{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
-- | Symantics for terminal grammars.
module Language.Symantic.Grammar.Terminal where

import Control.Monad
import Data.Semigroup (Semigroup(..))
import Data.String (IsString(..))
import Prelude hiding (any)
import qualified Data.Bool as Bool
import qualified Data.Char as Char
import qualified Data.List as List
import qualified Data.Text as Text

import Language.Symantic.Grammar.Fixity
import Language.Symantic.Grammar.EBNF

-- * Type 'Terminal'
-- | Terminal grammar.
newtype Terminal g a
 =      Terminal { unTerminal :: g a }
 deriving (Functor, Gram_Terminal)
deriving instance Gram_Rule g => Gram_Rule (Terminal g)

-- ** Class 'Gram_Terminal'
-- | Symantics for terminal grammars.
class Gram_Terminal g where
	any    :: g Char
	but    :: Terminal g Char -> Terminal g Char -> Terminal g Char
	eoi    :: g ()
	char   :: Char -> g Char
	string :: String -> g String
	unicat :: Unicat -> g Char
	range  :: (Char, Char) -> g Char
	-- string = foldr (\c -> (<*>) ((:) <$> char c)) (pure "")
	-- string [] = pure []
	-- string (c:cs) = (:) <$> char c <*> string cs
deriving instance Gram_Terminal RuleEBNF
instance Gram_Terminal EBNF where
	any  = ebnf_const "_"
	Terminal (EBNF f) `but` Terminal (EBNF g) =
		Terminal $ EBNF $ \bo po -> parenInfix po op $
			f bo (op, SideL) <> " - " <> g bo (op, SideR)
		where op = infixL 6
	eoi  = ebnf_const "eoi"
	char = ebnf_const . escape
		escape c | Char.isPrint c && c /= '"' = Text.concat $ ["\"", Text.singleton c, "\""]
		escape c = Text.concat ["U+", Text.pack $ show $ Char.ord c]
	string s =
		case List.break (\c -> Bool.not (Char.isPrint c) || c == '"') s of
		 (ps, "")   -> raw ps
		 ("", [c])  -> "" <$ char c
		 (ps, [c])  -> "" <$ raw ps <* char c
		 ("", c:rs) -> "" <$ char c <* string rs
		 (ps, c:rs) -> "" <$ raw ps <* char c <* string rs
		raw cs = ebnf_const $ Text.concat $ ["\"", Text.pack cs, "\""]
	unicat = ebnf_const . Text.pack . show
	range (l, h) = ebnf_const $ Text.concat
	 [ runEBNF $ char l
	 , "…"
	 , runEBNF $ char h
instance IsString (EBNF String) where
	fromString = string

-- *** Type 'Unicat'
-- | Unicode category.
data Unicat
 = Unicat_Letter
 | Unicat_Mark
 | Unicat_Number
 | Unicat_Punctuation
 | Unicat_Symbol
 | Unicat Char.GeneralCategory
 deriving (Eq, Show)

unicode_categories :: Unicat -> [Char.GeneralCategory]
unicode_categories c =
	case c of
	 Unicat_Letter ->
		 [ Char.UppercaseLetter
		 , Char.LowercaseLetter
		 , Char.TitlecaseLetter
		 , Char.ModifierLetter
		 , Char.OtherLetter
	 Unicat_Mark ->
		 [ Char.NonSpacingMark
		 , Char.SpacingCombiningMark
		 , Char.EnclosingMark
	 Unicat_Number ->
		 [ Char.DecimalNumber
		 , Char.LetterNumber
		 , Char.OtherNumber
	 Unicat_Punctuation ->
		 [ Char.ConnectorPunctuation
		 , Char.DashPunctuation
		 , Char.OpenPunctuation
		 , Char.ClosePunctuation
		 , Char.OtherPunctuation
	 Unicat_Symbol ->
		 [ Char.MathSymbol
		 , Char.CurrencySymbol
		 , Char.ModifierSymbol
		 , Char.OtherSymbol
	 Unicat cat -> [cat]