{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE QuasiQuotes #-} -- | -- SPDX-License-Identifier: BSD-3-Clause -- -- Swarm unit tests module TestLanguagePipeline where import Control.Arrow ((&&&)) import Control.Lens (toListOf) import Control.Lens.Plated (universe) import Data.Aeson (eitherDecode, encode) import Data.Either import Data.Maybe import Data.Text (Text) import Data.Text qualified as T import Data.Text.Encoding qualified as T import Swarm.Language.Module (Module (..)) import Swarm.Language.Parse.QQ (tyQ) import Swarm.Language.Pipeline (ProcessedTerm (..), processTerm) import Swarm.Language.Pipeline.QQ (tmQ) import Swarm.Language.Syntax import Swarm.Language.Typecheck (isSimpleUType) import Swarm.Language.Types import Test.Tasty import Test.Tasty.HUnit import Witch (from) testLanguagePipeline :: TestTree testLanguagePipeline = testGroup "Language - pipeline" [ testCase "end semicolon #79" (valid "def a = 41 end def b = a + 1 end def c = b + 2 end") , testCase "quantification #148 - implicit" (valid "def id : a -> a = \\x. x end; id move") , testCase "quantification #148 - explicit" (valid "def id : forall a. a -> a = \\x. x end; id move") , testCase "quantification #148 - explicit with free tyvars" ( process "def id : forall a. b -> b = \\x. x end; id move" ( T.unlines [ "1:27:" , " |" , "1 | def id : forall a. b -> b = \\x. x end; id move" , " | ^" , " Type contains free variable(s): b" , " Try adding them to the 'forall'." , "" ] ) ) , testCase "parsing operators #188 - parse valid operator (!=)" (valid "1!=(2)") , testCase "parsing operators #236 - parse valid operator (<=)" (valid "1 <= 2") , testCase "parsing operators #239 - parse valid operator ($)" (valid "fst $ snd $ (1,2,3)") , testCase "Allow ' in variable names #269 - parse variable name containing '" (valid "def a'_' = 0 end") , testCase "Allow ' in variable names #269 - do not parse variable starting with '" ( process "def 'a = 0 end" ( T.unlines [ "1:5:" , " |" , "1 | def 'a = 0 end" , " | ^" , "unexpected '''" , "expecting variable name" ] ) ) , testCase "Parse pair syntax #225" (valid "def f : (int -> bool) * (int -> bool) = (\\x. false, \\x. true) end") , testCase "Nested pair syntax" (valid "(1,2,3,4)") , testCase "Binder at end of block" (valid "r <- build {move}") , testGroup "failure location - #268" [ testCase "located type error" ( process "def a =\n 42 + \"oops\"\nend" "2:7: Type mismatch:\n From context, expected `\"oops\"` to have type `int`,\n but it actually has type `text`" ) , testCase "failure inside bind chain" ( process "move;\n1;\nmove" "2:1: Type mismatch:\n From context, expected `1` to be a command,\n but it actually has type `int`" ) , testCase "failure inside function call" ( process "if true \n{} \n(move)" "3:1: Type mismatch:\n From context, expected `move` to have type `{cmd unit}`,\n but it actually has type `cmd unit`" ) , testCase "parsing operators #236 - report failure on invalid operator start" ( process "1 <== 2" ( T.unlines [ "1:3:" , " |" , "1 | 1 <== 2" , " | ^" , "unexpected '<'" ] ) ) ] , testGroup "require - #201" [ testCase "require device" (valid "require \"boat\"") , testCase "require entities" (valid "require 64 \"rock\"") , testCase "invalid syntax to require" ( process "require x" ( T.unlines [ "1:9:" , " |" , "1 | require x" , " | ^" , "unexpected 'x'" , "expecting device name in double quotes or integer literal" ] ) ) , testCase "invalid syntax to require n" ( process "require 2 x" ( T.unlines [ "1:11:" , " |" , "1 | require 2 x" , " | ^" , "unexpected 'x'" , "expecting entity name in double quotes" ] ) ) ] , testGroup "json encoding" [ testCase "simple expr" (roundTrip "42 + 43") , testCase "module def" (roundTrip "def x = 41 end; def y = 42 end") ] , testGroup "atomic - #479" [ testCase "atomic move" ( valid "atomic move" ) , testCase "grabif" (valid "def grabif : text -> cmd unit = \\x. atomic (b <- ishere x; if b {grab; return ()} {}) end") , testCase "placeif" (valid "def placeif : text -> cmd bool = \\thing. atomic (res <- scan down; if (res == inl ()) {place thing; return true} {return false}) end") , testCase "atomic move+move" ( process "atomic (move; move)" "1:8: Invalid atomic block: block could take too many ticks (2): move; move" ) , testCase "atomic lambda" ( process "atomic ((\\c. c;c) move)" "1:9: Invalid atomic block: def, let, and lambda are not allowed: \\c. c; c" ) , testCase "atomic non-simple" ( process "def dup = \\c. c; c end; atomic (dup (dup move))" "1:33: Invalid atomic block: reference to variable with non-simple type ∀ a. cmd a -> cmd a: dup" ) , testCase "atomic nested" ( process "atomic (move; atomic (if true {} {}))" "1:15: Invalid atomic block: nested atomic block" ) , testCase "atomic wait" ( process "atomic (wait 1)" "1:9: Invalid atomic block: commands that can take multiple ticks to execute are not allowed: wait" ) , testCase "atomic make" ( process "atomic (make \"PhD thesis\")" "1:9: Invalid atomic block: commands that can take multiple ticks to execute are not allowed: make" ) , testCase "atomic drill" ( process "atomic (drill forward)" "1:9: Invalid atomic block: commands that can take multiple ticks to execute are not allowed: drill" ) , testCase "atomic salvage" ( process "atomic (salvage)" "1:8: Invalid atomic block: commands that can take multiple ticks to execute are not allowed: salvage" ) ] , testGroup "integer literals" [ testCase "binary literal" (valid "0b1011011101") , testCase "invalid binary literal" (process "0b101201" "1:6:\n |\n1 | 0b101201\n | ^\nunexpected '2'\n") , testCase "octal literal" (valid "0o3726") , testCase "invalid octal literal" (process "0o3826" "1:4:\n |\n1 | 0o3826\n | ^\nunexpected '8'\n") , testCase "hex literal" (valid "0xabcD6F") , testCase "invalid hex literal" (process "0xabcD6G2" "1:8:\n |\n1 | 0xabcD6G2\n | ^\nunexpected 'G'\n") ] , testGroup "void type" [ testCase "isSimpleUType" ( assertBool "" $ isSimpleUType UTyVoid ) , testCase "valid type signature" (valid "def f : void -> a = \\x. undefined end") ] , testGroup "record type" [ testCase "valid record" (valid "\\x:int. ([y = \"hi\", x, z = \\x.x] : [x:int, y:text, z:bool -> bool])") , testCase "infer record type" (valid "[x = 3, y = \"hi\"]") , testCase "field mismatch - missing" ( process "(\\r:[x:int, y:int]. r.x) [x = 3]" "1:26: Field mismatch; record literal has:\n - Missing field(s) `y`" ) , testCase "field mismatch - extra" ( process "(\\r:[x:int, y:int]. r.x) [x = 3, y = 4, z = 5]" "1:26: Field mismatch; record literal has:\n - Extra field(s) `z`" ) , testCase "field mismatch - both" ( process "(\\r:[x:int, y:int]. r.x) [x = 3, z = 5]" "1:26: Field mismatch; record literal has:\n - Extra field(s) `z`\n - Missing field(s) `y`" ) ] , testGroup "type annotations" [ testCase "annotate 1 + 1" ( assertEqual "type annotations" (toListOf traverse (getSyntax [tmQ| 1 + 1 |])) [[tyQ| int -> int -> int|], [tyQ|int|], [tyQ|int -> int|], [tyQ|int|], [tyQ|int|]] ) , testCase "get all annotated variable types" ( let s = getSyntax [tmQ| def f : (int -> int) -> int -> text = \g. \x. format (g x) end |] isVar (TVar {}) = True isVar _ = False getVars = map (_sTerm &&& _sType) . filter (isVar . _sTerm) . universe in assertEqual "variable types" (getVars s) [ (TVar "g", [tyQ| int -> int |]) , (TVar "x", [tyQ| int |]) ] ) , testCase "simple type ascription" (valid "(3 : int) + 5") , testCase "invalid type ascription" (process "1 : text" "1:1: Type mismatch:\n From context, expected `1` to have type `text`,\n but it actually has type `int`") , testCase "type ascription with a polytype" (valid "((\\x . x) : a -> a) 3") , testCase "type ascription too general" (process "1 : a" "1:1: Type mismatch:\n From context, expected `1` to have type `s0`,\n but it actually has type `int`") , testCase "type specialization through type ascription" (valid "fst:(int + b) * a -> int + b") , testCase "type ascription doesn't allow rank 2 types" ( process "\\f. (f:forall a. a->a) 3" "1:5: Skolem variable s3 would escape its scope" ) , testCase "checking a lambda with the wrong argument type" ( process "(\\x:int. x + 2) : text -> int" "1:1: Lambda argument has type annotation `int`, but expected argument type `text`" ) ] , testGroup "typechecking errors" [ testCase "applying a pair" ( process "(1,2) \"hi\"" "1:1: Type mismatch:\n From context, expected `(1, 2)` to be a function,\n but it is actually a pair" ) , testCase "providing a pair as an argument" ( process "(\\x:int. x + 1) (1,2)" "1:17: Type mismatch:\n From context, expected `(1, 2)` to have type `int`,\n but it is actually a pair" ) , testCase "mismatched if branches" ( process "if true {grab} {}" "1:16: Type mismatch:\n From context, expected `noop` to have type `cmd text`,\n but it actually has type `cmd unit`" ) , testCase "definition with wrong result" ( process "def m : int -> int -> int = \\x. \\y. {3} end" "1:37: Type mismatch:\n From context, expected `{3}` to have type `int`,\n but it is actually a delayed expression\n\n - While checking the definition of m" ) , testCase "comparing two incompatible functions" ( process "(\\f:int -> text. f 3) (\\x:int. 3)" "1:32: Type mismatch:\n From context, expected `3` to have type `text`,\n but it actually has type `int`\n" ) , testCase "comparing two incompatible functions 2" ( process "(\\f:int -> text. f 3) (\\x:int. \\y:int. \"hi\")" "1:32: Type mismatch:\n From context, expected `\\y:int. \"hi\"` to have type `text`,\n but it is actually a function\n" ) , testCase "unify two-argument function and int" ( process "1 + (\\x. \\y. 3)" "1:5: Type mismatch:\n From context, expected `\\x. \\y. 3` to have type `int`,\n but it is actually a function\n" ) ] ] where valid = flip process "" roundTrip txt = assertEqual "roundtrip" term (decodeThrow $ encode term) where decodeThrow v = case eitherDecode v of Left e -> error $ "Decoding of " <> from (T.decodeUtf8 (from v)) <> " failed with: " <> from e Right x -> x term = fromMaybe (error "") $ fromRight (error "") $ processTerm txt process :: Text -> Text -> Assertion process code expect = case processTerm code of Left e | not (T.null expect) && expect `T.isPrefixOf` e -> pure () | otherwise -> error $ "Unexpected failure: " <> show e Right _ | expect == "" -> pure () | otherwise -> error "Unexpected success" getSyntax :: ProcessedTerm -> Syntax' Polytype getSyntax (ProcessedTerm (Module s _) _ _) = s