#if __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ >= 702
{-# LANGUAGE Trustworthy #-}
-- | This module exports a /structued/ interface to MongoDB.
-- Specifically, Haskell record types are used (in place of BSON)
-- to represent documents which can be inserted and retrieved from
-- a MongoDB. Data types corresponding to fields of a document
-- are used in forming well-typed queries, as opposed to strings.
-- This module re-exports the "Database.MongoDB.Structured.Types"
-- module, which exports a 'Structured' type class --- this class is
-- used to convert Haskell record types to and from BSON documents.
-- The module "Database.MongoDB.Structured.Query" exports an
-- interface similar to @Database.MongoDB.Query@ which can be used to
-- insert, query, update, delete, etc. record types from a Mongo DB.
-- Though users may provide their own instances for 'Structured'
-- (and 'Selectable', used in composing well-typed queries), we
-- provide a Template Haskell function ('deriveStructured')
-- that can be used to automatically do this. See
-- "Database.MongoDB.Structured.Deriving.TH".
-- The example below shows how to use the structued MongoDB interface:
-- >    {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-}
-- >    {-# LANGUAGE TypeSynonymInstances #-}
-- >    {-# LANGUAGE MultiParamTypeClasses #-}
-- >    {-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
-- >    {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}
-- >    {-# LANGUAGE DeriveDataTypeable #-}
-- >    import Database.MongoDB.Structured
-- >    import Database.MongoDB.Structured.Deriving.TH
-- >    import Control.Monad.Trans (liftIO)
-- >    import Data.Typeable
-- >    import Control.Monad (mapM_)
-- >    import Control.Monad.IO.Class
-- >    import Data.Bson (Value)
-- >    import Data.Maybe (isJust, fromJust)
-- >
-- >    data Address = Address { addrId :: SObjId
-- >                           , city   :: String
-- >                           , state  :: String
-- >                           } deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
-- >    $(deriveStructured ''Address)
-- >
-- >    data Team = Team { teamId :: SObjId
-- >                     , name   :: String
-- >                     , home   :: Address
-- >                     , league :: String
-- >                     } deriving (Show, Eq, Typeable)
-- >    $(deriveStructured ''Team)
-- >
-- >    main = do
-- >       pipe <- runIOE $ connect (host "")
-- >       e <- access pipe master "baseball" run
-- >       close pipe
-- >       print e
-- >
-- >    run = do
-- >       clearTeams
-- >       insertTeams
-- >       allTeams >>= printDocs "All Teams"
-- >       nationalLeagueTeams >>= printDocs "National League Teams"
-- >       newYorkTeams >>= printDocs "New York Teams"
-- >
-- >    -- Delete all teams:
-- >    clearTeams :: Action IO ()
-- >    clearTeams = delete (select ( (.*) :: QueryExp Team))
-- >
-- >    insertTeams :: Action IO [Value]
-- >    insertTeams = insertMany [
-- >       Team { teamId = noSObjId
-- >            , name   = "Yankees"
-- >            , home   = Address { addrId = noSObjId
-- >                               , city  = "New York"
-- >                               , state = "NY"
-- >                               }
-- >            , league = "American"}
-- >      , Team { teamId = noSObjId
-- >             , name   = "Mets"
-- >             , home   = Address { addrId = noSObjId
-- >                                , city  = "New York"
-- >                                , state = "NY"
-- >                                }
-- >             , league = "National"}
-- >      , Team { teamId = noSObjId
-- >             , name   = "Phillies"
-- >             , home   = Address { addrId = noSObjId
-- >                                , city  = "Philadelphia"
-- >                                , state = "PA"
-- >                                }
-- >             , league = "National"}
-- >      , Team { teamId = noSObjId
-- >             , name   = "Red Sox"
-- >             , home   = Address { addrId = noSObjId
-- >                                , city  = "Boston"
-- >                                , state = "MA"
-- >                                }
-- >             , league = "National"}
-- >      ]
-- >
-- >    allTeams :: Action IO [Maybe Team]
-- >    allTeams = let query = (select ((.*) :: QueryExp Team))
-- >                                { sort = [asc (Home .! City)]}
-- >               in find query >>= rest
-- >               
-- >    nationalLeagueTeams :: Action IO [Maybe Team]
-- >    nationalLeagueTeams = rest =<< find (select (League .== "National"))
-- >
-- >    newYorkTeams :: Action IO [Maybe Team]
-- >    newYorkTeams = rest =<< find (select (Home .! State .== "NY"))
-- >
-- >    printDocs :: MonadIO m => String -> [Maybe Team] -> m ()
-- >    printDocs title teams' = liftIO $ do
-- >      let teams = (map fromJust) . filter (isJust) $ teams'
-- >      putStrLn title 
-- >      mapM_ (putStrLn . show) teams
module Database.MongoDB.Structured ( module Database.MongoDB.Structured.Types
                                   , module Database.MongoDB.Connection
                                   , module Database.MongoDB.Structured.Query
                                   ) where

import Database.MongoDB.Structured.Types
import Database.MongoDB.Connection
import Database.MongoDB.Structured.Query