stripe-haskell- Stripe API for Haskell

Copyright(c) David Johnson, 2014
Safe HaskellNone




import Web.Stripe         
import Web.Stripe.Recipient

main :: IO ()
main = do
  let config = SecretKey "secret_key"
  result <- stripe config $ 
      createRecipient (FirstName "simon")
                      (LastName "marlow")
                      Nothing -- What is Simon Marlow's middle initial?
                      (Invidiual :: RecipientType)
  case result of
    Right recipient  -> print recipient
    Left stripeError -> print stripeError



createRecipientByCard Source


:: FirstName

First Name of Recipient

-> LastName

Last Name of Recipient

-> Maybe MiddleInitial

Middle Initial of Recipient

-> RecipientType

Individual or Corporation

-> CardNumber

Card Number

-> ExpMonth

Expiration Month

-> ExpYear

Expiration Year

-> CVC

CVC (i.e. 117)

-> Stripe Recipient 

Create a Recipient by a Card

createRecipientByToken Source


:: FirstName

First Name of Recipient

-> LastName

Last Name of Recipient

-> Maybe MiddleInitial

Middle Initial of Recipient

-> RecipientType

Individual or Corporation

-> TokenId

TokenId received from stripe.js or Token API

-> Stripe Recipient 

Create a Recipient by specifying a TokenId

createRecipientByBank Source


:: FirstName

First Name of Recipient

-> LastName

Last Name of Recipient

-> Maybe MiddleInitial

Middle Initial of Recipient

-> RecipientType

Individual or Corporation

-> Country

Country of BankAccount to attach to Recipient

-> RoutingNumber

RoutingNumber of BankAccount to attach to Recipient

-> AccountNumber

AccountNumber of BankAccount to attach to Recipient

-> Stripe Recipient 

Create a Recipient with a BankAccount

createRecipientBase Source


:: FirstName

First Name of Recipient

-> LastName

Last Name of Recipient

-> Maybe MiddleInitial

Middle Initial of Recipient

-> RecipientType

Individual or Corporation

-> Maybe TaxID

SSN for Individual, EIN for Corporation

-> Maybe Country

Country of BankAccount to attach to Recipient

-> Maybe RoutingNumber

RoutingNumber of BankAccount to attach to Recipient

-> Maybe AccountNumber

AccountNumber of BankAccount to attach to Recipient

-> Maybe TokenId

TokenId of Card or BankAccount to attach to a Recipient

-> Maybe CardNumber

CardNumber to attach to Card of Recipient

-> Maybe ExpMonth

Expiration Month of Card

-> Maybe ExpYear

Expiration Year of Card

-> Maybe CVC

CVC of Card

-> Maybe Email

Create Email with Recipient

-> Maybe Description

Create Description with Recipient

-> MetaData

The MetaData associated with the Recipient

-> Stripe Recipient 

Base Request for issues create Recipient requests

getRecipient Source


:: RecipientId

The RecipientId of the Recipient to be retrieved

-> Stripe Recipient 

Retrieve a Recipient

getRecipientExpandable Source


:: RecipientId

The RecipientId of the Recipient to be retrieved

-> ExpandParams

ExpandParams of the object to be expanded

-> Stripe Recipient 

Retrieve a Recipient

getRecipients Source


:: Limit

Defaults to 10 if Nothing specified

-> StartingAfter RecipientId

Paginate starting after the following RecipientId

-> EndingBefore RecipientId

Paginate ending before the following RecipientId

-> Stripe (StripeList Recipient) 

Retrieve multiple Recipients

getRecipientsExpandable Source


:: Limit

Defaults to 10 if Nothing specified

-> StartingAfter RecipientId

Paginate starting after the following RecipientId

-> EndingBefore RecipientId

Paginate ending before the following RecipientId

-> ExpandParams

ExpandParams of the object to be expanded

-> Stripe (StripeList Recipient) 

