{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} {-# LANGUAGE RecordWildCards #-} {-# LANGUAGE TemplateHaskell #-} {-# LANGUAGE ViewPatterns #-} -- | -- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause module Swarm.TUI.Model.Repl ( -- ** REPL REPLHistItem (..), replItemText, isREPLEntry, getREPLEntry, REPLHistory, replIndex, replLength, replHasExecutedManualInput, replSeq, newREPLHistory, addREPLItem, restartREPLHistory, getLatestREPLHistoryItems, moveReplHistIndex, getCurrentItemText, replIndexIsAtInput, TimeDir (..), -- ** Prompt utils REPLPrompt (..), removeEntry, -- *** REPL Panel Model REPLState, ReplControlMode (..), replPromptType, replPromptEditor, replPromptText, replValid, replLast, replType, replControlMode, replHistory, newREPLEditor, -- ** Initialization initREPLState, defaultPrompt, lastEntry, ) where import Brick.Widgets.Edit (Editor, applyEdit, editorText, getEditContents) import Control.Applicative (Applicative (liftA2)) import Control.Lens hiding (from, (.=), (<.>)) import Data.Aeson (ToJSON, object, toJSON, (.=)) import Data.Foldable (toList) import Data.Maybe (fromMaybe, isJust) import Data.Sequence (Seq) import Data.Sequence qualified as Seq import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.Zipper qualified as TZ import Servant.Docs (ToSample) import Servant.Docs qualified as SD import Swarm.Language.Types import Swarm.TUI.Model.Name import Swarm.Util.Lens (makeLensesNoSigs) import Prelude hiding (Applicative (..)) ------------------------------------------------------------ -- REPL History ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | An item in the REPL history. data REPLHistItem = -- | Something entered by the user. REPLEntry Text | -- | A response printed by the system. REPLOutput Text deriving (Eq, Ord, Show, Read) instance ToSample REPLHistItem where toSamples _ = SD.noSamples instance ToJSON REPLHistItem where toJSON e = case e of REPLEntry x -> object ["in" .= x] REPLOutput x -> object ["out" .= x] -- | Useful helper function to only get user input text. getREPLEntry :: REPLHistItem -> Maybe Text getREPLEntry = \case REPLEntry t -> Just t _ -> Nothing -- | Useful helper function to filter out REPL output. isREPLEntry :: REPLHistItem -> Bool isREPLEntry = isJust . getREPLEntry -- | Get the text of REPL input/output. replItemText :: REPLHistItem -> Text replItemText = \case REPLEntry t -> t REPLOutput t -> t -- | History of the REPL with indices (0 is first entry) to the current -- line and to the first entry since loading saved history. -- We also (ab)use the length of the REPL as the index of current -- input line, since that number is one past the index of last entry. data REPLHistory = REPLHistory { _replSeq :: Seq REPLHistItem , _replIndex :: Int , _replStart :: Int , _replHasExecutedManualInput :: Bool } deriving (Show) makeLensesNoSigs ''REPLHistory -- | Sequence of REPL inputs and outputs, oldest entry is leftmost. replSeq :: Lens' REPLHistory (Seq REPLHistItem) -- | The current index in the REPL history (if the user is going back -- through the history using up/down keys). replIndex :: Lens' REPLHistory Int -- | The index of the first entry since loading saved history. -- -- It will be set on load and reset on save (happens during exit). replStart :: Lens' REPLHistory Int -- | Note: Instead of adding a dedicated field to the REPLHistory record, -- an early attempt entailed checking for: -- -- _replIndex > _replStart -- -- However, executing an initial script causes -- a "REPLOutput" to be appended to the REPL history, -- which increments the replIndex, and thus makes -- the Index greater than the Start even though -- the player has input not commands into the REPL. -- -- Therefore, a dedicated boolean is introduced into -- REPLHistory which simply latches True when the user -- has input a command. -- -- An alternative is described here: -- https://github.com/swarm-game/swarm/pull/974#discussion_r1112380380 replHasExecutedManualInput :: Lens' REPLHistory Bool -- | Create new REPL history (i.e. from loaded history file lines). newREPLHistory :: [REPLHistItem] -> REPLHistory newREPLHistory xs = let s = Seq.fromList xs in REPLHistory { _replSeq = s , _replStart = length s , _replIndex = length s , _replHasExecutedManualInput = False } -- | Point the start of REPL history after current last line. See 'replStart'. restartREPLHistory :: REPLHistory -> REPLHistory restartREPLHistory h = h & replStart .~ replLength h -- | Current number lines of the REPL history - (ab)used as index of input buffer. replLength :: REPLHistory -> Int replLength = length . _replSeq -- | Add new REPL input - the index must have been pointing one past -- the last element already, so we increment it to keep it that way. addREPLItem :: REPLHistItem -> REPLHistory -> REPLHistory addREPLItem t h = h & replSeq %~ (|> t) & replIndex .