-- TODO: 
--   * rewrite the file loading so that it we do not depend on ByteString
--   * automatic glyph indexing, texture creation

-- Module      : Graphics.Rendering.TrueType.STB
-- Version     : 0.1
-- License     : Public Domain
-- Author      : Balazs Komuves
-- Maintainer  : bkomuves (plus) hackage (at) gmail (dot) com
-- Stability   : experimental
-- Portability : portable(?), requires FFI and CPP
-- Tested with : GHC 6.10.1

-- | This is a wrapper around Sean Barrett's TrueType font rasterizer code.
-- The original can be found at <http://nothings.org/stb/stb_truetype.h>.
-- The version of @stb-truetype@ used here is @0.2@.

{-# LANGUAGE CPP, ForeignFunctionInterface #-}
{-# CFILES cbits/wrapper.c #-}  -- for Hugs (?)
module Graphics.Rendering.TrueType.STB 
  ( TrueType
  , Offset
  , FontInfo
  , Glyph
  , loadTTF
  , withTTF
  , enumerateFonts
  , initFont
  , findGlyphIndex
  , Unscaled
  , HorizontalMetrics(..)
  , VerticalMetrics(..)
  , BoundingBox(..)
  , lineAdvance
  , verticalSize
  , scaleForPixelHeight
  , getFontVerticalMetrics
  , getGlyphHorizontalMetrics
  , getGlyphKernAdvance
  , getGlyphBoundingBox
  , Scaling
  , Bitmap(..)
  , newBitmap
  , withBitmap
  , BitmapOfs
  , getGlyphBitmapBox
  , newGlyphBitmap
  , renderGlyphIntoBitmap'
  , renderGlyphIntoBitmap
  , bitmapArray
  , bitmapFloatArray
  ) where


import Control.Monad
import Control.Applicative

import Data.Char
import Data.Maybe

import Data.Array
import Data.Array.IO
import Data.Array.Unboxed
import qualified Data.Array.Base as Arr 

import Foreign
import Foreign.C

import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import qualified Data.ByteString as B
import qualified Data.ByteString.Internal as BI


-- | A TrueType font file (containing maybe multiple font sets) loaded into memory.
newtype TrueType = TrueType ByteString

-- | A font offset inside a TrueType font file.
newtype Offset = Offset Int deriving Show

-- | A glyph inside a font.
newtype Glyph = Glyph Int deriving Show

ccodepoint :: Char -> CCodepoint
ccodepoint = fromIntegral . ord
cglyphindex :: Glyph -> CGlyphIndex
cglyphindex (Glyph i) = fromIntegral i

withTrueType :: TrueType -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO a) -> IO a
withTrueType (TrueType bs) action = withByteString bs action 

withByteString :: ByteString -> (Ptr Word8 -> IO a) -> IO a
withByteString bs action = withForeignPtr fptr h where
  (fptr,ofs,len) = BI.toForeignPtr bs
  h p = action (plusPtr p ofs) 
newtype FontInfo = FontInfo (ForeignPtr CFontInfo)

withFontInfo :: FontInfo -> (Ptr CFontInfo -> IO a) -> IO a
withFontInfo (FontInfo fptr) = withForeignPtr fptr


-- | Enumerates the fonts found in a TrueType file.
enumerateFonts :: TrueType -> IO [Offset] 
enumerateFonts ttf = withTrueType ttf $ \ptr -> worker ptr 0 where
  worker ptr i = do
    o <- fromIntegral <$> stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex ptr i
    if o < 0 
      then return []
      else do
        os <- worker ptr (i+1) 
        return (Offset o : os)
initFont :: TrueType -> Offset -> IO FontInfo
initFont ttf (Offset ofs) = withTrueType ttf $ \ptr -> do
  fq <- mallocForeignPtr :: IO (ForeignPtr CFontInfo)
  withForeignPtr fq $ \q -> stbtt_InitFont q ptr (fromIntegral ofs)
  return (FontInfo fq)    

loadTTF :: FilePath -> IO TrueType
loadTTF fname = do
  bs <- B.readFile fname
  return (TrueType bs)

withTTF :: FilePath -> (TrueType -> IO a) -> IO a
withTTF fname action = do
  bs <- B.readFile fname
  action (TrueType bs)

findGlyphIndex :: FontInfo -> Char -> IO (Maybe Glyph)
findGlyphIndex fontinfo char = 
  withFontInfo fontinfo $ \ptr -> do
    let codepoint = ord char
    i <- stbtt_FindGlyphIndex ptr (fromIntegral codepoint)
    return $ if i == 0 
      then Nothing
      else Just $ Glyph (fromIntegral i)

type Unscaled = Int  
-- | 'ascent' is the coordinate above the baseline the font extends; 'descent'
-- is the coordinate below the baseline the font extends (i.e. it is typically negative)
-- 'lineGap' is the spacing between one row's descent and the next row's ascent...
-- so you should advance the vertical position by @ascent - descent + lineGap@      
data VerticalMetrics = VMetrics
  { ascent  :: Unscaled      
  , descent :: Unscaled
  , lineGap :: Unscaled
  deriving Show
-- | As calculated by @(ascent - descent + lineGap)@.
lineAdvance :: VerticalMetrics -> Unscaled
lineAdvance vm = ascent vm - descent vm + lineGap vm  

