{-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-}

--  See end of this file for licence information.
-- |
--  Module      :  TurtleFormatter
--  Copyright   :  (c) 2003, Graham Klyne, 2009 Vasili I Galchin, 2011 Douglas Burke
--  License     :  GPL V2
--  Maintainer  :  Douglas Burke
--  Stability   :  experimental
--  Portability :  OverloadedStrings
--  This Module implements a Turtle formatter 
--  for an RDFGraph value. See
--  <http://www.w3.org/TR/turtle/>
--  \"Turtle, Terse RDF Triple Language\",
--  W3C Working Draft 09 August 2011 (<http://www.w3.org/TR/2011/WD-turtle-20110809/>)


The code used to determine whether a blank node can be written
using the "[]" short form could probably take advantage of the
GraphPartition module.


module Swish.RDF.TurtleFormatter
    ( NodeGenLookupMap
    , formatGraphAsText
    , formatGraphAsLazyText
    , formatGraphAsBuilder
    , formatGraphIndent  
    , formatGraphDiag
      -- * Auxillary routines
    , quoteText

import Swish.RDF.RDFGraph (
  RDFGraph, RDFLabel(..)
  , NamespaceMap, RevNamespaceMap
  -- emptyNamespaceMap,
  -- FormulaMap, emptyFormulaMap,
  , getArcs
  , labels
  -- , setNamespaces
  , getNamespaces,
  -- getFormulae,
  , quote
  , quoteT
  , resRdfFirst, resRdfRest, resRdfNil

import Swish.RDF.Vocabulary (
  , langTag 
  , rdfType
  , rdfNil
  , xsdBoolean, xsdDecimal, xsdInteger, xsdDouble 

import Swish.RDF.GraphClass (Arc(..))

import Swish.Utils.LookupMap
    ( LookupEntryClass(..)
    , LookupMap, emptyLookupMap, reverseLookupMap
    , listLookupMap
    , mapFind, mapFindMaybe, mapAdd
    -- , mapDelete
    , mapMerge

import Swish.Utils.Namespace (ScopedName, getScopeLocal, getScopeURI)

import Data.Char (isDigit)

import Data.List (foldl', delete, groupBy, partition, sort, intersperse)

import Data.Monoid (Monoid(..))
import Control.Monad (liftM, when)
import Control.Monad.State (State, modify, get, put, runState)

-- it strikes me that using Lazy Text here is likely to be
-- wrong; however I have done no profiling to back this
-- assumption up!

import qualified Data.Text as T
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as L
import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as B

-- temporary conversion
quoteB :: Bool -> String -> B.Builder
quoteB f v = B.fromString $ quote f v

--  Graph formatting state monad
--  The graph to be formatted is carried as part of the formatting
--  state, so that decisions about what needs to be formatted can
--  themselves be based upon and reflected in the state (e.g. if a
--  decision is made to include a blank node inline, it can be removed
--  from the graph state that remains to be formatted).

type SubjTree lb = [(lb,PredTree lb)]
type PredTree lb = [(lb,[lb])]

data TurtleFormatterState = TFS
    { indent    :: B.Builder
    , lineBreak :: Bool
    , graph     :: RDFGraph
    , subjs     :: SubjTree RDFLabel
    , props     :: PredTree RDFLabel   -- for last subject selected
    , objs      :: [RDFLabel]          -- for last property selected
    -- , formAvail :: FormulaMap RDFLabel
    -- , formQueue :: [(RDFLabel,RDFGraph)]
    , nodeGenSt :: NodeGenState
    , bNodesCheck   :: [RDFLabel]      -- these bNodes are not to be converted to '[..]' format
    , traceBuf  :: [String]
type Formatter a = State TurtleFormatterState a

emptyTFS :: NodeGenState -> TurtleFormatterState
emptyTFS ngs = TFS
    { indent    = "\n"
    , lineBreak = False
    , graph     = emptyRDFGraph
    , subjs     = []
    , props     = []
    , objs      = []
    -- , formAvail = emptyFormulaMap
    -- , formQueue = []
    , nodeGenSt = ngs
    , bNodesCheck   = []
    , traceBuf  = []

