{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-} {-# LANGUAGE CPP #-} {-# LANGUAGE DefaultSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-} {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-} {-# LANGUAGE KindSignatures #-} {-# LANGUAGE LambdaCase #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeOperators #-} #if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 800 #define HAS_DATA_KIND #endif {-| Module : Std.Data.LEON Description : Simple binary serialization/deserialization Copyright : (c) Dong Han, 2019 License : BSD Maintainer : winterland1989@gmail.com Stability : experimental Portability : non-portable LEON (/L/ittle /E/ndian first /O/bject /N/otation) is an efficiently serialization using simple binary encoding. As suggested by its name, default instances use little endian encoding, i.e. "Intel convention". We do provide instances for 'BE' type which explicitly write wrapped value in big endian though. encoded data should be portable across machine endianness, word size, or compiler version within one major version. For example, data encoded using the 'LEON' class could be written on any machine, and read back on any another using @stdio@ packages with the same major version. -} module Std.Data.LEON ( LEON(..) , BE(..) ) where import Control.Monad import Data.Bits import Data.Functor.Identity (Identity (..)) import qualified Data.List as List import qualified Data.List.NonEmpty as NE import qualified Data.Monoid as Monoid import Data.Primitive import Data.Primitive.PrimArray import qualified Data.Semigroup as Semigroup import GHC.Generics import GHC.Fingerprint import GHC.Int import GHC.Natural import GHC.Types import GHC.Word import Data.Version (Version(..)) import Std.Data.Builder as B import qualified Std.Data.CBytes as CBytes import Std.Data.Parser as P import Std.Data.PrimArray.UnalignedAccess import qualified Std.Data.Text.Base as T import qualified Std.Data.Vector.Base as V #include "MachDeps.h" -- Factored into two classes because this makes GHC optimize the -- instances faster. This doesn't matter for builds of stdio, -- but it matters a lot for end-users who write 'instance LEON T'. -- See also: https://ghc.haskell.org/trac/ghc/ticket/9630 class GLEONEncode f where gencode :: f t -> Builder () class GLEONDecode f where gdecode :: Parser (f t) -- | LEON, \L\ittle Endian Object Notation. class LEON a where encode :: a -> Builder () decode :: Parser a default encode :: (Generic a, GLEONEncode (Rep a)) => a -> Builder () encode = gencode . from default decode :: (Generic a, GLEONDecode (Rep a)) => Parser a decode = to `fmap` gdecode instance LEON Word8 where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode = encodePrim {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = decodePrim instance LEON Word where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode x = encodePrimLE (fromIntegral x :: Word64) {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = fromIntegral <$> (decodePrimLE :: Parser Word64) instance LEON (BE Word) where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode (BE x) = encodePrimBE (fromIntegral x :: Word64) {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = BE . fromIntegral <$> (decodePrimBE :: Parser Word64) instance LEON Int8 where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode = encodePrim {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = decodePrim instance LEON Int where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode x = encodePrimLE (fromIntegral x :: Int64) {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = fromIntegral <$> (decodePrimLE :: Parser Int64) instance LEON (BE Int) where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode (BE x) = encodePrimBE (fromIntegral x :: Int64) {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = BE . fromIntegral <$> (decodePrimBE :: Parser Int64) instance LEON Bool where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode False = encodePrim @Word8 0 encode True = encodePrim @Word8 1 {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = decodePrim @Word8 >>= \ case 0 -> return False _ -> return True instance LEON Ordering where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode = encode @Word8 . fromOrd where fromOrd LT = 0 fromOrd EQ = 1 fromOrd GT = 2 {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = decode @Word8 >>= toOrd where toOrd 0 = return LT toOrd 1 = return EQ toOrd _ = return GT #define LE_INST(type) instance LEON type where \ {-# INLINE encode #-}; \ encode = encodePrimLE; \ {-# INLINE decode #-}; \ decode = decodePrimLE; \ LE_INST(Word16) LE_INST(Word32) LE_INST(Word64) LE_INST(Int16) LE_INST(Int32) LE_INST(Int64) LE_INST(Float) LE_INST(Double) LE_INST(Char) #define BE_INST(type) instance LEON (BE type) where \ {-# INLINE encode #-}; \ encode = encodePrim; \ {-# INLINE decode #-}; \ decode = decodePrim; \ BE_INST(Word16) BE_INST(Word32) BE_INST(Word64) BE_INST(Int16) BE_INST(Int32) BE_INST(Int64) BE_INST(Float) BE_INST(Double) BE_INST(Char) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- instance LEON a => LEON (V.Vector a) where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode xs = do encode (V.length xs) mapM_ encode xs {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = do len <- decode @Int V.packN len <$> replicateM len decode instance {-# OVERLAPPABLE #-} (Prim a, LEON a) => LEON (V.PrimVector a) where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode xs = do encode (V.length xs) mapM_ encode (V.unpack xs) {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = do len <- decode @Int V.packN len <$> replicateM len decode instance {-# OVERLAPPING #-} LEON V.Bytes where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode bs = do let l = V.length bs encode l B.bytes bs {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = decode @Int >>= P.take instance LEON T.Text where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode (T.Text bs) = do let l = V.length bs encode l B.bytes bs {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = do l <- decode @Int T.Text <$> P.take l instance LEON CBytes.CBytes where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode = encode . CBytes.toBytes {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = CBytes.fromBytes <$> decode -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Instances for list and a few tuples -- instance LEON a => LEON [a] where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode xs = do encode (List.length xs) mapM_ encode xs {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = do len <- decode @Int replicateM len decode instance LEON () where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode () = return () {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = return () instance (LEON a, LEON b) => LEON (a,b) where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode (a,b) = encode a >> encode b {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = liftM2 (,) decode decode instance (LEON a, LEON b, LEON c) => LEON (a,b,c) where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode (a,b,c) = encode a >> encode b >> encode c {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = liftM3 (,,) decode decode decode instance (LEON a, LEON b, LEON c, LEON d) => LEON (a,b,c,d) where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode (a,b,c,d) = encode a >> encode b >> encode c >> encode d {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = liftM4 (,,,) decode decode decode decode instance (LEON a, LEON b, LEON c, LEON d, LEON e) => LEON (a,b,c,d,e) where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode (a,b,c,d,e) = encode a >> encode b >> encode c >> encode d >> encode e {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = liftM5 (,,,,) decode decode decode decode decode -- -- and now just recurse: -- instance (LEON a, LEON b, LEON c, LEON d, LEON e, LEON f) => LEON (a,b,c,d,e,f) where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode (a,b,c,d,e,f) = encode (a,(b,c,d,e,f)) {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = do (a,(b,c,d,e,f)) <- decode ; return (a,b,c,d,e,f) instance (LEON a, LEON b, LEON c, LEON d, LEON e, LEON f, LEON g) => LEON (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) = encode (a,(b,c,d,e,f,g)) {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = do (a,(b,c,d,e,f,g)) <- decode ; return (a,b,c,d,e,f,g) instance (LEON a, LEON b, LEON c, LEON d, LEON e, LEON f, LEON g, LEON h) => LEON (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) = encode (a,(b,c,d,e,f,g,h)) {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = do (a,(b,c,d,e,f,g,h)) <- decode ; return (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h) instance (LEON a, LEON b, LEON c, LEON d, LEON e, LEON f, LEON g, LEON h, LEON i) => LEON (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) = encode (a,(b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i)) {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = do (a,(b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i)) <- decode ; return (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i) instance (LEON a, LEON b, LEON c, LEON d, LEON e, LEON f, LEON g, LEON h, LEON i, LEON j) => LEON (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j) where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j) = encode (a,(b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j)) {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = do (a,(b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j)) <- decode ; return (a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i,j) ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Container