# Build Guide ## Building ### Compiler (GHC) Versions Do not use ghc 9.0.x and 9.2.1. GHC 9.6.x may have a small memory leak issue in some concurrent stream cases, see below for more details. For best performance use `fusion-plugin` (see below) when compiling. ### Memory requirements Building streamly itself may require upto 4GB memory. Depending on the size of the application you may require 1-16GB memory to build. For most applications up to 8GB of memory should be sufficient. To reduce the memory footprint you may want to break big modules into smaller ones and reduce unnecessary INLINE pragmas on large functions. You can also use the `-Rghc-timing` GHC option to report the memory usage during compilation. See the "Build times and space considerations" section below for more details. ### GHC Plugin for Stream Fusion Streamly usually performs very well without any compiler plugins. However, we have fixed some deficiencies in GHC's optimizer using a [compiler plugin](https://github.com/composewell/fusion-plugin). We hope to fold these optimizations into GHC in the future; until then we recommend that you use this plugin for applications that are performance sensitive. ### Compilation Options #### Recommended Options Add `fusion-plugin` to the `build-depends` section of your program in the cabal file and use the following GHC options: ``` -O2 -fdicts-strict -fmax-worker-args=16 -fspec-constr-recursive=16 -fplugin Fusion.Plugin ``` See [Explanation](#explanation) section for details about these flags. Important Notes: 1. [fusion-plugin](https://hackage.haskell.org/package/fusion-plugin) can improve performance significantly by better stream fusion, in many cases. If the performance regresses due to fusion-plugin please open an issue. You may remove the `-fplugin` option for regular builds but it is recommended for deployment builds and performance benchmarking. 2. In certain cases it is possible that GHC takes too long to compile with `-fspec-constr-recursive=16`, if that happens please reduce the value or remove that option. This may happen especially when using Parsers. #### Explanation * `-fdicts-strict` is needed to avoid [a GHC issue](https://gitlab.haskell.org/ghc/ghc/issues/17745) leading to memory leak in some cases. In GHC 9.6.x this issue cannot be avoided even with `-fdicts-strict` option. * `-fspec-constr-recursive` is needed for better stream fusion, it allows the `SpecConstr` optimization to occur in more cases. Large values used with this flag may lead to huge compilation times and code bloat, if that happens please avoid it or use a lower value (e.g. 3 or 4). * `-fmax-worker-args` is needed for better stream fusion, it allows the `SpecConstr` optimization to occur in some important cases. * `-fplugin=Fusion.Plugin` enables predictable stream fusion optimization in certain cases by helping the compiler inline internal bindings, therefore, enabling case-of-case optimization. In some cases, it can make a difference of 5-10x better performance. ### Multi-core Parallelism Concurrency without a threaded runtime may be a bit more efficient. Do not use threaded runtime unless you really need multi-core parallelism. To get multi-core parallelism use the following GHC options: `-threaded -with-rtsopts "-N"` ## Platform Specific Features Streamly supports Linux, macOS and Windows operating systems. Some modules and functionality may depend on specific OS kernel features. Features/modules may get disabled if the kernel/OS does not support it. ### Linux File system events notification module is supported only for kernel versions 2.6.36 onwards. ### macOS File system events notification module supports macOS 10.7+ . You must have the ``Cocoa`` framework installed which is supplied by the macOS SDK. If ``Cocoa`` is not installed, you may see an error like this: ``` error: ld: framework not found Cocoa ``` #### cabal build Usually, if you have a working GHC you would already have the SDK installed. See the documentation of `Xcode` or `xcode-select` tool for more details. #### Nix build Please note that `cabal2nix` may not always be able to generate a complete nix expression on `macOS`. See [this issue](https://github.com/NixOS/cabal2nix/issues/470). You may need to add ``nixpkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.Cocoa`` to ``librarySystemDepends``. For example, to create a streamly-0.9.0 derivation from Hackage: ``` streamly = nixpkgs.haskell.lib.overrideCabal ( super.callHackageDirect { pkg = "streamly"; ver = "0.9.0"; sha256 = "sha256-eOxVb8qQjZDo1+S7CStqYSExOg2QHWkMY+zlOYqwZak="; } {} ) (old: { librarySystemDepends = if nixpkgs.lib.strings.hasInfix "darwin" builtins.currentSystem then [nixpkgs.darwin.apple_sdk.frameworks.Cocoa] else []; }); ```