-- | Representation and manipulation of abstract syntax graphs

module Language.Syntactic.Sharing.Graph where

import Control.Arrow ((***))
import Control.Monad.Reader
import Data.Array
import Data.Function
import Data.List
import Data.Typeable

import Data.Hash
import Data.Proxy

import Language.Syntactic
import Language.Syntactic.Features.Binding
import Language.Syntactic.Sharing.Utils

-- * Representation

-- | Node identifier
newtype NodeId = NodeId { nodeInteger :: Integer }
  deriving (Eq, Ord, Num, Real, Integral, Enum, Ix)

-- | Placeholder for a syntax tree
data Node ctx a
    Node :: Sat ctx a => NodeId -> Node ctx (Full a)

instance Show NodeId
    show (NodeId i) = show i

showNode :: NodeId -> String
showNode n = "node:" ++ show n

instance WitnessCons (Node ctx)
    witnessCons (Node _) = ConsWit

instance Render (Node ctx)
    render (Node a) = showNode a

instance ToTree (Node ctx)

-- | Partial `Node` projection with explicit context
prjNode :: (Node ctx :<: sup) => Proxy ctx -> sup a -> Maybe (Node ctx a)
prjNode _ = project

-- | An 'ASTF' with hidden result type
data SomeAST dom
    SomeAST :: Typeable a => ASTF dom a -> SomeAST dom

-- | \"Abstract Syntax Graph\"
-- A representation of a syntax tree with explicit sharing. An 'ASG' is valid if
-- and only if 'inlineAll' succeeds (and the 'numNodes' field is correct).
data ASG ctx dom a = ASG
    { topExpression :: ASTF (Node ctx :+: dom) a               -- ^ Top-level expression
    , graphNodes    :: [(NodeId, SomeAST (Node ctx :+: dom))]  -- ^ Mapping from node id to sub-expression
    , numNodes      :: NodeId                                  -- ^ Total number of nodes

-- | Show syntax graph using ASCII art
showASG :: ToTree dom => ASG ctx dom a -> String
showASG (ASG top nodes _) =
    unlines ((line "top" ++ showAST top) : map showNode nodes)
    line str = "---- " ++ str ++ " " ++ rest ++ "\n"
        rest = take (40 - length str) $ repeat '-'

    showNode (n, SomeAST expr) = concat
      [ line ("node:" ++ show n)
      , showAST expr

-- | Print syntax graph using ASCII art
drawASG :: ToTree dom => ASG ctx dom a -> IO ()
drawASG = putStrLn . showASG

-- | Update the node identifiers in an 'AST' using the supplied reindexing
-- function
reindexNodesAST ::
    (NodeId -> NodeId) -> AST (Node ctx :+: dom) a -> AST (Node ctx :+: dom) a
reindexNodesAST reix (Symbol (InjectL (Node n))) =
    Symbol (InjectL (Node $ reix n))
reindexNodesAST reix (f :$: a) =
    reindexNodesAST reix f :$: reindexNodesAST reix a
reindexNodesAST reix a = a

-- | Reindex the nodes according to the given index mapping. The number of nodes
-- is unchanged, so if the index mapping is not 1:1, the resulting graph will
-- contain duplicates.
reindexNodes :: (NodeId -> NodeId) -> ASG ctx dom a -> ASG ctx dom a
reindexNodes reix (ASG top nodes n) = ASG top' nodes' n
    top'   = reindexNodesAST reix top
    nodes' =
      [ (reix n, SomeAST $ reindexNodesAST reix a)
        | (n, SomeAST a) <- nodes

-- | Reindex the nodes to be in the range @[0 .. l-1]@, where @l@ is the number
-- of nodes in the graph
reindexNodesFrom0 :: ASG ctx dom a -> ASG ctx dom a
reindexNodesFrom0 graph = reindexNodes reix graph
    reix = reindex $ map fst $ graphNodes graph

