{-# LANGUAGE NumericUnderscores #-} {-# LANGUAGE OverloadedStrings #-} {-# LANGUAGE ScopedTypeVariables #-} {-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-missing-fields -fno-warn-missing-methods -fno-warn-partial-fields -fno-warn-incomplete-uni-patterns -fno-warn-incomplete-record-updates #-} module Spec where import Control.Concurrent import Control.Concurrent.STM import Control.Exception import Control.Monad import Data.ByteString (ByteString) import Data.List import Data.Text (Text) import qualified Data.Text.Lazy as LT import qualified Data.Text.Lazy.Builder as TLB import System.Exit import System.Random (randomRIO) import Test.QuickCheck import Test.Syd import Test.Syd.OptParse import Text.Colour data DangerousRecord = Cons1 {field :: String} | Cons2 class ToUnit a where toUnit :: a -> () instance ToUnit Int -- No implementation on purpose spec :: Spec spec = do it "Passes" (pure () :: IO ()) describe "error" $ do it "Pure error" (pure (error "foobar") :: IO ()) it "Impure error" (error "foobar" :: IO ()) describe "undefined" $ do it "Pure undefined" (pure undefined :: IO ()) it "Impure undefined" (undefined :: IO ()) it "Exit code" $ do exitWith $ ExitFailure 1 :: IO () describe "exceptions" $ do let exceptionTest :: String -> a -> Spec exceptionTest s a = describe s $ do it "fails in IO, as the result" (pure (seq a ()) :: IO ()) it "fails in IO, as the action" (seq a (pure ()) :: IO ()) it "fails in pure code" $ seq a True it "Record construction error" (throw $ RecConError "test" :: IO ()) exceptionTest "Record construction error" $ let c = Cons1 {} in field c it "Record selection error" (throw $ RecSelError "test" :: IO ()) exceptionTest "Record selection error" $ let c = Cons2 in field c it "Record update error" (throw $ RecUpdError "test" :: IO ()) exceptionTest "Record update error" $ let c = Cons2 in c {field = "this will throw"} it "Pattern matching error" (throw $ PatternMatchFail "test" :: IO ()) exceptionTest "Pattern matching error" $ let Cons1 s = Cons2 in s it "ArithException" (throw Underflow :: IO ()) exceptionTest "Pattern matching error" $ 1 `div` (0 :: Int) it "NoMethodError" (throw (NoMethodError "test") :: IO ()) exceptionTest "Pattern matching error" $ toUnit (5 :: Int) describe "Printing" $ do it "print" $ print 'a' it "putStrLn" $ putStrLn "hi" modifyMaxSuccess (`div` 10) $ modifyMaxSize (`div` 1) $ modifyMaxShrinks (const 1) $ modifyMaxDiscardRatio (const 1) $ describe "Property tests" $ do describe "pure" $ do it "reversing a list twice is the same as reversing it once" $ property $ \ls -> reverse (reverse ls) == (ls :: [Int]) it "should fail to show that sorting does nothing" $ property $ \ls -> sort ls == (ls :: [Int]) it "should work with custom generators too" $ forAll arbitrary $ \b -> b || True describe "impure" $ do it "reversing a list twice is the same as reversing it once" $ property $ \ls -> reverse (reverse ls) `shouldBe` (ls :: [Int]) it "should fail to show that sorting does nothing" $ property $ \ls -> sort ls `shouldBe` (ls :: [Int]) it "should work with custom generators too" $ forAll arbitrary $ \b -> (b || True) `shouldBe` True describe "Long running tests" $ forM_ [1 :: Int .. 10] $ \i -> it (concat ["takes a while (", show i, ")"]) $ threadDelay 100_000 describe "Diff" $ do it "shows nice multi-line diffs" $ ("foo", replicate 7 "quux", "bar") `shouldBe` (("foofoo", replicate 6 "quux", "baz") :: (String, [String], String)) it "shows nice multi-line diffs" $ ("foo", [], "bar") `shouldBe` (("foofoo", replicate 6 "quux", "baz") :: (String, [String], String)) describe "assertions" $ do it "shouldBe" $ 3 `shouldBe` (4 :: Int) it "shouldNotBe" $ 3 `shouldNotBe` (3 :: Int) it "shouldSatisfy" $ (3 :: Int) `shouldSatisfy` even it "shouldNotSatisfy" $ (3 :: Int) `shouldNotSatisfy` odd it "shouldSatisfyNamed" $ shouldSatisfyNamed (3 :: Int) "even" even it "shouldNotSatisfyNamed" $ shouldNotSatisfyNamed (3 :: Int) "odd" odd pending "pending test" describe "Golden" $ do it "does not fail the