{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances #-}
--  See end of this file for licence information.
-- |
--  Module      :  RDFGraph
--  Copyright   :  (c) 2003, Graham Klyne, 2009 Vasili I Galchin, 2011 Douglas Burke
--  License     :  GPL V2
--  Maintainer  :  Douglas Burke
--  Stability   :  experimental
--  Portability :  FlexibleInstances, MultiParamTypeClasses, TypeSynonymInstances
--  This module defines a memory-based RDF graph instance.

-- Simple labelled directed graph value

module Swish.RDF.RDFGraph
    ( RDFLabel(..)
    , isLiteral, isUntypedLiteral, isTypedLiteral, isXMLLiteral
    , isDatatyped, isMemberProp, isUri, isBlank, isQueryVar
    , getLiteralText, getScopedName, makeBlank
    , RDFTriple
    , NSGraph(..), RDFGraph
    , NamespaceMap, RevNamespaceMap, RevNamespace
    , emptyNamespaceMap
    , LookupFormula(..), Formula, FormulaMap, emptyFormulaMap
    , addArc, merge
    , allLabels, allNodes, remapLabels, remapLabelList
    , newNode, newNodes
    , setNamespaces, getNamespaces
    , setFormulae, getFormulae, setFormula, getFormula
    , toRDFGraph, emptyRDFGraph {-, updateRDFGraph-}
      -- Re-export from GraphClass
    , LDGraph(..), Label (..), Arc(..)
    , arc, arcSubj, arcPred, arcObj, Selector
      -- Export selected RDFLabel values
    , res_rdf_type, res_rdf_first, res_rdf_rest, res_rdf_nil
    , res_rdfs_member
    , res_rdfd_GeneralRestriction
    , res_rdfd_onProperties, res_rdfd_constraint, res_rdfd_maxCardinality
    , res_owl_sameAs, res_log_implies
      -- Exported for testing:
    , grMatchMap, grEq
    , mapnode, maplist

import Swish.Utils.Namespace
    ( Namespace(..)
    , getScopedNameURI
    , ScopedName(..)
    , nullScopedName

import Swish.RDF.Vocabulary
    ( namespaceRDF
    , langTag, isLang
    , rdf_type
    , rdf_first, rdf_rest, rdf_nil, rdf_XMLLiteral
    , rdfs_member
    , rdfd_GeneralRestriction
    , rdfd_onProperties, rdfd_constraint, rdfd_maxCardinality
    , owl_sameAs, log_implies

import Swish.RDF.GraphClass
    ( LDGraph(..), Label (..)
    , Arc(..), arc, arcSubj, arcPred, arcObj
    , Selector )

import Swish.RDF.GraphMatch
    ( graphMatch, LabelMap, ScopedLabel(..) )

import Swish.Utils.MiscHelpers
    ( hash, quote )

import Swish.Utils.ListHelpers
    ( addSetElem )

import Swish.Utils.LookupMap
    ( LookupMap(..), LookupEntryClass(..)
    , listLookupMap
    , mapFind, mapFindMaybe, mapReplaceOrAdd, mapVals, mapKeys )

import qualified Data.Foldable as F
import qualified Data.Traversable as T

import Control.Applicative (Applicative, liftA, (<$>), (<*>))
-- import Control.Monad (liftM, ap)

import Data.Char
    ( isDigit )

import Data.List
    ( intersect, union, findIndices )

import Data.Ord (comparing)

-- | RDF graph node values
--  cf. <http://www.w3.org/TR/rdf-concepts/#section-Graph-syntax>
--  This is extended from the RDF abstract graph syntax in the
--  following ways:
--  (a) a graph can be part of a resource node or blank node
--      (cf. Notation3 formulae)
--  (b) a \"variable\" node option is distinguished from a
--      blank node.
--      I have found this useful for encoding and handling
--      queries, even though query variables can be expressed
--      as blank nodes.
--  (c) a \"NoNode\" option is defined.
--      This might otherwise be handled by @Maybe (RDFLabel g)@.