types instance LEON a => LEON (Identity a) where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode (Identity x) = encode x {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = Identity <$> decode instance (LEON a) => LEON (Maybe a) where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode Nothing = encode @Word8 0 encode (Just x) = encode @Word8 1 >> encode x {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = do w <- decode @Word8 case w of 0 -> return Nothing _ -> fmap Just decode instance (LEON a, LEON b) => LEON (Either a b) where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode (Left a) = encode @Word8 0 >> encode a encode (Right b) = encode @Word8 1 >> encode b {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = do w <- decode @Word8 case w of 0 -> fmap Left decode _ -> fmap Right decode -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Portable, and pretty efficient, serialisation of Integer -- -- Fold and unfold an Integer to and from a list of its bytes along with list's len unroll :: (Integral a, Bits a) => a -> (Int, [Word8]) unroll = go 0 [] where go !l ws !n | n == 0 = (l, List.reverse ws) -- little endian | otherwise = go (l+1) (fromIntegral n: ws) (n `shiftR` 8) -- Build an Integer from a list of its bytes roll :: (Integral a, Bits a) => [Word8] -> a roll = foldr unstep 0 where unstep b a = a `shiftL` 8 .|. fromIntegral b -- Fixed-size type for a subset of Integer type SmallInt = Int32 -- Integers are encoded in two ways: if they fit inside a SmallInt, -- they're written as a byte tag, and that value. If the Integer value -- is too large to fit in a SmallInt, it is written as a byte array, -- along with a sign and length field. instance LEON Integer where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode n | n >= lo && n <= hi = do encode @Word8 0 encode (fromIntegral n :: SmallInt) -- fast path | otherwise = do encode @Word8 1 encode sign -- unroll the bytes let (len, ws) = unroll (abs n) encode len mapM_ encode ws where lo = fromIntegral (minBound :: SmallInt) :: Integer hi = fromIntegral (maxBound :: SmallInt) :: Integer sign = fromIntegral (signum n) :: Word8 {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = do tag <- decode @Word8 case tag of 0 -> fromIntegral <$> decode @SmallInt _ -> do sign <- decode @Word8 bytes <- decode let v = roll bytes return $! if sign == 1 then v else - v -- Fixed-size type for a subset of Natural type NaturalWord = Word64 instance LEON Natural where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode n | n <= hi = do encode @Word8 0 encode (fromIntegral n :: NaturalWord) -- fast path | otherwise = do encode @Word8 1 let (len, ws) = unroll (abs n) encode len mapM_ encode ws -- unroll the bytes where hi = fromIntegral (maxBound :: NaturalWord) :: Natural {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = do tag <- decode :: Parser Word8 case tag of 0 -> fromIntegral <$> (decode :: Parser NaturalWord) _ -> do bytes <- decode return $! roll bytes ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Fingerprints -- | /Since: instance LEON Fingerprint where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode (Fingerprint x1 x2) = encode x1 >> encode x2 {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = do x1 <- decode x2 <- decode return $! Fingerprint x1 x2 ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Version -- | /Since: instance LEON Version where {-# INLINE encode #-} encode (Version br tags) = encode br >> encode tags {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = Version <$> decode <*> decode ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Data.Monoid datatypes -- | /Since: #define NT_INST0(nt, getnt) instance LEON nt where \ {-# INLINE decode #-}; \ decode = fmap nt decode; \ {-# INLINE encode #-}; \ encode = encode . getnt #define NT_INST1(nt, getnt) instance LEON a => LEON (nt a) where \ {-# INLINE decode #-}; \ decode = fmap nt decode; \ {-# INLINE encode #-}; \ encode = encode . getnt #define NT_INST2(nt, getnt) instance LEON (f a) => LEON (nt f a) where \ {-# INLINE decode #-}; \ decode = fmap nt decode; \ {-# INLINE encode #-}; \ encode = encode . getnt NT_INST1(Monoid.Dual , Monoid.getDual) NT_INST1(Monoid.Sum , Monoid.getSum) NT_INST1(Monoid.Product , Monoid.getProduct) NT_INST1(Monoid.First , Monoid.getFirst) NT_INST1(Monoid.Last , Monoid.getLast) NT_INST0(Monoid.All , Monoid.getAll) NT_INST0(Monoid.Any , Monoid.getAny) NT_INST2(Monoid.Alt , Monoid.getAlt) NT_INST1(Semigroup.Min , Semigroup.getMin) NT_INST1(Semigroup.Max , Semigroup.getMax) NT_INST1(Semigroup.First , Semigroup.getFirst) NT_INST1(Semigroup.Last , Semigroup.getLast) NT_INST1(Semigroup.Option , Semigroup.getOption) instance LEON m => LEON (Semigroup.WrappedMonoid m) where {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = fmap