--  | Node name generation state information that carries through
--  and is updated by nested formulae
type NodeGenLookupMap = LookupMap (RDFLabel,Int)

data NodeGenState = Ngs
    { prefixes  :: NamespaceMap
    , nodeMap   :: NodeGenLookupMap
    , nodeGen   :: Int

emptyNgs :: NodeGenState
emptyNgs = Ngs
    { prefixes  = emptyLookupMap
    , nodeMap   = emptyLookupMap
    , nodeGen   = 0

-- simple context for label creation
-- (may be a temporary solution to the problem
--  of label creation)
data LabelContext = SubjContext | PredContext | ObjContext
                    deriving (Eq, Show)

getIndent :: Formatter B.Builder
getIndent = indent `liftM` get

setIndent :: B.Builder -> Formatter ()
setIndent ind = modify $ \st -> st { indent = ind }

getLineBreak :: Formatter Bool
getLineBreak = lineBreak `liftM` get

setLineBreak :: Bool -> Formatter ()
setLineBreak brk = modify $ \st -> st { lineBreak = brk }

getNgs :: Formatter NodeGenState
getNgs = nodeGenSt `liftM` get

setNgs :: NodeGenState -> Formatter ()
setNgs ngs = modify $ \st -> st { nodeGenSt = ngs }

getPrefixes :: Formatter NamespaceMap
getPrefixes = prefixes `liftM` getNgs

getSubjs :: Formatter (SubjTree RDFLabel)
getSubjs = subjs `liftM` get

setSubjs :: SubjTree RDFLabel -> Formatter ()
setSubjs sl = modify $ \st -> st { subjs = sl }

getProps :: Formatter (PredTree RDFLabel)
getProps = props `liftM` get

setProps :: PredTree RDFLabel -> Formatter ()
setProps ps = modify $ \st -> st { props = ps }

getObjs :: Formatter ([RDFLabel])
getObjs = objs `liftM` get

setObjs :: [RDFLabel] -> Formatter ()
setObjs os = do
  st <- get
  put $ st { objs = os }

getBnodesCheck :: Formatter [RDFLabel]
getBnodesCheck = bNodesCheck `liftM` get

addTrace :: String -> Formatter ()
addTrace tr = do
  st <- get
  put $ st { traceBuf = tr : traceBuf st }
queueFormula :: RDFLabel -> Formatter ()
queueFormula fn = do
  st <- get
  let fa = formAvail st
      newState fv = st {
                      formAvail = mapDelete fa fn,
                      formQueue = (fn,fv) : formQueue st
  case mapFindMaybe fn fa of
    Nothing -> return ()
    Just v -> put (newState v) >> return ()

Return the graph associated with the label and delete it
from the store, if there is an association, otherwise
return Nothing.

extractFormula :: RDFLabel -> Formatter (Maybe RDFGraph)
extractFormula fn = do
  st <- get
  let fa = formAvail st
      newState = st { formAvail=mapDelete fa fn }
  case mapFindMaybe fn fa of
    Nothing -> return Nothing
    Just fv -> put newState >> return (Just fv)


moreFormulae :: Formatter Bool
moreFormulae =  do
  st <- get
  return $ not $ null (formQueue st)

nextFormula :: Formatter (RDFLabel,RDFGraph)
nextFormula = do
  st <- get
  let (nf : fq) = formQueue st
  put $ st { formQueue = fq }
  return nf


-- list has a length of 1
len1 :: [a] -> Bool
len1 (_:[]) = True
len1 _ = False

Given a set of statements and a label, return the details of the
RDF collection referred to by label, or Nothing.

