-- Adapted from the Yampa package. -- Displays a square moving in a circle. To move the position drag it with the -- mouse. import Control.Concurrent (forkIO) import Data.Function ((&)) import Data.IORef (IORef, newIORef, readIORef, writeIORef) import SDL (($=), V2(..), V4(..), Point(..)) import qualified Data.Text as Text import qualified SDL import qualified Streamly.Prelude as Stream ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- SDL Graphics Init ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ sdlInit :: IO (SDL.Window, SDL.Renderer) sdlInit = do SDL.initializeAll window <- SDL.createWindow (Text.pack "Circling Square") SDL.defaultWindow rend <- SDL.createRenderer window (-1) SDL.defaultRenderer return (window, rend) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Wait and update Controller Position if it changes ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ handleEvents :: IORef (Double, Double) -> IO Bool handleEvents ref = do e <- SDL.waitEvent case SDL.eventPayload e of SDL.MouseMotionEvent (SDL.MouseMotionEventData _ _ _ (P (V2 x y)) _) -> do writeIORef ref (fromIntegral x, fromIntegral y) return True SDL.WindowClosedEvent _ -> return False _ -> return True ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Display a rectangle at given coordinates ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ display :: (Double, Double) -> SDL.Renderer -> IO () display (playerX, playerY) rend = do -- Paint the screen with background color SDL.rendererDrawColor rend $= V4 55 60 64 255 SDL.fillRect rend Nothing -- Paint a small square at the current position SDL.rendererDrawColor rend $= V4 212 108 73 255 let diag = 15 x = round playerX y = round playerY SDL.fillRect rend (Just (SDL.Rectangle (P (V2 x y)) diag)) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ -- Periodically refresh the output display ------------------------------------------------------------------------------ updateDisplay :: IORef (Double, Double) -> SDL.Renderer -> IO () updateDisplay ref rend = do time <- SDL.ticks (x, y) <- readIORef ref let t = fromIntegral time * speed / 1000 in display (x + cos t * radius, y + sin t * radius) rend SDL.present rend where speed = 6 radius = 60 main :: IO () main = do (window, rend) <- sdlInit ref <- newIORef (0,0) _ <- forkIO $ do Stream.repeatM (updateDisplay ref rend) -- Stream IO () & Stream.delay (1/60) -- Stream IO () & Stream.drain -- IO () -- MacOS requires pollEvents to run in the Main thread. Stream.repeatM (handleEvents ref) & Stream.drainWhile (== True) SDL.destroyWindow window