Semigroup.WrapMonoid decode {-# INLINE encode #-} encode = encode . Semigroup.unwrapMonoid instance (LEON a, LEON b) => LEON (Semigroup.Arg a b) where {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = liftM2 Semigroup.Arg decode decode {-# INLINE encode #-} encode (Semigroup.Arg a b) = encode a >> encode b ------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Non-empty lists instance LEON a => LEON (NE.NonEmpty a) where {-# INLINE decode #-} decode = fmap NE.fromList decode {-# INLINE encode #-} encode = encode . NE.toList -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Type without constructors instance GLEONEncode V1 where {-# INLINE gencode #-} gencode _ = pure () instance GLEONDecode V1 where {-# INLINE gdecode #-} gdecode = return undefined -- Constructor without arguments instance GLEONEncode U1 where {-# INLINE gencode #-} gencode U1 = pure () instance GLEONDecode U1 where {-# INLINE gdecode #-} gdecode = return U1 -- Product: constructor with parameters instance (GLEONEncode a, GLEONEncode b) => GLEONEncode (a :*: b) where {-# INLINE gencode #-} gencode (x :*: y) = gencode x >> gencode y instance (GLEONDecode a, GLEONDecode b) => GLEONDecode (a :*: b) where {-# INLINE gdecode #-} gdecode = (:*:) <$> gdecode <*> gdecode -- Metadata (constructor name, etc) instance GLEONEncode a => GLEONEncode (M1 i c a) where {-# INLINE gencode #-} gencode = gencode . unM1 instance GLEONDecode a => GLEONDecode (M1 i c a) where {-# INLINE gdecode #-} gdecode = M1 <$> gdecode -- Constants, additional parameters, and rank-1 recursion instance LEON a => GLEONEncode (K1 i a) where {-# INLINE gencode #-} gencode = encode . unK1 instance LEON a => GLEONDecode (K1 i a) where {-# INLINE gdecode #-} gdecode = K1 <$> decode -- Borrowed from the cereal package. -- The following GLEON instance for sums has support for serializing -- types with up to 2^64-1 constructors. It will use the minimal -- number of bytes needed to encode the constructor. For example when -- a type has 2^8 constructors or less it will use a single byte to -- encode the constructor. If it has 2^16 constructors or less it will -- use two bytes, and so on till 2^64-1. #define GUARD(WORD) (size - 1) <= fromIntegral (maxBound :: WORD) #define PUTSUM(WORD) GUARD(WORD) = encodeSum (0 :: WORD) (fromIntegral size) #define GETSUM(WORD) GUARD(WORD) = (decode :: Parser WORD) >>= checkGetSum (fromIntegral size) instance ( GSumEncode a, GSumEncode b , SumSize a, SumSize b) => GLEONEncode (a :+: b) where {-# INLINE gencode #-} gencode | PUTSUM(Word8) | PUTSUM(Word16) | PUTSUM(Word32) | PUTSUM(Word64) | otherwise = sizeError "encode" size where size = unTagged (sumSize :: Tagged (a :+: b) Word64) instance ( GSumDecode a, GSumDecode b , SumSize a, SumSize b) => GLEONDecode (a :+: b) where {-# INLINE gdecode #-} gdecode | GETSUM(Word8) | GETSUM(Word16) | GETSUM(Word32) | GETSUM(Word64) | otherwise = sizeError "decode" size where size = unTagged (sumSize :: Tagged (a :+: b) Word64) sizeError :: Show size => String -> size -> error sizeError s size = error $ "Can't " ++ s ++ " a type with " ++ show size ++ " constructors" ------------------------------------------------------------------------ checkGetSum :: (Ord word, Num word, Bits word, GSumDecode f) => word -> word -> Parser (f a) {-# INLINE checkGetSum #-} checkGetSum size code | code < size = decodeSum code size | otherwise = fail "Unknown encoding for constructor" class GSumDecode f where decodeSum :: (Ord word, Num word, Bits word) => word -> word -> Parser (f a) class GSumEncode f where encodeSum :: (Num w, Bits w, LEON w) => w -> w -> f a -> Builder () instance (GSumDecode a, GSumDecode b) => GSumDecode (a :+: b) where {-# INLINE decodeSum #-} decodeSum !code !size | code < sizeL = L1 <$> decodeSum code sizeL | otherwise = R1 <$> decodeSum (code - sizeL) sizeR where sizeL = size `shiftR` 1 sizeR = size - sizeL instance (GSumEncode a, GSumEncode b) => GSumEncode (a :+: b) where {-# INLINE encodeSum #-} encodeSum !code !size s = case s of L1 x -> encodeSum code sizeL x R1 x -> encodeSum (code + sizeL) sizeR x where sizeL = size `shiftR` 1 sizeR = size - sizeL instance GLEONDecode a => GSumDecode (C1 c a) where {-# INLINE decodeSum #-} decodeSum _ _ = gdecode instance GLEONEncode a => GSumEncode (C1 c a) where {-# INLINE encodeSum #-} encodeSum !code _ x = encode code >> gencode x ------------------------------------------------------------------------ class SumSize f where sumSize :: Tagged f Word64 #ifdef HAS_DATA_KIND newtype Tagged (s :: Type -> Type) b = Tagged {unTagged :: b} #else newtype Tagged (s :: * -> *) b = Tagged {unTagged :: b} #endif instance (SumSize a, SumSize b) => SumSize (a :+: b) where sumSize = Tagged $ unTagged (sumSize :: Tagged a Word64) + unTagged (sumSize :: Tagged b Word64) instance SumSize (C1 c a) where sumSize = Tagged 1