############################################################################### # Copyright (c) 2004, 2011 IBM Corporation and others. # All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials # are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0 # which accompanies this distribution, and is available at # http://www.eclipse.org/legal/epl-v10.html # # Contributors: # IBM Corporation - initial API and implementation ############################################################################### #External Messages for EN locale #EclipseAdaptor messages ECLIPSE_ADAPTOR_ERROR_XML_SERVICE=Error registering XML parser services. ECLIPSE_ADAPTOR_RUNTIME_ERROR=An unexpected runtime error has occurred. ECLIPSE_ADAPTOR_EXITING=The application will terminate. #EclipseStarter messages ECLIPSE_STARTUP_BUNDLE_NOT_FOUND=Bundle {0} not found. ECLIPSE_STARTUP_ROOTS_NOT_RESOLVED=One or more bundles are not resolved because the following root constraints are not resolved: ECLIPSE_STARTUP_ALL_NOT_RESOLVED=The following is a complete list of bundles which are not resolved, see the prior log entry for the root cause if it exists: ECLIPSE_STARTUP_ERROR_BUNDLE_NOT_RESOLVED=Bundle {0} was not resolved. ECLIPSE_STARTUP_ERROR_BUNDLE_NOT_ACTIVE=Bundle {0} is not active. ECLIPSE_STARTUP_ERROR_NO_APPLICATION=Unable to acquire application service. Ensure that the org.eclipse.core.runtime bundle is resolved and started (see config.ini). #Don't use double quotes in the ECLIPSE_STARTUP_ERROR_CHECK_LOG. (See bug 86085) ECLIPSE_STARTUP_ERROR_CHECK_LOG=An error has occurred. See the log file\n{0}. ECLIPSE_STARTUP_ALREADY_RUNNING=Platform already running ECLIPSE_STARTUP_NOT_RUNNING=Platform not running ECLIPSE_STARTUP_STARTUP_ERROR=Startup error ECLIPSE_STARTUP_APP_ERROR=Application error ECLIPSE_STARTUP_SHUTDOWN_ERROR=Shutdown error ECLIPSE_STARTUP_FAILED_INSTALL=Error installing bundle: {0} ECLIPSE_STARTUP_FAILED_UNINSTALL=Error uninstalling bundle: {0} ECLIPSE_STARTUP_FAILED_START=Error starting bundle: {0} ECLIPSE_STARTUP_FILEMANAGER_OPEN_ERROR=Error reading configuration: {0} ECLIPSE_STARTUP_PROPS_NOT_SET=Cannot start without the following system properties set: {0} #EclipseBundleData messages ECLIPSE_DATA_MANIFEST_NOT_FOUND=Manifest not found: {0} ECLIPSE_DATA_ERROR_READING_MANIFEST=Error reading manifest for bundle at the location: {0} #Console extension ECLIPSE_CONSOLE_NO_BUNDLE_SPECIFIED_ERROR=No bundle specified! ECLIPSE_CONSOLE_CANNOT_FIND_BUNDLE_ERROR=Cannot find bundle {0}. ECLIPSE_CONSOLE_NO_CONSTRAINTS_NO_PLATFORM_ADMIN_MESSAGE=No unresolved constraints [PlatformAdmin service is not registered]. ECLIPSE_CONSOLE_NO_CONSTRAINTS=No unresolved constraints. ECLIPSE_CONSOLE_DIRECT_CONSTRAINTS=Direct constraints which are unresolved: ECLIPSE_CONSOLE_LEAF_CONSTRAINTS=Leaf constraints in the dependency chain which are unresolved: ECLIPSE_CONSOLE_COMMANDS_HEADER=Eclipse Runtime commands ECLIPSE_CONSOLE_HELP_DIAG_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION=Displays unsatisfied constraints for the specified bundle(s). ECLIPSE_CONSOLE_HELP_ENABLE_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION=enable the specified bundle(s) ECLIPSE_CONSOLE_HELP_DISABLE_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION=disable the specified bundle(s) ECLIPSE_CONSOLE_HELP_LD_COMMAND_DESCRIPTION=list disabled bundles in the system ECLIPSE_CONSOLE_BUNDLE_DISABLED_MESSAGE=Bundle disabled at console ECLIPSE_CONSOLE_DISABLED_COUNT_MESSAGE={0} disabled bundle(s) in the system ECLIPSE_CONSOLE_DISABLED_BUNDLE_HEADER=Bundle :\t{0} (id={1}) ECLIPSE_CONSOLE_DISABLED_BUNDLE_REASON1=Reason(s):\t{0} (policy={1}) #Bundle resolution messages ECLIPSE_MISSING_OPTIONAL_REQUIRED_BUNDLE=Missing optionally required bundle {0}. ECLIPSE_MISSING_REQUIRED_BUNDLE=Missing required bundle {0}. ECLIPSE_MISSING_IMPORTED_PACKAGE=Missing imported package {0}. ECLIPSE_MISSING_OPTIONAL_IMPORTED_PACKAGE=Missing optionally imported package {0}. ECLIPSE_MISSING_DYNAMIC_IMPORTED_PACKAGE=Missing dynamically imported package {0}. ECLIPSE_MISSING_HOST=Missing host {0}. ECLIPSE_MISSING_NATIVECODE=Missing native code match {0}. ECLIPSE_MISSING_REQUIRED_CAPABILITY=Missing required capability {0}. ECLIPSE_MISSING_REQUIREMENT=Missing the requirement {0}. #Conversion messages ECLIPSE_CONVERTER_ERROR_CONVERTING=Error converting plugin at {0}. ECLIPSE_CONVERTER_ERROR_CREATING_BUNDLE_MANIFEST=Error creating bundle manifest file for {0} at {1}. ECLIPSE_CONVERTER_ERROR_PARSING_PLUGIN_MANIFEST=Error parsing plugin manifest file {0} at {1}. ECLIPSE_CONVERTER_MISSING_ATTRIBUTE=Error parsing {0} manifest. Missing attribute \"{1}\" in element \"{2}\". ECLIPSE_CONVERTER_PLUGIN_LIBRARY_IGNORED=Plugin library {0} ignored when creating manifest for {1}. ECLIPSE_CONVERTER_NO_SAX_FACTORY=No SAX factory parser has been found. ECLIPSE_CONVERTER_PARSE_UNKNOWNTOP_ELEMENT = Unknown element \"{0}\", found at the top level, ignored. ECLIPSE_CONVERTER_FILENOTFOUND = Could not find a META-INF/MANIFEST.MF, plugin.xml or a fragment.xml in {0}. parse_error=Error parsing manifest: {0} parse_errorNameLineColumn=Error parsing manifest at \"{0}\" line \"{1}\" column \"{2}\": {3} #Classloader messages ECLIPSE_CLASSLOADER_CANNOT_GET_HEADERS=Error loading bundle manifest for {0}. Using default auto-activation settings. ECLIPSE_CLASSLOADER_CONCURRENT_STARTUP=While loading class "{1}", thread "{0}" timed out waiting ({4}ms) for thread "{2}" to finish starting bundle "{3}". To avoid deadlock, thread "{0}" is proceeding but "{1}" may not be fully initialized. ECLIPSE_CLASSLOADER_ACTIVATION=An error occurred while automatically activating bundle {0} ({1}). #CachedManifest messages ECLIPSE_CACHEDMANIFEST_UNEXPECTED_EXCEPTION=Unexpected exception occurred loading manifest for bundle at the location: {0}. #BundleStopper messages ECLIPSE_BUNDLESTOPPER_CYCLES_FOUND=Info: cycle(s) found while stopping bundles: {0}. #Location message ECLIPSE_CANNOT_CHANGE_LOCATION = Cannot change the location once it is set. #NL Problem error_badNL=Bad value: \"{0}\" for NL. Using system default. #FileMananger messages fileManager_cannotLock = Unable to create lock manager. fileManager_updateFailed = File update failed on one or more files. fileManager_illegalInReadOnlyMode = Cannot perform operation while in read-only mode. fileManager_notOpen = Manager is not opened. #Location messages location_cannotLockNIO = An error occurred while locking file \"{0}\": \"{1}\". A common reason is that the file system or Runtime Environment does not support file locking for that location. Please choose a different location, or disable file locking by passing {2} as a VM argument. location_cannotLock = An error occurred while locking file \"{0}\". location_folderReadOnly = The folder \"{0}\" is read-only. location_notSet = The location has not been set. location_notFileProtocol = Unable to lock the location. The set location is not a file URL: {0} location_noLockFile = The lock file has not been set. ECLIPSE_PLUGIN_EXTRACTION_PROBLEM = The URL \"{0}\" could not be extracted probably due to insufficient permissions or insufficient disk space.