{-# LANGUAGE NoRebindableSyntax #-}

-- | This file contains the template haskell code for deriving SubHask class instances from Base instances.
-- All of the standard instances are created in "SubHask.Compatibility.Base".
-- This module is exported so that you can easily make instances for your own types without any extra work.
-- To do this, just put the line
-- > deriveAll
-- at the bottom of your file.
-- Any types in scope that do not already have SubHask instances will have them created automatically.
-- Most classes aren't implemented yet.
-- I don't want to go through the work until their definitions stabilize somewhat.
module SubHask.TemplateHaskell.Base

import qualified Prelude             as Base
import qualified Control.Applicative as Base
import qualified Control.Monad       as Base
import Language.Haskell.TH
import System.IO

import SubHask.Category
import SubHask.Algebra
import SubHask.Monad
import SubHask.Internal.Prelude

import Debug.Trace

-- We need these instances to get anything done

type instance Logic Name = Bool
instance Eq_ Name where (==) = (Base.==)

type instance Logic Dec = Bool
instance Eq_ Dec where (==) = (Base.==)

type instance Logic Type = Bool
instance Eq_ Type where (==) = (Base.==)

-- generic helper functions

-- | Derives instances for all data types in scope.
-- This is the only function you should need to use.
-- The other functions are exported only for debugging purposes if this function should fail.
deriveAll :: Q [Dec]
deriveAll = Base.liftM concat $ Base.mapM go
    [ (''Base.Eq, mkPreludeEq)
    , (''Base.Functor, mkPreludeFunctor)
    , (''Base.Applicative,mkPreludeApplicative)
    , (''Base.Monad,mkPreludeMonad)
        go (n,f) = forAllInScope n f

-- | Constructs an instance using the given function for everything in scope.
forAllInScope :: Name -> (Cxt -> Q Type -> Q [Dec]) -> Q [Dec]
forAllInScope preludename f = do
    info <- reify preludename
    case info of
        ClassI _ xs -> Base.liftM concat $ Base.sequence $ map mgo $ Base.filter fgo xs
                mgo (InstanceD ctx (AppT _ t) _) = f ctx (Base.return t)

                fgo (InstanceD _ (AppT _ t) _ ) = not elem '>' $ show t

-- | This is an internal helper function.
-- It prevents us from defining two instances for the same class/type pair.
runIfNotInstance :: Name -> Type -> Q [Dec] -> Q [Dec]
runIfNotInstance n t q = do
    inst <- alreadyInstance n t
    if inst
        then trace ("skipping instance: "++show n++" / "++show t) $ Base.return []
        else trace ("deriving instance: "++show n++" / "++show t) $ q
        alreadyInstance :: Name -> Type -> Q Bool
        alreadyInstance n t = do
            info <- reify n
            Base.return $ case info of
                ClassI _ xs -> or $ map (genericTypeEq t.rmInstanceD) xs

        -- FIXME:
        -- This function was introduced to fix a name capture problem where `Eq a` and `Eq b` are not recognized as the same type.
        -- The current solution is not correct, but works for some cases.
        genericTypeEq (AppT s1 t1) (AppT s2 t2) = genericTypeEq s1 s2 && genericTypeEq t1 t2
        genericTypeEq (ConT n1) (ConT n2) = n1==n2
        genericTypeEq (VarT _) (VarT _) = true
        genericTypeEq (SigT _ _) (SigT _ _) = true
        genericTypeEq (TupleT n1) (TupleT n2) = n1==n2
        genericTypeEq ArrowT ArrowT = true
        genericTypeEq ListT ListT = true
        genericTypeEq _ _ = false

        rmInstanceD (InstanceD _ (AppT _ t) _) = t

-- comparison hierarchy

-- | Create an "Eq" instance from a "Prelude.Eq" instance.
mkPreludeEq :: Cxt -> Q Type -> Q [Dec]
mkPreludeEq ctx qt = do
    t <- qt
    runIfNotInstance ''Eq_ t $ Base.return
        [ TySynInstD
            ( mkName "Logic" )
            ( TySynEqn
                [ t ]
                ( ConT $ mkName "Bool" )
        , InstanceD
            ( AppT ( ConT $ mkName "Eq_" ) t )
            [ FunD ( mkName "==" ) [ Clause [] (NormalB $ VarE $ mkName "Base.==") [] ]

