{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeFamilies #-}

{- |
   Module      : Streaming.Concurrent.Lifted
   Description : Lifted variants of functions in "Streaming.Concurrent"
   Copyright   : Ivan Lazar Miljenovic
   License     : MIT
   Maintainer  : Ivan.Miljenovic@gmail.com

   This module defines variants of those in "Streaming.Concurrent" for
   use with the 'Withable' class, found in the @streaming-with@

module Streaming.Concurrent.Lifted
  ( -- * Buffers
  , unbounded
  , bounded
  , latest
  , newest
    -- * Using a buffer
  , withBuffer
  , withBufferedTransform
  , InBasket(..)
  , OutBasket(..)
    -- * Stream support
  , writeStreamBasket
  , withStreamBasket
  , withMergedStreams
    -- ** Mapping
    -- $mapping
  , withStreamMap
  , withStreamMapM
  , withStreamTransform
    -- *** Primitives
  , joinBuffers
  , joinBuffersM
  , joinBuffersStream
  ) where

import           Streaming             (Of, Stream)
import           Streaming.Concurrent  (Buffer, InBasket(..), OutBasket(..),
                                        bounded, joinBuffers, joinBuffersM,
                                        joinBuffersStream, latest, newest,
import qualified Streaming.Concurrent  as SC
import           Streaming.With.Lifted (Withable(..))

import Control.Monad.Base          (MonadBase)
import Control.Monad.Trans.Control (MonadBaseControl)


-- | Concurrently merge multiple streams together.
--   The resulting order is unspecified.
--   @since
withMergedStreams :: (Withable w, MonadBaseControl IO (WithMonad w), MonadBase IO m, Foldable t)
                     => Buffer a -> t (Stream (Of a) (WithMonad w) v)
                     -> w (Stream (Of a) m ())
withMergedStreams buff strs = liftWith (SC.withMergedStreams buff strs)

-- | Write a single stream to a buffer.
--   Type written to make it easier if this is the only stream being
--   written to the buffer.
writeStreamBasket :: (Withable w, MonadBase IO (WithMonad w))
                     => Stream (Of a) (WithMonad w) r -> InBasket a -> w ()
writeStreamBasket stream ib = liftAction (SC.writeStreamBasket stream ib)

-- | Read the output of a buffer into a stream.
--   Note that there is no requirement that @m ~ WithMonad w@.
--   @since
withStreamBasket :: (Withable w, MonadBase IO m) => OutBasket a -> w (Stream (Of a) m ())
withStreamBasket ob = liftWith (SC.withStreamBasket ob)

-- | Use buffers to concurrently transform the provided data.
--   In essence, this is a @demultiplexer -> multiplexer@
--   transformation: the incoming data is split into @n@ individual
--   segments, the results of which are then merged back together
--   again.
--   Note: ordering of elements in the output is undeterministic.
--   @since
withBufferedTransform :: (Withable w, MonadBaseControl IO (WithMonad w))
                         => Int
                            -- ^ How many concurrent computations to run.
                         -> (OutBasket a -> InBasket b -> WithMonad w ab)
                            -- ^ What to do with each individual concurrent
                            --   computation; result is ignored.
                         -> (InBasket a -> WithMonad w i)
                            -- ^ Provide initial data; result is ignored.
                         -> w (OutBasket b)
withBufferedTransform n transform feed =
  liftWith (SC.withBufferedTransform n transform feed)

{- $mapping

These functions provide (concurrency-based rather than
parallelism-based) pseudo-equivalents to
<http://hackage.haskell.org/package/parallel/docs/Control-Parallel-Strategies.html#v:parMap parMap>.

Note however that in practice, these seem to be no better than - and
indeed often worse - than using 'S.map' and 'S.mapM'.  A benchmarking
suite is available with this library that tries to compare different

These implementations try to be relatively conservative in terms of
memory usage; it is possible to get better performance by using an
'unbounded' 'Buffer' but if you feed elements into a 'Buffer' much
faster than you can consume them then memory usage will increase.

The \"Primitives\" available below can assist you with defining your
own custom mapping function in conjunction with


-- | Concurrently map a function over all elements of a 'Stream'.
--   Note: ordering of elements in the output is undeterministic.
--   @since
withStreamMap :: (Withable w, MonadBaseControl IO (WithMonad w), MonadBase IO n)
                 => Int -- ^ How many concurrent computations to run.
                 -> (a -> b)
                 -> Stream (Of a) (WithMonad w) i
                 -> w (Stream (Of b) n ())
withStreamMap n f inp = liftWith (SC.withStreamMap n f inp)

-- | Concurrently map a monadic function over all elements of a
--   'Stream'.
--   Note: ordering of elements in the output is undeterministic.
--   @since
withStreamMapM :: (Withable w, MonadBaseControl IO (WithMonad w), MonadBase IO n)
                  => Int -- ^ How many concurrent computations to run.
                  -> (a -> WithMonad w b)
                  -> Stream (Of a) (WithMonad w) i
                  -> w (Stream (Of b) n ())
withStreamMapM n f inp = liftWith (SC.withStreamMapM n f inp)

-- | Concurrently split the provided stream into @n@ streams and
--   transform them all using the provided function.
--   Note: ordering of elements in the output is undeterministic.
--   @since
withStreamTransform :: ( Withable w, m ~ WithMonad w, MonadBaseControl IO m
                       , MonadBase IO n)
                       => Int -- ^ How many concurrent computations to run.
                       -> (Stream (Of a) m () -> Stream (Of b) m t)
                       -> Stream (Of a) m i
                       -> w (Stream (Of b) n ())
withStreamTransform n f inp = liftWith (SC.withStreamTransform n f inp)

-- | Use a buffer to asynchronously communicate.
--   Two functions are taken as parameters:
--   * How to provide input to the buffer (the result of this is
--     discarded)
--   * How to take values from the buffer
--   As soon as one function indicates that it is complete then the
--   other is terminated.  This is safe: trying to write data to a
--   closed buffer will not achieve anything.
--   However, reading a buffer that has not indicated that it is
--   closed (e.g. waiting on an action to complete to be able to
--   provide the next value) but contains no values will block.
withBuffer :: (Withable w, MonadBaseControl IO (WithMonad w))
              => Buffer a -> (InBasket a -> WithMonad w i) -> w (OutBasket a)
withBuffer buffer sendIn = liftWith (SC.withBuffer buffer sendIn)