-- | As calculated by @(ascent - descent)@.
verticalSize :: VerticalMetrics -> Unscaled
verticalSize vm = ascent vm - descent vm

scaleForPixelHeight :: VerticalMetrics -> Float -> Float 
scaleForPixelHeight vm pixels = pixels / fromIntegral (verticalSize vm)

-- 'leftSideBearing' is the offset from the current horizontal position to the left edge of the character;
-- 'advanceWidth' is the offset from the current horizontal position to the next horizontal position.
data HorizontalMetrics = HMetrics
  { advanceWidth     :: Unscaled      
  , leftSideBearing :: Unscaled
  deriving Show
-- | The convention is @BBox (x0,y0) (x1,y1)@.
data BoundingBox a = BBox (a,a) (a,a) deriving Show

getFontVerticalMetrics :: FontInfo -> IO VerticalMetrics
getFontVerticalMetrics fontinfo = 
  withFontInfo fontinfo $ \ptr -> do
    alloca $ \pasc -> alloca $ \pdesc -> alloca $ \pgap -> do
      stbtt_GetFontVMetrics ptr pasc pdesc pgap
      asc  <- peek pasc  :: IO CInt
      desc <- peek pdesc :: IO CInt
      gap  <- peek pgap  :: IO CInt
      return $ VMetrics
        { ascent  = fromIntegral asc
        , descent = fromIntegral desc
        , lineGap = fromIntegral gap


getGlyphHorizontalMetrics :: FontInfo -> Glyph -> IO HorizontalMetrics
getGlyphHorizontalMetrics fontinfo glyph = 
  withFontInfo fontinfo $ \ptr -> do
    alloca $ \padv -> alloca $ \plsb  -> do
      stbtt_GetGlyphHMetrics ptr (cglyphindex glyph) padv plsb
      adv <- peek padv :: IO CInt
      lsb <- peek plsb :: IO CInt
      return $ HMetrics
        { advanceWidth = fromIntegral adv
        , leftSideBearing = fromIntegral lsb
-- | This is not yet implemented in @stb_truetype@; it always returns 0.
getGlyphKernAdvance :: FontInfo -> Glyph -> Glyph -> IO Unscaled
getGlyphKernAdvance fontinfo glyph1 glyph2 = 
  withFontInfo fontinfo $ \ptr -> do
    kern <- stbtt_GetGlyphKernAdvance ptr (cglyphindex glyph1) (cglyphindex glyph1)
    return (fromIntegral kern)
getGlyphBoundingBox :: FontInfo -> Glyph -> IO (BoundingBox Unscaled)
getGlyphBoundingBox fontinfo glyph =
  withFontInfo fontinfo $ \ptr -> do
    alloca $ \px0 -> alloca $ \py0 -> alloca $ \px1 -> alloca $ \py1 -> do
      stbtt_GetGlyphBox ptr (cglyphindex glyph) px0 py0 px1 py1
      x0 <- peek px0 :: IO CInt
      y0 <- peek py0 :: IO CInt
      x1 <- peek px1 :: IO CInt
      y1 <- peek py1 :: IO CInt
      return $ BBox 
        (fromIntegral x0, fromIntegral y0)
        (fromIntegral x1, fromIntegral y1)

type Scaling = (Float,Float)

-- | A 8-bit grayscale bitmap.
data Bitmap = Bitmap
  { bitmapSize :: (Int,Int)
  , bitmapPtr  :: ForeignPtr Word8

-- | An offset (for example the pivot of the glyph) 
type BitmapOfs = (Int,Int)
newBitmap :: (Int,Int) -> IO Bitmap
newBitmap siz@(xsiz,ysiz) = do
  let n = xsiz*ysiz
  fptr <- mallocForeignPtrBytes n
  withForeignPtr fptr $ \ptr -> pokeArray ptr (replicate n 0)
  return (Bitmap siz fptr)
withBitmap :: Bitmap -> (Int -> Int -> Ptr Word8 -> IO a) -> IO a
withBitmap bm action = do
  let (xsiz,ysiz) = bitmapSize bm
  withForeignPtr (bitmapPtr bm) $ \ptr -> action xsiz ysiz ptr  

