{-# LANGUAGE NoAutoDeriveTypeable #-} -- can't derive typeable of data families

-- | This module defines the subtyping mechanisms used in subhask.
module SubHask.SubType
    ( (<:) (..)
    , Sup

--     , toRational

    -- **
    , Embed (..)
    , embedType
    , embedType1
    , embedType2
--     , Embed0 (..)
--     , Embed1 (..)
--     , Embed2 (..)

    -- * Template Haskell
    , mkSubtype
    , mkSubtypeInstance

import Control.Monad
import Language.Haskell.TH
import Language.Haskell.TH.Quote
-- import Language.Haskell.Meta

import SubHask.Internal.Prelude
import Prelude

-- common helper functions

toRational :: (a <: Rational) => a -> Rational
toRational = embedType


-- | Subtypes are partially ordered.
-- Unfortunately, there's no way to use the machinery of the "POrd"/"Lattice" classes.
-- The "Sup" type family is a promotion of the "sup" function to the type level.
-- It must obey the laws:
-- > Sup a b c   <===>   ( a <: c, b <: c )
-- > Sub a b c   <===>   Sup b a c
-- And there is no smaller value of "c" that can be used instead.
-- FIXME: it would be nicer if this were a type family; is that possible?
class Sup (s::k) (t::k) (u::k) | s t -> u

instance Sup s s s

-- | We use `s <: t` to denote that s is s subtype of t.
-- The "embedType" function must be s homomorphism from s to t.
-- class (Sup s t t, Sup t s t) => (s :: k) <: (t :: k) where
class (s :: k) <: (t :: k) where
    embedType_ :: Embed s t -- a b

-- | This data type is a huge hack to work around some unimplemented features in the type system.
-- In particular, we want to be able to declare any type constructor to be a subtype of any other type constructor.
-- The main use case is for making subcategories use the same subtyping mechanism as other types.
-- FIXME: replace this data family with a system based on type families;
-- everything I've tried so far requires injective types or foralls in constraints.
data family Embed (s::k) (t::k) -- (a::ka) (b::kb)

newtype instance Embed (s :: *) (t :: *)
    = Embed0 { unEmbed0 :: s -> t }
embedType :: (s <: t) => s -> t
embedType = unEmbed0 embedType_
instance (a :: *) <: (a :: *) where
    embedType_ = Embed0 $ id

newtype instance Embed (s :: ka -> *) (t :: ka -> *)
    = Embed1 { unEmbed1 :: forall a. s a -> t a }
embedType1 :: (s <: t) => s a -> t a
embedType1 = unEmbed1 embedType_
instance (a :: k1 -> *) <: (a :: k1 -> *) where
    embedType_ = Embed1 $ id

newtype instance Embed (s :: ka -> kb -> *) (t :: ka -> kb -> *)
    = Embed2 { unEmbed2 :: forall a b. s a b -> t a b}
embedType2 :: (s <: t) => s a b -> t a b
embedType2 = unEmbed2 embedType_
instance (a :: k1 -> k2 -> *) <: (a :: k1 -> k2 -> *) where
    embedType_ = Embed2 $ id

-- | FIXME: can these laws be simplified at all?
-- In particular, can we automatically infer ctx from just the function parameter?
law_Subtype_f1 ::
    ( a <: b
    , Eq b
    , ctx a
    , ctx b
    ) => proxy ctx  -- ^ this parameter is only for type inference
      -> b          -- ^ this parameter is only for type inference
      -> (forall c. ctx c => c -> c)
      -> a
      -> Bool
law_Subtype_f1 _ b f a = embedType (f a) == f (embedType a) `asTypeOf` b

law_Subtype_f2 ::
    ( a <: b
    , Eq b
    , ctx a
    , ctx b
    ) => proxy ctx  -- ^ this parameter is only for type inference
      -> b          -- ^ this parameter is only for type inference
      -> (forall c. ctx c => c -> c -> c)
      -> a
      -> a
      -> Bool
law_Subtype_f2 _ b f a1 a2 = embedType (f a1 a2) == f (embedType a1) (embedType a2) `asTypeOf` b


type family a == b :: Bool where
    a == a = True
    a == b = False

type family If (a::Bool) (b::k) (c::k) :: k where
    If True  b c = b
    If False b c = c

type family When (a::Bool) (b::Constraint) :: Constraint where
    When True  b = b
    When False b = ()


apEmbedType1 ::
    ( a1 <: b1
    ) => (b1 -> c) -> a1 -> c
apEmbedType1 f a = f (embedType a)

apEmbedType2 ::
    ( a1 <: b1
    , a2 <: b2
    , When (b1==b2) (Sup a1 a2 b1)
    ) => (b1 -> b2 -> c)
      -> (a1 -> a2 -> c)
apEmbedType2 f a b = f (embedType a) (embedType b)

-- template haskell
-- FIXME: move this into the template haskell folder?

-- |
-- FIXME: This should automatically search for other subtypes that can be inferred from t1 and t2
mkSubtype :: Q Type -> Q Type -> Name -> Q [Dec]
mkSubtype qt1 qt2 f = do
    t1 <- liftM stripForall qt1
    t2 <- liftM stripForall qt2
    return $ mkSubtypeInstance t1 t2 f:mkSup t1 t2 t2

-- | converts types created by `[t| ... |]` into a more useful form
stripForall :: Type -> Type
stripForall (ForallT _ _ t) = stripForall t
stripForall (VarT t) = VarT $ mkName $ nameBase t
stripForall (ConT t) = ConT t
stripForall (AppT t1 t2) = AppT (stripForall t1) (stripForall t2)

-- | Calling:
-- > mkSubtypeInstance a b f
-- generates the following code:
-- > instance a <: b where
-- >    embedType_ = Embed0 f
-- FIXME: What if the type doesn't have kind *?
mkSubtypeInstance :: Type -> Type -> Name -> Dec
mkSubtypeInstance t1 t2 f = InstanceD
    ( AppT
        ( AppT
            ( ConT $ mkName "<:" )
    [ FunD
        ( mkName "embedType_" )
        [ Clause
            ( NormalB $ AppE
                ( ConE $ mkName "Embed0" )
                ( VarE f )

-- | Calling:
-- > mkSup a b c
-- generates the following code:
-- > instance Sup a b c
-- > instance Sup b a c
mkSup :: Type -> Type -> Type -> [Dec]
mkSup t1 t2 t3 =
    [ InstanceD [] (AppT (AppT (AppT (ConT $ mkName "Sup") t1) t2) t3) []
    , InstanceD [] (AppT (AppT (AppT (ConT $ mkName "Sup") t2) t1) t3) []