{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-unused-imports #-}
-- |
-- Module      : Streamly.Tutorial
-- Copyright   : (c) 2017 Harendra Kumar
-- License     : BSD3
-- Maintainer  : harendra.kumar@gmail.com
-- Streamly is a general computing framework based on streaming IO. The IO
-- monad and pure lists are a special case of streamly. On one hand, streamly
-- extends the lists of pure values to lists of monadic actions, on the other
-- hand it extends the IO monad with concurrent non-determinism. In simple
-- imperative terms we can say that streamly extends the IO monad with @for@
-- loops and nested @for@ loops with concurrency support. You can understand
-- this analogy better once you can go through this tutorial.
-- Streaming in general enables writing modular, composable and scalable
-- applications with ease, and concurrency allows you to make them scale and
-- perform well.  Streamly enables writing scalable concurrent applications
-- without being aware of threads or synchronization. No explicit thread
-- control is needed, where applicable the concurrency rate is automatically
-- controlled based on the demand by the consumer. However, combinators can be
-- used to fine tune the concurrency control.
-- Streaming and concurrency together enable expressing reactive applications
-- conveniently. See the @CirclingSquare@ example in the examples directory for
-- a simple SDL based FRP example. To summarize, streamly provides a unified
-- computing framework for streaming, non-determinism and functional reactive
-- programming in an elegant and simple API that is a natural extension of pure
-- lists to monadic streams.
-- In this tutorial we will go over the basic concepts and how to
-- use the library. See the last section for further reading resources.

module Streamly.Tutorial
    -- * Streams
    -- $streams

    -- * Concurrent Streams
    -- $concurrentStreams

    -- * Combining Streams
    -- $flavors

    -- * Imports and Supporting Code
    -- $imports

    -- * Generating Streams
    -- $generating

    -- * Generating Streams Concurrently
    -- $generatingConcurrently

    -- * Eliminating Streams
    -- $eliminating

    -- * Concurrent Pipeline Stages
    -- $concurrentApplication

    -- * Transforming Streams
    -- $transformation

    -- * Mapping Concurrently
    -- $concurrentTransformation

    -- * Merging Streams

    -- ** Semigroup Style
    -- $semigroup

    -- *** Deep Serial Composition ('Serial')
    -- $serial

    -- *** Wide Serial Composition ('WSerial')
    -- $interleaved

    -- *** Deep Ahead Composition ('Ahead')
    -- $ahead

    -- *** Deep Asynchronous Composition ('Async')
    -- $async

    -- *** Wide Asynchronous Composition ('WAsync')
    -- $wasync

    -- *** Parallel Asynchronous Composition ('Parallel')
    -- $parallel

    -- XXX we should deprecate and remove the mkAsync API
    -- Custom composition
    -- custom

    -- ** Monoid Style
    -- $monoid

    -- * Nesting Streams
    -- $nesting

    -- ** Monad
    -- $monad

    -- *** Deep Serial Nesting ('Serial')
    -- $regularSerial

    -- *** Wide Serial Nesting ('WSerial')
    -- $interleavedNesting

    -- *** Deep Ahead Nesting ('Ahead')
    -- $aheadNesting

    -- *** Deep Asynchronous Nesting ('Async')
    -- $concurrentNesting

    -- *** Wide Asynchronous Nesting ('WAsync')
    -- $wasyncNesting

    -- *** Parallel Asynchronous Nesting ('Parallel')
    -- $parallelNesting

    -- *** Exercise
    -- $monadExercise

    -- ** Applicative
    -- $applicative

    -- ** Functor
    -- $functor

    -- * Zipping Streams
    -- $zipping

    -- ** Serial Zipping
    -- $serialzip

    -- ** Parallel Zipping
    -- $parallelzip

    -- * Monad transformers
    -- $monadtransformers

    -- * Concurrent Programming
    -- $concurrent

    -- * Reactive Programming
    -- $reactive

    -- * Writing Concurrent Programs
    -- $programs

    -- * Performance
    -- $performance

    -- * Interoperation with Streaming Libraries
    -- $interop

    -- * Comparison with Existing Packages
    -- $comparison

    -- * Where to go next?
    -- $furtherReading

import Streamly
import Streamly.Prelude
import Data.Semigroup
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Monad
import Control.Monad.IO.Class      (MonadIO(..))
import Control.Monad.Trans.Class   (MonadTrans (lift))

-- $streams
-- The way a list represents a sequence of pure values, a stream represents a
-- sequence of monadic actions. The monadic stream API offered by Streamly is
-- very close to the Haskell "Prelude" pure lists' API, it can be considered as a
-- natural extension of lists to monadic actions. Streamly streams provide
-- concurrent composition and merging of streams. It can be considered as a
-- concurrent list transformer. In contrast to the "Prelude" lists, merging or
-- appending streams of arbitrary length is scalable and inexpensive.
-- The basic stream type is 'Serial', it represents a sequence of IO actions,
-- and is a 'Monad'.  The 'Serial' monad is almost a drop in replacement for
-- the 'IO' monad, IO monad is a special case of the 'Serial' monad; IO monad
-- represents a single IO action whereas the 'Serial' monad represents a series
-- of IO actions.  The only change you need to make to go from 'IO' to 'Serial'
-- is to use 'runStream' to run the monad and to prefix the IO actions with
-- either 'yieldM' or 'liftIO'.  If you use liftIO you can switch from 'Serial'
-- to IO monad by simply removing the 'runStream' function; no other changes
-- are needed unless you have used some stream specific composition or
-- combinators.
-- Similarly, the 'Serial' type is almost a drop in replacement for pure lists,
-- pure lists are a special case of monadic streams. If you use 'nil' in place
-- of '[]' and '|:' in place ':' you can replace a list with a 'Serial' stream.
-- The only difference is that the elements must be monadic type and to operate
-- on the streams we must use the corresponding functions from
-- "Streamly.Prelude" instead of using the base "Prelude".

-- $concurrentStreams
-- Many stream operations can be done concurrently:
-- * Streams can be generated concurrently.
-- * Streams can be merged concurrently.
-- * Multiple stages in a streaming pipeline can run concurrently.
-- * Streams can be mapped and zipped concurrently.
-- * In monadic composition they combine like a list transformer,
--   providing concurrent non-determinism.
-- There are three basic concurrent stream styles, 'Ahead', 'Async', and
-- 'Parallel'. The 'Ahead' style streams are similar to 'Serial' except that
-- they can speculatively execute multiple stream actions concurrently in
-- advance. 'Ahead' would return exactly the same stream as 'Serial' except
-- that it may execute the actions concurrently. The 'Async' style streams,
-- like 'Ahead', speculatively execute multiple stream actions in advance but
-- return the results in their finishing order rather than in the stream
-- traversal order.  'Parallel' is like 'Async' except that it provides
-- unbounded parallelism instead of controlled parallelism.
-- For easy reference, we can classify the stream types based on /execution order/,
-- /consumption order/, and /bounded or unbounded/ concurrency.
-- Execution could be serial (i.e. synchronous) or asynchronous. In serial
-- execution we execute the next action in the stream only after the previous
-- one has finished executing. In asynchronous execution multiple actions in
-- the stream can be executed asynchronously i.e. the next action can start
-- executing even before the first one has finished. Consumption order
-- determines the order in which the outputs generated by the composition are
-- consumed.  Consumption could be serial or asynchronous. In serial
-- consumption, the outputs are consumed in the traversal order, in
-- asynchronous consumption the outputs are consumed as they arrive i.e. first
-- come first serve order.
-- +------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+
-- | Type       | Execution    | Consumption  | Concurrency  |
-- +============+==============+==============+==============+
-- | 'Serial'   | Serial       | Serial       | None         |
-- +------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+
-- | 'Ahead'    | Asynchronous | Serial       | bounded      |
-- +------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+
-- | 'Async'    | Asynchronous | Asynchronous | bounded      |
-- +------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+
-- | 'Parallel' | Asynchronous | Asynchronous | unbounded    |
-- +------------+--------------+--------------+--------------+
-- All these types can be freely inter-converted using type conversion
-- combinators or type annotations, without any cost, to achieve the desired
-- composition style.  To force a particular type of composition, we coerce the
-- stream type using the corresponding type adapting combinator from
-- 'serially', 'aheadly', 'asyncly', or 'parallely'.  The default stream type
-- is inferred as 'Serial' unless you change it by using one of the combinators
-- or by using a type annotation.

-- $flavors
-- Streams can be combined using '<>' or 'mappend' to form a
-- composite. Composite streams can be interpreted in a depth first or
-- breadth first manner using an appropriate type conversion before
-- consumption. Deep (e.g. 'Serial') stream type variants traverse a
-- composite stream in a depth first manner, such that each stream is
-- traversed fully before traversing the next stream. Wide
-- (e.g. 'WSerial') stream types traverse it in a breadth first
-- manner, such that one element from each stream is traversed before
-- coming back to the first stream again.
-- Each stream type has a wide traversal variant prefixed by 'W'. The wide
-- variant differs only in the Semigroup\/Monoid, Applicative\/Monad
-- compositions of the streams.
-- The following table summarizes the basic types and the corresponding wide
-- variants:
-- @
-- +------------+-----------+
-- | Deep       | Wide      |
-- +============+===========+
-- | 'Serial'     | 'WSerial'   |
-- +------------+-----------+
-- | 'Ahead'      | 'WAhead'    |
-- +------------+-----------+
-- | 'Async'      | 'WAsync'    |
-- +------------+-----------+
-- @
-- Other than these types there are also 'ZipSerial' and 'ZipAsync' types that
-- zip streams serially or concurrently using 'Applicative' operation. These
-- types are not monads they are only applicatives and they do not differ in
-- 'Semigroup' composition.

-- $programs
-- When writing concurrent programs it is advised to not use the concurrent
-- style stream combinators blindly at the top level. That might create too
-- much concurrency where it is not even required, and can even degrade
-- performance in some cases. In some cases it can also lead to surprising
-- behavior because of some code that is supposed to be serial becoming
-- concurrent. Please be aware that all concurrency capable APIs that you may
-- have used under the scope of a concurrent stream combinator will become
-- concurrent. For example if you have a 'repeatM' somewhere in your program
-- and you use 'parallely' on top, the 'repeatM' becomes fully parallel,
-- resulting into an infinite parallel execution . Instead, use the
-- /Keep It Serial and Stupid/ principle, start with the default serial
-- composition and enable concurrent combinators only when and where necessary.
-- When you use a concurrent combinator you can use an explicit 'serially'
-- combinator to suppress any unnecessary concurrency under the scope of that
-- combinator.

-- $monadtransformers
-- To represent streams in an arbitrary monad use the more general monad
-- transformer types for example the monad transformer type corresponding to
-- the 'Serial' type is 'SerialT'.  @SerialT m a@ represents a stream of values
-- of type 'a' in some underlying monad 'm'. For example, @SerialT IO Int@ is a
-- stream of 'Int' in 'IO' monad.  In fact, the type 'Serial' is a synonym for
-- @SerialT IO@.
-- Similarly we have monad transformer types for other stream types as well viz.
-- 'WSerialT', 'AsyncT', 'WAsyncT' and 'ParallelT'.
-- To lift a value from an underlying monad in a monad transformer stack into a
-- singleton stream use 'lift' and to lift from an IO action use 'liftIO'.
-- @
-- > 'runStream' $ liftIO $ putStrLn "Hello world!"
-- Hello world!
-- > 'runStream' $ lift $ putStrLn "Hello world!"
-- Hello world!
-- @

-- $generating
-- We will assume the following imports in this tutorial. Go ahead, fire up a
-- GHCi session and import these lines to start playing.
-- @
-- > import "Streamly"
-- > import "Streamly.Prelude" ((|:))
-- > import qualified "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- @
-- 'nil' represents an empty stream and 'consM' or its operator form '|:' adds
-- a monadic action at the head of the stream.
-- @
-- > S.'toList' S.'nil'
-- []
-- > S.'toList' $ 'getLine' |: 'getLine' |: S.'nil'
-- hello
-- world
-- ["hello","world"]
-- @
-- To create a singleton stream from a pure value use 'yield' or 'pure' and to
-- create a singleton stream from a monadic action use 'yieldM'. Note that in
-- case of Zip applicative streams "pure" repeats the value to generate an
-- infinite stream.
-- @
-- > S.'toList' $ 'pure' 1
-- [1]
-- > S.'toList' $ 'yield' 1
-- [1]
-- > S.'toList' $ S.'yieldM' 'getLine'
-- hello
-- ["hello"]
-- @
-- To create a stream from pure values in a 'Foldable' container use
-- 'fromFoldable' which is equivalent to a fold using 'cons' and 'nil':
-- @
-- > S.'toList' $ S.'fromFoldable' [1..3]
-- [1,2,3]
-- > S.'toList' $ 'Prelude.foldr' S.'cons' S.'nil' [1..3]
-- [1,2,3]
-- @
-- To create a stream from monadic actions in a 'Foldable' container just use a
-- right fold using 'consM' and 'nil':
-- @
-- > 'runStream' $ 'Prelude.foldr' ('|:') S.'nil' ['putStr' "Hello ", 'putStrLn' "world!"]
-- Hello world!
-- @
-- For more ways to construct a stream see the module "Streamly.Prelude".

-- $generatingConcurrently
-- Monadic construction and generation functions like 'consM', 'unfoldrM',
-- 'replicateM', 'repeatM', 'iterateM' and 'fromFoldableM' work concurrently
-- when used with appropriate stream type combinator. The pure versions of
-- these APIs are not concurrent, however you can use the monadic versions even
-- for pure computations by wrapping the pure value in a monad to get the
-- concurrent generation capability where required.
-- The following code finishes in 3 seconds (6 seconds when serial):
-- @
-- > let p n = threadDelay (n * 1000000) >> return n
-- > S.'toList' $ 'parallely' $ p 3 |: p 2 |: p 1 |: S.'nil'
-- [1,2,3]
-- > S.'toList' $ 'aheadly' $ p 3 |: p 2 |: p 1 |: S.'nil'
-- [3,2,1]
-- @
-- The following finishes in 10 seconds (100 seconds when serial):
-- @
-- > 'runStream' $ 'asyncly' $ S.'replicateM' 10 $ p 10
-- @

-- $eliminating
-- We have already seen 'runStream' and 'toList' to eliminate a stream in the
-- examples above.  'runStream' runs a stream discarding the results i.e. only
-- for effects.  'toList' runs the stream and collects the results in a list.
-- For other ways to eliminate a stream see the @Folding@ section in
-- "Streamly.Prelude" module.

