{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE DeriveGeneric #-} -- | Contains the types generated from the schema TaxRate module StripeAPI.Types.TaxRate where import qualified Prelude as GHC.Integer.Type import qualified Prelude as GHC.Maybe import qualified Data.Aeson import qualified Data.Aeson as Data.Aeson.Types import qualified Data.Aeson as Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON import qualified Data.Aeson as Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON import qualified Data.Aeson as Data.Aeson.Types.Internal import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 import qualified Data.ByteString.Char8 as Data.ByteString.Internal import qualified Data.Functor import qualified Data.Scientific import qualified Data.Text import qualified Data.Text.Internal import qualified Data.Time.Calendar as Data.Time.Calendar.Days import qualified Data.Time.LocalTime as Data.Time.LocalTime.Internal.ZonedTime import qualified GHC.Base import qualified GHC.Classes import qualified GHC.Generics import qualified GHC.Int import qualified GHC.Show import qualified GHC.Types import qualified StripeAPI.Common -- | Defines the data type for the schema tax_rate -- -- Tax rates can be applied to invoices and subscriptions to collect tax. -- -- Related guide: [Tax Rates](https:\/\/stripe.com\/docs\/billing\/taxes\/tax-rates). data TaxRate = TaxRate { -- | active: Defaults to \`true\`. When set to \`false\`, this tax rate cannot be applied to objects in the API, but will still be applied to subscriptions and invoices that already have it set. taxRateActive :: GHC.Types.Bool -- | created: Time at which the object was created. Measured in seconds since the Unix epoch. , taxRateCreated :: GHC.Integer.Type.Integer -- | description: An arbitrary string attached to the tax rate for your internal use only. It will not be visible to your customers. -- -- Constraints: -- -- * Maximum length of 5000 , taxRateDescription :: (GHC.Maybe.Maybe GHC.Base.String) -- | display_name: The display name of the tax rates as it will appear to your customer on their receipt email, PDF, and the hosted invoice page. -- -- Constraints: -- -- * Maximum length of 5000 , taxRateDisplayName :: GHC.Base.String -- | id: Unique identifier for the object. -- -- Constraints: -- -- * Maximum length of 5000 , taxRateId :: GHC.Base.String -- | inclusive: This specifies if the tax rate is inclusive or exclusive. , taxRateInclusive :: GHC.Types.Bool -- | jurisdiction: The jurisdiction for the tax rate. -- -- Constraints: -- -- * Maximum length of 5000 , taxRateJurisdiction :: (GHC.Maybe.Maybe GHC.Base.String) -- | livemode: Has the value \`true\` if the object exists in live mode or the value \`false\` if the object exists in test mode. , taxRateLivemode :: GHC.Types.Bool -- | metadata: Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. , taxRateMetadata :: TaxRateMetadata' -- | object: String representing the object\'s type. Objects of the same type share the same value. , taxRateObject :: TaxRateObject' -- | percentage: This represents the tax rate percent out of 100. , taxRatePercentage :: GHC.Types.Double } deriving (GHC.Show.Show , GHC.Classes.Eq) instance Data.Aeson.ToJSON TaxRate where toJSON obj = Data.Aeson.object ((Data.Aeson..=) "active" (taxRateActive obj) : (Data.Aeson..=) "created" (taxRateCreated obj) : (Data.Aeson..=) "description" (taxRateDescription obj) : (Data.Aeson..=) "display_name" (taxRateDisplayName obj) : (Data.Aeson..=) "id" (taxRateId obj) : (Data.Aeson..=) "inclusive" (taxRateInclusive obj) : (Data.Aeson..=) "jurisdiction" (taxRateJurisdiction obj) : (Data.Aeson..=) "livemode" (taxRateLivemode obj) : (Data.Aeson..=) "metadata" (taxRateMetadata obj) : (Data.Aeson..=) "object" (taxRateObject obj) : (Data.Aeson..=) "percentage" (taxRatePercentage obj) : []) toEncoding obj = Data.Aeson.pairs ((Data.Aeson..=) "active" (taxRateActive obj) GHC.Base.<> ((Data.Aeson..=) "created" (taxRateCreated obj) GHC.Base.<> ((Data.Aeson..=) "description" (taxRateDescription obj) GHC.Base.<> ((Data.Aeson..=) "display_name" (taxRateDisplayName obj) GHC.Base.<> ((Data.Aeson..=) "id" (taxRateId obj) GHC.Base.<> ((Data.Aeson..=) "inclusive" (taxRateInclusive obj) GHC.Base.<> ((Data.Aeson..=) "jurisdiction" (taxRateJurisdiction obj) GHC.Base.<> ((Data.Aeson..=) "livemode" (taxRateLivemode obj) GHC.Base.<> ((Data.Aeson..=) "metadata" (taxRateMetadata obj) GHC.Base.<> ((Data.Aeson..=) "object" (taxRateObject obj) GHC.Base.<> (Data.Aeson..=) "percentage" (taxRatePercentage obj))))))))))) instance Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON.FromJSON TaxRate where parseJSON = Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON.withObject "TaxRate" (\obj -> ((((((((((GHC.Base.pure TaxRate GHC.Base.<*> (obj Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON..: "active")) GHC.Base.<*> (obj Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON..: "created")) GHC.Base.<*> (obj Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON..:? "description")) GHC.Base.<*> (obj Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON..: "display_name")) GHC.Base.<*> (obj Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON..: "id")) GHC.Base.<*> (obj Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON..: "inclusive")) GHC.Base.<*> (obj Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON..:? "jurisdiction")) GHC.Base.<*> (obj Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON..: "livemode")) GHC.Base.<*> (obj Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON..: "metadata")) GHC.Base.<*> (obj Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON..: "object")) GHC.Base.<*> (obj Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON..: "percentage")) -- | Defines the data type for the schema tax_rateMetadata\' -- -- Set of key-value pairs that you can attach to an object. This can be useful for storing additional information about the object in a structured format. data TaxRateMetadata' = TaxRateMetadata' { } deriving (GHC.Show.Show , GHC.Classes.Eq) instance Data.Aeson.ToJSON TaxRateMetadata' where toJSON obj = Data.Aeson.object [] toEncoding obj = Data.Aeson.pairs ((Data.Aeson..=) "string" ("string" :: GHC.Base.String)) instance Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON.FromJSON TaxRateMetadata' where parseJSON = Data.Aeson.Types.FromJSON.withObject "TaxRateMetadata'" (\obj -> GHC.Base.pure TaxRateMetadata') -- | Defines the enum schema tax_rateObject\' -- -- String representing the object\'s type. Objects of the same type share the same value. data TaxRateObject' = TaxRateObject'EnumOther Data.Aeson.Types.Internal.Value | TaxRateObject'EnumTyped GHC.Base.String | TaxRateObject'EnumStringTaxRate deriving (GHC.Show.Show, GHC.Classes.Eq) instance Data.Aeson.ToJSON TaxRateObject' where toJSON (TaxRateObject'EnumOther patternName) = Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON.toJSON patternName toJSON (TaxRateObject'EnumTyped patternName) = Data.Aeson.Types.ToJSON.toJSON patternName toJSON (TaxRateObject'EnumStringTaxRate) = Data.Aeson.Types.Internal.String GHC.Base.$ Data.Text.pack "tax_rate" instance Data.Aeson.FromJSON TaxRateObject' where parseJSON val = GHC.Base.pure (if val GHC.Classes.== (Data.Aeson.Types.Internal.String GHC.Base.$ Data.Text.pack "tax_rate") then TaxRateObject'EnumStringTaxRate else TaxRateObject'EnumOther val)