Retrieve multiple Recipients with ExpandParams

updateRecipientName Source


:: RecipientId

The RecipientId of the Recipient to be updated

-> FirstName

First Name of Recipient

-> LastName

Last Name of Recipient

-> MiddleInitial

Middle Initial of Recipient

-> Stripe Recipient 

updateRecipientTaxID Source


:: RecipientId

The RecipientId of the Recipient to be updated

-> TaxID

TaxID of Recipient to be updated

-> Stripe Recipient 

Update a Recipient TaxID

updateRecipientBankAccount Source


:: RecipientId

The RecipientId of the Recipient to be updated

-> Country

Country of BankAccount to attach to Recipient

-> RoutingNumber

RoutingNumber of BankAccount to attach to Recipient

-> AccountNumber

AccountNumber of BankAccount to attach to Recipient

-> Stripe Recipient 

Update a Recipient BankAccount

runStripe config $ updateRecipient (RecipientId "rp_4lpjaLFB5ecSks") BankAccount {
    bankAccountCountry = Country "us"
  , bankAccountRoutingNumber = RoutingNumber "071000013"
  , bankAccountNumber = AccountNumber "293058719045"

updateRecipientTokenID Source


:: RecipientId

The RecipientId of the Recipient to be updated

-> TokenId

TaxID of Recipient to be updated

-> Stripe Recipient 

Update a Recipient Card by TokenId

updateRecipientDefaultCard Source


:: RecipientId

The RecipientId of the Recipient to be updated

-> CardId

CardId of Card to be made default

-> Stripe Recipient 

Update default Card of Recipient

runStripe config $ updateRecipientDefaultCard (RecipientId "rp_4lpjaLFB5ecSks") (CardId "card_4jQs35jE5wFOor")

updateRecipientEmail Source


:: RecipientId

The RecipientId of the Recipient to be updated

-> Email

Email of Recipient to be updated

-> Stripe Recipient 

Update a Recipient Email Address

updateRecipientMetaData Source


:: RecipientId

The RecipientId of the Recipient to be updated

-> MetaData

The MetaData associated with the Recipient

-> Stripe Recipient 

updateRecipientBase Source


:: RecipientId

The RecipientId of the Recipient to be updated

-> Maybe FirstName

First Name of Recipient

-> Maybe LastName

Last Name of Recipient

-> Maybe MiddleInitial

Middle Initial of Recipient

-> Maybe TaxID

SSN for Individual, EIN for Corporation

-> Maybe Country

Country of BankAccount to attach to Recipient

-> Maybe RoutingNumber

RoutingNumber of BankAccount to attach to Recipient

-> Maybe AccountNumber

AccountNumber of BankAccount to attach to Recipient

-> Maybe TokenId

TokenId of Card to attach to a Recipient

-> Maybe CardNumber

CardNumber to attach to Card of Recipient

-> Maybe ExpMonth

Expiration Month of Card

-> Maybe ExpYear

Expiration Year of Card

-> Maybe CVC

CVC of Card

-> Maybe CardId

The Default Card for this Recipient to use

-> Maybe Email

Create Email with Recipient

-> Maybe Description

Create Description with Recipient

-> MetaData

The MetaData associated with the Recipient

-> Stripe Recipient 

Base Request for updating a Recipient, useful for creating custom Recipient update functions

deleteRecipient Source


:: RecipientId

RecipiendId of Recipient to delete

-> Stripe StripeDeleteResult 

Delete a Recipient


newtype FirstName Source


FirstName of a Recipient


FirstName Text 

newtype LastName Source


LastName Text 


type MiddleInitial = Char Source

Middle Initial of a Recipient

data CardNumber Source

Number associated with a Card

data ExpMonth Source

Expiration Month for a Card


newtype Email Source

Email associated with a Customer, Recipient or Charge


Email Text 


data ExpYear Source

Expiration Year for a Card


data CVC Source

CVC for a Card


type Description = Text Source

Generic Description for use in constructing API Calls

type Limit = Maybe Int Source

Pagination Option for StripeList

data StripeDeleteResult Source

JSON returned from a Stripe deletion request



newtype RoutingNumber Source

Routing Number for Bank Account


RoutingNumber Text 

newtype AccountNumber Source

Account Number of a Bank Account


AccountNumber Text 

newtype Country Source



Country Text 


newtype AddressCity Source

City address for a Card


AddressCity Text 

newtype AddressCountry Source

Country address for a Card


AddressCountry Text 

newtype AddressLine1 Source

Address Line One for a Card


AddressLine1 Text 

newtype AddressLine2 Source

Address Line Two for a Card


AddressLine2 Text 

newtype AddressState Source

Address State for a Card


AddressState Text 

newtype AddressZip Source

Address Zip Code for a Card


AddressZip Text