module Synthesizer.ALSA.Storable.Server.Run where import qualified Synthesizer.MIDI.Example.Instrument as Instr import Synthesizer.ALSA.Storable.Server.Common (Real, withMIDIEvents, play, device, clientName, sampleRate, lazySize, chunkSize, periodTime, channel, ) import qualified Synthesizer.MIDI.CausalIO.Process as MIO import qualified Synthesizer.MIDI.Storable as MidiSt import Synthesizer.MIDI.Storable (applyModulation, ) import qualified Synthesizer.ALSA.CausalIO.Process as PAlsa import qualified Synthesizer.CausalIO.Process as PIO import qualified Synthesizer.Causal.Oscillator as OsciC import qualified Synthesizer.Causal.Process as Causal import qualified Synthesizer.Causal.Filter.NonRecursive as FiltNRC import qualified Synthesizer.Basic.Wave as Wave import qualified Synthesizer.Interpolation.Module as Ip import qualified Synthesizer.Storable.Oscillator as OsciSt import qualified Synthesizer.Storable.Signal as SigSt import qualified Data.StorableVector.Lazy as SVL import qualified Data.StorableVector as SV import Foreign.Storable (Storable, ) import qualified Synthesizer.Generic.Loop as LoopG import qualified Synthesizer.Generic.Signal as SigG import qualified Synthesizer.State.Signal as SigS import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Filter.Recursive as FiltR import qualified Synthesizer.Plain.Filter.Recursive.Universal as UniFilter import qualified Sound.MIDI.Message.Channel.Voice as VoiceMsg import Control.Monad.Trans.State (evalState, ) import Control.Category ((.), ) import Control.Arrow (arr, second, (&&&), ) import Data.Tuple.HT (mapSnd, ) import NumericPrelude.Numeric import NumericPrelude.Base hiding ((.), ) import Prelude () volume :: IO () volume = putStrLn "run 'aconnect' to connect to the MIDI controller" >> (withMIDIEvents play $ SigSt.zipWith (*) (OsciSt.static chunkSize Wave.sine zero (800/sampleRate)) . evalState (MidiSt.controllerLinear channel VoiceMsg.mainVolume (0,1) (0.2::Real))) frequency :: IO () frequency = withMIDIEvents play $ OsciSt.freqMod chunkSize Wave.sine zero . evalState (MidiSt.controllerExponential channel VoiceMsg.modulation (400/sampleRate, 1600/sampleRate) (800/sampleRate::Real)) {-# INLINE storableChunk #-} storableChunk :: (SigG.Read sig a, Storable a) => sig a -> SV.Vector a storableChunk chunk = SigS.toStrictStorableSignal (SigG.length chunk) $ SigG.toState chunk frequencyCausal :: IO () frequencyCausal = PAlsa.playFromEvents device clientName 0.01 (periodTime::Double) sampleRate ((PIO.fromCausal $ Causal.applyStorableChunk $ OsciC.freqMod (fmap (0.99*) Wave.sine) zero) . arr storableChunk . (MIO.controllerExponential channel VoiceMsg.modulation (400/sampleRate, 1600/sampleRate) (800/sampleRate::Real))) pitchBend :: IO () pitchBend = withMIDIEvents play $ OsciSt.freqMod chunkSize Wave.sine zero . evalState (MidiSt.pitchBend channel 2 (880/sampleRate::Real)) volumeFrequency :: IO () volumeFrequency = putStrLn "run 'aconnect' to connect to the MIDI controller" >> (withMIDIEvents play $ evalState (do vol <- MidiSt.controllerLinear channel VoiceMsg.mainVolume (0,1) 0.5 freq <- MidiSt.pitchBend channel 2 (880/sampleRate::Real) return $ SigSt.zipWith (*) vol (OsciSt.freqMod chunkSize Wave.sine zero freq))) volumeFrequencyCausal :: IO () volumeFrequencyCausal = PAlsa.playFromEvents device clientName 0.01 (periodTime::Double) sampleRate ((PIO.fromCausal $ Causal.applyStorableChunk $ FiltNRC.envelope . second (OsciC.freqMod Wave.sine zero)) . arr (uncurry (SV.zipWith (,))) . (arr storableChunk . MIO.controllerLinear channel VoiceMsg.mainVolume (0,0.99) (0.5::Real) &&& arr storableChunk . MIO.pitchBend channel 2 (880/sampleRate::Real))) keyboard :: IO () keyboard = withMIDIEvents play $ -- playALSA (Bld.put :: Int16 -> Bld.Builder Int16) (sampleRate::Real) . (0.2*) . evalState (MidiSt.sequence chunkSize channel Instr.tine) keyboardMulti :: IO () keyboardMulti = withMIDIEvents play $ -- playALSA (Bld.put :: Int16 -> Bld.Builder Int16) (sampleRate::Real) . (0.2*) . evalState (MidiSt.sequenceMultiProgram chunkSize channel (VoiceMsg.toProgram 2) [Instr.pingDur, Instr.pingRelease, Instr.tine]) keyboardStereo :: IO () keyboardStereo = withMIDIEvents play $ -- playALSA (Bld.put :: Int16 -> Bld.Builder Int16) (sampleRate::Real) . ((0.2::Real)*>) . evalState (MidiSt.sequenceMultiProgram chunkSize channel (VoiceMsg.toProgram 1) [Instr.pingStereoRelease, Instr.tineStereo, Instr.softString, Instr.softStringCausal]) keyboardPitchbend :: IO () keyboardPitchbend = withMIDIEvents play $ ((0.2::Real)*>) . evalState (do bend <- MidiSt.pitchBend channel (2^?