Steel Overseer ============== > > > The world is already run by all manner of machines. One day, they'll remind us of that fact. > > -Sargis Haz, artificer [![Build Status](]( It is ----- A development tool that runs commands when certain files are updated, added or deleted. Steeloverseer watches files whose names match a regular expression and then runs a series of commands when those files are updated. Specifically ------------ A filesystem event occurs when a file is added, deleted or updated. If this event happens on a file that matches one of the patterns provided with the `-p PATTERN` flag then steeloverseer will run the commands provided with the `-c COMMAND` flag. These commands will be performed in serial until one hangs, fails or all exit successfully. You can provide multiple patterns and multiple commands, ie: sos -c "git status" -c "echo hi world" -p "hs" -p "md" You can seperately specify the directory to run in with `-d DIRECTORY`. The default is `.`. This will execute `git status` followed by `echo hi world` whenever files matching "hs" or "md" are changed. `-d DIRECTORY` is not provided above, so it's assumed to be `./`. Also, since `-p PATTERN` are regular expressions we can do the same as above with: sos -c "git status" -c "echo hi world" -p "hs|md" Of course this would run whenever any match on "hs|md" is found, for instance on the filepath `/Users/home/mdman/file.txt`. For extensions it may make sense to use the endline matcher: sos -c "git status" -c "echo hi world" -p "hs$|md$" Installation ------------ Using cabal, `cabal install steeloverseer`. Usage ----- sos: Usage: sos [v] -c command -p pattern -v --version show version info -c COMMAND --command=COMMAND add command to run on file event -p PATTERN --pattern=PATTERN add pattern to match on file path -d DIRECTORY --directory=DIRECTORY set directory to watch for changes (default is ./) Future ------ Project `.sosrc` file for specifying multiple sos commands while working on a project (@see issue #4) [Art above by Chris Rahn for Wizards of the Coast]( "Steel Overseer")