For label to be considered as representing a collection we require the
following conditions to hold (this is only to support the
serialisation using the '(..)' syntax and does not make any statement
about semantics of the statements with regard to RDF Collections):

  - there must be one rdf_first and one rdfRest statement
  - there must be no other predicates for the label

getCollection ::          
  SubjTree RDFLabel -- ^ statements organized by subject
  -> RDFLabel -- ^ does this label represent a list?
  -> Maybe (SubjTree RDFLabel, [RDFLabel], [RDFLabel])
     -- ^ the statements with the elements removed; the
     -- content elements of the collection (the objects of the rdf:first
     -- predicate) and the nodes that represent the spine of the
     -- collection (in reverse order, unlike the actual contents which are in
     -- order).
getCollection subjList lbl = go subjList lbl ([],[]) 
      go sl l (cs,ss) | l == resRdfNil = Just (sl, reverse cs, ss)
                      | otherwise = do
        (pList1, sl') <- removeItem sl l
        (pFirst, pList2) <- removeItem pList1 resRdfFirst
        (pNext, pList3) <- removeItem pList2 resRdfRest

        -- QUS: could I include these checks implicitly in the pattern matches above?
        -- ie instrad of (pFirst, pos1) <- ..
        -- have ([content], pos1) <- ...
        -- ?
        if and [len1 pFirst, len1 pNext, null pList3]
          then go sl' (head pNext) (head pFirst : cs, l : ss)
          else Nothing


Should we change the preds/objs entries as well?

extractList :: LabelContext -> RDFLabel -> Formatter (Maybe [RDFLabel])
extractList lctxt ln = do
  osubjs <- getSubjs
  oprops <- getProps
  let mlst = getCollection osubjs' ln

      -- we only want to send in rdf:first/rdf:rest here
      fprops = filter ((`elem` [resRdfFirst, resRdfRest]) . fst) oprops

      osubjs' =
          case lctxt of
            SubjContext -> (ln, fprops) : osubjs
            _ -> osubjs 

      -- tr = "extractList " ++ show ln ++ " (" ++ show lctxt ++ ")\n -> osubjs= " ++ show osubjs ++ "\n -> opreds= " ++ show oprops ++ "\n -> mlst= " ++ show mlst ++ "\n"
  -- addTrace tr
  case mlst of
    -- sl is guaranteed to be free of (ln,fprops) here if lctxt is SubjContext
    Just (sl,ls,_) -> do
              setSubjs sl
              when (lctxt == SubjContext) $ setProps $ filter ((`notElem` [resRdfFirst, resRdfRest]) . fst) oprops
              return (Just ls)

    Nothing -> return Nothing
Removes the first occurrence of the item from the
association list, returning it's contents and the rest
of the list, if it exists.
removeItem :: (Eq a) => [(a,b)] -> a -> Maybe (b, [(a,b)])
removeItem os x =
  let (as, bs) = break (\a -> fst a == x) os
  in case bs of
    ((_,b):bbs) -> Just (b, as ++ bbs)
    [] -> Nothing

--  Define a top-level formatter function:

formatGraphAsText :: RDFGraph -> T.Text
formatGraphAsText = L.toStrict . formatGraphAsLazyText

formatGraphAsLazyText :: RDFGraph -> L.Text
formatGraphAsLazyText = B.toLazyText . formatGraphAsBuilder
formatGraphAsBuilder :: RDFGraph -> B.Builder
formatGraphAsBuilder = formatGraphIndent "\n" True
formatGraphIndent :: B.Builder -> Bool -> RDFGraph -> B.Builder
formatGraphIndent indnt flag gr = 
  let (res, _, _, _) = formatGraphDiag indnt flag gr
  in res
-- | Format graph and return additional information
formatGraphDiag :: 
  B.Builder  -- ^ indentation
  -> Bool    -- ^ are prefixes to be generated?
  -> RDFGraph 
  -> (B.Builder, NodeGenLookupMap, Int, [String])
formatGraphDiag indnt flag gr = 
  let fg  = formatGraph indnt " .\n" False flag gr
      ngs = emptyNgs {
        prefixes = emptyLookupMap,
        nodeGen  = findMaxBnode gr
      (out, fgs) = runState fg (emptyTFS ngs)
      ogs        = nodeGenSt fgs
  in (out, nodeMap ogs, nodeGen ogs, traceBuf fgs)