-- $transformation
-- Transformation over a stream is the equivalent of a @for@ loop construct in
-- imperative paradigm. We iterate over every element in the stream and perform
-- certain transformations for each element.  Transformations may involve
-- mapping functions over the elements, filtering elements from the stream or
-- folding all the elements in the stream into a single value. Streamly streams
-- are exactly like lists and you can perform all the transformations in the
-- same way as you would on lists.
-- Here is a simple console echo program that just echoes every input line,
-- forever:
-- @
-- > 'runStream' $ S.'repeatM' getLine & S.'mapM' putStrLn
-- @
-- The following code snippet reads lines from standard input, filters blank
-- lines, drops the first non-blank line, takes the next two, up cases them,
-- numbers them and prints them:
-- @
-- import "Streamly"
-- import qualified "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- import Data.Char (toUpper)
-- import Data.Function ((&))
-- main = 'runStream' $
--        S.'repeatM' getLine
--      & S.'filter' (not . null)
--      & S.'drop' 1
--      & S.'take' 2
--      & fmap (map toUpper)
--      & S.'zipWith' (\\n s -> show n ++ " " ++ s) (S.'fromFoldable' [1..])
--      & S.'mapM' putStrLn
-- @

-- $concurrentTransformation
-- Monadic transformation functions 'mapM' and 'sequence' work concurrently
-- when used with appropriate stream type combinators. The pure versions do not
-- work concurrently, however you can use the monadic versions even for pure
-- computations to get the concurrent transformation capability where required.
-- This would print a value every second (2 seconds when serial):
-- @
-- > let p n = threadDelay (n * 1000000) >> return n
-- > runStream $ aheadly $ S.'mapM' (\\x -> p 1 >> print x) (serially $ repeatM (p 1))
-- @

-- $concurrentApplication
-- The concurrent function application operators '|$' and '|&' apply a stream
-- argument to a stream function concurrently to compose a concurrent pipeline
-- of stream processing functions:
-- Because both the stages run concurrently, we would see a delay of only 1
-- second instead of 2 seconds in the following:
-- @
-- > let p n = threadDelay (n * 1000000) >> return n
-- > runStream $ S.'repeatM' (p 1) '|&' S.'mapM' (\\x -> p 1 >> print x)
-- @

-- $semigroup
-- We can combine two streams into a single stream using semigroup composition
-- operation '<>'.  Streams can be combined in many different ways as described
-- in the following sections, the '<>' operation behaves differently depending
-- on the stream type in effect. The stream type and therefore the composition
-- style can be changed at any point using one of the type combinators as
-- discussed earlier.

-- $imports
-- In most of example snippets we do not repeat the imports. Where imports are
-- not explicitly specified use the imports shown below.
-- @
-- import "Streamly"
-- import "Streamly.Prelude" ((|:), nil)
-- import qualified "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- import Control.Concurrent
-- import Control.Monad (forever)
-- @
-- To illustrate concurrent vs serial composition aspects, we will use the
-- following @delay@ function to introduce a sleep or delay specified in
-- seconds. After the delay it prints the number of seconds it slept.
-- @
-- delay n = S.'yieldM' $ do
--  threadDelay (n * 1000000)
--  tid \<- myThreadId
--  putStrLn (show tid ++ ": Delay " ++ show n)
-- @

-- $serial
-- The 'Semigroup' operation '<>' of the 'Serial' type combines the two streams
-- in a /serial depth first/ manner. We use the 'serially' type combinator to
-- effect 'Serial' style of composition. We can also use an explicit 'Serial'
-- type annotation for the stream to achieve the same effect.  However, since
-- 'Serial' is the default type unless explicitly specified by using a
-- combinator, we can omit using an explicit combinator or type annotation for
-- this style of composition.
-- When two streams with multiple elements are combined in this manner, the
-- monadic actions in the two streams are performed sequentially i.e. first all
-- actions in the first stream are performed sequentially and then all actions
-- in the second stream are performed sequentially. We call it
-- /serial depth first/ as the full depth of one stream is fully traversed
-- before we move to the next. The following example prints the sequence 1, 2,
-- 3, 4:
-- @
-- main = 'runStream' $ (print 1 |: print 2 |: nil) <> (print 3 |: print 4 |: nil)
-- @
-- @
-- 1
-- 2
-- 3
-- 4
-- @
-- All actions in both the streams are performed serially in the same thread.
-- In the following example we can see that all actions are performed in the
-- same thread and take a combined total of @3 + 2 + 1 = 6@ seconds:
-- @
-- main = 'runStream' $ delay 3 <> delay 2 <> delay 1
-- @
-- @
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 3
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 2
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 1
-- @
-- The polymorphic version of the binary operation '<>' of the 'Serial' type is
-- 'serial'. We can use 'serial' to join streams in a sequential manner
-- irrespective of the type of stream:
-- @
-- main = 'runStream' $ (print 1 |: print 2 |: nil) \`serial` (print 3 |: print 4 |: nil)
-- @

-- $interleaved
-- The 'Semigroup' operation '<>' of the 'WSerial' type combines the two
-- streams in a /serial breadth first/ manner. We use the 'wSerially' type
-- combinator to effect 'WSerial' style of composition. We can also use the
-- 'WSerial' type annotation for the stream to achieve the same effect.
-- When two streams with multiple elements are combined in this manner, we
-- traverse all the streams in a breadth first manner i.e. one action from each
-- stream is performed and yielded to the resulting stream before we come back
-- to the first stream again and so on.
-- The following example prints the sequence 1, 3, 2, 4
-- @
-- main = 'runStream' . 'wSerially' $ (print 1 |: print 2 |: nil) <> (print 3 |: print 4 |: nil)
-- @
-- @
-- 1
-- 3
-- 2
-- 4
-- @
-- Even though the monadic actions of the two streams are performed in an
-- interleaved manner they are all performed serially in the same thread. In
-- the following example we can see that all actions are performed in the same
-- thread and take a combined total of @3 + 2 + 1 = 6@ seconds:
-- @
-- main = 'runStream' . 'wSerially' $ delay 3 <> delay 2 <> delay 1
-- @
-- @
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 3
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 2
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 1
-- @
-- The polymorphic version of the 'WSerial' binary operation '<>' is called
-- 'wSerial'. We can use 'wSerial' to join streams in an interleaved manner
-- irrespective of the type, notice that we have not used the 'wSerially'
-- combinator in the following example:
-- @
-- main = 'runStream' $ (print 1 |: print 2 |: nil) \`wSerial` (print 3 |: print 4 |: nil)
-- @
-- @
-- 1
-- 3
-- 2
-- 4
-- @
-- Note that this composition cannot be used to fold infinite number of streams
-- since it requires preserving the state until a stream is finished.

-- $ahead
-- The 'Semigroup' operation '<>' of the 'Ahead' type combines two streams in a
-- /serial depth first/ manner with concurrent lookahead. We use the 'aheadly'
-- type combinator to effect 'Ahead' style of composition. We can also use an
-- explicit 'Ahead' type annotation for the stream to achieve the same effect.
-- When two streams are combined in this manner, the streams are traversed in
-- depth first manner just like 'Serial', however it can execute the next
-- stream concurrently and keep the results ready when its turn arrives.
-- Concurrent execution of the next stream(s) is performed if the first stream
-- blocks or if it cannot produce output at the rate that is enough to meet the
-- consumer demand. Multiple streams can be executed concurrently to meet the
-- demand.  The following example would print the result in a second even
-- though each action in each stream takes one second:
-- @
-- main = do
--  xs \<- 'toList' . 'aheadly' $ (p 1 |: p 2 |: nil) <> (p 3 |: p 4 |: nil)
--  print xs
--  where p n = threadDelay 1000000 >> return n
-- @
-- @
-- [1,2,3,4]
-- @
-- Each stream is constructed 'aheadly' and then both the streams are merged
-- 'aheadly', therefore, all the actions can run concurrently but the result is
-- presented in serial order.
-- You can also use the polymorphic combinator 'ahead' in place of '<>' to
-- compose any type of streams in this manner.

