{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE UndecidableInstances #-} -- | -- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause module Swarm.Game.Scenario.Topography.Navigation.Portal where import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) import Control.Lens (view) import Control.Monad (forM, forM_, unless) import Data.Aeson import Data.Bifunctor (first) import Data.BoolExpr (Signed (..)) import Data.Function (on) import Data.Functor.Identity import Data.Int (Int32) import Data.List.NonEmpty (NonEmpty ((:|))) import Data.List.NonEmpty qualified as NE import Data.Map (Map) import Data.Map qualified as M import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, listToMaybe) import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Tuple (swap) import GHC.Generics (Generic) import Linear (V2, negated) import Swarm.Game.Location import Swarm.Game.Scenario.Topography.Navigation.Waypoint import Swarm.Game.Universe import Swarm.Language.Direction import Swarm.Util (allEqual, binTuples, both, failT, quote, showT) type WaypointMap = M.Map WaypointName (NonEmpty Location) data AnnotatedDestination a = AnnotatedDestination { enforceConsistency :: Bool , reorientation :: Direction , destination :: Cosmic a } deriving (Show, Eq) -- | Parameterized on waypoint dimensionality ('additionalDimension') and -- on the portal location specification method ('portalExitLoc'). -- == @additionalDimension@ -- As a member of the 'WorldDescription', waypoints are only known within a -- a single subworld, so 'additionalDimension' is 'Identity' for the map -- of waypoint names to planar locations. -- At the Scenario level, in contrast, we have access to all subworlds, so -- we nest this map to planar locations in additional mapping layer by subworld. -- == @portalExitLoc@ -- At the subworld parsing level, we only can obtain the planar location -- for portal /entrances/, but the /exits/ remain as waypoint names. -- At the Scenario-parsing level, we finally have -- access to the waypoints across all subworlds, and can therefore translate -- the portal exits to concrete planar locations. data Navigation additionalDimension portalExitLoc = Navigation { waypoints :: additionalDimension WaypointMap -- ^ Note that waypoints defined at the "root" level are still relative to -- the top-left corner of the map rectangle; they are not in absolute world -- coordinates (as with applying the "ul" offset). , portals :: M.Map (Cosmic Location) (AnnotatedDestination portalExitLoc) } deriving instance (Eq (a WaypointMap), Eq b) => Eq (Navigation a b) deriving instance (Show (a WaypointMap), Show b) => Show (Navigation a b) data PortalExit = PortalExit { exit :: WaypointName , subworldName :: Maybe SubworldName -- ^ Note: 'Nothing' indicates that references a waypoint within the same subworld. } deriving (Show, Eq, Generic, FromJSON) data Portal = Portal { entrance :: WaypointName , exitInfo :: PortalExit , consistent :: Bool , reorient :: PlanarRelativeDir } deriving (Show, Eq) instance FromJSON Portal where parseJSON = withObject "Portal" $ \v -> Portal <$> v .: "entrance" <*> v .: "exitInfo" <*> v .:? "consistent" .!= False <*> v .:? "reorient" .!= DForward failUponDuplication :: (MonadFail m, Show a, Show b) => T.Text -> M.Map a (NonEmpty b) -> m () failUponDuplication message binnedMap = forM_ (listToMaybe $ M.toList duplicated) $ \(pIn, pOuts) -> failT [ "Waypoint" , showT pIn , message , T.intercalate ", " $ map showT $ NE.toList pOuts ] where duplicated = M.filter ((> 1) . NE.length) binnedMap failWaypointLookup :: MonadFail m => WaypointName -> Maybe a -> m a failWaypointLookup (WaypointName rawName) = maybe (failT ["No waypoint named", quote rawName]) return -- | -- The following constraints must be enforced: -- * portals based on plural waypoint multiplicity can have multiple entrances but only a single exit -- * no two portals share the same entrance location -- * waypoint uniqueness within a subworld when the 'unique' flag is specified -- -- == Data flow: -- -- Waypoints are defined within a subworld and are namespaced by it. -- Optional intra-subworld uniqueness of Waypoints is enforced at WorldDescription -- parse time. -- Portals are declared within a subworld. The portal entrance must be a waypoint -- within this subworld. -- They can reference waypoints in other subworlds as exits, but these references -- are not validated until the Scenario parse level. -- -- * Since portal /entrances/ are specified at the subworld level, validation that -- no entrances overlap can also be performed at that level. -- * However, enforcement of single-multiplicity on portal /exits/ must be performed -- at scenario-parse level, because for a portal exit that references a waypoint in -- another subworld, we can't know at the single-WorldDescription level whether -- that waypoint has plural multiplicity. validatePartialNavigation :: (MonadFail m, Traversable t) => SubworldName -> Location -> [Originated Waypoint] -> t Portal -> m (Navigation Identity WaypointName) validatePartialNavigation currentSubworldName upperLeft unmergedWaypoints portalDefs = do failUponDuplication "is required to be unique, but is duplicated in:" waypointsWithUniqueFlag nestedPortalPairs <- forM portalDefs $ \p -> do let Portal entranceName (PortalExit exitName maybeExitSubworldName) isConsistent reOrient = p -- Portals can have multiple entrances but only a single exit. -- That is, the pairings of entries to exits must form a proper mathematical "function". -- Multiple occurrences of entrance waypoints of a given name will result in -- multiple portal