~ 1 + replLength h -- | Get the latest N items in history, starting with the oldest one. -- -- This is used to show previous REPL lines in UI, so we need the items -- sorted in the order they were entered and will be drawn top to bottom. getLatestREPLHistoryItems :: Int -> REPLHistory -> [REPLHistItem] getLatestREPLHistoryItems n h = toList latestN where latestN = Seq.drop oldestIndex $ h ^. replSeq oldestIndex = max (h ^. replStart) $ length (h ^. replSeq) - n data TimeDir = Newer | Older deriving (Eq, Ord, Show) moveReplHistIndex :: TimeDir -> Text -> REPLHistory -> REPLHistory moveReplHistIndex d lastEntered history = history & replIndex .~ newIndex where historyLen = replLength history curText = fromMaybe lastEntered $ getCurrentItemText history curIndex = history ^. replIndex entries = history ^. replSeq -- split repl at index (olderP, newer) = Seq.splitAt curIndex entries -- find first different entry in direction notSameEntry = \case REPLEntry t -> t /= curText _ -> False newIndex = case d of Newer -> maybe historyLen (curIndex +) $ Seq.findIndexL notSameEntry newer Older -> fromMaybe curIndex $ Seq.findIndexR notSameEntry olderP getCurrentItemText :: REPLHistory -> Maybe Text getCurrentItemText history = replItemText <$> Seq.lookup (history ^. replIndex) (history ^. replSeq) replIndexIsAtInput :: REPLHistory -> Bool replIndexIsAtInput repl = repl ^. replIndex == replLength repl -- | Given some text, removes the REPLEntry within REPLHistory which is equal to that. -- This is used when the user enters in search mode and want to traverse the history. -- If a command has been used many times, the history will be populated with it causing -- the effect that search command always finds the same command. removeEntry :: Text -> REPLHistory -> REPLHistory removeEntry foundtext hist = hist & replSeq %~ Seq.filter (/= REPLEntry foundtext) -- | Get the last REPLEntry in REPLHistory matching the given text lastEntry :: Text -> REPLHistory -> Maybe Text lastEntry t h = case Seq.viewr $ Seq.filter matchEntry $ h ^. replSeq of Seq.EmptyR -> Nothing _ Seq.:> a -> Just (replItemText a) where matchesText histItem = t `T.isInfixOf` replItemText histItem matchEntry = liftA2 (&&) matchesText isREPLEntry ------------------------------------------------------------ -- REPL ------------------------------------------------------------ -- | This data type tells us how to interpret the text typed -- by the player at the prompt (which is stored in Editor). data REPLPrompt = -- | Interpret the prompt text as a regular command. -- The list is for potential completions, which we can -- cycle through by hitting Tab repeatedly CmdPrompt [Text] | -- | Interpret the prompt text as "search this text in history" SearchPrompt REPLHistory defaultPrompt :: REPLPrompt defaultPrompt = CmdPrompt [] -- | What is being done with user input to the REPL panel? data ReplControlMode = -- | The user is typing at the REPL. Typing | -- | The user is driving the base using piloting mode. Piloting | -- | A custom user key handler is processing user input. Handling deriving (Eq, Bounded, Enum) data REPLState = REPLState { _replPromptType :: REPLPrompt , _replPromptEditor :: Editor Text Name , _replValid :: Bool , _replLast :: Text , _replType :: Maybe Polytype , _replControlMode :: ReplControlMode , _replHistory :: REPLHistory } newREPLEditor :: Text -> Editor Text Name newREPLEditor t = applyEdit gotoEnd $ editorText REPLInput (Just 1) t where ls = T.lines t pos = (length ls - 1, T.length (last ls)) gotoEnd = if null ls then id else TZ.moveCursor pos initREPLState :: REPLHistory -> REPLState initREPLState hist = REPLState { _replPromptType = defaultPrompt , _replPromptEditor = newREPLEditor "" , _replValid = True , _replLast = "" , _replType = Nothing , _replControlMode = Typing , _replHistory = hist } makeLensesNoSigs ''REPLState -- | The way we interpret text typed by the player in the REPL prompt. replPromptType :: Lens' REPLState REPLPrompt -- | The prompt where the user can type input at the REPL. replPromptEditor :: Lens' REPLState (Editor Text Name) -- | Convinience lens to get text from editor and replace it with new -- one that has the provided text. replPromptText :: Lens' REPLState Text replPromptText = lens g s where g r = r ^. replPromptEditor . to getEditContents . to T.concat s r t = r & replPromptEditor .~ newREPLEditor t -- | Whether the prompt text is a valid 'Term'. replValid :: Lens' REPLState Bool -- | The type of the current REPL input which should be displayed to -- the user (if any). replType :: Lens' REPLState (Maybe Polytype) -- | The last thing the user has typed which isn't part of the history. -- This is used to restore the repl form after the user visited the history. replLast :: Lens' REPLState Text -- | The current REPL control mode, i.e. how user input to the REPL -- panel is being handled. replControlMode :: Lens' REPLState ReplControlMode -- | History of things the user has typed at the REPL, interleaved -- with outputs the system has generated. replHistory :: Lens' REPLState REPLHistory