cabal-version: 3.0 name: supply-chain version: x-revision: 1 category: Monads, Streaming synopsis: Composable request-response pipelines description: @Job@ is a free monad, plus a little extra. It is parameterized on two type constructors: one for dynamic effects, and one for static effects. The @Vendor@ type is similar to job, but a vendor can also /respond to/ requests, and thus it has two dynamic interfaces: one upstream and one downstream. We can connect vendors to jobs or to other vendors, creating a pipeline (or "supply chain", if you like) along the dynamic interfaces. author: Chris Martin maintainer: Chris Martin, Julie Moronuki homepage: bug-reports: license: Apache-2.0 license-file: license.txt extra-source-files: *.md common base default-language: GHC2021 ghc-options: -Wall default-extensions: LambdaCase NoImplicitPrelude build-depends: , base ^>= 4.16 || ^>= 4.17 , supply-chain-core == 0.0.0.* library import: base hs-source-dirs: supply-chain exposed-modules: SupplyChain SupplyChain.Alter SupplyChain.Effect SupplyChain.Job SupplyChain.JobAndVendor SupplyChain.Referral SupplyChain.Unit SupplyChain.Vendor