{-# LANGUAGE PolyKinds #-}
{-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-}
{-# LANGUAGE RecursiveDo #-}
{-# LANGUAGE OverlappingInstances #-}

This module defines 'StaticVector', a simple wrapper around
'VG.Vector' with the dimensions in the type. 'StaticVector' provides a
'Storable' instance using the type-level dimensions. This eases
writing FFI bindings to fixed-size native arrays.

Support for interop with multi-dimensional native arrays is provided
via the 'IxStatic' class. This results in the slightly unnatural case
where you might need to convert 'Ix' coordinates to `VG.Vector`
indices, but it felt like an acceptable tradeoff when interfacing with
multi-dimensional native arrays.

module Foreign.Marshal.StaticVector
       ( StaticVector
       , toVector
       , staticBounds
       , staticSize
       , fromList
       ) where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Functor ((<$>))

import Data.Ix
import Data.Ix.Static

import qualified Data.Vector.Generic          as VG
import qualified Data.Vector.Generic.Mutable  as VGM
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable         as VS
import qualified Data.Vector.Storable.Mutable as VSM

import Data.Proxy

import Foreign.Ptr
import Foreign.Storable
import Foreign.Marshal.Array
import Foreign.Marshal.Utils

-- | A minimal 'VG.Vector' wrapper that encodes the full dimensions of
-- the array in the type. Intended for interfacing with
-- (possibly-)multidimensional arrays of fixed size in native code.
-- If this is used with multidimensional arrays, it will be up to
-- users to deal with converting 'Ix' coordinates to internal
-- 'VG.Vector' indices.
-- The constructor is not exported to prevent creating a
-- 'StaticVector' with a size that doesn't match its dimensions.
newtype StaticVector backing dimensions (elements :: *) =
    StaticVector {
        -- | Returns the backing value of this 'StaticVector'.
        toVector :: backing elements
    deriving (Eq)

instance (VG.Vector b e, Show e) => Show (StaticVector b d e) where
    show = ("fromList " ++) . show . VG.toList . toVector

-- | Get the compile-time bounds from a 'StaticVector'. Does not
-- examine its argument.
{-# INLINEABLE staticBounds #-}
staticBounds :: forall b d e. IxStatic d =>
                StaticVector b d e -> (Index d, Index d)
staticBounds _ = proxy taggedBounds (Proxy :: Proxy d)

-- | Get the compile-time size from a 'StaticVector'. Does not examine
-- its argument.
{-# INLINEABLE staticSize #-}
staticSize :: IxStatic d => StaticVector b d e -> Int
staticSize = rangeSize . staticBounds

-- | Create a new 'StaticVector' with the contents of the list. If the
-- list passed in contains too many elements, the result will be
-- truncated. If it contains too few elements, they will be cycled to
-- pad out the remaining space. If it contains 0 elements, this will
-- result in an error.
{-# INLINEABLE fromList #-}
fromList :: (VG.Vector b e, IxStatic d) => [e] -> StaticVector b d e
fromList els | null els = error "empty input to fromList"
             | otherwise = sv
    size = staticSize sv
    sv = StaticVector . VG.fromListN size . cycle $ els

instance (IxStatic d, Storable e, VG.Vector b e) =>
         Storable (StaticVector b d e) where
    {-# INLINEABLE sizeOf #-}
    sizeOf a = sizeOf (undefined :: e) * staticSize a
    {-# INLINEABLE alignment #-}
    alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: e)
    {-# INLINEABLE poke #-}
    poke dst' sv@(StaticVector v) = do
        let upper = staticSize sv - 1
            dst = castPtr dst'
        forM_ [0..upper] $ \i -> poke (advancePtr dst i) $ VG.unsafeIndex v i
    {-# INLINEABLE peek #-}
    peek src' = do
        rec let size = staticSize sv
            v <- VGM.unsafeNew size

            let src = castPtr src'
            forM_ [0 .. size - 1] $ \i -> do
                x <- peek $ advancePtr src i
                VGM.unsafeWrite v i x

            sv <- StaticVector <$> VG.unsafeFreeze v
        return sv

instance (IxStatic d, Storable e) =>
         Storable (StaticVector VS.Vector d e) where
    {-# INLINEABLE sizeOf #-}
    sizeOf a = sizeOf (undefined :: e) * staticSize a
    {-# INLINEABLE alignment #-}
    alignment _ = alignment (undefined :: e)
    {-# INLINEABLE poke #-}
    poke dst sv@(StaticVector v) = do
        VS.unsafeWith v $ \src -> copyBytes dst (castPtr src) $ sizeOf sv
    {-# INLINEABLE peek #-}
    peek src = do
        rec let size = staticSize sv
            v <- VSM.unsafeNew size
            VSM.unsafeWith v $ \dst -> copyBytes (castPtr dst) src $ sizeOf sv
            sv <- StaticVector <$> VG.unsafeFreeze v
        return sv