{-# OPTIONS -fglasgow-exts #-}
{- |
Copyright   :  (c) Henning Thielemann 2008
License     :  GPL

Maintainer  :  synthesizer@henning-thielemann.de
Stability   :  provisional
Portability :  requires multi-parameter type classes
               and local universal quantification

Light-weight sample parameter inference which will fit most needs.
We only do \"poor man's inference\", only for sample rates.
The sample rate will be provided as an argument of a special type 'T'.
This argument will almost never be passed explicitly
but should be handled by operators analogous to '($)' and '(.)'.

In contrast to the run-time inference approach,
we have the static guarantee that the sample rate is fixed
before passing a signal to the outside world.
However we still need to make it safe that signals
that are rendered for one sample rate
are not processed with another sample rate.
module Synthesizer.Dimensional.Process (
      run, {-share,-} withParam, getSampleRate,
      toTimeScalar,    toFrequencyScalar,
      toTimeDimension, toFrequencyDimension,
      loop, pure,
      ($:), ($::), ($^), ($#),
      (.:), (.^),
      liftP, liftP2, liftP3, liftP4,
   ) where

import qualified Synthesizer.Dimensional.Rate as Rate
import qualified Number.DimensionTerm        as DN
import qualified Algebra.DimensionTerm       as Dim

import Number.DimensionTerm ((*&), ) -- ((&*&), (&/&))

import qualified Algebra.Field          as Field
import qualified Algebra.Ring           as Ring

import Control.Monad.Fix (MonadFix(mfix), )
-- import Control.Monad.Reader ()
import Synthesizer.ApplicativeUtility
import qualified Control.Applicative as App
import Control.Applicative (Applicative)

import NumericPrelude
import PreludeBase as P

{- |
This wraps a function which computes a sample rate dependent result.
Sample rate tells how many values per unit are stored
for representation of a signal.

The process is labeled with a type variable @s@ which is part the signals.
This way we can ensure that signals are only used
with the sample rate they are created for.
newtype T s u t a = Cons {process :: Rate.T s u t -> a}

instance Functor (T s u t) where
   fmap f (Cons g) = Cons (f . g)

instance Applicative (T s u t) where
   pure  = pure
   (<*>) = apply

instance Monad (T s u t) where
   return = pure
   (>>=)  = bind

instance MonadFix (T s u t) where
   mfix = loop . withParam

{-# INLINE pure #-}
pure :: a -> T s u t a
pure = Cons . const

{-# INLINE apply #-}
apply :: T s u t (a -> b) -> T s u t a -> T s u t b
apply (Cons f) arg = Cons $ \sr -> f sr (process arg sr)

{- |
Get results from the Process monad.
You can obtain only signals (or other values)
that do not implicitly depend on the sample rate,
that is value without the @s@ type parameter.
{-# INLINE run #-}
run :: (Dim.C u) => DN.T (Dim.Recip u) t -> (forall s. T s u t a) -> a
run sampleRate f = process f (Rate.fromDimensionNumber sampleRate)

{- |
You can write
@x >>= (\x0 -> Cut.zip $# x0 $# x0)@
@share x (\x0 -> Cut.zip $: x0 $: x0)@.
'share' allows for more consistent usage of @($:)@.
share :: T s u t a -> (T s u t a -> T s u t b) -> T s u t b
share x y  =  y . return =<< x

{-# INLINE bind #-}
bind :: T s u t a -> (a -> T s u t b) -> T s u t b
bind (Cons f) mg =
   Cons $ \ sr -> process (mg (f sr)) sr

-- same as Inference.Reader.Process.injectParam
{-# INLINE withParam #-}
withParam :: (a -> T s u t b) -> T s u t (a -> b)
withParam f = Cons (\sr a -> process (f a) sr)

{-# INLINE getSampleRate #-}
getSampleRate :: Dim.C u => T s u t (DN.T (Dim.Recip u) t)
getSampleRate = Cons Rate.toDimensionNumber

{-# INLINE toTimeScalar #-}
toTimeScalar {- , (~*&) -} :: (Ring.C t, Dim.C u) =>
   DN.T u t -> T s u t t
toTimeScalar time =
   fmap (DN.mulToScalar time) getSampleRate

{-# INLINE toFrequencyScalar #-}
toFrequencyScalar {- , (~/&) -} :: (Field.C t, Dim.C u) =>
   DN.T (Dim.Recip u) t -> T s u t t
toFrequencyScalar freq =
   fmap (DN.divToScalar freq) getSampleRate

{-# INLINE toTimeDimension #-}
toTimeDimension :: (Field.C t, Dim.C u) =>
   t -> T s u t (DN.T u t)
toTimeDimension t =
   fmap (\sampleRate -> t *& DN.unrecip sampleRate) getSampleRate

{-# INLINE toFrequencyDimension #-}
toFrequencyDimension :: (Ring.C t, Dim.C u) =>
   t -> T s u t (DN.T (Dim.Recip u) t)
toFrequencyDimension f =
   fmap (\sampleRate -> f *& sampleRate) getSampleRate

infixl 7 ~*&, ~/&

(~*&) = toTimeScalar
(~/&) = toFrequencyScalar