-- TODO: should Lit be split up so that can easily differentiate between
-- a type and a language tag

data RDFLabel =
      Res ScopedName                    -- ^ resource
    | Lit String (Maybe ScopedName)     -- ^ literal [type/language]
    | Blank String                      -- ^ blank node
    | Var String                        -- ^ variable (not used in ordinary graphs)
    | NoNode                            -- ^ no node  (not used in ordinary graphs)

instance Eq RDFLabel where
    (==) = labelEq

instance Show RDFLabel where
    show (Res sn)           = show sn
    show (Lit st Nothing)   = quote st
    show (Lit st (Just nam))
        | isLang nam = quote st ++ "@"  ++ langTag nam
        | otherwise  = quote st ++ "^^" ++ show nam
    show (Blank ln)         = "_:"++ln
    show (Var ln)           = '?' : ln
    show NoNode             = "<NoNode>"

instance Ord RDFLabel where
    -- Optimize some common cases..
    compare (Res sn1)      (Res sn2)      = compare sn1 sn2
    compare (Blank ln1)    (Blank ln2)    = compare ln1 ln2
    compare (Res _)        (Blank _)      = LT
    compare (Blank _)      (Res _)        = GT
    -- .. else use show string comparison
    compare l1 l2 = comparing show l1 l2
    -- Similarly for <=
    (Res qn1)   <= (Res qn2)      = qn1 <= qn2
    (Blank ln1) <= (Blank ln2)    = ln1 <= ln2
    (Res _)     <= (Blank _)      = True
    (Blank _)   <= (Res _)        = False
    l1 <= l2                      = show l1 <= show l2

instance Label RDFLabel where
    labelIsVar (Blank _)    = True
    labelIsVar (Var _)      = True
    labelIsVar _            = False
    getLocal   (Blank loc)  = loc
    getLocal   (Var   loc)  = '?':loc
    getLocal   (Res   sn)   = "Res_"++snLocal sn
    getLocal   (NoNode)     = "None"
    getLocal   _            = "Lit_"
    makeLabel  ('?':loc)    = Var loc
    makeLabel  loc          = Blank loc
    labelHash seed lb       = hash seed (showCanon lb)

-- | Get the canonical string for RDF label.
--  Used for hashing, so that equivalent labels always return
--  the same hash value.
showCanon :: RDFLabel -> String
showCanon (Res sn)           = "<"++getScopedNameURI sn++">"
showCanon (Lit st (Just nam))
        | isLang nam = quote st ++ "@"  ++ langTag nam
        | otherwise  = quote st ++ "^^" ++ getScopedNameURI nam
showCanon s                  = show s

-- | Define equality of nodes possibly based on different graph types.
-- The version of equality defined here is not strictly RDF abstract syntax
-- equality, but my interpretation of equivalence for the purposes of
-- entailment, in the absence of any specific datatype knowledge other
-- than XML literals.
labelEq :: RDFLabel -> RDFLabel -> Bool
labelEq (Res q1)            (Res q2)        = q1 == q2
labelEq (Blank s1)          (Blank s2)      = s1 == s2
labelEq (Var v1)            (Var v2)        = v1 == v2
labelEq (Lit s1 t1)         (Lit s2 t2)     = s1 == s2 && t1 == t2
labelEq _                   _               = False

--  Selected RDFLabel values

res_rdf_type, res_rdf_first, res_rdf_rest, res_rdf_nil,
  res_rdfs_member, res_rdfd_GeneralRestriction,
  res_rdfd_onProperties, res_rdfd_constraint,
  res_rdfd_maxCardinality, res_owl_sameAs, res_log_implies
  :: RDFLabel

res_rdf_type                = Res rdf_type
res_rdf_first               = Res rdf_first
res_rdf_rest                = Res rdf_rest
res_rdf_nil                 = Res rdf_nil
res_rdfs_member             = Res rdfs_member
res_rdfd_GeneralRestriction = Res rdfd_GeneralRestriction
res_rdfd_onProperties       = Res rdfd_onProperties
res_rdfd_constraint         = Res rdfd_constraint
res_rdfd_maxCardinality     = Res rdfd_maxCardinality
res_owl_sameAs              = Res owl_sameAs
res_log_implies             = Res log_implies

--  Additional functions on RDFLabel values

-- |Test if supplied labal is a URI resource node
isUri :: RDFLabel -> Bool
isUri (Res _) = True
isUri  _      = False

-- |Test if supplied labal is a literal node
isLiteral :: RDFLabel -> Bool
isLiteral (Lit _ _) = True
isLiteral  _        = False

-- |Test if supplied labal is an untyped literal node
isUntypedLiteral :: RDFLabel -> Bool
isUntypedLiteral (Lit _ Nothing  ) = True
isUntypedLiteral (Lit _ (Just tn)) = isLang tn
isUntypedLiteral  _                = False

-- |Test if supplied labal is an untyped literal node
isTypedLiteral :: RDFLabel -> Bool
isTypedLiteral (Lit _ (Just tn)) = not (isLang tn)
isTypedLiteral  _                = False

-- |Test if supplied labal is an XML literal node
isXMLLiteral :: RDFLabel -> Bool
isXMLLiteral = isDatatyped rdf_XMLLiteral

-- |Test if supplied label is an typed literal node of a given datatype
isDatatyped :: ScopedName -> RDFLabel -> Bool
isDatatyped d  (Lit _ (Just n)) = n == d
isDatatyped _  _                = False

-- |Test if supplied label is a container membership property
--  Check for namespace is RDF namespace and
--  first character of local name is '_' and
--  remaining characters of local name are all digits
isMemberProp :: RDFLabel -> Bool
isMemberProp (Res sn) = snScope sn == namespaceRDF &&
                        head loc   == '_' &&
                        all isDigit (tail loc)
                            loc = snLocal sn
isMemberProp _        = False

-- |Test if supplied labal is a blank node
isBlank :: RDFLabel -> Bool
isBlank (Blank _) = True
isBlank  _        = False

-- |Test if supplied labal is a query variable
isQueryVar :: RDFLabel -> Bool
isQueryVar (Var _) = True
isQueryVar  _      = False

-- |Extract text value from a literal node
getLiteralText :: RDFLabel -> String
getLiteralText (Lit s _) = s
getLiteralText  _        = ""

-- |Extract ScopedName value from a resource node
getScopedName :: RDFLabel -> ScopedName
getScopedName (Res sn) = sn
getScopedName  _       = nullScopedName

-- |Make a blank node from a supplied query variable,
--  or return the supplied label unchanged.
--  (Use this in when substituting an existential for an
--  unsubstituted query variable.)
makeBlank :: RDFLabel -> RDFLabel
makeBlank  (Var loc)    = Blank loc
makeBlank  lb           = lb

-- | RDF Triple (statement)

type RDFTriple = Arc RDFLabel

-- | Namespace prefix list entry

type NamespaceMap = LookupMap Namespace

data RevNamespace = RevNamespace Namespace

instance LookupEntryClass RevNamespace String String where
    keyVal   (RevNamespace (Namespace pre uri)) = (uri,pre)
    newEntry (uri,pre) = RevNamespace (Namespace pre uri)

type RevNamespaceMap = LookupMap RevNamespace

emptyNamespaceMap :: NamespaceMap
emptyNamespaceMap = LookupMap []

-- | Graph formula entry

data LookupFormula lb gr = Formula
    { formLabel :: lb
    , formGraph :: gr

instance ( Eq lb, Eq gr ) => Eq (LookupFormula lb gr) where
    f1 == f2 = formLabel f1 == formLabel f2 &&
               formGraph f1 == formGraph f2

instance (Label lb)
    => LookupEntryClass (LookupFormula lb (NSGraph lb)) lb (NSGraph lb)
        keyVal fe      = (formLabel fe, formGraph fe)
        newEntry (k,v) = Formula { formLabel=k, formGraph=v }

instance (Label lb) => Show (LookupFormula lb (NSGraph lb))
        show (Formula l g) = show l ++ " :- { " ++ showArcs "    " g ++ " }"

type Formula lb = LookupFormula lb (NSGraph lb)

type FormulaMap lb = LookupMap (LookupFormula lb (NSGraph lb))

emptyFormulaMap :: FormulaMap RDFLabel
emptyFormulaMap = LookupMap []

{-  given up on trying to do Functor for formulae...
instance Functor (LookupFormula (NSGraph lb)) where
    fmap f fm = mapTranslateEntries (mapFormulaEntry f) fm

formulaeMap :: (lb -> l2) -> FormulaMap lb -> FormulaMap l2
formulaeMap f = fmap (formulaEntryMap f) 

formulaEntryMap ::
    (lb -> l2)
    -> Formula lb
    -> Formula l2
formulaEntryMap f (Formula k gr) = Formula (f k) (fmap f gr)

formulaeMapA :: Applicative f => (lb -> f l2) -> 
                FormulaMap lb -> f (FormulaMap l2)
formulaeMapA f = T.traverse (formulaEntryMapA f)

formulaEntryMapA ::
  (Applicative f) => 
  (lb -> f l2)
  -> Formula lb
  -> f (Formula l2)
formulaEntryMapA f (Formula k gr) = Formula `liftA` f k <*> T.traverse f gr

formulaeMapM ::
    (Monad m) => (lb -> m l2) -> FormulaMap lb -> m (FormulaMap l2)
formulaeMapM f = T.mapM (formulaEntryMapM f)

formulaEntryMapM ::
    (Monad m)
    => (lb -> m l2)
    -> Formula lb
    -> m (Formula l2)
formulaEntryMapM f (Formula k gr) =
  Formula `liftM` f k `ap` T.mapM f gr

-- | Memory-based graph with namespaces and subgraphs

data NSGraph lb = NSGraph
    { namespaces :: NamespaceMap
    , formulae   :: FormulaMap lb
    , statements :: [Arc lb]

getNamespaces :: NSGraph lb -> NamespaceMap
getNamespaces = namespaces

setNamespaces      :: NamespaceMap -> NSGraph lb -> NSGraph lb
setNamespaces ns g = g { namespaces=ns }

getFormulae :: NSGraph lb -> FormulaMap lb
getFormulae = formulae

setFormulae      :: FormulaMap lb -> NSGraph lb -> NSGraph lb
setFormulae fs g = g { formulae=fs }

getFormula     :: (Label lb) => NSGraph lb -> lb -> Maybe (NSGraph lb)
getFormula g l = mapFindMaybe l (formulae g)

setFormula     :: (Label lb) => Formula lb -> NSGraph lb -> NSGraph lb
setFormula f g = g { formulae=mapReplaceOrAdd f (formulae g) }

instance (Label lb) => LDGraph NSGraph lb where
    getArcs      = statements 
    setArcs as g = g { statements=as }
    containedIn = undefined -- TODO: should there be one defined?

-- Optimized method to add arc .. don't check for duplicates.
addArc :: (Label lb) => Arc lb -> NSGraph lb -> NSGraph lb
addArc ar gr = gr { statements=addSetElem ar (statements gr) }

instance Functor NSGraph where
  fmap f (NSGraph ns fml stmts) =
    NSGraph ns (formulaeMap f fml) ((map $ fmap f) stmts)

instance F.Foldable NSGraph where
  foldMap = T.foldMapDefault

instance T.Traversable NSGraph where
  traverse f (NSGraph ns fml stmts) = 
    (NSGraph ns) <$> formulaeMapA f fml <*> (T.traverse $ T.traverse f) stmts
instance (Label lb) => Eq (NSGraph lb) where
    (==) = grEq

instance (Label lb) => Show (NSGraph lb) where
    show     = grShow ""
    showList = grShowList ""

grShowList :: (Label lb) => String -> [NSGraph lb] -> String -> String
grShowList _ []     = showString "[no graphs]"
grShowList p (g:gs) = showChar '[' . showString (grShow pp g) . showl gs
        showl []     = showChar ']' -- showString $ "\n" ++ p ++ "]"
        showl (h:hs) = showString (",\n "++p++grShow pp h) . showl hs
        pp           = ' ':p

