-- |  Session Traversal Utilities for NAT (STUN)
-- <http://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc5389>
-- For a simple way to find the mapped address see 'findMappedAddress'
module Network.Stun
       ( -- * Requests
       , stunRequest
       , stunRequest'
         -- * Messages
       , Message(..)
       , MessageClass(..)
       , TransactionID(..)
         -- * Attributes
       , Attribute(..)
       , findAttribute
       , IsAttribute(..)
         -- * Mapped Address
       , findMappedAddress
       , MappedAddress
       , XorMappedAddress
       , fromXorMappedAddress
       , xorMappedAddress
         -- * Credentials
       , Username(..)
       , Credentials(..)
       , withMessageIntegrity
       , checkMessageIntegrity
         -- * Errors
       , StunError(..)
       , ErrorAttribute(..)
       , errTryAlternate
       , errBadRequest
       , errUnauthorized
       , errUnknownAttribute
       , errStaleNonce
       , errServerError
       ) where

import           Control.Applicative
import           Control.Concurrent.Timeout
import           Control.Monad.IO.Class
import           Control.Monad.Trans.Error
import           Data.Serialize
import qualified Network.BSD as Net
import qualified Network.Socket as S
import qualified Network.Socket.ByteString as SocketBS
import           Network.Stun.Base
import           Network.Stun.Credentials
import           Network.Stun.Error
import           Network.Stun.MappedAddress
import           System.Random

-- | Generate a new bind request
bindRequest :: IO Message
bindRequest = do
    tid <- TID <$> randomIO <*> randomIO <*> randomIO
    return $ Message { messageMethod = 1
                     , messageClass = Request
                     , transactionID = tid
                     , messageAttributes = []
                     , fingerprint = True

data StunError = TimeOut
               | ProtocolError -- !BS.ByteString
               | ErrorMsg !Message
               | WrongMessageType !Message
  deriving (Show, Eq)
instance Error StunError

-- | Send a STUN request to the server denoted by address and wait for an
-- answer. The request will be sucessively sent once for each element of
-- timeOuts until an answer is received or all requests time out.
  :: S.SockAddr     -- ^ Address of the stun server
  -> Net.PortNumber -- ^ local port to use
  -> [Integer]      -- ^ time outs in µs (10^-6 seconds), will default to
                    -- [0.5s,  1s, 2s] if empty. 0 means wait indefinitly.
  -> Message        -- ^ Request to send
  -> IO (Either StunError Message)
stunRequest host localPort timeOuts msg = runErrorT $ do
    (r, s) <- ErrorT $ stunRequest' host localPort timeOuts msg
    liftIO $ S.close s
    return r

-- | Same as 'stunRequest' but returns the used socket
  :: S.SockAddr     -- ^ Address of the stun server
  -> Net.PortNumber -- ^ local port to use
  -> [Integer]      -- ^ time outs in µs (10^-6 seconds), will default to
                    -- [0.5s,  1s, 2s] if empty. 0 means wait indefinitly.
  -> Message        -- ^ Request to send
  -> IO (Either StunError (Message, S.Socket))
stunRequest' host' _localPort timeOuts msg = runErrorT $ do
    let host  = setHostPort host'
    s <- liftIO $ case host of
        S.SockAddrInet _hostPort _ha ->  do
            s <- S.socket S.AF_INET S.Datagram S.defaultProtocol
            return s
        S.SockAddrInet6 _hostPort _fi _ha _sid -> do
            s <- S.socket S.AF_INET6 S.Datagram S.defaultProtocol
            S.setSocketOption s S.IPv6Only 1
            return s
        _ -> error $ "stunRequest': SockAddrUnix not implemented"
    liftIO $ S.connect s host
    let go [] = liftIO (S.close s) >> throwError TimeOut
        go (to:tos) = do
            _ <- liftIO $ SocketBS.send s (encode msg)
            r <- liftIO . timeout to $ SocketBS.recv s 1024
            case r of
                Nothing -> go tos
                Just answer -> return answer
    answer <- go $ if null timeOuts then [500000, 1000000, 2000000] else timeOuts
    case decode answer of
        Left _ -> throwError $ ProtocolError -- answer
        Right msg' -> do
            case messageClass msg' of
                Failure -> throwError $ ErrorMsg msg'
                Success -> return (msg', s)
                _ -> throwError $ WrongMessageType msg'
    setHostPort (S.SockAddrInet pn ha) = S.SockAddrInet
                                         (if pn == 0 then 3478 else pn) ha
    setHostPort (S.SockAddrInet6 pn fl ha si) = S.SockAddrInet6
                                                (if pn == 0 then 3478 else pn)
                                                fl ha si
    setHostPort s = s

-- | Get the mapped address by sending a bind request to /host/, using
-- /localport/ . The request will be retransmitted for each entry of /timeOuts/.
-- If the list of time outs is empty, a default of 500ms, 1s and 2s is used
-- returns the reflexive and the local address
findMappedAddress :: S.SockAddr -- ^ STUN server address
                  -> Net.PortNumber -- ^ local port to use (or 0 for a random
                                    -- port)
                  -> [Integer] -- ^ timeOuts in µs (10^-6 seconds)
                  -> IO (Either StunError (S.SockAddr, S.SockAddr))
findMappedAddress host localPort timeOuts = runErrorT $ do
    br <- liftIO $ bindRequest
    (msg, s) <- ErrorT $ stunRequest' host localPort timeOuts br
    xma <- case findAttribute $ messageAttributes msg of
        Right [xma] -> return . Just
                         $! fromXorMappedAddress (transactionID msg) xma
        Right [] -> return Nothing
        _ -> throwError $ ProtocolError
    ma <- case  findAttribute $ messageAttributes msg of
        Right [ma] -> return . Just $! unMA ma
        Right [] -> return Nothing
        _ -> throwError $ ProtocolError
    m <- case (xma <|> ma) of
        Just m' -> return m'
        Nothing -> throwError $ ProtocolError -- no mapped Address
    local <- liftIO $ S.getSocketName s
    liftIO $ S.sClose  s
    return $ (m, local)