This first example shows how to use polynomials. It should give you a taste of using categories for numerical applications. First, some preliminaries: > {-# LANGUAGE NoImplicitPrelude #-} > {-# LANGUAGE RebindableSyntax #-} > import SubHask > import SubHask.Category.Polynomial > import System.IO We'll do everything within the `main` function so we can print some output as we go. > main = do To start off, we'll just create an ordinary function and print it's output. The `Ring` class below corresponds very closely with the Prelude's `Num` class. > let f :: Ring x => x -> x > f x = x*x*x + x + 3 > > let a = 3 :: Integer > > putStrLn $ "f a = " + show (f a) Now, we'll create a polynomial from our ordinary function. > let g :: Polynomial Integer > g = provePolynomial f > > putStrLn "" > putStrLn $ "g $ a = " + show ( g $ a ) The function `provePolynomial` above gives us a safe way to convert an arrow in Hask into an arrow in the category of polynomials. The implementation uses a trick similar to automatic differentiation. In general, every `Concrete` category has at least one similar function. Finally, in order to apply our polynomial to a value, we must first convert it back into an arrow in Hask. The function application operator `$` performs this task for us. Polynomials support operations that other functions in Hask do not support. For example, we can show the value of a polynomial: > putStrLn "" > putStrLn $ "g = " + show g > putStrLn $ "g*g+g = " + show (g*g + g) Polynomials also support decidable equality: > putStrLn "" > putStrLn $ "g==g = " + show (g==g) > putStrLn $ "g==g*g+g = " + show (g==g*g+g) Finally, we can create polynomials of polynomials: > let h :: Polynomial (Polynomial Integer) > h = provePolynomial f > > putStrLn "" > putStrLn $ " h = " + show h > putStrLn $ " h $ g = " + show ( h $ g ) > putStrLn $ "(h $ g) $ a = " + show (( h $ g ) $ a) **For advanced readers:** You may have noticed that function application on polynomials is equivalent to the join operation on monads. That's because polynomials form a monad on Hask. Sadly, we can't make `Polynomial` an instance of the new `Monad` class due to some limitatiions in GHC's type system. This isn't too big of a loss though because I don't know of a useful application for this particular monad. The monad described above is different than what category theorists call polynomial monads (see: