## 0.2.1 ### Bug Fixes * Fixed a bug that caused some transformation ops to return incorrect results when used with concurrent streams. The affected ops are `take`, `filter`, `takeWhile`, `drop`, `dropWhile`, and `reverse`. ## 0.2.0 ### Breaking changes * Changed the semantics of the Semigroup instance for `InterleavedT`, `AsyncT` and `ParallelT`. The new semantics are as follows: * For `InterleavedT`, `<>` operation interleaves two streams * For `AsyncT`, `<>` now concurrently merges two streams in a left biased manner using demand based concurrency. * For `ParallelT`, the `<>` operation now concurrently meges the two streams in a fairly parallel manner. To adapt to the new changes, replace `<>` with `serial` wherever it is used for stream types other than `StreamT`. * Remove the `Alternative` instance. To adapt to this change replace any usage of `<|>` with `parallel` and `empty` with `nil`. * Stream type now defaults to the `SerialT` type unless explicitly specified using a type combinator or a monomorphic type. This change reduces puzzling type errors for beginners. It includes the following two changes: * Change the type of all stream elimination functions to use `SerialT` instead of a polymorphic type. This makes sure that the stream type is always fixed at all exits. * Change the type combinators (e.g. `parallely`) to only fix the argument stream type and the output stream type remains polymorphic. Stream types may have to be changed or type combinators may have to be added or removed to adapt to this change. * Change the type of `foldrM` to make it consistent with `foldrM` in base. * `async` is renamed to `mkAsync` and `async` is now a new API with a different meaning. * `ZipAsync` is renamed to `ZipAsyncM` and `ZipAsync` is now ZipAsyncM specialized to the IO Monad. * Remove the `MonadError` instance as it was not working correctly for parallel compositions. Use `MonadThrow` instead for error propagation. * Remove Num/Fractional/Floating instances as they are not very useful. Use `fmap` and `liftA2` instead. ### Deprecations * Deprecate and rename the following symbols: * `Streaming` to `IsStream` * `runStreaming` to `runStream` * `StreamT` to `SerialT` * `InterleavedT` to `WSerialT` * `ZipStream` to `ZipSerialM` * `ZipAsync` to `ZipAsyncM` * `interleaving` to `wSerially` * `zipping` to `zipSerially` * `zippingAsync` to `zipAsyncly` * `<=>` to `wSerial` * `<|` to `async` * `each` to `fromFoldable` * `scan` to `scanx` * `foldl` to `foldx` * `foldlM` to `foldxM` * Deprecate the following symbols for future removal: * `runStreamT` * `runInterleavedT` * `runAsyncT` * `runParallelT` * `runZipStream` * `runZipAsync` ### Enhancements * Add the following functions: * `consM` and `|:` operator to construct streams from monadic actions * `once` to create a singleton stream from a monadic action * `repeatM` to construct a stream by repeating a monadic action * `scanl'` strict left scan * `foldl'` strict left fold * `foldlM'` strict left fold with a monadic fold function * `serial` run two streams serially one after the other * `async` run two streams asynchronously * `parallel` run two streams in parallel (replaces `<|>`) * `WAsyncT` stream type for BFS version of `AsyncT` composition * Add simpler stream types that are specialized to the IO monad * Put a bound (1500) on the output buffer used for asynchronous tasks * Put a limit (1500) on the number of threads used for Async and WAsync types ## 0.1.2 ### Enhancements * Add `iterate`, `iterateM` stream operations ### Bug Fixes * Fixed a bug that casued unexpected behavior when `pure` was used to inject values in Applicative composition of `ZipStream` and `ZipAsync` types. ## 0.1.1 ### Enhancements * Make `cons` right associative and provide an operator form `.:` for it * Add `null`, `tail`, `reverse`, `replicateM`, `scan` stream operations * Improve performance of some stream operations (`foldl`, `dropWhile`) ### Bug Fixes * Fix the `product` operation. Earlier, it always returned 0 due to a bug * Fix the `last` operation, which returned `Nothing` for singleton streams ## 0.1.0 * Initial release