Name: stringtable-atom Version: 0.0.7 Homepage: Category: Data, Pugs Synopsis: Memoize Strings as Atoms for fast comparison and sorting, with maps and sets Description: Memoize Strings as Atoms for fast comparison and sorting, with maps and sets License: BSD3 License-File: LICENSE Author: John Meacham Maintainer: Copyright: John Meacham 2008, Audrey Tang 2008, 2014 Cabal-version: >= 1.2.3 Extra-source-files: cbits/StringTable_cbits.h Build-Type: Simple Tested-With: GHC==6.8.2, GHC==6.8.3, GHC==6.10.1, GHC==6.12.1, GHC==7.8.2 Flag SybInBase Description: syb was split from base version 4 Default: False Library if flag(SybInBase) Build-Depends: base>=3 && <4, bytestring>=, binary, containers else Build-Depends: base>=4 && <5, bytestring>=, binary, containers, syb Exposed-modules: StringTable.Atom StringTable.AtomMap StringTable.AtomSet Extensions: ForeignFunctionInterface, TypeSynonymInstances, DeriveDataTypeable, FlexibleInstances, GeneralizedNewtypeDeriving C-sources: cbits/StringTable_cbits.c Include-dirs: cbits Cc-options: -std=c99 Hs-source-dirs: src