module Main where import Sos import Sos.Utils import qualified System.FSNotify.Streaming as FSNotify import Control.Concurrent.Async import Control.Monad import Control.Monad.Except import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty(..)) import Data.Monoid import Data.Yaml (decodeFileEither, prettyPrintParseException) import Options.Applicative import Streaming import System.Directory import System.Exit import System.FilePath import System.IO import qualified Data.Foldable as Foldable import qualified Streaming.Prelude as S version :: String version = "Steel Overseer" data Options = Options { optTarget :: FilePath , optRCFile :: FilePath , optCommands :: [RawTemplate] , optPatterns :: [RawPattern] } deriving Show main :: IO () main = execParser opts >>= main' where opts = info (helper <*> optsParser) ( fullDesc <> progDesc "A file watcher and development tool." <> header version ) optsParser :: Parser Options optsParser = Options <$> strArgument ( help "Optional file or directory to watch for changes." <> metavar "TARGET" <> value "." <> showDefault ) <*> strOption ( help "Optional rcfile to read patterns and commands from." <> long "rcfile" <> value ".sosrc" <> showDefault ) <*> many (fmap packBS (strOption ( long "command" <> short 'c' <> help "Add command to run on file event." <> metavar "COMMAND" ))) <*> many (fmap packBS (strOption ( long "pattern" <> short 'p' <> help "Add pattern to match on file path. Only relevant if the target is a directory. (default: .*)" <> metavar "PATTERN" ))) main' :: Options -> IO () main' Options{..} = do -- Parse .sosrc rules. rc_rules <- parseSosrc optRCFile -- Parse cli rules, where one rule is created per pattern that executes -- each of @optCommands@ sequentially. cli_rules <- do let patterns :: [RawPattern] patterns = case (rc_rules, optPatterns) of -- If there are no commands in .sosrc, and no patterns -- specified on the command line, default to ".*" ([], []) -> [".*"] _ -> optPatterns runSos (mapM (`buildRule` optCommands) patterns) (target, rules) <- do is_dir <- doesDirectoryExist optTarget is_file <- doesFileExist optTarget case (is_dir, is_file) of (True, _) -> pure (optTarget, cli_rules ++ rc_rules) -- If the target is a single file, completely ignore the .sosrc -- commands and the cli commands. (_, True) -> do rule <- runSos (buildRule (packBS optTarget) optCommands) pure (takeDirectory optTarget, [rule]) _ -> do putStrLn ("Target " ++ optTarget ++ " is not a file or directory.") exitFailure putStrLn "Hit Ctrl+C to quit." job_queue <- newJobQueue let enqueue_thread :: IO a enqueue_thread = runSos (sosEnqueueJobs rules (watchTree target) job_queue) -- Run jobs forever, only stopping to prompt whether or not to run -- enqueued jobs when a job fails. This way, the failing job's output -- will not be lost by subsequent jobs' outputs without the user's -- consent. dequeue_thread :: IO a dequeue_thread = forever $ do dequeueJob job_queue >>= \case JobSuccess -> pure () JobFailure -> do jobQueueLength job_queue >>= \case 0 -> pure () n -> do putStrLn (yellow (show n ++ " job(s) still pending.")) hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering continue <- fix (\prompt -> do putStr (yellow "Press 'c' to continue, 'p' to print, or 'a' to abort: ") hFlush stdout (getChar <* putStrLn "") >>= \case 'c' -> pure True 'a' -> pure False 'p' -> do jobs <- jobQueueJobs job_queue Foldable.forM_ (jobCommands <$> jobs) $ (\(c:|cs) -> do putStrLn ("- " ++ c) mapM_ (putStrLn . (" " ++)) cs) prompt _ -> prompt) hSetBuffering stdin LineBuffering unless continue $ do n' <- jobQueueLength job_queue clearJobQueue job_queue putStrLn (red ("Aborted " ++ show n' ++ " job(s).")) race_ enqueue_thread dequeue_thread watchTree :: forall m a. MonadResource m => FilePath -> Stream (Of FileEvent) m a watchTree target = do cwd <- liftIO getCurrentDirectory let config :: FSNotify.WatchConfig config = FSNotify.defaultConfig { FSNotify.confDebounce = FSNotify.Debounce 0.1 } stream :: Stream (Of FSNotify.Event) m a stream = FSNotify.watchTree config target (const True) S.for stream (\case FSNotify.Added path _ -> S.yield (FileAdded (go cwd path)) FSNotify.Modified path _ -> S.yield (FileModified (go cwd path)) FSNotify.Removed _ _ -> pure ()) where go :: FilePath -> FilePath -> ByteString go cwd path = packBS (makeRelative cwd path) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Parse a list of rules from an rcfile. parseSosrc :: FilePath -> IO [Rule] parseSosrc sosrc = do exists <- doesFileExist sosrc if exists then decodeFileEither sosrc >>= \case Left err -> do putStrLn ("Error parsing " ++ show sosrc ++ ":\n" ++ prettyPrintParseException err) exitFailure Right (raw_rules :: [RawRule]) -> do rules <- runSos (mapM buildRawRule raw_rules) putStrLn (case length raw_rules of 1 -> "Found 1 rule in " ++ show sosrc n -> "Found " ++ show n ++ " rules in " ++ show sosrc) pure (concat rules) else pure []