = ResultSource (SourceStackage res) (Just $ SourceStackage res), resultFor = QueryName name, resultBody = Right $ simpleResultBody name vs } hackageResult :: PackageName -> [Int] -> Result hackageResult name vs = Result { resultIn = ResultSource SourceHackage (Just SourceHackage), resultFor = QueryName name, resultBody = Right $ simpleResultBody name vs } cabalResult :: Resolver -> FilePath -> Target -> [(PackageName, [Int])] -> Result cabalResult res file target vps = Result { resultIn = ResultSource (SourceStackage res) (Just $ SourceStackage res), resultFor = QueryCabalFile file, resultBody = Right $ CabalResultBody file target $ verPairs vps } setRealSource :: Resolver -> Result -> Result setRealSource resolver ret = ret { resultIn = rin { resultSourceReal = Just $ SourceStackage resolver } } where rin = resultIn ret spec_formatVersionCabalCaret :: Spec spec_formatVersionCabalCaret = describe "formatVersionCabalCaret" $ do specify "single" $ do formatVersionCabalCaret (vthis [1,0,0]) `shouldBe` "==1.0.0" specify "or equals" $ do formatVersionCabalCaret (vors' [vthis [1,0,0], vthis [1,0,5,6]]) `shouldBe` "==1.0.0 || ==" specify "caret" $ do formatVersionCabalCaret (vint [1,2,3,4] [1,3]) `shouldBe` "^>=" specify "caret or" $ do formatVersionCabalCaret (vors' [vint [1] [1,1], vint [2,0,3] [2,1]]) `shouldBe` "^>=1 || ^>=2.0.3" specify "mixed" $ do formatVersionCabalCaret (vors' [vint [1,2,0,4] [1,2,3], vint [2,0] [2,1], vint [3,0,4,5] [3,1]]) `shouldBe` ">= && <1.2.3 || ^>=2.0 || ^>="