entrances. entranceLocs <- getLocs entranceName let sw = fromMaybe currentSubworldName maybeExitSubworldName f = (,AnnotatedDestination isConsistent (DRelative $ DPlanar reOrient) $ Cosmic sw exitName) . extractLoc return $ map f $ NE.toList entranceLocs let reconciledPortalPairs = concat nestedPortalPairs -- Aside from the enforcement of single-exit per portal, we apply another layer of -- enforcement to ensure that no two portals share the same entrance location failUponDuplication "has overlapping portal entrances exiting to" $ binTuples reconciledPortalPairs return . Navigation (pure bareWaypoints) . M.fromList $ map (first $ Cosmic currentSubworldName) reconciledPortalPairs where getLocs wpWrapper = failWaypointLookup wpWrapper $ M.lookup wpWrapper correctedWaypoints extractLoc (Originated _ (Waypoint _ loc)) = loc correctedWaypoints = binTuples $ map (\x -> (wpName $ wpConfig $ value x, fmap (offsetWaypoint $ upperLeft .-. origin) x)) unmergedWaypoints bareWaypoints = M.map (NE.map extractLoc) correctedWaypoints waypointsWithUniqueFlag = M.filter (any $ wpUnique . wpConfig . value) correctedWaypoints validatePortals :: MonadFail m => Navigation (M.Map SubworldName) WaypointName -> m (M.Map (Cosmic Location) (AnnotatedDestination Location)) validatePortals (Navigation wpUniverse partialPortals) = do portalPairs <- forM (M.toList partialPortals) $ \(portalEntrance, AnnotatedDestination isConsistent reOrient portalExit@(Cosmic swName (WaypointName rawExitName))) -> do firstExitLoc :| otherExits <- getLocs portalExit unless (null otherExits) $ failT [ "Ambiguous exit waypoints named" , quote rawExitName , "for portal" ] return (portalEntrance, AnnotatedDestination isConsistent reOrient $ Cosmic swName firstExitLoc) ensureSpatialConsistency portalPairs return $ M.fromList portalPairs where getLocs (Cosmic swName wpWrapper@(WaypointName exitName)) = do subworldWaypoints <- case M.lookup swName wpUniverse of Just x -> return x Nothing -> failT [ "Could not lookup waypoint" , quote exitName , "for portal exit because subworld" , quote $ renderWorldName swName , "does not exist" ] failWaypointLookup wpWrapper $ M.lookup wpWrapper subworldWaypoints -- | A portal can be marked as \"consistent\", meaning that it represents -- a conventional physical passage rather than a \"magical\" teleportation. -- -- If there exists more than one \"consistent\" portal between the same -- two subworlds, then the portal locations must be spatially consistent -- between the two worlds. I.e. the space comprising the two subworlds -- forms a "conservative vector field". -- -- Verifying this is simple: -- For all of the portals between Subworlds A and B: -- * The coordinates of all \"consistent\" portal locations in Subworld A -- are subtracted from the corresponding coordinates in Subworld B. It -- does not matter which are exits vs. entrances. -- * The resulting \"vector\" from every pair must be equal. ensureSpatialConsistency :: MonadFail m => [(Cosmic Location, AnnotatedDestination Location)] -> m () ensureSpatialConsistency xs = unless (null nonUniform) $ failT [ "Non-uniform portal distances:" , showT nonUniform ] where consistentPairs :: [(Cosmic Location, Cosmic Location)] consistentPairs = map (fmap destination) $ filter (enforceConsistency . snd) xs interWorldPairs :: [(Cosmic Location, Cosmic Location)] interWorldPairs = filter (uncurry ((/=) `on` view subworld)) consistentPairs normalizedOrdering :: [Signed (Cosmic Location, Cosmic Location)] normalizedOrdering = map normalizePairOrder interWorldPairs normalizePairOrder :: (Cosmic a, Cosmic a) -> Signed (Cosmic a, Cosmic a) normalizePairOrder pair = if uncurry ((>) `on` view subworld) pair then Negative $ swap pair else Positive pair tuplify :: (Cosmic a, Cosmic a) -> ((SubworldName, SubworldName), (a, a)) tuplify = both (view subworld) &&& both (view planar) getSigned :: Signed (V2 Int32) -> V2 Int32 getSigned = \case Positive x -> x Negative x -> negated x groupedBySubworldPair :: Map (SubworldName, SubworldName) (NonEmpty (Signed (Location, Location))) groupedBySubworldPair = binTuples $ map (sequenceSigned . fmap tuplify) normalizedOrdering vectorized :: Map (SubworldName, SubworldName) (NonEmpty (V2 Int32)) vectorized = M.map (NE.map (getSigned . fmap (uncurry (.-.)))) groupedBySubworldPair nonUniform :: Map (SubworldName, SubworldName) (NonEmpty (V2 Int32)) nonUniform = M.filter ((not . allEqual) . NE.toList) vectorized -- | -- An implementation of 'sequenceA' for 'Signed' that does not -- require an 'Applicative' instance for the inner 'Functor'. -- -- == Discussion -- Compare to the 'Traversable' instance of 'Signed': -- @ -- instance Traversable Signed where -- traverse f (Positive x) = Positive <$> f x -- traverse f (Negative x) = Negative <$> f x -- @ -- -- if we were to substitute 'id' for f: -- @ -- traverse id (Positive x) = Positive <$> id x -- traverse id (Negative x) = Negative <$> id x -- @ -- our implementation essentially becomes @traverse id@. -- -- However, we cannot simply write our implementation as @traverse id@, because -- the 'traverse' function has an 'Applicative' constraint, which is superfluous -- for our purpose. -- -- Perhaps there is an opportunity to invent a typeclass for datatypes which -- consist exclusively of unary (or more ambitiously, non-nullary?) data constructors, -- for which a less-constrained 'sequence' function could be automatically derived. -- Compare to the 'Comonad' class and its 'extract' function. sequenceSigned :: Functor f => Signed (f a) -> f (Signed a) sequenceSigned = \case Positive x -> Positive <$> x Negative x -> Negative <$> x