úÎï¸None579;kSee "A Universal Part-of-Speech Tagset" by Slav Petrov, Dipanjan Das and Ryan McDonald for more details  http://arxiv.org/abs/1104.2086A Sum type for 12 universal part-of-speech tags, coarse-grainedAConverting coarse-grained textual types int ADT representation@Converting fine-grained textual types into ADT representation    None$7 )A Map of text values the appropriate treeA  of 'SnConllToken Text'sA  of 'SnConllToken Text's'Neat 2-dimensional drawing of a forest.Given a list of s, return the top-level tokens.Given a , return the top-level token.Given a list of 9s, return a map of each token with the appropriate tree.@Return the elements at level i from a forest. 0-based indexing. ?Convert list of nodes with defined level into Tree structure!)Debug version of fromList inside IO monad"5Convert Tree structure to a sequantial list structure #$ !" #$ !" #$ !"None!"T%1Define custom options to read tab-delimeted files&'Same as readParseTree but for debugging'(%&)*'(%&)*+      !"#$%&'()*+,-./010syntaxnet-haskell- readParseTreePosCG parsePosCf parsePosFgVERBNOUNPRONADJADVADPCONJDETNUMPRTXPUNCTUnkCg SnConllTree SnConllTokenparseGER$fFromRecordConllTokenTokenMap TokenForestcontainers- Data.TreeForest TokenTreeTree drawForest' forestTokens forestTokenmkMapgetLevelfromList fromList'toList drawTree'draw cnllOptionsreadParseTree' preprocessescaper parseNode parseNode'