-- $async
-- The 'Semigroup' operation '<>' of the 'Async' type combines the two
-- streams in a depth first manner with parallel look ahead. We use the
-- 'asyncly' type combinator to effect 'Async' style of composition. We
-- can also use the 'Async' type annotation for the stream type to achieve
-- the same effect.
-- When two streams with multiple elements are combined in this manner, the
-- streams are traversed in depth first manner just like 'Serial', however it
-- can execute the next stream concurrently and return the results from it
-- as they arrive i.e. the results from the next stream may be yielded even
-- before the results from the first stream. Concurrent execution of the next
-- stream(s) is performed if the first stream blocks or if it cannot produce
-- output at the rate that is enough to meet the consumer demand. Multiple
-- streams can be executed concurrently to meet the demand.
-- In the example below each element in the stream introduces a constant delay
-- of 1 second, however, it takes just one second to produce all the results.
-- The results are not guaranteed to be in any particular order:
-- @
-- main = do
--   xs \<- 'runStream' . 'asyncly' $ (p 1 |: p 2 |: nil) <> (p 3 |: p 4 |: nil)
--   print xs
--   where p n = threadDelay 1000000 >> return n
-- @
-- @
-- [4,2,1,3]
-- @
-- The constituent streams are also composed in 'Async' manner and the
-- composition of streams too. We can compose the constituent streams to run
-- serially, in that case it would take 2 seconds to produce all the results.
-- The elements in the serial streams would be in serial order in the results:
-- @
-- main = do
--   xs \<- 'runStream' . 'asyncly' $ (serially $ p 1 |: p 2 |: nil) <> (serially $ p 3 |: p 4 |: nil)
--   print xs
--   where p n = threadDelay 1000000 >> return n
-- @
-- @
-- [3,1,2,4]
-- @
-- In the following example we can see that new threads are started when a
-- computation blocks.  Notice that the output from the stream with the
-- shortest delay is printed first. The whole computation takes @maximum of
-- (3, 2, 1) = 3@ seconds:
-- @
-- main = 'runStream' . 'asyncly' $ delay 3 '<>' delay 2 '<>' delay 1
-- @
-- @
-- ThreadId 42: Delay 1
-- ThreadId 41: Delay 2
-- ThreadId 40: Delay 3
-- @
-- When we have a tree of computations composed using this style, the tree is
-- traversed in DFS style just like the 'Serial' style, the only difference is
-- that here we can move on to executing the next stream if a stream blocks.
-- However, we will not start new threads if we have sufficient output to
-- saturate the consumer.  This is why we call it left-biased demand driven or
-- adaptive concurrency style, the concurrency tends to stay on the left side
-- of the composition as long as possible. More threads are started based on
-- the pull rate of the consumer. The following example prints an output every
-- second as all of the actions are concurrent.
-- @
-- main = 'runStream' . 'asyncly' $ (delay 1 <> delay 2) <> (delay 3 <> delay 4)
-- @
-- @
-- 1
-- 2
-- 3
-- 4
-- @
-- All the computations may even run in a single thread when more threads are
-- not needed. As you can see, in the following example the computations are
-- run in a single thread one after another, because none of them blocks.
-- However, if the thread consuming the stream were faster than the producer
-- then it would have started parallel threads for each computation to keep up
-- even if none of them blocks:
-- @
-- main = 'runStream' . 'asyncly' $ traced (sqrt 9) '<>' traced (sqrt 16) '<>' traced (sqrt 25)
--  where traced m = S.'yieldM' (myThreadId >>= print) >> return m
-- @
-- @
-- ThreadId 40
-- ThreadId 40
-- ThreadId 40
-- @
-- Note that the order of printing in the above examples may change due to
-- variations in scheduling latencies for concurrent threads.
-- The polymorphic version of the 'Async' binary operation '<>' is called
-- 'async'. We can use 'async' to join streams in a left biased
-- adaptively concurrent manner irrespective of the type, notice that we have
-- not used the 'asyncly' combinator in the following example:
-- @
-- main = 'runStream' $ delay 3 \`async` delay 2 \`async` delay 1
-- @
-- @
-- ThreadId 42: Delay 1
-- ThreadId 41: Delay 2
-- ThreadId 40: Delay 3
-- @
-- Since the concurrency provided by this operator is demand driven it cannot
-- be used when the composed computations start timers that are relative to
-- each other because all computations may not be started at the same time and
-- therefore timers in all of them may not start at the same time.  When
-- relative timing among all computations is important or when we need to start
-- all computations at once for any reason 'Parallel' style must be used
-- instead.
-- 'Async' style should be preferred over 'Parallel' or 'WAsync' unless you
-- really need those. It utilizes the resources optimally. It should be used
-- when we know that the computations can run in parallel but we do not care if
-- they actually run in parallel or not, that decision can be left to the
-- scheduler based on demand. Also, note that this operator can be used to fold
-- infinite number of streams in contrast to the 'Parallel' or 'WAsync' styles,
-- because it does not require us to run all of them at the same time in a fair
-- manner.

-- $wasync
-- The 'Semigroup' operation '<>' of the 'WAsync' type combines two streams in
-- a concurrent manner using /breadth first traversal/. We use the 'wAsyncly'
-- type combinator to effect 'WAsync' style of composition. We can also use the
-- 'WAsync' type annotation for the stream to achieve the same effect.
-- When streams with multiple elements are combined in this manner, we traverse
-- all the streams concurrently in a breadth first manner i.e. one action from
-- each stream is performed and yielded to the resulting stream before we come
-- back to the first stream again and so on. Even though we execute the actions
-- in a breadth first order the outputs are consumed on a first come first
-- serve basis.
-- In the following example we can see that outputs are produced in the breadth
-- first traversal order but this is not guaranteed.
-- @
-- main = 'runStream' . 'wAsyncly' $ (serially $ print 1 |: print 2 |: nil) <> (serially $ print 3 |: print 4 |: nil)
-- @
-- @
-- 1
-- 3
-- 2
-- 4
-- @
-- The polymorphic version of the binary operation '<>' of the 'WAsync' type is
-- 'wAsync'.  We can use 'wAsync' to join streams using a breadth first
-- concurrent traversal irrespective of the type, notice that we have not used
-- the 'wAsyncly' combinator in the following example:
-- @
-- main = 'runStream' $ delay 3 \`wAsync` delay 2 \`wAsync` delay 1
-- @
-- @
-- ThreadId 42: Delay 1
-- ThreadId 41: Delay 2
-- ThreadId 40: Delay 3
-- @
-- Since the concurrency provided by this style is demand driven it may not
-- be used when the composed computations start timers that are relative to
-- each other because all computations may not be started at the same time and
-- therefore timers in all of them may not start at the same time.  When
-- relative timing among all computations is important or when we need to start
-- all computations at once for any reason 'Parallel' style must be used
-- instead.