--  Formatting as a monad-based computation

formatGraph :: 
  B.Builder     -- indentation string
  -> B.Builder  -- text to be placed after final statement
  -> Bool       -- True if a line break is to be inserted at the start
  -> Bool       -- True if prefix strings are to be generated
  -> RDFGraph   -- graph to convert
  -> Formatter B.Builder
formatGraph ind end dobreak dopref gr = do
  setIndent ind
  setLineBreak dobreak
  setGraph gr
  fp <- if dopref
        then formatPrefixes (getNamespaces gr)
        else return mempty
  more <- moreSubjects
  if more
    then do
      fr <- formatSubjects
      return $ mconcat [fp, fr, end]
    else return fp

formatPrefixes :: NamespaceMap -> Formatter B.Builder
formatPrefixes pmap = do
  let mls = map (pref . keyVal) (listLookupMap pmap)
  ls <- sequence mls
  return $ mconcat ls
      pref (Just p,u) = nextLine $ mconcat ["@prefix ", B.fromText p, ": <", quoteB True (show u), "> ."]
      pref (_,u)      = nextLine $ mconcat ["@prefix : <", quoteB True (show u), "> ."]

I expect there to be confusion below where I need to
convert from Text to Builder

formatSubjects :: Formatter B.Builder
formatSubjects = do
  sb    <- nextSubject
  sbstr <- formatLabel SubjContext sb
  flagP <- moreProperties
  if flagP
    then do
      prstr <- formatProperties sb sbstr
      flagS <- moreSubjects
      if flagS
        then do
          fr <- formatSubjects
          return $ mconcat [prstr, " .", fr]
        else return prstr
    else do
      txt <- nextLine sbstr
      flagS <- moreSubjects
      if flagS
        then do
          fr <- formatSubjects
          return $ mconcat [txt, " .", fr]
        else return txt

TODO: now we are throwing a Builder around it is awkward to
get the length of the text to calculate the indentation


  a) change the indentation scheme
  b) pass around text instead of builder

mkIndent :: L.Text -> L.Text
mkIndent inVal = L.replicate (L.length inVal) " "

hackIndent :: B.Builder
hackIndent = "    "

formatProperties :: RDFLabel -> B.Builder -> Formatter B.Builder
formatProperties sb sbstr = do
  pr <- nextProperty sb
  prstr <- formatLabel PredContext pr
  obstr <- formatObjects sb pr $ mconcat [sbstr, " ", prstr]
  more  <- moreProperties
  let sbindent = hackIndent -- mkIndent sbstr
  if more
    then do
      fr <- formatProperties sb sbindent
      nl <- nextLine $ obstr `mappend` " ;"
      return $ nl `mappend` fr
    else nextLine obstr

formatObjects :: RDFLabel -> RDFLabel -> B.Builder -> Formatter B.Builder
formatObjects sb pr prstr = do
  ob    <- nextObject sb pr
  obstr <- formatLabel ObjContext ob
  more  <- moreObjects
  if more
    then do
      let prindent = hackIndent -- mkIndent prstr
      fr <- formatObjects sb pr prindent
      nl <- nextLine $ mconcat [prstr, " ", obstr, ","]
      return $ nl `mappend` fr
    else return $ mconcat [prstr, " ", obstr]

Add a list inline. We are given the labels that constitute
the list, in order, so just need to display them surrounded
by ().
insertList :: [RDFLabel] -> Formatter B.Builder
insertList [] = return "()" -- not convinced this can happen
insertList xs = do
  ls <- mapM (formatLabel ObjContext) xs
  return $ mconcat ("( " : intersperse " " ls) `mappend` " )"
Add a blank node inline.

