{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings, NoImplicitPrelude, UnicodeSyntax #-} -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | -- Module : Data.String.Combinators -- Copyright : (c) 2009-2010 Bas van Dijk -- License : BSD-style (see the file LICENSE) -- Maintainer : Bas van Dijk <v.dijk.bas@gmail.com> -- -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- module Data.String.Combinators ( -- * Combining (<>) , mid , (<+>) , ($$) , intercalate , hcat , unwords , unlines , punctuate -- * Wrapping in delimiters , between , parens , thenParens , brackets , braces , angleBrackets , quotes , doubleQuotes -- * From characters , char , semi , colon , comma , space , newline , equals , lparen , rparen , lbrack , rbrack , lbrace , rbrace , labrack , rabrack -- * From showable values , fromShow , int , integer , float , double , rational ) where -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- Imports -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- from base: import Data.List ( foldr ) import Data.Bool ( Bool(False, True) ) import Data.Char ( Char ) import Data.Function ( id ) import Data.Int ( Int ) import Data.Ratio ( Rational ) import Data.String ( IsString, fromString ) import Data.Monoid ( Monoid, mempty, mappend ) import Text.Show ( Show, show ) import Prelude ( Integer, Float, Double ) -- from base-unicode-symbols import Data.Function.Unicode ( (∘) ) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Combining -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Put two string-likes besides eachother. -- -- Note that: @'<>' = 'mappend'@. (<>) ∷ Monoid s ⇒ s → s → s (<>) = mappend -- | @mid m x y@ Puts @x@ and @y@ around @m@. -- -- Note that: @mid m x y = 'between' x y m@. mid ∷ Monoid s ⇒ s → (s → s → s) mid m x y = between x y m -- | Put two string-likes besides eachother separated by a 'space'. (<+>) ∷ (Monoid s, IsString s) ⇒ s → s → s (<+>) = mid space -- | Put two string-likes above eachother (separated by a 'newline'). ($$) ∷ (Monoid s, IsString s) ⇒ s → s → s ($$) = mid newline infixl 6 <> infixl 6 <+> infixl 5 $$ {-| Combine the string-likes with a given function. @intercalate f [s1, ... sn] = s1 \`f\` (s2 \`f\` (... (sn-1 \`f\` sn)))@ -} intercalate ∷ Monoid s ⇒ (s → s → s) → [s] → s intercalate f = go where go [] = mempty go (s:[]) = s go (s:ss) = s `f` go ss -- | List version of '<>'. -- -- Note that: @hcat = 'intercalate' ('<>')@. hcat ∷ Monoid s ⇒ [s] → s hcat = intercalate (<>) -- | List version of '<+>'. -- -- Note that: @unwords = 'intercalate' ('<+>')@. unwords ∷ (Monoid s, IsString s) ⇒ [s] → s unwords = intercalate (<+>) -- | List version of '$$'. -- -- Note that: @unlines = foldr ('$$') mempty@ unlines ∷ (Monoid s, IsString s) ⇒ [s] → s unlines = foldr ($$) mempty -- | @punctuate p [s1, ... sn] = [s1 '<>' p, s2 '<>' p, ... sn-1 '<>' p, sn]@. -- -- (Idea and implementation taken from the @pretty@ package.) punctuate ∷ (Monoid s) ⇒ s → [s] → [s] punctuate _ [] = [] punctuate p (d:ds) = go d ds where go d' [] = [d'] go d' (e:es) = (d' <> p) : go e es -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * Wrapping in delimiters -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | @between b c s@ wraps the string-like @s@ between @b@ and @c@. between ∷ (Monoid s) ⇒ s → s → (s → s) between open close = \x -> open <> x <> close -- | Wrap a string-like in @(...)@. parens ∷ (Monoid s, IsString s) ⇒ s → s parens = between "(" ")" -- | Wrap a string-like in @[...]@. brackets ∷ (Monoid s, IsString s) ⇒ s → s brackets = between "[" "]" -- | Wrap a string-like in @{...}@. braces ∷ (Monoid s, IsString s) ⇒ s → s braces = between "{" "}" -- | Wrap a string-like in @\<...\>@. angleBrackets ∷ (Monoid s, IsString s) ⇒ s → s angleBrackets = between "<" ">" -- | Wrap a string-like in @\'...\'@. quotes ∷ (Monoid s, IsString s) ⇒ s → s quotes = between "'" "'" -- | Wrap a string-like in @\"...\"@. doubleQuotes ∷ (Monoid s, IsString s) ⇒ s → s doubleQuotes = between "\"" "\"" {-| Like @showParen@ conditionally wraps a string-like in @(...)@ This function is supposed to be used infix as in: @(precedence >= 10) \`thenParens\` (\"fun\" \<+\> \"arg\")@ -} thenParens ∷ (Monoid s, IsString s) ⇒ Bool → s → s thenParens True = parens thenParens False = id -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * From characters -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Convert a character to a string-like. char ∷ IsString s ⇒ Char → s char c = fromString [c] -- | A ';' character. semi ∷ IsString s ⇒ s semi = char ';' -- | A ':' character. colon ∷ IsString s ⇒ s colon = char ':' -- | A ',' character. comma ∷ IsString s ⇒ s comma = char ',' -- | A ' ' character. space ∷ IsString s ⇒ s space = char ' ' -- | A '\n' character. newline ∷ IsString s ⇒ s newline = char '\n' -- | A '=' character. equals ∷ IsString s ⇒ s equals = char '=' -- | A '(' character. lparen ∷ IsString s ⇒ s lparen = char '(' -- | A ')' character. rparen ∷ IsString s ⇒ s rparen = char ')' -- | A '[' character. lbrack ∷ IsString s ⇒ s lbrack = char '[' -- | A ']' character. rbrack ∷ IsString s ⇒ s rbrack = char ']' -- | A '{' character. lbrace ∷ IsString s ⇒ s lbrace = char '{' -- | A '}' character. rbrace ∷ IsString s ⇒ s rbrace = char '}' -- | A \'<\' character. labrack ∷ IsString s ⇒ s labrack = char '<' -- | A \'>\' character. rabrack ∷ IsString s ⇒ s rabrack = char '>' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- * From showable values -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -- | Convert a @Show@able value to a string-like. fromShow ∷ (Show α, IsString s) ⇒ α → s fromShow = fromString ∘ show -- | Convert an @Int@ to a string-like. int ∷ IsString s ⇒ Int → s int = fromShow -- | Convert an @Integer@ to a string-like. integer ∷ IsString s ⇒ Integer → s integer = fromShow -- | Convert a @Float@ to a string-like. float ∷ IsString s ⇒ Float → s float = fromShow -- | Convert a @Double@ to a string-like. double ∷ IsString s ⇒ Double → s double = fromShow -- | Convert a @Rational@ to a string-like. rational ∷ IsString s ⇒ Rational → s rational = fromShow -- The End ---------------------------------------------------------------------