-- | NOTE: because of the way Haskell indexes rectangular arrays,
-- the resulting array is indexed with @(y,x)@, as opposed to what
-- you would expect.
bitmapArray :: Bitmap -> IO (UArray (Int,Int) Word8)
bitmapArray bm = 
  withBitmap bm $ \xsiz ysiz ptr -> do
    ar <- newArray_ ((0,0),(ysiz-1,xsiz-1)) :: IO (IOUArray (Int,Int) Word8)
    forM_ [0..ysiz-1] $ \y -> do
      let k = y*xsiz 
      forM_ [0..xsiz-1] $ \x -> do
        a <- peekElemOff ptr (k+x)
        Arr.unsafeWrite ar (k+x) a
        writeArray ar (y,x) a
    unsafeFreeze ar
bitmapFloatArray :: Bitmap -> IO (UArray (Int,Int) Float)
bitmapFloatArray bm = 
  withBitmap bm $ \xsiz ysiz ptr -> do
    let factor = 1.0 / 255 :: Float
    ar <- newArray_ ((0,0),(ysiz-1,xsiz-1)) :: IO (IOUArray (Int,Int) Float)
    forM_ [0..ysiz-1] $ \y -> do
      let k = y*xsiz 
      forM_ [0..xsiz-1] $ \x -> do
        a <- peekElemOff ptr (k+x)
        let z = fromIntegral a * factor
        Arr.unsafeWrite ar (k+x) z
        writeArray ar (y,x) z
    unsafeFreeze ar

-- | Returns the size of the bitmap (in pixels) needed to 
-- render the glyph with the given scaling.
-- The box is centered around the glyph origin; so the
-- bitmap width is @x1-x0@, height is @y1-y0@, and location to place
-- the bitmap top left is @(leftSideBearing*scale,y0)@.
-- Note that the bitmap uses /y-increases-down/, but the shape uses
-- /y-increases-up/, so the results of 'getGlyphBitmapBox' and 
-- 'getGlyphBoundingBox' are inverted.
getGlyphBitmapBox :: FontInfo -> Glyph -> Scaling -> IO (BoundingBox Int)
getGlyphBitmapBox fontinfo glyph (xscale,yscale) =
  withFontInfo fontinfo $ \ptr -> do
    alloca $ \px0 -> alloca $ \py0 -> alloca $ \px1 -> alloca $ \py1 -> do
      stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapBox ptr (cglyphindex glyph) (realToFrac xscale) (realToFrac yscale) px0 py0 px1 py1
      x0 <- peek px0 :: IO CInt
      y0 <- peek py0 :: IO CInt
      x1 <- peek px1 :: IO CInt
      y1 <- peek py1 :: IO CInt
      return $ BBox 
        (fromIntegral x0, fromIntegral y0)
        (fromIntegral x1, fromIntegral y1)

-- | Creates a new bitmap just enough to fit the glyph with the given scaling,
-- and renders the glyph into it. The offset returned is the offset of the glyph origin
-- within the bitmap.
newGlyphBitmap :: FontInfo -> Glyph -> Scaling -> IO (Bitmap,BitmapOfs)
newGlyphBitmap fontinfo glyph (xscale,yscale) = do
  withFontInfo fontinfo $ \ptr -> do
    alloca $ \pxsiz -> alloca $ \pysiz -> alloca $ \pxofs -> alloca $ \pyofs -> do
      pbm <- stbtt_GetGlyphBitmap ptr 
        (realToFrac xscale) (realToFrac yscale) 
        (cglyphindex glyph) 
        pxsiz pysiz pxofs pyofs
      xsiz <- peek pxsiz :: IO CInt
      ysiz <- peek pysiz :: IO CInt
      xofs <- peek pxofs :: IO CInt
      yofs <- peek pyofs :: IO CInt
      fpbm <- newForeignPtr bitmapFinalizer pbm
      let bm  = Bitmap (fromIntegral xsiz, fromIntegral ysiz) fpbm
          ofs = (fromIntegral xofs, fromIntegral yofs)
      return $ (bm,ofs)

-- | The offset is the /top-left corner/ of the bounding box of the glyph,
-- and must be nonnegative (otherwise nothing will happen).
renderGlyphIntoBitmap' :: FontInfo -> Glyph -> Scaling -> Bitmap -> BitmapOfs -> IO ()
renderGlyphIntoBitmap' fontinfo glyph (xscale,yscale) bm (xofs,yofs) = do
  let (xsiz,ysiz) = bitmapSize bm 
  when ( xofs < xsiz && yofs < ysiz && xofs >= 0 && yofs >= 0 ) $ do
    withFontInfo fontinfo $ \ptr -> do
      withBitmap bm $ \width height pbm -> do
        let pbm' = pbm `plusPtr` (width*yofs+xofs)
        stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmap ptr pbm'
          (fromIntegral $ width - xofs) (fromIntegral $ height - yofs)
          (fromIntegral width)  -- stride
          (realToFrac xscale) (realToFrac yscale) 
          (cglyphindex glyph)        

