-- | Induction with subterms as hypotheses
{-# LANGUAGE ParallelListComp, ScopedTypeVariables #-}
module Induction.Structural.Subterms
    -- * Induction with subterms as hypotheses
    -- * Case analysis (no induction hypotheses)
    ) where

import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow (first)
import Control.Monad.State

import Data.Maybe

import Induction.Structural.Auxiliary (concatMapM,nubSortedOn)
import Induction.Structural.Types
import Induction.Structural.Utils

import Safe

-- | Find the type of a variable using the index in a type environment
mfindVNote :: String -> Tagged a -> [(Tagged a,t)] -> t
mfindVNote note u = snd . headNote note . filter (\ (v,_) -> tag u == tag v)

-- We annotate constructors in the terms with the types of the arguments they
-- have to easily be able to calculate subterms
type C c t = (c,[Arg t])

-- Term and terms explicitly quantified with variables
type QuantTerm c v t = ([(Tagged v,t)],TaggedTerm (C c t) v)
type QuantTerms c v t = ([(Tagged v,t)],[TaggedTerm (C c t) v])

-- Given
--      [ [ all x0 . P (tx0) , all x1 . P(tx1) ]
--      , [ all y0 . P (ty0) , all y1 . P(ty1) ]
--      ]
-- Returns
--      [ all x0 y0 . P (tx0,ty0)
--      , all x0 y1 . P (tx0,ty1)
--      , all x1 y0 . P (tx1,ty0)
--      , all x1 y1 . P (tx1,ty1)
--      ]
-- Assumption: x0, x1, y0, y1 are all different
makeQuantTerms :: [[QuantTerm c v t]] -> [QuantTerms c v t]
makeQuantTerms qtmss =
    [ (concat qs,tms)
    | qtms <- sequence qtmss
    , let (qs,tms) = unzip qtms

-- | Instantiate a variable with a given type, returning the new variables and
--   what the term should be replaced with
inst :: forall c v t . TyEnv c t -> Tagged v -> t -> Fresh (Maybe [QuantTerm c v t])
inst env v t = case env t of
    Just ks -> Just <$> mapM (uncurry inst') ks
    Nothing -> return Nothing
    inst' :: c -> [Arg t] -> Fresh (QuantTerm c v t)
    inst' k as = do
        args <- mapM (refreshTypedTagged v . argRepr) as
        return (args,Con (k,as) [ Var x | (x,_) <- args ])

-- | Induction on every variable in a term
-- Assumption: The variables only occur once in each term.
inductionTm :: forall c v t .
               TyEnv c t -> QuantTerm c v t -> Fresh [QuantTerm c v t]
inductionTm env (qs0,tm0) = go tm0
    go :: TaggedTerm (C c t) v -> Fresh [QuantTerm c v t]
    go tm = case tm of
        Var x@(_ :~ x_idx) -> do
            let ty = headNote "inductionTm: unbound variable!"
                     [ t | (_ :~ idx,t) <- qs0, x_idx == idx ]
            fromMaybe [([(x,ty)],tm)] <$> inst env x ty
        Con c tms -> goTms (Con c) tms
        Fun f tms -> goTms (Fun f) tms

    goTms :: ([TaggedTerm (C c t) v] -> TaggedTerm (C c t) v) ->
             [TaggedTerm (C c t) v] -> Fresh [QuantTerm c v t]
    goTms mk tms0 = do
        qtmss <- mapM go tms0
        return [ (qs,mk tms) | (qs,tms) <- makeQuantTerms qtmss ]

-- | Induction several times on a variable
repeatInductionTm :: forall c v t . TyEnv c t -> v -> t -> Int -> Fresh [QuantTerm c v t]
repeatInductionTm env v t n0 = do
    vv <- newTyped v t
    go n0 [([vv],Var (fst vv))]
    go :: Int -> [QuantTerm c v t] -> Fresh [QuantTerm c v t]
    go 0 qtms = return qtms
    go n qtms = concatMapM (go (n - 1) <=< inductionTm env) qtms

-- | Unroll to a given depth, but does not add any hypotheses
noHyps :: forall c v t . TyEnv c t -> [(v,t)] -> [Int]
       -> Fresh [TaggedObligation (C c t) v t]
noHyps env vars coords = do
    obligs <- sequence
        [ repeatInductionTm env v t (length (filter (ix ==) coords))
        | (v,t) <- vars
        | ix <- [0..]
    return $ makeObligations (makeQuantTerms obligs)