insertBnode :: LabelContext -> RDFLabel -> Formatter B.Builder
insertBnode SubjContext lbl = do
  -- a safety check
  flag <- moreProperties
  if flag
    then do
      txt <- (`mappend` "\n") `liftM` formatProperties lbl ""
      return $ mconcat ["[] ", txt]
    else error $ "Internal error: expected properties with label: " ++ show lbl

insertBnode _ lbl = do
  ost <- get
  let osubjs = subjs ost
      oprops = props ost
      oobjs  = objs  ost

      (bsubj, rsubjs) = partition ((== lbl) . fst) osubjs

      rprops = case bsubj of
                 [(_,rs)] -> rs
                 _ -> []

      -- we essentially want to create a new subgraph
      -- for this node but it's not as simple as that since
      -- we could have something like
      --     :a :b [ :foo [ :bar "xx" ] ]
      -- so we still need to carry around the whole graph
      nst = ost { subjs = rsubjs,
                  props = rprops,
                  objs  = []

  put nst
  flag <- moreProperties
  txt <- if flag
         then (`mappend` "\n") `liftM` formatProperties lbl ""
         else return ""

  -- TODO: how do we restore the original set up?
  --       I can't believe the following is sufficient
  nst' <- get
  let slist  = map fst $ subjs nst'
      nsubjs = filter (\(l,_) -> l `elem` slist) osubjs

  put $ nst' { subjs = nsubjs,
                       props = oprops, 
                       objs  = oobjs

  -- TODO: handle indentation?
  return $ mconcat ["[", txt, "]"]
--  Formatting helpers

setGraph :: RDFGraph -> Formatter ()
setGraph gr = do
  st <- get

  let ngs0 = nodeGenSt st
      pre' = mapMerge (prefixes ngs0) (getNamespaces gr)
      ngs' = ngs0 { prefixes = pre' }
      arcs = sortArcs $ getArcs gr
      nst  = st  { graph     = gr
                 , subjs     = arcTree arcs
                 , props     = []
                 , objs      = []
                 -- , formAvail = getFormulae gr
                 , nodeGenSt = ngs'
                 , bNodesCheck   = countBnodes arcs

  put nst

hasMore :: (TurtleFormatterState -> [b]) -> Formatter Bool
hasMore lens = (not . null . lens) `liftM` get

moreSubjects :: Formatter Bool
moreSubjects = hasMore subjs
-- moreSubjects = (not . null . subjs) `liftM` get

moreProperties :: Formatter Bool
moreProperties = hasMore props
-- moreProperties = (not . null . props) `liftM` get

moreObjects :: Formatter Bool
moreObjects = hasMore objs
-- moreObjects = (not . null . objs) `liftM` get

nextSubject :: Formatter RDFLabel
nextSubject = do
  st <- get

  let sb:sbs = subjs st
      nst = st  { subjs = sbs
                , props = snd sb
                , objs  = []

  put nst
  return $ fst sb

nextProperty :: RDFLabel -> Formatter RDFLabel
nextProperty _ = do
  st <- get

  let pr:prs = props st
      nst = st  { props = prs
                 , objs  = snd pr

  put nst
  return $ fst pr

nextObject :: RDFLabel -> RDFLabel -> Formatter RDFLabel
nextObject _ _ = do
  st <- get

  let ob:obs = objs st
      nst = st { objs = obs }

  put nst
  return ob

nextLine :: B.Builder -> Formatter B.Builder
nextLine str = do
  ind <- getIndent
  brk <- getLineBreak
  if brk
    then return $ ind `mappend` str
    else do
      --  After first line, always insert line break
      setLineBreak True
      return str