-- monad hierarchy

-- | Create a "Functor" instance from a "Prelude.Functor" instance.
mkPreludeFunctor :: Cxt -> Q Type -> Q [Dec]
mkPreludeFunctor ctx qt = do
    t <- qt
    runIfNotInstance ''Functor t $ Base.return
        [ InstanceD
            ( AppT
                ( AppT
                    ( ConT $ mkName "Functor" )
                    ( ConT $ mkName "Hask" )
            [ FunD ( mkName "fmap" ) [ Clause [] (NormalB $ VarE $ mkName "Base.fmap") [] ]

-- | Create an "Applicative" instance from a "Prelude.Applicative" instance.
mkPreludeApplicative :: Cxt -> Q Type -> Q [Dec]
mkPreludeApplicative cxt qt = do
    t <- qt
    runIfNotInstance ''Applicative t $ Base.return
        [ InstanceD
            ( AppT
                ( AppT
                    ( ConT $ mkName "Applicative" )
                    ( ConT $ mkName "Hask" )
            [ FunD ( mkName "pure" ) [ Clause [] (NormalB $ VarE $ mkName "Base.pure") [] ]
            , FunD ( mkName "<*>" ) [ Clause [] (NormalB $ VarE $ mkName "Base.<*>") [] ]

-- | Create a "Monad" instance from a "Prelude.Monad" instance.
-- Monad transformers still require their parameter monad to be an instance of "Prelude.Monad".
mkPreludeMonad :: Cxt -> Q Type -> Q [Dec]
mkPreludeMonad cxt qt = do
    t <- qt
    -- can't call
    -- > runIfNotInstance ''Monad t $
    -- due to lack of TH support for type families
    trace ("deriving instance: Monad / "++show t) $ if cannotDeriveMonad t
        then Base.return []
        else Base.return
            [ InstanceD
                ( AppT
                    ( ConT $ mkName "Then" )
                [ FunD ( mkName ">>" ) [ Clause [] (NormalB $ VarE $ mkName "Base.>>") [] ]
            , InstanceD
--                 ( ClassP ''Functor [ ConT ''Hask , t ] : cxt )
                ( AppT (AppT (ConT ''Functor) (ConT ''Hask)) t : cxt )
                ( AppT
                    ( AppT
                        ( ConT $ mkName "Monad" )
                        ( ConT $ mkName "Hask" )
                [ FunD ( mkName "return_" ) [ Clause [] (NormalB $ VarE $ mkName "Base.return") [] ]
                , FunD ( mkName "join"    ) [ Clause [] (NormalB $ VarE $ mkName "Base.join"  ) [] ]
                , FunD ( mkName ">>="     ) [ Clause [] (NormalB $ VarE $ mkName "Base.>>="   ) [] ]
                , FunD ( mkName ">=>"     ) [ Clause [] (NormalB $ VarE $ mkName "Base.>=>"   ) [] ]
                , FunD ( mkName "=<<"     ) [ Clause [] (NormalB $ VarE $ mkName "Base.=<<"   ) [] ]
                , FunD ( mkName "<=<"     ) [ Clause [] (NormalB $ VarE $ mkName "Base.<=<"   ) [] ]
        -- | This helper function "filters out" monads for which we can't automatically derive an implementation.
        -- This failure can be due to missing Functor instances or weird type errors.
        cannotDeriveMonad t = elem (show $ getName t) badmonad
                getName :: Type -> Name
                getName t = case t of
                    (ConT t) -> t
                    ListT -> mkName "[]"
                    (SigT t _) -> getName t
                    (AppT (ConT t) _) -> t
                    (AppT (AppT (ConT t) _) _) -> t
                    (AppT (AppT (AppT (ConT t) _) _) _) -> t
                    (AppT (AppT (AppT (AppT (ConT t) _) _) _) _) -> t
                    (AppT (AppT (AppT (AppT (AppT (ConT t) _) _) _) _) _) -> t
                    (AppT (AppT (AppT (AppT (AppT (AppT (ConT t) _) _) _) _) _) _) -> t
                    t -> error ("cannotDeriveMonad error="++show t)

                badmonad =
                    [ "Text.ParserCombinators.ReadBase.P"
                    , "Control.Monad.ST.Lazy.Imp.ST"
                    , "Data.Proxy.Proxy"