-- $parallel
-- The 'Semigroup' operation '<>' of the 'Parallel' type combines the two
-- streams in a fairly concurrent manner with round robin scheduling. We use
-- the 'parallely' type combinator to effect 'Parallel' style of composition.
-- We can also use the 'Parallel' type annotation for the stream type to
-- achieve the same effect.
-- When two streams with multiple elements are combined in this manner, the
-- monadic actions in both the streams are performed concurrently with a fair
-- round robin scheduling.  The outputs are yielded in the order in which the
-- actions complete. This is pretty similar to the 'WAsync' type, the
-- difference is that 'WAsync' is adaptive to the consumer demand and may or
-- may not execute all actions in parallel depending on the demand, whereas
-- 'Parallel' runs all the streams in parallel irrespective of the demand.
-- The following example sends a query to all the three search engines in
-- parallel and prints the name of the search engines in the order in which the
-- responses arrive:
-- @
-- import "Streamly"
-- import qualified Streamly.Prelude as S
-- import Network.HTTP.Simple
-- main = 'runStream' . 'parallely' $ google \<> bing \<> duckduckgo
--     where
--         google     = get "https://www.google.com/search?q=haskell"
--         bing       = get "https://www.bing.com/search?q=haskell"
--         duckduckgo = get "https://www.duckduckgo.com/?q=haskell"
--         get s = S.'yieldM' (httpNoBody (parseRequest_ s) >> putStrLn (show s))
-- @
-- The polymorphic version of the binary operation '<>' of the 'Parallel' type
-- is 'parallel'. We can use 'parallel' to join streams in a fairly concurrent
-- manner irrespective of the type, notice that we have not used the
-- 'parallely' combinator in the following example:
-- @
-- main = 'runStream' $ delay 3 \`parallel` delay 2 \`wAsync` delay 1
-- @
-- @
-- ThreadId 42: Delay 1
-- ThreadId 41: Delay 2
-- ThreadId 40: Delay 3
-- @
-- Note that this style of composition cannot be used to combine infinite
-- number of streams, as it will lead to an infinite sized scheduling queue.

-- XXX to be removed
-- $custom
-- The 'mkAsync' API can be used to create references to asynchronously running
-- stream computations. We can then use 'uncons' to explore the streams
-- arbitrarily and then recompose individual elements to create a new stream.
-- This way we can dynamically decide which stream to explore at any given
-- time.  Take an example of a merge sort of two sorted streams. We need to
-- keep consuming items from the stream which has the lowest item in the sort
-- order.  This can be achieved using async references to streams. See
-- "MergeSort.hs" in the examples directory.

-- $monoid
-- We can use 'Monoid' instances to fold a container of streams in the desired
-- style using 'fold' or 'foldMap'.  We have also provided some fold utilities
-- to fold streams using the polymorphic combine operations:
-- * 'foldWith' is like 'fold', it folds a 'Foldable' container of streams
-- using the given composition operator.
-- * 'foldMapWith' is like 'foldMap', it folds like @foldWith@ but also maps a
-- function before folding.
-- * 'forEachWith' is like @foldMapwith@ but the container argument comes before
-- the function argument.
-- All of the following are equivalent and start ten concurrent tasks each with
-- a delay from 1 to 10 seconds, resulting in the printing of each number every
-- second:
-- @
-- import "Streamly"
-- import qualified "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- import Control.Concurrent
-- main = do
--  'runStream' $ 'asyncly' $ foldMap delay [1..10]
--  'runStream' $ 'foldWith'    'async' (map delay [1..10])
--  'runStream' $ 'foldMapWith' 'async' delay [1..10]
--  'runStream' $ 'forEachWith' 'async' [1..10] delay
--  where delay n = S.'yieldM' $ threadDelay (n * 1000000) >> print n
-- @

-- $nesting
-- Till now we discussed ways to apply transformations on a stream or to merge
-- streams together to create another stream. We mentioned earlier that
-- transforming a stream is similar to a @for@ loop in the imperative paradigm.
-- We will now discuss the concept of a nested composition of streams which is
-- analogous to nested @for@ loops in the imperative paradigm. Functional
-- programmers call this style of composition a list transformer or @ListT@.
-- Logic programmers call it a logic monad or non-deterministic composition,
-- but for ordinary imperative minded people like me it is easier to think in
-- terms of good old nested @for@ loops.
-- $monad
-- In functional programmer's parlance the 'Monad' instances of different
-- 'IsStream' types implement non-determinism, exploring all possible
-- combination of choices from both the streams. From an imperative
-- programmer's point of view it behaves like nested loops i.e.  for each
-- element in the first stream and for each element in the second stream
-- execute the body of the loop.
-- The 'Monad' instances of 'Serial', 'WSerial', 'Async' and 'WAsync'
-- stream types support different flavors of nested looping.  In other words,
-- they are all variants of list transformer.  The nesting behavior of these
-- types correspond exactly to the way they merge streams as we discussed in
-- the previous section.

-- $regularSerial
-- The 'Monad' composition of the 'Serial' type behaves like a standard list
-- transformer. This is the default when we do not use an explicit type
-- combinator. However, the 'serially' type combinator can be used to switch to
-- this style of composition. We will see how this style of composition works
-- in the following examples.
-- Let's start with an example with a simple @for@ loop without any nesting.
-- For simplicity of illustration we are using streams of pure values in all
-- the examples.  However, the streams could also be made of monadic actions
-- instead.
-- @
-- import "Streamly"
-- import qualified "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- main = 'runStream' $ do
--     x <- S.'fromFoldable' [3,2,1]
--     delay x
-- @
-- @
-- ThreadId 30: Delay 3
-- ThreadId 30: Delay 2
-- ThreadId 30: Delay 1
-- @
-- As we can see, the code after the @fromFoldable@ statement is run three
-- times, once for each value of @x@ drawn from the stream. All the three
-- iterations are serial and run in the same thread one after another. In
-- imperative terms this is equivalent to a @for@ loop with three iterations.
-- A console echo loop copying standard input to standard output can simply be
-- written like this:
-- @
-- import "Streamly"
-- import qualified "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- main = 'runStream' $ forever $ S.yieldM getLine >>= S.yieldM . putStrLn
-- @
-- When multiple streams are composed using this style they nest in a DFS
-- manner i.e. nested iterations of a loop are executed before we proceed to
-- the next iteration of the parent loop. This behaves just like nested @for@
-- loops in imperative programming.
-- @
-- import "Streamly"
-- import qualified "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- main = 'runStream' $ do
--     x <- S.'fromFoldable' [1,2]
--     y <- S.'fromFoldable' [3,4]
--     S.'yieldM' $ putStrLn $ show (x, y)
-- @
-- @
-- (1,3)
-- (1,4)
-- (2,3)
-- (2,4)
-- @
-- Notice that this is analogous to merging streams of type 'Serial' or merging
-- streams using 'serial'.

-- $aheadNesting
-- The 'Monad' composition of 'Ahead' type behaves just like 'Serial' except
-- that it can speculatively perform a bounded number of next iterations of a
-- loop concurrently.
-- The 'aheadly' type combinator can be used to switch to this style of
-- composition. Alternatively, a type annotation can be used to specify the
-- type of the stream as 'Ahead'.
-- @
-- import "Streamly"
-- import "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- comp = 'toList' . 'aheadly' $ do
--     x <- S.'fromFoldable' [3,2,1]
--     delay x >> return x
-- main = comp >> print
-- @
-- @
-- ThreadId 40: Delay 1
-- ThreadId 39: Delay 2
-- ThreadId 38: Delay 3
-- [3,2,1]
-- @
-- This code finishes in 3 seconds, 'Serial' would take 6 seconds.  As we can
-- see all the three iterations are concurrent and run in different threads,
-- however, the results are returned in the serial order.
-- Concurrency is demand driven, when multiple streams are composed using this
-- style, the iterations are executed in a depth first manner just like
-- 'Serial' i.e. nested iterations are executed before we proceed to the next
-- outer iteration. The only difference is that we may execute multiple future
-- iterations concurrently and keep the results ready.