suite when an exception happens while reading" $ GoldenTest { goldenTestRead = die "test", goldenTestProduce = pure (), goldenTestWrite = \() -> do pure (), goldenTestCompare = \() () -> Nothing } it "does not fail the suite when an exception happens while producing" $ GoldenTest { goldenTestRead = pure Nothing, goldenTestProduce = die "test", goldenTestWrite = \() -> do pure (), goldenTestCompare = \() () -> Nothing } it "does not fail the suite when an exception happens while writing" $ GoldenTest { goldenTestRead = pure Nothing, goldenTestProduce = pure (), goldenTestWrite = \() -> die "test", goldenTestCompare = \() () -> Nothing } it "does not fail the suite when an exception happens while checking for equality" $ GoldenTest { goldenTestRead = pure (Just ()), goldenTestProduce = pure (), goldenTestWrite = \() -> pure (), goldenTestCompare = \actual expected -> case 1 `div` (0 :: Int) of 1 -> Nothing _ -> if actual == expected then Nothing else Just $ NotEqualButShouldHaveBeenEqual (show actual) (show expected) } describe "outputResultForest" $ do it "outputs the same as last time" $ do pureGoldenTextFile "test_resources/output.golden" (LT.toStrict $ TLB.toLazyText $ renderResultReport defaultSettings With24BitColours (Timed {timedValue = [], timedBegin = 0, timedEnd = 0, timedWorker = 0})) doNotRandomiseExecutionOrder $ describe "Around" $ do describe "before" $ do before (void (throwIO (userError "test"))) $ it "does not kill the test suite" $ \() -> pure () :: IO () describe "before_" $ do before_ (throwIO (userError "test")) $ it "does not kill the test suite" $ \() -> pure () :: IO () describe "after" $ do after (\_ -> throwIO (userError "test")) $ it "does not kill the test suite" $ \() -> pure () :: IO () describe "after_" $ do after_ (throwIO (userError "test")) $ it "does not kill the test suite" $ \() -> pure () :: IO () describe "around" $ do around (\_ -> throwIO (userError "test")) $ it "does not kill the test suite" $ \() -> pure () :: IO () describe "around_" $ do around_ (\_ -> throwIO (userError "test")) $ it "does not kill the test suite" $ \() -> pure () :: IO () describe "aroundWith" $ do aroundWith (\_ () -> throwIO (userError "test")) $ it "does not kill the test suite" $ \() -> pure () :: IO () describe "aroundWith'" $ do aroundWith' (\_ () () -> throwIO (userError "test")) $ it "does not kill the test suite" $ \() -> pure () :: IO () it "expectationFailure" (expectationFailure "fails" :: IO ()) describe "String" $ do it "compares strings" $ ("foo\nbar\tquux " :: String) `shouldBe` "foq\nbaz\tqex" it "compares strings" $ ("foo\nbar\tquux " :: String) `stringShouldBe` "foq\nbaz\tqex" it "compares texts" $ ("foo\nbar\tquux " :: Text) `shouldBe` "foq\nbaz\tqex" it "compares texts" $ ("foo\nbar\tquux " :: Text) `textShouldBe` "foq\nbaz\tqex" it "compares bytestrings" $ ("foo\nbar\tquux " :: ByteString) `shouldBe` "foq\nbaz\tqex" describe "Context" $ do it "shows a nice context" $ context "Context" $ True `shouldBe` False it "shows a nice context multiple levels deep" $ context "Context1" $ context "Context2" $ context "Context3" $ True `shouldBe` False it "shows a context when an exception is thrown as well" $ context "context" (undefined :: IO ()) modifyMaxSize (`div` 10) $ describe "Property" $ do describe "0 tests run" $ modifyMaxSuccess (const 0) $ it "shows a red '0 tests' when no tests are run" $ property $ \b -> b `shouldBe` False describe "generated values" $ it "shows many generated values too" $ property $ \i -> property $ \j -> property $ \k -> property $ \l -> property $ \m -> i + j + k + l + m `shouldBe` m + l + k + j + i + (1 :: Int) let magnitude :: Int -> Int magnitude = max 0 . (ceiling :: Double -> Int) . logBase 10 . fromIntegral describe "labels" $ do it "shows the labels in use on success" $ property $ \xs -> label ("length of input is " ++ show (length xs)) $ reverse (reverse xs) `shouldBe` (xs :: [Int]) it "shows the labels in use on success" $ property $ \xs -> label ("length of input is " ++ show (length xs)) $ label ("magnitude (digits) of sum of input is " ++ show (magnitude (sum xs))) $ reverse (reverse xs) `shouldBe` (xs :: [Int]) it "shows the labels in use on failure" $ property $ \xs -> label ("length of input is " ++ show (length xs)) $ label ("magnitude (digits) of sum of input is " ++ show (magnitude (sum xs))) $ reverse (reverse xs) `shouldBe` (0 : xs :: [Int]) describe "classes" $ do it "shows the classes in use on success" $ forAll (sort <$> arbitrary) $ \xs -> classify (length xs > 1) "non-trivial" $ sort xs `shouldBe` (xs :: [Int]) it "shows the classes in use on success" $ forAll (sort <$> arbitrary) $ \xs -> classify (null xs) "empty" $ classify (length xs == 1) "single element" $ classify (length xs > 1) "non-trivial" $ sort xs `shouldBe` (xs :: [Int]) it "shows the classes in use on failure" $ forAll (sort <$> arbitrary) $ \xs -> classify (null xs) "empty" $ classify (length xs == 1) "single element" $ classify (length xs > 1) "non-trivial" $ sort xs `shouldBe` (0 : xs :: [Int]) describe "tables" $ do it "shows the tables in use on success" $ forAll (sort <$> arbitrary) $ \xs -> tabulate "List elements" (map show xs) $ sort xs `shouldBe` (xs :: [Int]) modifyMaxSize (const 30) $ -- Bigger than the 20 below modifyMaxShrinks (const 30) $ -- Definitely not zero describe "Shrinking" $ do var <- liftIO newEmptyMVar let withVar func = do putMVar var () r <- func takeMVar var pure r around_ withVar $ it "can grab the mvar during shrinking" $ forAllShrink (sized $ \n -> pure n) shrink $ \i -> do () <- readMVar var i `shouldSatisfy` (< 20) describe "Retries" $ do withoutRetries $ it "does not retry if the test is configured withoutRetries" False withRetries 5 $ it "Retries this five times" False describe "Flakiness" $ do potentiallyFlaky $ do it "Allows flakiness on True eventhough there is none (should succeed)" True it "Allows flakiness on False eventhough there is none (should fail)" False potentiallyFlakyWith "We're on it!" $ do var <- liftIO $ newTVarIO (0 :: Int) it "allows this intentionally flaky test with the default number of retries" $ do atomically $ modifyTVar' var succ i <- readTVarIO var i `shouldBe` 2 notFlaky $ do var <- liftIO $ newTVarIO (0 :: Int) it "Does not allow flakiness if flakiness is not allowed even if retries happen" $ do atomically $ modifyTVar' var succ i <- readTVarIO var i `shouldBe` 2 flaky 5 $ it "Allows flakiness in this boolean five times (should fail with 5 retries)" False flakyWith 4 "We're on it!" $ do var <- liftIO $ newTVarIO (0 :: Int) it "allows this intentionally flaky test with up to four retries" $ do atomically $ modifyTVar' var succ i <- readTVarIO var i `shouldBe` 2 describe "xdescribe" $ do xdescribe "two pending tests below here" $ do it "one" False it "two" True xdescribe "four pending tests below here" $ do it "one" False it "two" True describe "wat" $ do it "three" False it "four" True describe "callstack" $ do it "it" False specify "specify" False prop "prop" False describe "describe" $ do it "describe-it" False specify "describe-specify" False describe "expectations" $ do expectFailing $ do it "considered passing" False expectPassing $ it "considered passing" True expectPassing $ do it "considered failing" False expectFailing $ it "considered failing" True describe "combinators" $ do let somePropertyCombinator :: Gen Int -> (Int -> Int) -> Property somePropertyCombinator gen func = forAll gen $ \i -> even (func i) it "should fail" $ somePropertyCombinator arbitrary (* 3) it "should pass" $ somePropertyCombinator arbitrary (* 4) it "should not crash (undefined value)" $ somePropertyCombinator arbitrary undefined it "should not crash (undefined generator)" $ somePropertyCombinator undefined (* 2) let someTestSuiteCombinator i = it "should be even" $ even (i :: Int) someTestSuiteCombinator 1 someTestSuiteCombinator 2 someTestSuiteCombinator undefined describe "randomness" $ it "always outputs the same pseudorandomness" $ do i <- randomRIO (1, 100) i `shouldBe` (2 :: Int)