Haskell stdio: haskell standard input and output ================================================ [![Linux Build Status](https://img.shields.io/travis/haskell-stdio/stdio/master.svg?label=Linux%20build)](https://travis-ci.org/haskell-stdio/stdio) [![Windows Build Status](https://img.shields.io/appveyor/ci/winterland1989/stdio-7usux/master.svg?label=Windows%20build)](https://ci.appveyor.com/project/winterland1989/stdio-7usux/branch/master) Welcome! Haskell stdio is a complete I/O toolkit powered by libuv, it features a multi-core io multiplexer and various improvements on packed data types. This project is still in infancy. Please join in! ``` __ _____ _____ __ __ ________ __ _______________ ________ / / / / | / ___// //_// ____/ / / / / ___/_ __/ __ \/ _/ __ \ / /_/ / /| | \__ \/ ,< / __/ / / / / \__ \ / / / / / // // / / / / __ / ___ |___/ / /| |/ /___/ /___/ /___ ___/ // / / /_/ // // /_/ / /_/ /_/_/ |_/____/_/ |_/_____/_____/_____/ /____//_/ /_____/___/\____/ ``` Install ------- On windows we have bundled libuv source, so no extra steps to be taken. On \*nix platforms, you should install libuv library first, you can use your distribution's package manager if available, for example: ``` # on debian/ubuntu, make sure to use 1.x apt-get install libuv1-dev libuv1 # on MacOS, we recommend brew brew install libuv ... ``` Currently **the minimum version requirement for libuv is v1.14**. If your package manager's libuv doesn't meet this requirement, you can also build libuv from source following the guide [here](https://github.com/libuv/libuv#build-instructions), e.g. ``` git clone https://github.com/libuv/libuv.git cd libuv git checkout tags/v1.24.0 # depend on your own need, any version >= 1.14 will work. sh autogen.sh ./configure make sudo make install ``` After manually building and installing, you may need to modify your `LIBRARY_PATH/CPATH` if necessary. Now installing stdio is as easy as any other haskell packages. ``` cabal install stdio ``` Now you can fire GHCi and play around, or read the [project overview](https://haskell-stdio.github.io/stdio), [haddock](http://hackage.haskell.org/package/stdio). Examples -------- + hello world ``` import Std.IO.StdStream import qualified Std.Data.Text as T main = do -- read stdin and write to stdout, but with our new IO manager! input <- readLineStd printStd (T.validate input) ``` + tcp echo server ``` import Std.IO.TCP import Std.IO.Buffered import Control.Monad main = do startServer defaultServerConfig { serverAddr = SockAddrInet 8888 inetAny , serverWorker = echo } where echo uvs = forever $ do i <- newBufferedInput uvs 4096 o <- newBufferedOutput uvs 4096 readBuffer i >>= writeBuffer o flushBuffer o ``` Now try `nc -v 8888`. + logging ``` import Std.IO.Logger import qualified Std.Data.Builder as B import Control.Concurrent main = withStdLogger $ do debug $ "hello world! PI ~=" >> B.double pi -- debug level won't be immediately flushed forkIO $ do fatal "fatal message will trigger a log flush" ``` + file system operatations ``` import Std.IO.FileSystem import Std.IO.Resource import Std.IO.StdStream main = do -- create a temp directory tempdir <- mkdtemp "temp" let filename = "temp" <> "/test" flags = O_RDWR .|. O_CREAT -- create if not exist mode = DEFAULT_MODE -- file is a 'Resource', use 'withResource' to automatically manage it withResource (initUVFile filename flags mode) $ \ f -> do o <- newBufferedOutput file 4096 writeBuffer o "hello world!" flushBuffer o stat filename >>= printStd ```