{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts    #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}

module Template
    ( Template
    , parseTemplate
    , instantiateTemplate
    ) where

import Sos

import Control.Monad.Except
import Data.ByteString (ByteString)
import Data.Monoid
import Text.Megaparsec

import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8      as BS
import qualified Data.ByteString.Lazy.Char8 as BSL
import qualified Data.ByteString.Builder    as BS

-- A template is a string that may contain anti-quoted capture groups.
-- For example,
--    "gcc -c \1.c -o \1.c"
-- will become
--    [Right "gcc -c ", Left 1, Right ".c -o ", Left 1, Right ".c"]
type Template
    = [Either Int ByteString]

parseTemplate :: MonadError SosException m => ByteString -> m Template
parseTemplate template =
    case runParser parser "" template of
        Left err -> throwError (SosCommandParseException template err)
        Right x  -> pure x
    parser :: Parsec ByteString Template
    parser = some (Right <$> textPart
          <|> Left  <$> capturePart)
        textPart :: Parsec ByteString ByteString
        textPart = BS.pack <$> some (satisfy (/= '\\'))

        capturePart :: Parsec ByteString Int
        capturePart = read <$> (char '\\' *> some digitChar)

-- Instantiate a template with a list of captured variables, per their indices.
-- For example,
--    instantiateTemplate ["ONE", "TWO"] [Right "foo", Left 0, Right "bar", Left 1] == "fooONEbarTWO"
instantiateTemplate :: forall m. MonadError SosException m => [ByteString] -> Template -> m String
instantiateTemplate vars0 template0 = go 0 vars0 template0
    go :: Int -> [ByteString] -> Template -> m String
    go _ [] template =
        case flattenTemplate template of
            Left err -> throwError (SosCommandApplyException template0 vars0 err)
            Right x  -> pure x
    go n (t:ts) template = go (n+1) ts (map f template)
        f :: Either Int ByteString -> Either Int ByteString
        f (Left n')
            | n == n'   = Right t
            | otherwise = Left n'
        f x = x

-- Attempt to flatten a list of Rights to a single string.
flattenTemplate :: Template -> Either String String
flattenTemplate = go mempty
    go :: BS.Builder -> Template -> Either String String
    go acc [] = Right (BSL.unpack (BS.toLazyByteString acc))
    go acc (Right x : xs) = go (acc <> BS.byteString x) xs
    go _   (Left n : _) = Left ("uninstantiated template variable \\" <> show n)