version: 1 name: Backstory description: | Introduction to the backstory of Swarm. objectives: - goal: - In a shockingly original turn of events, you have crash landed on an alien planet! It's not clear how you'll ever get home, but since you're here, you might as well explore a bit. Your sensors indicate that the atmosphere is highly toxic, so you'll have to stay inside your robotic base, with its built-in life support system. However, you are stocked with all the materials you need to build robots to explore for you! - To start, you only have some very basic devices which can give your robots abilities like moving, turning, grabbing things, and interpreting very simple imperative programs. As you use your robots to gather resources, you will be able to construct better devices, which in turn allow you to construct robots with upgraded abilities and programming language features, which in turn allow you to program more sophisticated robots which in turn will... you get the idea. - To prepare you, this simulator will walk you through a series of hands-on exercises that introduce you to the way robots work and the programming language you will use to control them. - | When you're ready for your first challenge, close this dialog with Esc or Ctrl-G, and type at the prompt: - | say "Ready!" condition: | try { l <- robotNamed "listener"; as l {has "READY"} } { return false } solution: | say "Ready!" entities: - name: READY display: attr: device char: 'R' description: - | When you're ready for your first tutorial challenge, type at the prompt: - | say "Ready!" - | To open the full goal text again, you can hit Ctrl-G. properties: [known, portable] robots: - name: base system: true display: char: 'Ω' attr: robot dir: [1,0] loc: [0,0] inventory: - [1, READY] - name: listener system: true display: invisible: true loc: [0,0] dir: [0,0] inventory: - [0, READY] devices: - logger program: | def forever = \c. force c; forever c end; forever { try { m <- listen; if (m == "Ready!" || m == "ready!" || m == "ready") { create "READY"; log "The player is ready!" } { say $ "Wrong message: " ++ format m } } {log "Something bad happened!"} } seed: 0 world: offset: true