-- $concurrentNesting
-- The 'Monad' composition of 'Async' type can perform the iterations of a
-- loop concurrently.  Concurrency is demand driven i.e. more concurrent
-- iterations are started only if the previous iterations are not able to
-- produce enough output for the consumer of the output stream.  This works
-- exactly the same way as the merging of two streams 'asyncly' works.
-- This is the concurrent analogue of 'Serial' style monadic composition.
-- The 'asyncly' type combinator can be used to switch to this style of
-- composition. Alternatively, a type annotation can be used to specify the
-- type of the stream as 'Async'.
-- @
-- import "Streamly"
-- import "Streamly.Prelude"
-- main = 'runStream' . 'asyncly' $ do
--     x <- S.'fromFoldable' [3,2,1]
--     delay x
-- @
-- @
-- ThreadId 40: Delay 1
-- ThreadId 39: Delay 2
-- ThreadId 38: Delay 3
-- @
-- As we can see the code after the @fromFoldable@ statement is run three
-- times, once for each value of @x@. All the three iterations are concurrent
-- and run in different threads. The iteration with least delay finishes first.
-- When compared to imperative programming, this can be viewed as a @for@ loop
-- with three concurrent iterations.
-- Concurrency is demand driven just as in the case of 'async' merging.
-- When multiple streams are composed using this style, the iterations are
-- triggered in a depth first manner just like 'Serial' i.e. nested iterations are
-- executed before we proceed to the next iteration at higher level. However,
-- unlike 'Serial' more than one iterations may be started concurrently based
-- on the demand from the consumer of the stream.
-- @
-- import "Streamly"
-- import qualified "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- main = 'runStream' . 'asyncly' $ do
--     x <- S.'fromFoldable' [1,2]
--     y <- S.'fromFoldable' [3,4]
--     S.'yieldM' $ putStrLn $ show (x, y)
-- @
-- @
-- (1,3)
-- (1,4)
-- (2,3)
-- (2,4)
-- @

-- $interleavedNesting
-- The 'Monad' composition of 'WSerial' type interleaves the iterations of
-- outer and inner loops in a nested loop composition. This works exactly the
-- same way as the merging of two streams in 'wSerially' fashion works.  The
-- 'wSerially' type combinator can be used to switch to this style of
-- composition. Alternatively, a type annotation can be used to specify the
-- type of the stream as 'WSerial'.
-- @
-- import "Streamly"
-- import qualified "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- main = 'runStream' . 'wSerially' $ do
--     x <- S.'fromFoldable' [1,2]
--     y <- S.'fromFoldable' [3,4]
--     S.yieldM $ putStrLn $ show (x, y)
-- @
-- @
-- (1,3)
-- (2,3)
-- (1,4)
-- (2,4)
-- @

-- $wasyncNesting
-- Just like 'Async' the 'Monad' composition of 'WAsync' runs the iterations of
-- a loop concurrently. The difference is in the nested loop behavior. The
-- nested loops in this type are traversed and executed in a breadth first
-- manner rather than the depth first manner of 'Async' style.
-- The loop nesting works exactly the same way as the merging of streams
-- 'wAsyncly' works.  The 'wAsyncly' type combinator can be used to switch to
-- this style of composition. Alternatively, a type annotation can be used to
-- specify the type of the stream as 'WAsync'.
-- @
-- import "Streamly"
-- import qualified "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- main = 'runStream' . 'wAsyncly' $ do
--     x <- S.'fromFoldable' [1,2]
--     y <- S.'fromFoldable' [3,4]
--     S.'yieldM' $ putStrLn $ show (x, y)
-- @
-- @
-- (1,3)
-- (2,3)
-- (1,4)
-- (2,4)
-- @

-- $parallelNesting
-- Just like 'Async' or 'WAsync' the 'Monad' composition of 'Parallel' runs the
-- iterations of a loop concurrently. The difference is in the nested loop
-- behavior. The streams at each nest level is run fully concurrently
-- irrespective of the demand.  The loop nesting works exactly the same way as
-- the merging of streams 'parallely' works.  The 'parallely' type combinator
-- can be used to switch to this style of composition. Alternatively, a type
-- annotation can be used to specify the type of the stream as 'Parallel'.
-- @
-- import "Streamly"
-- import qualified "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- main = 'runStream' . 'parallely' $ do
--     x <- S.'fromFoldable' [3,2,1]
--     delay x
-- @
-- @
-- ThreadId 40: Delay 1
-- ThreadId 39: Delay 2
-- ThreadId 38: Delay 3
-- @

-- $monadExercise
-- Streamly code is usually written in a way that is agnostic of the
-- specific monadic composition type. We use a polymorphic type with a
-- 'IsStream' type class constraint. When running the stream we can choose the
-- specific mode of composition. For example take a look at the following code.
-- @
-- import "Streamly"
-- import qualified "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- composed :: (IsStream t, Monad (t IO)) => t IO ()
-- composed = do
--     sz <- sizes
--     cl <- colors
--     sh <- shapes
--     S.'yieldM' $ putStrLn $ show (sz, cl, sh)
--     where
--     sizes  = S.'fromFoldable' [1, 2, 3]
--     colors = S.'fromFoldable' ["red", "green", "blue"]
--     shapes = S.'fromFoldable' ["triangle", "square", "circle"]
-- @
-- Now we can interpret this in whatever way we want:
-- @
-- main = 'runStream' . 'serially'  $ composed
-- main = 'runStream' . 'wSerially' $ composed
-- main = 'runStream' . 'asyncly'   $ composed
-- main = 'runStream' . 'wAsyncly'  $ composed
-- main = 'runStream' . 'parallely' $ composed
-- @
--  As an exercise try to figure out the output of this code for each mode of
--  composition.

-- $functor
-- 'fmap' transforms a stream by mapping a function on all elements of the
-- stream. 'fmap' behaves in the same way for all stream types, it is always
-- serial.
-- @
-- import "Streamly"
-- import qualified "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- main = (S.'toList' $ fmap show $ S.'fromFoldable' [1..10]) >>= print
-- @
-- Also see the 'mapM' and 'sequence' functions for mapping actions, in the
-- "Streamly.Prelude" module.

-- $applicative
-- Applicative is precisely the same as the 'ap' operation of 'Monad'. For
-- zipping applicatives separate types 'ZipSerial' and 'ZipAsync' are
-- provided.
-- The following example uses the 'Serial' applicative, it runs all iterations
-- serially and takes a total 17 seconds (1 + 3 + 4 + 2 + 3 + 4):
-- @
-- import "Streamly"
-- import qualified "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- import Control.Concurrent
-- s1 = d 1 <> d 2
-- s2 = d 3 <> d 4
-- d n = delay n >> return n
-- main = (S.'toList' . 'serially' $ (,) \<$> s1 \<*> s2) >>= print
-- @
-- @
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 1
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 3
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 4
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 2
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 3
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 4
-- [(1,3),(1,4),(2,3),(2,4)]
-- @
-- Similarly 'WSerial' applicative runs the iterations in an interleaved
-- order but since it is serial it takes a total of 17 seconds:
-- @
-- main = (S.'toList' . 'wSerially' $ (,) \<$> s1 \<*> s2) >>= print
-- @
-- @
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 1
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 3
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 2
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 3
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 4
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 4
-- [(1,3),(2,3),(1,4),(2,4)]
-- @
-- 'Async' can run the iterations concurrently and therefore takes a total
-- of 10 seconds (1 + 2 + 3 + 4):
-- @
-- main = (S.'toList' . 'asyncly' $ (,) \<$> s1 \<*> s2) >>= print
-- @
-- @
-- ThreadId 34: Delay 1
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 2
-- ThreadId 35: Delay 3
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 3
-- ThreadId 35: Delay 4
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 4
-- [(1,3),(2,3),(1,4),(2,4)]
-- @
-- Similarly 'WAsync' as well can run the iterations concurrently and
-- therefore takes a total of 10 seconds (1 + 2 + 3 + 4):
-- @
-- main = (S.'toList' . 'wAsyncly' $ (,) \<$> s1 \<*> s2) >>= print
-- @
-- @
-- ThreadId 34: Delay 1
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 2
-- ThreadId 35: Delay 3
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 3
-- ThreadId 35: Delay 4
-- ThreadId 36: Delay 4
-- [(1,3),(2,3),(1,4),(2,4)]
-- @

-- $zipping
-- Zipping is a special transformation where the corresponding elements of two
-- streams are combined together using a zip function producing a new stream of
-- outputs. Two different types are provided for serial and concurrent zipping.
-- These types provide an applicative instance that can be used to lift
-- functions to zip the argument streams.
-- Also see the zipping functions in the "Streamly.Prelude" module.