--  Format a label
--  Most labels are simply displayed as provided, but there are a
--  number of wrinkles to take care of here:
--  (a) blank nodes automatically allocated on input, with node
--      identifiers of the form of a digit string nnn.  These are
--      not syntactically valid, and are reassigned node identifiers
--      of the form _nnn, where nnn is chosen so that is does not
--      clash with any other identifier in the graph.
--  (b) URI nodes:  if possible, replace URI with qname,
--      else display as <uri>
--  (c) formula nodes (containing graphs).
--  (d) use the "special-case" formats for integer/float/double
--      literals.      
--  [[[TODO:]]]
--  (d) generate multi-line literals when appropriate
-- This is being updated to produce inline formula, lists and     
-- blank nodes. The code is not efficient.
-- Note: There is a lot less customisation possible in Turtle than N3.

formatLabel :: LabelContext -> RDFLabel -> Formatter B.Builder

The "[..]" conversion is done last, after "()" and "{}" checks.
formatLabel lctxt lab@(Blank (_:_)) = do
  mlst <- extractList lctxt lab
  case mlst of
    Just lst -> insertList lst
    Nothing -> do
      -- NOTE: unlike N3 we do not properly handle "formula"/named graphs
      -- also we only expand out bnodes into [...] format when it's a object.
      -- although we need to handle [] for the subject.
      nb1 <- getBnodesCheck
      if lctxt /= PredContext && lab `notElem` nb1
        then insertBnode lctxt lab
        else formatNodeId lab

-- formatLabel _ lab@(Res sn) = 
formatLabel ctxt (Res sn)
  | ctxt == PredContext && sn == rdfType = return "a"
  | ctxt == ObjContext  && sn == rdfNil  = return "()"
  | otherwise = do
  pr <- getPrefixes
  let nsuri  = getScopeURI sn
      local  = getScopeLocal sn
      premap = reverseLookupMap pr :: RevNamespaceMap
      prefix = mapFindMaybe nsuri premap
      name   = case prefix of
        Just (Just p) -> B.fromText $ quoteT True $ mconcat [p, ":", local] -- TODO: what are quoting rules for QNames
        _ -> mconcat ["<", quoteB True (show nsuri ++ T.unpack local), ">"]
  return name

-- The canonical notation for xsd:double in XSD, with an upper-case E,
-- does not match the syntax used in N3, so we need to convert here.     
-- Rather than converting back to a Double and then displaying that       
-- we just convert E to e for now.      
formatLabel _ (Lit lit (Just dtype)) 
  | dtype == xsdDouble = return $ B.fromText $ T.toLower lit
  | dtype `elem` [xsdBoolean, xsdDecimal, xsdInteger] = return $ B.fromText lit
  | otherwise = return $ quoteText lit `mappend` formatAnnotation dtype
formatLabel _ (Lit lit Nothing) = return $ quoteText lit

formatLabel _ lab = return $ B.fromString $ show lab

-- the annotation for a literal (ie type or language)
formatAnnotation :: ScopedName -> B.Builder
formatAnnotation a  | isLang a  = "@" `mappend` B.fromText (langTag a)
                    | otherwise = "^^" `mappend` showScopedName a

Convert text into a format for display in Turtle. The idea
is to use one double quote unless three are needed, and to
handle adding necessary @\\@ characters, or conversion
for Unicode characters.
quoteText :: T.Text -> B.Builder
quoteText txt = 
  let st = T.unpack txt -- TODO: fix
      qst = quoteB (n==1) st
      n = if '\n' `elem` st || '"' `elem` st then 3 else 1
      qch = B.fromString (replicate n '"')
  in mconcat [qch, qst, qch]

formatNodeId :: RDFLabel -> Formatter B.Builder
formatNodeId lab@(Blank (lnc:_)) =
    if isDigit lnc then mapBlankNode lab else return $ B.fromString $ show lab
formatNodeId other = error $ "formatNodeId not expecting a " ++ show other -- to shut up -Wall

mapBlankNode :: RDFLabel -> Formatter B.Builder
mapBlankNode lab = do
  ngs <- getNgs
  let cmap = nodeMap ngs
      cval = nodeGen ngs
  nv <- case mapFind 0 lab cmap of
    0 -> do 
      let nval = succ cval
          nmap = mapAdd cmap (lab, nval)
      setNgs $ ngs { nodeGen = nval, nodeMap = nmap }
      return nval
    n -> return n
  -- TODO: is this what we want?
  return $ "_:swish" `mappend` B.fromString (show nv)

