version: 1 name: Maypole author: Karl Ostmo description: | Circle the maypole creative: false seed: 0 attrs: - name: maypole0 fg: "#ff0000" - name: maypole1 fg: "#ffff00" - name: maypole2 fg: "#00ffff" - name: maypole3 fg: "#00ff00" objectives: - id: circle_maypole teaser: Around you go! goal: - | Go around the maypole several times counter-clockwise. condition: | monitor <- robotnamed "monitor"; as monitor {has "dizzy"}; robots: - name: base dir: [0, 1] devices: - branch predictor - treads - antenna - calculator - clock - comparator - workbench - grabber - dictionary - lambda - logger - welder - hearing aid - scanner - strange loop - name: monitor system: true dir: [0, 1] display: invisible: true inventory: - [1, bitcoin] - [1, maypole 0] - [1, maypole 1] - [1, maypole 2] - [1, maypole 3] program: | run "scenarios/Challenges/_maypole/monitor.sw" solution: | run "scenarios/Challenges/_maypole/solution.sw" entities: - name: dizzy display: char: '@' description: - A disorienting vestibular affliction properties: [portable] - name: maypole display: char: 'M' description: - A tall, colorful pole. properties: [known, unwalkable] - name: maypole 0 display: char: 'M' attr: maypole0 description: - A tall, colorful pole. properties: [known, unwalkable] - name: maypole 1 display: char: 'M' attr: maypole1 description: - A tall, colorful pole. properties: [known, unwalkable] - name: maypole 2 display: char: 'M' attr: maypole2 description: - A tall, colorful pole. properties: [known, unwalkable] - name: maypole 3 display: char: 'M' attr: maypole3 description: - A tall, colorful pole. properties: [known, unwalkable] known: [bitcoin] world: dsl: | {grass} upperleft: [0, 0] offset: false palette: 'B': [grass, null, base] '.': [grass] 'M': [grass, maypole, monitor] map: | ................ ................ ................ .......M........ ................ .........B...... ................ ................