-- | Remove duplicate nodes from a graph. The function only looks at the
-- 'NodeId' of each node. The 'numNodes' field is updated accordingly.
nubNodes :: ASG ctx dom a -> ASG ctx dom a
nubNodes (ASG top nodes n) = ASG top nodes' n'
    nodes' = nubBy ((==) `on` fst) nodes
    n'     = genericLength nodes'

    :: (forall a b . ASTF (Node ctx :+: dom) a -> ASTF (Node ctx :+: dom) b -> c)
    -> SomeAST (Node ctx :+: dom)
    -> SomeAST (Node ctx :+: dom)
    -> c
liftSome2 f (SomeAST a) (SomeAST b) = f a b

-- * Folding

-- | Pattern functor representation of an 'AST' with 'Node's
data SyntaxPF dom a
    AppPF  :: a -> a -> SyntaxPF dom a
    NodePF :: NodeId -> a -> SyntaxPF dom a
    DomPF  :: dom b -> SyntaxPF dom a
  -- NOTE: The important constructor is 'NodePF', which makes a 'Node' appear as
  -- any other recursive constructor.

instance Functor (SyntaxPF dom)
    fmap f (AppPF g a)  = AppPF  (f g) (f a)
    fmap f (NodePF n a) = NodePF n (f a)
    fmap f (DomPF a)    = DomPF a

-- | Folding over a graph
-- The user provides a function to fold a single constructor (an \"algebra\").
-- The result contains the result of folding the whole graph as well as the
-- result of each internal node, represented both as an array and an association
-- list. Each node is processed exactly once.
foldGraph :: forall ctx dom a b
    .  (SyntaxPF dom b -> b)
    -> ASG ctx dom a
    -> (b, (Array NodeId b, [(NodeId,b)]))
foldGraph alg graph@(ASG top ns nn) = (g top, (arr,nodes))
    nodes = [(n, g expr) | (n, SomeAST expr) <- ns]
    arr   = array (0, nn-1) nodes

    g :: ConsType c => AST (Node ctx :+: dom) c -> b
    g (h :$: a)                    = alg $ AppPF (g h) (g a)
    g (Symbol (InjectL (Node n)) ) = alg $ NodePF n (arr!n)
    g (Symbol (InjectR a))         = alg $ DomPF a

-- * Inlining

-- | Convert an 'ASG' to an 'AST' by inlining all nodes
inlineAll :: forall ctx dom a . Typeable a => ASG ctx dom a -> ASTF dom a
inlineAll (ASG top nodes n) = inline top
    nodeMap = array (0, n-1) nodes

    inline :: forall b. (Typeable b, ConsType b) =>
        AST (Node ctx :+: dom) b -> AST dom b
    inline (f :$: a) = inline f :$: inline a
    inline (Symbol (InjectL (Node n))) = case nodeMap ! n of
        SomeAST a -> case gcast a of
          Nothing -> error "inlineAll: type mismatch"
          Just a  -> inline a
    inline (Symbol (InjectR a)) = Symbol a

-- | Find the child nodes of each node in an expression. The child nodes of a
-- node @n@ are the first nodes along all paths from @n@.
nodeChildren :: ASG ctx dom a -> [(NodeId, [NodeId])]
nodeChildren = map (id *** fromDList) . snd . snd . foldGraph children
    children :: SyntaxPF dom (DList NodeId) -> DList (NodeId)
    children (AppPF ns1 ns2) = ns1 . ns2
    children (NodePF n _)    = single n
    children _               = empty

-- | Count the number of occurrences of each node in an expression
occurrences :: ASG ctx dom a -> Array NodeId Int
occurrences graph
    = count (0, numNodes graph - 1)
    $ concatMap snd
    $ nodeChildren graph