-- | The offset is the /origin/ of the glyph. If the glyph extends from the
-- bitmap in the positive direction, it is clipped; however, if it extends
-- in the negative direction, no drawing will happen!
renderGlyphIntoBitmap ::  FontInfo -> Glyph -> Scaling -> Bitmap -> BitmapOfs -> IO ()
renderGlyphIntoBitmap fontinfo glyph scaling@(xscale,yscale) bm ofs@(xofs,yofs) = do
  BBox (x0,y0) _ <- getGlyphBitmapBox fontinfo glyph scaling
  renderGlyphIntoBitmap' fontinfo glyph scaling bm (xofs+x0,yofs+y0) 

typedef struct
   unsigned char  *data;         // pointer to .ttf file
   int             fontstart;    // offset of start of font

   int numGlyphs;                // number of glyphs, needed for range checking

   int loca,head,glyf,hhea,hmtx; // table locations as offset from start of .ttf
   int index_map;                // a cmap mapping for our chosen character encoding
   int indexToLocFormat;         // format needed to map from glyph index to glyph
} stbtt_fontinfo;

data TableLoc = TableLoc 
  { _loca :: Int
  , _head :: Int
  , _glyf :: Int
  , _hhea :: Int
  , _hmtx :: Int

instance Storable TableLoc where 
  alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt)
  sizeOf _    = 5 * sizeOf (undefined :: CInt)
  peek = error "TableLoc/peek: not implemented"
  poke = error "TableLoc/poke: not implemented"

data CFontInfo = CFontInfo
  { _data      :: Ptr Word8
  , _fontstart :: Int 
  , _numGlyphs :: Int
  , _tableloc  :: TableLoc
  , _indexMap  :: Int
  , _indexToLocFmt :: Int
instance Storable CFontInfo where 
  alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: CInt)
  sizeOf _    = sizeOf (undefined :: Ptr Word8)
              + sizeOf (undefined :: TableLoc)
              + 4 * sizeOf (undefined :: CInt)
  peek = error "CFontInfo/peek: not implemented"            
  poke = error "CFontInfo/poke: not implemented"       

type CCodepoint  = CInt
type CGlyphIndex = CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex" 
  stbtt_GetFontOffsetForIndex :: Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> IO CInt
foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_InitFont"
  stbtt_InitFont :: Ptr CFontInfo -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> IO CInt


foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_FindGlyphIndex"
  stbtt_FindGlyphIndex :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CCodepoint -> IO CGlyphIndex


-- foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight"
--   stbtt_ScaleForPixelHeight :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CFloat -> IO CFloat

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetFontVMetrics"
  stbtt_GetFontVMetrics :: Ptr CFontInfo -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO () 

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetCodepointHMetrics"
  stbtt_GetCodepointHMetrics :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CCodepoint -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetCodepointKernAdvance"
  stbtt_GetCodepointKernAdvance :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CCodepoint -> CCodepoint -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetCodepointBox"
    :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CCodepoint -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetGlyphHMetrics"
  stbtt_GetGlyphHMetrics :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CGlyphIndex -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetGlyphKernAdvance"
  stbtt_GetGlyphKernAdvance :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CGlyphIndex -> CGlyphIndex -> IO CInt

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetGlyphBox"
    :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CGlyphIndex -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO CInt


foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_FreeBitmap"
  stbtt_FreeBitmap :: Ptr Word8 -> IO () 

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h &stbtt_FreeBitmap"
  bitmapFinalizer :: FunPtr (Ptr Word8 -> IO ())
foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetCodepointBitmap"
    :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CCodepoint 
    -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_MakeCodepointBitmap"
    :: Ptr CFontInfo -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt
    -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CCodepoint -> IO ()

-- (Note that the bitmap uses y-increases-down, but the shape uses
-- y-increases-up, so CodepointBitmapBox and CodepointBox are inverted.)
foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetCodepointBitmapBox"
    :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CCodepoint -> CFloat -> CFloat
    -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetGlyphBitmap"
    :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CGlyphIndex 
    -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO (Ptr Word8)

foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_MakeGlyphBitmap"
    :: Ptr CFontInfo -> Ptr Word8 -> CInt -> CInt -> CInt
    -> CFloat -> CFloat -> CGlyphIndex -> IO ()

-- (Note that the bitmap uses y-increases-down, but the shape uses
-- y-increases-up, so GlyphBitmapBox and GlyphBox are inverted.)
foreign import ccall unsafe "stb_truetype.h stbtt_GetGlyphBitmapBox"
    :: Ptr CFontInfo -> CGlyphIndex -> CFloat -> CFloat
    -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> Ptr CInt -> IO ()