-- | Make Obligations: this means to add empty hypotheses to QuantTerms.
makeObligations :: [QuantTerms c v t] -> [TaggedObligation (C c t) v t]
makeObligations qtms = [ Obligation qs [] tms | (qs,tms) <- qtms ]

-- | Removes the argument type information from the constructors
removeArgs :: [Obligation (C c t) v t] -> [Obligation c v t]
removeArgs parts =
    [ Obligation skolem [ (qs,map removeArg hyp) | (qs,hyp) <- hyps ]
                        (map removeArg concl)
    | Obligation skolem hyps concl <- parts

-- | Removes the argument type information from the constructors in one Term
removeArg :: Term (C c t) v -> Term c v
removeArg = go where
    go tm = case tm of
        Var x         -> Var x
        Con (c,_) tms -> Con c (map go tms)
        Fun f     tms -> Fun f (map go tms)

-- | Does case analysis on a list of typed variables.  This function is equal
-- to removing all the hypotheses from `subtermInduction`.
caseAnalysis :: TyEnv c t -> [(v,t)] -> [Int] -> [TaggedObligation c v t]
caseAnalysis env args = removeArgs . runFresh . noHyps env args

-- | Gets all well-typed subterms of a term, including yourself.
-- The first argument is always yourself.
-- We need terms where the constructors are associated with their arguments.
subterms :: Term (C c t) v -> [Term (C c t) v]
subterms (Var x) = [Var x]
subterms (Fun x tms) = Fun x tms : map (Fun x) (mapM subterms tms)
subterms (Con c@(_,as) tms) = direct ++ indirect
    -- Starting with this constructor. This includes the term we started with.
    direct   = map (Con c) (mapM subterms tms)
    -- Well-typed subterms of the arguments to the constructor
    indirect = concat [ subterms tm | (Rec _,tm) <- zip as tms ]

-- | Does this term contain a variable somewhere?
hasVar :: Term c v -> Bool
hasVar Var{} = True
hasVar Fun{} = True
hasVar (Con _ as) = any hasVar as

-- | Adds hypotheses to an Obligation.
-- Important to drop 1, otherwise we get the conclusion as a hypothesis!
-- Hypotheses that only contain constructors (no variables) are removed.
addHypotheses :: Ord c => TaggedObligation (C c t) v t -> TaggedObligation (C c t) v t
addHypotheses (Obligation qs _ tms) = Obligation qs hyps tms
    -- The empty lists denotes that we are not quantifying over any new
    -- variables in the hypotheses.
    hyps = nubSortedOn (map removeArg . snd)
                       [ ([],h)
                       | h <- drop 1 (mapM subterms tms)
                       , any hasVar h

-- | Adds hypotheses to an Obligation, requantifying over naked variables
-- I.e. forall x y . P(K x,y) becomes
--      forall x y . (forall y'.P(x,y')) -> P (K x,y)
-- Important to drop 1, otherwise we get the conclusion as a hypothesis!
addHypothesesQ :: Ord c => TaggedObligation (C c t) v t -> Fresh (TaggedObligation (C c t) v t)
addHypothesesQ ip = do -- Obligation qs hyps tms

    let Obligation qs hyps conc = addHypotheses ip

        mk_msg = ("addHypothesesQ: " ++)
        msg_unbound  = mk_msg "Unbound variable!"
        msg_mismatch = mk_msg "Concrete hypotheses but abstract conclusion!"

        -- tm is from a hypothesis, e from the conclusion.
        -- If e is a variable, tm should be the same, and we requantify over it
        addQ tm e = case e of
            Var x@(_ :~ xi) -> case tm of
                Var (_ :~ yi)
                    | xi == yi -> do
                        let t = mfindVNote msg_unbound x qs
                        xt'@(x',_) <- refreshTypedTagged x t
                        return ([xt'],Var x')
                _ -> error msg_mismatch
            _ -> return ([],tm)

    hyps' <- forM hyps $ \ ([],tms) -> mapAndUnzipM (uncurry addQ) (zip tms conc)

    return (Obligation qs (map (first concat) hyps') conc)

-- | Subterm induction: the induction hypotheses will contain the proper
-- subterms of the conclusion.
subtermInduction :: Ord c => TyEnv c t -> [(v,t)] -> [Int] -> [TaggedObligation c v t]
subtermInduction env args =
    removeArgs . runFresh . (mapM addHypothesesQ <=< noHyps env args)