-- | Inline all nodes that are not shared
inlineSingle :: forall ctx dom a . Typeable a => ASG ctx dom a -> ASG ctx dom a
inlineSingle graph@(ASG top nodes n) = ASG top' nodes' n'
    nodeTab  = array (0, n-1) nodes
    occs     = occurrences graph

    top'   = inline top
    nodes' = [(n, SomeAST (inline a)) | (n, SomeAST a) <- nodes, occs!n > 1]
    n'     = genericLength nodes'

    inline :: forall b. (Typeable b, ConsType b) =>
        AST (Node ctx :+: dom) b -> AST (Node ctx :+: dom) b
    inline (f :$: a) = inline f :$: inline a
    inline (Symbol (InjectL (Node n)))
        | occs!n > 1 = Symbol (InjectL (Node n))
        | otherwise = case nodeTab ! n of
            SomeAST a -> case gcast a of
                Nothing -> error "inlineSingle: type mismatch"
                Just a  -> inline a
    inline (Symbol (InjectR a)) = Symbol (InjectR a)

-- * Sharing

-- | Compute a table (both array and list representation) of hash values for
-- each node
hashNodes :: ExprEq dom =>
    ASG ctx dom a -> (Array NodeId Hash, [(NodeId, Hash)])
hashNodes = snd . foldGraph hashNode
    hashNode (AppPF h1 h2) = hashInt 0 `combine` h1 `combine` h2
    hashNode (NodePF _ h)  = h
    hashNode (DomPF a)     = hashInt 1 `combine` exprHash a

-- | Partitions the nodes such that two nodes are in the same sub-list if and
-- only if they are alpha-equivalent.
partitionNodes :: forall ctx dom a
    .  (Lambda ctx :<: dom, Variable ctx :<: dom, ExprEq dom)
    => ASG ctx dom a -> [[NodeId]]
partitionNodes graph = concatMap (fullPartition nodeEq) approxPartitioning
    nTab          = array (0, numNodes graph - 1) (graphNodes graph)
    (hTab,hashes) = hashNodes graph

    -- | An approximate partitioning of the nodes: nodes in different partitions
    -- are guaranteed to be inequivalent, while nodes in the same partition
    -- might be equivalent.
      = map (map fst)
      $ groupBy ((==) `on` snd)
      $ sortBy (compare `on` snd)
      $ hashes

    eqNode :: forall a b . ExprEq dom
        => AST (Node ctx :+: dom) a
        -> AST (Node ctx :+: dom) b
        -> Reader [(VarId,VarId)] Bool
    eqNode (Symbol (InjectL (Node n1))) (Symbol (InjectL (Node n2)))
        | n1 == n2           = return True
        | hTab!n1 /= hTab!n2 = return False
        | otherwise          = case (nTab!n1, nTab!n2) of
            (SomeAST a, SomeAST b) -> eqNodeAlpha a b
              -- TODO The result could be memoized in a
              -- @Map (NodeId,NodeId) Bool@
    eqNode (Symbol (InjectR a)) (Symbol (InjectR b)) = return (exprEq a b)
    eqNode _ _ = return False
    -- Returns 'False' when one argument is a 'Node' and the other one isn't.
    -- This is not really correct since 'Node's are just meta-variables and
    -- shouldn't be part of the comparison. But as long as equivalent
    -- expressions always have 'Node's at the same position, it doesn't matter.
    -- This is just for simplicity; it would be easy to fix.

    -- | Alpha-equivalence for expressions with 'Node's
    eqNodeAlpha :: forall a b
        .  AST (Node ctx :+: dom) a
        -> AST (Node ctx :+: dom) b
        -> Reader [(VarId,VarId)] Bool
    eqNodeAlpha a b = alphaEqM (Proxy::Proxy ctx) eqNode a b

    nodeEq :: NodeId -> NodeId -> Bool
    nodeEq n1 n2 = runReader (liftSome2 eqNodeAlpha (nTab!n1) (nTab!n2)) []

-- | Common sub-expression elimination based on alpha-equivalence
cse :: (Lambda ctx :<: dom, Variable ctx :<: dom, ExprEq dom) =>
    ASG ctx dom a -> ASG ctx dom a
cse graph@(ASG top nodes n) = nubNodes $ reindexNodes (reixTab!) graph
    parts   = partitionNodes graph
    reixTab = array (0,n-1) [(n,p) | (part,p) <- parts `zip` [0..], n <- part]