-- $serialzip
-- The applicative instance of 'ZipSerial' type zips streams serially.
-- 'zipSerially' type combinator can be used to switch to serial applicative
-- zip composition:
-- @
-- import "Streamly"
-- import qualified "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- import Control.Concurrent
-- d n = delay n >> return n
-- s1 = 'serially' $ d 1 <> d 2
-- s2 = 'serially' $ d 3 <> d 4
-- main = (S.'toList' . 'zipSerially' $ (,) \<$> s1 \<*> s2) >>= print
-- @
-- This takes total 10 seconds to zip, which is (1 + 2 + 3 + 4) since
-- everything runs serially:
-- @
-- ThreadId 29: Delay 1
-- ThreadId 29: Delay 3
-- ThreadId 29: Delay 2
-- ThreadId 29: Delay 4
-- [(1,3),(2,4)]
-- @

-- $parallelzip
-- The applicative instance of 'ZipAsync' type zips streams concurrently.
-- 'zipAsyncly' type combinator can be used to switch to parallel applicative
-- zip composition:
-- @
-- import "Streamly"
-- import qualified "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- import Control.Concurrent
-- import System.IO (stdout, hSetBuffering, BufferMode(LineBuffering))
-- d n = delay n >> return n
-- s1 = 'serially' $ d 1 <> d 2
-- s2 = 'serially' $ d 3 <> d 4
-- main = do
--     hSetBuffering stdout LineBuffering
--     (S.'toList' . 'zipAsyncly' $ (,) \<$> s1 \<*> s2) >>= print
-- @
-- This takes 7 seconds to zip, which is max (1,3) + max (2,4) because 1 and 3
-- are produced concurrently, and 2 and 4 are produced concurrently:
-- @
-- ThreadId 32: Delay 1
-- ThreadId 32: Delay 2
-- ThreadId 33: Delay 3
-- ThreadId 33: Delay 4
-- [(1,3),(2,4)]
-- @

-- $concurrent
-- When writing concurrent programs there are two distinct places where the
-- programmer can control the concurrency. First, when /composing/ a stream by
-- merging multiple streams we can choose an appropriate sum style operators to
-- combine them concurrently or serially. Second, when /processing/ a stream in
-- a monadic composition we can choose one of the monad composition types to
-- choose the desired type of concurrency.
-- In the following example the squares of @x@ and @y@ are computed
-- concurrently using the 'async' operation and the square roots of their
-- sum are computed serially because of the 'streamly' combinator. We can
-- choose different combinators for the monadic processing and the stream
-- generation, to control the concurrency.  We can also use the 'asyncly'
-- combinator instead of explicitly folding with 'async'.
-- @
-- import "Streamly"
-- import qualified "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- import Data.List (sum)
-- main = do
--     z \<-   S.'toList'
--          $ 'serially'     -- Serial monadic processing (sqrt below)
--          $ do
--              x2 \<- 'forEachWith' 'async' [1..100] $ -- Concurrent @"for"@ loop
--                          \\x -> return $ x * x  -- body of the loop
--              y2 \<- 'forEachWith' 'async' [1..100] $
--                          \\y -> return $ y * y
--              return $ sqrt (x2 + y2)
--     print $ sum z
-- @
-- We can see how this directly maps to the imperative style
-- <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/OpenMP OpenMP> model, we use combinators
-- and operators instead of the ugly pragmas.
-- For more concurrent programming examples see,
-- <src/examples/ListDir.hs ListDir.hs>,
-- <src/examples/MergeSort.hs MergeSort.hs> and
-- <src/examples/SearchQuery.hs SearchQuery.hs> in the examples directory.

-- $reactive
-- Reactive programming is nothing but concurrent streaming which is what
-- streamly is all about. With streamly we can generate streams of events,
-- merge streams that are generated concurrently and process events
-- concurrently. We can do all this without any knowledge about the specifics
-- of the implementation of concurrency. In the following example you will see
-- that the code is just regular Haskell code without much streamly APIs used
-- (active hyperlinks are the streamly APIs) and yet it is a reactive
-- application.
-- This application has two independent and concurrent sources of event
-- streams, @acidRain@ and @userAction@. @acidRain@ continuously generates
-- events that deteriorate the health of the character in the game.
-- @userAction@ can be "potion" or "quit". When the user types "potion" the
-- health improves and the game continues.
-- @
-- {-\# LANGUAGE FlexibleContexts #-}
-- import "Streamly"
-- import "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- import Control.Monad (void, when)
-- import Control.Monad.IO.Class (MonadIO(liftIO))
-- import Control.Monad.State (MonadState, get, modify, runStateT, put)
-- data Event = Quit | Harm Int | Heal Int deriving (Show)
-- userAction :: MonadAsync m => 'SerialT' m Event
-- userAction = S.'repeatM' $ liftIO askUser
--     where
--     askUser = do
--         command <- getLine
--         case command of
--             "potion" -> return (Heal 10)
--             "harm"   -> return (Harm 10)
--             "quit"   -> return Quit
--             _        -> putStrLn "Type potion or harm or quit" >> askUser
-- acidRain :: MonadAsync m => 'SerialT' m Event
-- acidRain = 'asyncly' $ 'constRate' 1 $ S.'repeatM' $ liftIO $ return $ Harm 1
-- data Result = Check | Done
-- runEvents :: (MonadAsync m, MonadState Int m) => 'SerialT' m Result
-- runEvents = do
--     event \<- userAction \`parallel` acidRain
--     case event of
--         Harm n -> modify (\\h -> h - n) >> return Check
--         Heal n -> modify (\\h -> h + n) >> return Check
--         Quit -> return Done
-- data Status = Alive | GameOver deriving Eq
-- getStatus :: (MonadAsync m, MonadState Int m) => Result -> m Status
-- getStatus result =
--     case result of
--         Done  -> liftIO $ putStrLn "You quit!" >> return GameOver
--         Check -> do
--             h <- get
--             liftIO $ if (h <= 0)
--                      then putStrLn "You die!" >> return GameOver
--                      else putStrLn ("Health = " <> show h) >> return Alive
-- main :: IO ()
-- main = do
--     putStrLn "Your health is deteriorating due to acid rain,\\
--              \\ type \\"potion\\" or \\"quit\\""
--     let runGame = S.'runWhile' (== Alive) $ S.'mapM' getStatus runEvents
--     void $ runStateT runGame 60
-- @
-- You can also find the source of this example in the examples directory as
-- <src/examples/AcidRain.hs AcidRain.hs>. It has been adapted from Gabriel's
-- <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pipes-concurrency-2.0.8/docs/Pipes-Concurrent-Tutorial.html pipes-concurrency>
-- package.
-- This is much simpler compared to the pipes version because of the builtin
-- concurrency in streamly. You can also find a SDL based reactive programming
-- example adapted from Yampa in
-- <src/examples/CirclingSquare.hs CirclingSquare.hs>.