grShow   :: (Label lb) => String -> NSGraph lb -> String
grShow p g =
    "Graph, formulae: " ++ showForm ++ "\n" ++
    p ++ "arcs: " ++ showArcs p g
        showForm = foldr ((++) . (pp ++) . show) "" fml
        fml = listLookupMap (getFormulae g)
        pp = "\n    " ++ p

showArcs :: (Label lb) => String -> NSGraph lb -> String
showArcs p g = foldr ((++) . (pp ++) . show) "" (getArcs g)
        pp = "\n    " ++ p

grEq :: (Label lb) => NSGraph lb -> NSGraph lb -> Bool
grEq g1 g2 = fst ( grMatchMap g1 g2 )

grMatchMap :: (Label lb) =>
    NSGraph lb -> NSGraph lb -> (Bool, LabelMap (ScopedLabel lb))
grMatchMap g1 g2 =
    graphMatch matchable (getArcs g1) (getArcs g2)
        matchable l1 l2 = mapFormula g1 l1 == mapFormula g2 l2
        mapFormula g l  = mapFindMaybe l (getFormulae g)

toNSGraph :: (Eq lb, Show lb) => [Arc lb] -> NSGraph lb
toNSGraph arcs =
        { statements = arcs
        , namespaces = emptyNamespaceMap
        , formulae   = LookupMap []

-- |Merge RDF graphs, renaming blank and query variable nodes as
--  needed to neep variable nodes from the two graphs distinct in
--  the resulting graph.
merge :: (Label lb) => NSGraph lb -> NSGraph lb -> NSGraph lb
merge gr1 gr2 =
        bn1   = allLabels labelIsVar gr1
        bn2   = allLabels labelIsVar gr2
        dupbn = intersect bn1 bn2
        allbn = union bn1 bn2
        add gr1 (remapLabels dupbn allbn id gr2)

-- |Return list of all labels (including properties) in the graph
--  satisfying a supplied filter predicate.
allLabels :: (Label lb) => (lb -> Bool) -> NSGraph lb -> [lb]
allLabels p gr = filter p (unionNodes p (formulaNodes p gr) (labels gr) )

-- |Return list of all subjects and objects in the graph
--  satisfying a supplied filter predicate.
allNodes :: (Label lb) => (lb -> Bool) -> NSGraph lb -> [lb]
allNodes p = unionNodes p [] . nodes

-- | List all nodes in graph formulae satisfying a supplied predicate
formulaNodes :: (Label lb) => (lb -> Bool) -> NSGraph lb -> [lb]
formulaNodes p gr = foldl (unionNodes p) fkeys (map (allLabels p) fvals)
        -- fm :: (Label lb) => FormulaMap lb
        --                     LookupMap LookupFormula (NSGraph lb) lb
        fm    = formulae gr
        -- fvals :: (Label lb) => [NSGraph lb]
        fvals = mapVals fm
        -- fkeys :: (Label lb) => [lb]
        fkeys = filter p $ mapKeys fm

-- | Helper to filter variable nodes and merge with those found so far
unionNodes :: (Label lb) => (lb -> Bool) -> [lb] -> [lb] -> [lb]
unionNodes p ls1 ls2 = ls1 `union` filter p ls2

-- |Remap selected nodes in graph:
--  This is the node renaming operation that prevents graph-scoped
--  variable nodes from being merged when two graphs are merged.
remapLabels ::
    (Label lb)
    => [lb] -- ^ variable nodes to be renamed (@dupbn@)
    -> [lb] -- ^ variable nodes used that must be avoided (@allbn@)
    -> (lb -> lb) -- ^ node conversion function that is applied to nodes
    -- from @dupbn@ in the graph that are to be replaced by
    -- new blank nodes.  If no such conversion is required,
    -- supply @id@.  The function 'makeBlank' can be used to convert
    -- RDF query nodes into RDF blank nodes.
    -> NSGraph lb -- ^ graph in which nodes are to be renamed
    -> NSGraph lb
remapLabels dupbn allbn cnvbn = fmap (mapnode dupbn allbn cnvbn)