-- TODO: need to be a bit more clever with this than we did in NTriples
--       not sure the following counts as clever enough ...
showScopedName :: ScopedName -> B.Builder
showScopedName (ScopedName n l) = 
  let uri = nsURI n ++ l
  in quote uri
showScopedName = quoteB True . show

--  Graph-related helper functions

newtype SortedArcs lb = SA [Arc lb]

sortArcs :: (Ord lb) => [Arc lb] -> SortedArcs lb
sortArcs = SA . sort

--  Rearrange a list of arcs into a tree of pairs which group together
--  all statements for a single subject, and similarly for multiple
--  objects of a common predicate.
arcTree :: (Eq lb) => SortedArcs lb -> SubjTree lb
arcTree (SA as) = commonFstEq (commonFstEq id) $ map spopair as
        spopair (Arc s p o) = (s,(p,o))

arcTree as = map spopair $ sort as
        spopair (Arc s p o) = (s,[(p,[o])])

--  Rearrange a list of pairs so that multiple occurrences of the first
--  are commoned up, and the supplied function is applied to each sublist
--  with common first elements to obtain the corresponding second value
commonFstEq :: (Eq a) => ( [b] -> c ) -> [(a,b)] -> [(a,c)]
commonFstEq f ps =
    [ (fst $ head sps,f $ map snd sps) | sps <- groupBy fstEq ps ]
        fstEq (f1,_) (f2,_) = f1 == f2

findMaxBnode :: RDFGraph -> Int
findMaxBnode = maximum . map getAutoBnodeIndex . labels

getAutoBnodeIndex   :: RDFLabel -> Int
getAutoBnodeIndex (Blank ('_':lns)) = res where
    -- cf. prelude definition of read s ...
    res = case [x | (x,t) <- reads lns, ("","") <- lex t] of
            [x] -> x
            _   -> 0
getAutoBnodeIndex _                   = 0

Find all blank nodes that occur
  - any number of times as a subject
  - 0 or 1 times as an object

Such nodes can be output using the "[..]" syntax. To make it simpler
to check we actually store those nodes that can not be expanded.

Note that we do not try and expand any bNode that is used in
a predicate position.

Should probably be using the SubjTree RDFLabel structure but this
is easier for now.


countBnodes :: SortedArcs RDFLabel -> [RDFLabel]
countBnodes (SA as) = snd (foldl' ctr ([],[]) as)
      -- first element of tuple are those blank nodes only seen once,
      -- second element those blank nodes seen multiple times
      inc b@(b1s,bms) l@(Blank _) | l `elem` bms = b
                                  | l `elem` b1s = (delete l b1s, l:bms)
                                  | otherwise    = (l:b1s, bms)
      inc b _ = b

      -- if the bNode appears as a predicate we instantly add it to the
      -- list of nodes not to expand, even if only used once
      incP b@(b1s,bms) l@(Blank _) | l `elem` bms = b
                                   | l `elem` b1s = (delete l b1s, l:bms)
           			   | otherwise    = (b1s, l:bms)
      incP b _ = b

      ctr orig (Arc _ p o) = inc (incP orig p) o

--  Copyright (c) 2003, Graham Klyne, 2009 Vasili I Galchin, 2011 Douglas Burke
--  All rights reserved.
--  This file is part of Swish.
--  Swish is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
--  it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
--  the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or
--  (at your option) any later version.
--  Swish is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
--  but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
--  GNU General Public License for more details.
--  You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
--  along with Swish; if not, write to:
--    The Free Software Foundation, Inc.,
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