# $Id: VehicleCapacity.ss,v 1.1 2004/02/09 22:22:44 graham Exp $ # # Swish script: vehicle capacity examples # # --------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+---------+--------- @prefix ex: . @prefix pv: . @prefix xsd: . @prefix xsd_integer: . @prefix rs_rdf: . @prefix rs_rdfs: . @prefix : . # Deduce total capacity using simple deduction with variable binding modifier ex:Test01Inp :- { _:a1 a :PassengerVehicle ; :seatedCapacity "98"^^xsd:integer ; :standingCapacity "12"^^xsd:integer . } ex:Rule01Ant :- { _:a1 a :PassengerVehicle ; :seatedCapacity ?c1 ; :standingCapacity ?c2 . } ex:Rule01Con :- { _:a1 :totalCapacity ?ct . } @rule ex:Rule1 :- ( ex:Rule01Ant ) => ex:Rule01Con | ( xsd_integer:sum ?ct ?c1 ?c2 ) @ruleset pv:rules1 :- () ; ( ex:Rule1 ) @fwdchain pv:rules1 ex:Rule1 ex:Test01Inp => :t1f @write :t1f ; Forward chain result :t1f # Deduce total capacity using general restriction ex:VehicleRule2 :- { :PassengerVehicle a rdfd:GeneralRestriction ; rdfd:onProperties (:totalCapacity :seatedCapacity :standingCapacity) ; rdfd:constraint xsd_integer:sum ; rdfd:maxCardinality "1"^^xsd:nonNegativeInteger . } @constraints pv:rules2 :- ( ex:VehicleRule2 ) | xsd:integer @fwdchain pv:rules2 :PassengerVehicle ex:Test01Inp => :t2f @write :t2f ; Forward chain result :t2f @bwdchain pv:rules2 :PassengerVehicle ex:Test01Inp <= :t2b @write :t2b ; Backward chain result :t2b # $Log: VehicleCapacity.ss,v $ # Revision 1.1 2004/02/09 22:22:44 graham # Graph matching updates: change return value to give some indication # of the extent match achieved in the case of no match. # Added new module GraphPartition and test cases. # Add VehicleCapcity demonstration script. #