{-# LANGUAGE CPP, GADTs, InstanceSigs, KindSignatures, PatternSynonyms #-} {-# LANGUAGE RankNTypes, RoleAnnotations, ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# LANGUAGE StandaloneDeriving, TemplateHaskell, TypeApplications #-} {-# LANGUAGE TypeFamilies, TypeOperators, UndecidableSuperClasses #-} module Control.Subcategory.Wrapper.Internal where import Control.Applicative #if defined(__GLASGOW_HASKELL__) && __GLASGOW_HASKELL__ < 808 import Control.Monad.Fail #endif import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix) import Control.Monad.Zip (MonadZip) import Data.Coerce import Data.Kind (Type) import Data.MonoTraversable import Data.Pointed import Data.Semialign (Align, Unalign) import Data.Zip (Semialign, Unzip, Zip) import GHC.Base (MonadPlus) newtype WrapFunctor f (a :: Type) = WrapFunctor {runFunctor :: f a} deriving newtype (Functor, Applicative, Alternative, Monad, Foldable) deriving newtype (MonadPlus, MonadFix, MonadFail) deriving newtype (Pointed, MonadZip, Unalign, Align, Semialign, Zip, Unzip) instance Traversable f => Traversable (WrapFunctor f) where traverse f = fmap WrapFunctor . traverse f . runFunctor type role WrapMono representational nominal -- | Similar to 'WrappedMono' from @mono-traversable, -- but uses @newtype@ instaed of GADTs, which is efficient. -- To restrict the construction, we hide genuine constructor -- and expose the constrained pattern synonym 'WrapMono' and -- specifies type roles tightly (note: the role for @mono@ -- should NOT be representational honestly; indeed, @WrapMono mono a@ -- could be coerced to @WrapMono mono' a@ iff @mono@ and @mono' are -- representationally equivalent __AND__ @Element a ~ Element a@.) newtype WrapMono mono b = WrapMono' mono deriving newtype (MonoFoldable, MonoFunctor, Monoid, Semigroup, MonoPointed) deriving newtype (GrowingAppend) type instance Element (WrapMono mono b) = Element mono pattern WrapMono :: b ~ Element mono => b ~ Element mono => mono -> WrapMono mono b pattern WrapMono {unwrapMono} = WrapMono' unwrapMono coerceToMono :: WrapMono mono (Element mono) -> mono {-# INLINE coerceToMono #-} coerceToMono = coerce withMonoCoercible :: (Coercible (WrapMono mono (Element mono)) mono => r) -> r {-# INLINE withMonoCoercible #-} withMonoCoercible = id