-- $performance
-- Streamly is highly optimized for performance, it is designed for serious
-- high performing, concurrent and scalable applications. We have created the
-- <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/streaming-benchmarks streaming-benchmarks>
-- package which is specifically and carefully designed to measure the
-- performance of Haskell streaming libraries fairly and squarely in the right
-- way. Streamly performs at par or even better than most streaming libraries
-- for serial operations even though it needs to deal with the concurrency
-- capability.

-- $interop
-- We can use @unfoldr@ and @uncons@ to convert one streaming type to another.
--  Interop with @vector@:
-- @
-- import Streamly
-- import qualified Streamly.Prelude as S
-- import qualified Data.Vector.Fusion.Stream.Monadic as V
-- -- | vector to streamly
-- fromVector :: (IsStream t, Monad m) => V.Stream m a -> t m a
-- fromVector = S.unfoldrM unconsV
--     where
--     unconsV v = do
--         r <- V.null v
--         if r
--         then return Nothing
--         else do
--             h <- V.head v
--             return $ Just (h, V.tail v)
-- -- | streamly to vector
-- toVector :: Monad m => SerialT m a -> V.Stream m a
-- toVector = V.unfoldrM (S.uncons . adapt)
-- main = do
--     S.toList (fromVector (V.fromList [1..3]))   >>= print
--     V.toList (toVector (S.fromFoldable [1..3])) >>= print
-- @
--  Interop with @pipes@:
-- @
-- import "Streamly"
-- import qualified "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- import qualified Pipes as P
-- import qualified Pipes.Prelude as P
-- -- | pipes to streamly
-- fromPipes :: (IsStream t, Monad m) => P.Producer a m r -> t m a
-- fromPipes = S.'unfoldrM' unconsP
--     where
--     -- Adapt P.next to return a Maybe instead of Either
--     unconsP p = P.next p >>= either (\\_ -> return Nothing) (return . Just)
-- -- | streamly to pipes
-- toPipes :: Monad m => SerialT m a -> P.Producer a m ()
-- toPipes = P.unfoldr unconsS
--     where
--     -- Adapt S.uncons to return an Either instead of Maybe
--     unconsS s = S.'uncons' s >>= maybe (return $ Left ()) (return . Right)
-- main = do
--     S.'toList' (fromPipes (P.each [1..3])) >>= print
--     P.toListM (toPipes (S.'fromFoldable' [1..3])) >>= print
-- @
-- Interop with @streaming@:
-- @
-- import "Streamly"
-- import qualified "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- import qualified Streaming as SG
-- import qualified Streaming.Prelude as SG
-- -- | streaming to streamly
-- fromStreaming :: (IsStream t, Monad m) => SG.Stream (SG.Of a) m r -> t m a
-- fromStreaming = S.unfoldrM SG.uncons
-- -- | streamly to streaming
-- toStreaming :: Monad m => SerialT m a -> SG.Stream (SG.Of a) m ()
-- toStreaming = SG.unfoldr unconsS
--     where
--     -- Adapt S.uncons to return an Either instead of Maybe
--     unconsS s = S.'uncons' s >>= maybe (return $ Left ()) (return . Right)
-- main = do
--     S.toList (fromStreaming (SG.each [1..3])) >>= print
--     SG.toList (toStreaming (S.fromFoldable [1..3])) >>= print
-- @
-- Interop with @conduit@:
-- @
-- import "Streamly"
-- import qualified "Streamly.Prelude" as S
-- import qualified Data.Conduit as C
-- import qualified Data.Conduit.List as C
-- import qualified Data.Conduit.Combinators as C
-- -- It seems there is no way out of a conduit as it does not provide an
-- -- uncons or a tail function. We can convert streamly to conduit though.
-- -- | streamly to conduit
-- toConduit :: Monad m => SerialT m a -> C.ConduitT i a m ()
-- toConduit s = C.unfoldM S.'uncons' s
-- main = do
--  C.runConduit (toConduit (S.'fromFoldable' [1..3]) C..| C.sinkList) >>= print
-- @

-- $comparison
-- List transformers and logic programming monads also provide a product style
-- composition similar to streamly, however streamly generalizes it with the
-- time dimension; allowing streams to be composed in an asynchronous and
-- concurrent fashion in many different ways.  It also provides multiple
-- alternative ways of composing streams e.g.  serial, interleaved or
-- concurrent.
-- This seemingly simple addition of asynchronicity and concurrency to product
-- style streaming composition unifies a number of disparate abstractions into
-- one powerful, concise and elegant abstraction.  A wide variety of
-- programming problems can be solved elegantly with this abstraction. In
-- particular, it unifies three major programming domains namely
-- non-deterministic (logic) programming, concurrent programming and functional
-- reactive programming. In other words, you can do everything with this one
-- abstraction that you could do with the popular libraries listed under these
-- categories in the list below.
-- @
-- +-----------------+----------------+
-- | Non-determinism | <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pipes pipes>          |
-- |                 +----------------+
-- |                 | <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/list-t list-t>         |
-- |                 +----------------+
-- |                 | <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/logict logict>         |
-- +-----------------+----------------+
-- | Streaming       | <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/vector vector>         |
-- |                 +----------------+
-- |                 | <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/streaming streaming>      |
-- |                 +----------------+
-- |                 | <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/pipes pipes>          |
-- |                 +----------------+
-- |                 | <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/conduit conduit>        |
-- +-----------------+----------------+
-- | Concurrency     | <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/async async>          |
-- |                 +----------------+
-- |                 | <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/transient transient>      |
-- +-----------------+----------------+
-- | FRP             | <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/Yampa Yampa>          |
-- |                 +----------------+
-- |                 | <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/dunai dunai>          |
-- |                 +----------------+
-- |                 | <https://hackage.haskell.org/package/reflex reflex>         |
-- +-----------------+----------------+
-- @
-- Streamly is a list-transformer. It provides all the functionality provided
-- by any of the list transformer and logic programming packages listed above.
-- In addition, Streamly naturally integrates the concurrency dimension to the
-- basic list transformer functionality.
-- When it comes to streaming, in terms of the streaming API streamly is almost
-- identical to the vector package. Streamly, vector and streaming packages all
-- represent a stream as data and are therefore similar in the fundamental
-- approach to streaming. The fundamental difference is that streamly adds
-- concurrency support and the monad instance provides concurrent looping.
-- Other streaming libraries like pipes, conduit and machines represent and
-- compose stream processors rather than the stream data and therefore fall in
-- another class of streaming libraries and have comparatively more complicated
-- types.
-- When it comes to concurrency, streamly can do everything that the @async@
-- package can do and more. async provides applicative concurrency whereas
-- streamly provides both applicative and monadic concurrency. The
-- 'ZipAsync' type behaves like the applicative instance of async.  In
-- comparison to transient streamly has a first class streaming interface and
-- is a monad transformer that can be used universally in any Haskell monad
-- transformer stack.  Streamly was in fact originally inspired by the
-- concurrency implementation in @transient@ though it has no resemblance with
-- that and takes a lazy pull approach versus transient's strict push approach.
-- The non-determinism, concurrency and streaming combination make streamly a
-- strong FRP capable library as well. FRP is fundamentally stream of events
-- that can be processed concurrently. The example in this tutorial as well as
-- the "Streamly.Examples.CirclingSquare" example from Yampa demonstrate the
-- basic FRP capability of streamly. In core concepts streamly is strikingly
-- similar to @dunai@. dunai was designed from a FRP perspective and streamly
-- was originally designed from a concurrency perspective. However, both have
-- similarity at the core.

-- $furtherReading
-- * Read the documentation of "Streamly" module
-- * Read the documentation of "Streamly.Prelude" module
-- * See the examples in the "examples" directory of the package
-- * See the tests in the "test" directory of the package