-- |Externally callable function to construct a list of (old,new)
--  values to be used for graph label remapping.
remapLabelList ::
    (Label lb)
    => [lb] -- ^ labels to be remaped
    -> [lb] -- ^ labels to be avoided by the remapping
    -> [(lb,lb)]
remapLabelList remap avoid = maplist remap avoid id []

-- | Remap a single graph node.
--  If the node is not one of those to be remapped,
--  the supplied value is returned unchanged.
mapnode ::
    (Label lb) => [lb] -> [lb] -> (lb -> lb) -> lb -> lb
mapnode dupbn allbn cnvbn nv =
    mapFind nv nv (LookupMap (maplist dupbn allbn cnvbn []))

-- | Construct a list of (oldnode,newnode) values to be used for
--  graph label remapping.  The function operates recursiovely, adding
--  new nodes generated to the mapping list (mapbn') and also to the
--  list of nodes to be avoided (allbn').
maplist ::
    (Label lb) => [lb] -> [lb] -> (lb -> lb) -> [(lb,lb)] -> [(lb,lb)]
maplist []         _     _     mapbn = mapbn
maplist (dn:dupbn) allbn cnvbn mapbn = maplist dupbn allbn' cnvbn mapbn'
        dnmap  = newNode (cnvbn dn) allbn
        mapbn' = (dn,dnmap):mapbn
        allbn' = dnmap:allbn

-- |Given a node and a list of existing nodes, find a new node for
--  the supplied node that does not clash with any existing node.
--  (Generates an non-terminating list of possible replacements, and
--  picks the first one that isn't already in use.)
--  TODO: optimize this for common case @nnn@ and @_nnn@:
--    always generate @_nnn@ and keep track of last allocated
newNode :: (Label lb) => lb -> [lb] -> lb
newNode dn existnodes =
    head $ newNodes dn existnodes

-- |Given a node and a list of existing nodes, generate a list of new
--  nodes for the supplied node that do not clash with any existing node.
newNodes :: (Label lb) => lb -> [lb] -> [lb]
newNodes dn existnodes =
    filter (not . (`elem` existnodes)) $ trynodes (noderootindex dn)

noderootindex :: (Label lb) => lb -> (String,Int)
noderootindex dn = (nh,nx) where
    (nh,nt) = splitnodeid $ getLocal dn
    nx      = if null nt then 0 else read nt

splitnodeid :: String -> (String,String)
splitnodeid dn = splitAt (tx+1) dn where
    tx = last $ (-1):findIndices (not . isDigit) dn

trynodes :: (Label lb) => (String,Int) -> [lb]
trynodes (nr,nx) = [ makeLabel (nr++show n) | n <- iterate (+1) nx ]

trybnodes :: (Label lb) => (String,Int) -> [lb]
trybnodes (nr,nx) = [ makeLabel (nr++show n) | n <- iterate (+1) nx ]

-- | Memory-based RDF graph type

type RDFGraph = NSGraph RDFLabel

-- |Create a new RDF graph from a supplied list of arcs
toRDFGraph :: [Arc RDFLabel] -> RDFGraph
toRDFGraph = toNSGraph 

-- |Create a new, empty RDF graph.
emptyRDFGraph :: RDFGraph
emptyRDFGraph = toRDFGraph []

-- |Update an RDF graph using a supplied list of arcs, keeping
--  prefix definitions and formula definitions from the original.
--  [[[TODO:  I think this may be redundant - the default graph
--  class has an update method which accepts a function to update
--  the arcs, not touching other parts of the graph value.]]]
updateRDFGraph :: RDFGraph -> [Arc RDFLabel] -> RDFGraph
updateRDFGraph gr as = gr { statements=as }

--  Copyright (c) 2003, Graham Klyne, 2009 Vasili I Galchin, 2011 Douglas Burke
--  All rights reserved.
--  This file is part of Swish.
--  Swish is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
--  (at your option) any later version.
--  Swish is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--  GNU General Public License for more details.
--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--  along with Swish; if not, write to:
--    The Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
--    59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA  02111-1307  USA