-- Module      : Codec.Image.STB
-- Version     : 0.2.1
-- License     : Public Domain
-- Author      : Balazs Komuves
-- Maintainer  : bkomuves (plus) hackage (at) gmail (dot) com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable(?), requires FFI and CPP
-- Tested with : GHC 6.12.3

-- | A wrapper around @stb_image@, Sean Barrett's public domain JPEG\/PNG decoder.
-- The original can be found at <http://nothings.org/stb_image.c>.
-- The version of @stb_image@ used here is @stbi-1.33@. 
-- The current list of (partially) supported formats is JPEG, PNG, TGA, BMP, PSD.
-- Please note that the library is not (fully) thread-safe! Furthermore,
-- the library does not give any guarantee in case of invalid input;
-- in particular it is a security risk to load untrusted image files.

{-# LANGUAGE ForeignFunctionInterface, CPP #-} 
{-# CFILES cbits/stb_image.c #-}  -- for Hugs (?)
module Codec.Image.STB
  ( Bitmap
  , Image
  , decodeImage
  , decodeImage'
  , loadImage
  , loadImage'
  ) where


import Data.Bitmap.Pure  -- Data.Bitmap.IO

import Control.Monad (liftM)
import Control.Exception
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import Foreign
import Foreign.C
import System.IO
import System.IO.Error

#if (__GLASGOW_HASKELL__ == 606)
import Data.ByteString.Base
import Data.ByteString.Internal


type Image = Bitmap Word8


foreign import ccall safe "stb_image.h stbi_load_from_memory" 
  stbi_load_from_memory :: Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> CInt -> IO (Ptr Word8)

foreign import ccall safe "stb_image.h &stbi_image_free" 
  stbi_image_free :: FunPtr (Ptr a -> IO ())

foreign import ccall safe "stb_image.h stbi_failure_reason"
  stbi_failure_reason :: IO (Ptr CChar)


-- |Decodes an image from a compressed format stored in a strict 'ByteString'.
-- Supported formats (see @stb_image.c@ for details!): 
--   * JPEG baseline (no JPEG progressive, no oddball channel decimations)
--   * PNG 8-bit only (8 bit per component, that is)
--   * BMP non-1bpp, non-RLE
--   * TGA (not sure what subset, if a subset)
--   * PSD (composite view only, no extra channels)
-- If the operation fails, we return an error message.
decodeImage :: ByteString -> IO (Either String Image) 
decodeImage = decodeImage' 0  

-- | Decodes an image, with the number of components per pixel forced by the user.
decodeImage' :: Int -> ByteString -> IO (Either String Image)
decodeImage' forcecomp bs = do
  let (fptr,ofs,len) = toForeignPtr bs 
  withForeignPtr fptr $ \q -> do
    let ptr = plusPtr q ofs
    alloca $ \pxres -> alloca $ \pyres -> alloca $ \pcomp -> do 
      r <- stbi_load_from_memory ptr (fromIntegral len) pxres pyres pcomp (fromIntegral forcecomp)
      if r == nullPtr
        then do
          e <- stbi_failure_reason
          msg <- peekCString e
          return $ Left msg
        else do
          fr <- newForeignPtr stbi_image_free r 
          xres <- liftM fromIntegral $ peek pxres
          yres <- liftM fromIntegral $ peek pyres
          comp <- liftM fromIntegral $ peek pcomp
          let bm = bitmapFromForeignPtrUnsafe (xres,yres) comp 1 0 fr
          return (Right bm)


-- base >=4 
ioHandler :: IOException -> IO (Either String a)
ioHandler ioerror = return $ Left $ "IO error: " ++ ioeGetErrorString ioerror


-- base <=3
ioHandler :: Exception -> IO (Either String a)
ioHandler (IOException ioerror) = return $ Left $ "IO error: " ++ ioeGetErrorString ioerror
ioHandler _ = return $ Left "Unknown error"


-- | Loads an image from a file. Catches IO exceptions and converts them to an error message.  
loadImage :: FilePath -> IO (Either String Image)
loadImage path = handle ioHandler $ do
  h <- openBinaryFile path ReadMode 
  b <- B.hGetContents h
  hClose h
  decodeImage b     

-- | Force the number of components in the image.
loadImage':: FilePath -> Int -> IO (Either String Image)
loadImage' path ncomps = handle ioHandler $ do
  h <- openBinaryFile path ReadMode 
  b <- B.hGetContents h
  hClose h
  decodeImage' ncomps b     