(2/12)) 1 MidiSt.sequenceModulated chunkSize bend channel Instr.stringStereoFM) keyboardFM :: IO () keyboardFM = withMIDIEvents play $ ((0.2::Real)*>) . evalState (do fm <- MidiSt.bendWheelPressure channel 2 (10/sampleRate) 0.04 0.03 MidiSt.sequenceModulated chunkSize fm channel Instr.stringStereoFM) keyboardDetuneFM :: IO () keyboardDetuneFM = withMIDIEvents play $ ((0.2::Real)*>) . evalState (do fm <- MidiSt.bendWheelPressure channel 2 (10/sampleRate) 0.04 0.03 detune <- MidiSt.controllerLinear channel VoiceMsg.vectorX (0,0.005) 0 MidiSt.sequenceMultiModulated chunkSize channel Instr.stringStereoDetuneFM (applyModulation fm . applyModulation detune)) keyboardFilter :: IO () keyboardFilter = withMIDIEvents play $ (0.2*) . evalState (do music <- MidiSt.sequence chunkSize channel Instr.pingRelease freq <- MidiSt.controllerLinear channel -- VoiceMsg.vectorY (VoiceMsg.toController 21) (100/sampleRate, 5000/sampleRate) (700/sampleRate) return $ SigS.toStorableSignal chunkSize $ UniFilter.lowpass $ SigS.modifyModulated UniFilter.modifier ( UniFilter.parameter $ SigS.zipWith FiltR.Pole (SigS.repeat (5 :: Real)) (SigS.fromStorableSignal freq)) $ SigS.fromStorableSignal music) keyboardSample :: IO () keyboardSample = do piano <- Instr.readPianoSample string <- Instr.readStringSample let loopedString = mapSnd (LoopG.simple 8750 500) string fadedString = mapSnd (LoopG.fade (undefined::Real) 8750 500) string timeSineString = LoopG.timeReverse lazySize Ip.linear Ip.linear LoopG.timeControlSine 8750 500 string timeZigZagString = LoopG.timeReverse lazySize Ip.linear Ip.linear LoopG.timeControlZigZag 8750 500 string withMIDIEvents play $ (0.2*) . evalState (MidiSt.sequenceMultiProgram chunkSize channel (VoiceMsg.toProgram 5) $ Instr.sampledSound piano : Instr.sampledSound string : Instr.sampledSound loopedString : Instr.sampledSound fadedString : Instr.sampledSound timeSineString : Instr.sampledSound timeZigZagString : Instr.sampledSoundTimeLoop Instr.loopTimeModSine string 8750 500 : Instr.sampledSoundTimeLoop Instr.loopTimeModZigZag string 8750 500 : []) keyboardVariousStereo :: IO () keyboardVariousStereo = do piano <- Instr.readPianoSample string <- Instr.readStringSample let loopedString = LoopG.timeReverse lazySize Ip.linear Ip.linear LoopG.timeControlZigZag 8750 500 string withMIDIEvents play $ ((0.2::Real)*>) . evalState (MidiSt.sequenceMultiProgram chunkSize channel (VoiceMsg.toProgram 0) $ Instr.pingStereoRelease : Instr.tineStereo : Instr.softString : Instr.sampledSoundDetuneStereo 0.001 piano : Instr.sampledSoundDetuneStereo 0.002 loopedString : Instr.sampledSoundDetuneStereoRelease 0.1 0.001 piano : Instr.sampledSoundDetuneStereoRelease 0.3 0.002 loopedString : []) keyboardSampleTFM :: IO () keyboardSampleTFM = do instr <- Instr.readPianoSample withMIDIEvents play $ evalState (do fm <- MidiSt.bendWheelPressure channel 2 (10/sampleRate) 0.04 0.03 speed <- MidiSt.controllerLinear channel (VoiceMsg.toController 22) (0,2) 1 offset <- MidiSt.controllerLinear channel (VoiceMsg.toController 21) (0, fromIntegral (SVL.length (snd instr))) 0 MidiSt.sequenceMultiModulated chunkSize channel (Instr.timeModulatedSample instr) (applyModulation fm . applyModulation speed . applyModulation offset)) keyboardNoisePipe :: IO () keyboardNoisePipe = withMIDIEvents play $ evalState (do fm <- MidiSt.bendWheelPressure channel 2 (10/sampleRate) 0.04 0.03 resonance <- MidiSt.controllerExponential channel (VoiceMsg.toController 23) (1, 100) 10 MidiSt.sequenceMultiModulated chunkSize channel Instr.colourNoise (applyModulation fm . applyModulation resonance)) keyboardNoisyTone :: IO () keyboardNoisyTone = withMIDIEvents play $ evalState (do fm <- MidiSt.bendWheelPressure channel 2 (10/sampleRate) 0.04 0.03 speed <- MidiSt.controllerLinear channel (VoiceMsg.toController 21) (0,0.5) 0.1 MidiSt.sequenceMultiModulated chunkSize channel Instr.toneFromNoise (applyModulation fm . applyModulation speed)) keyboardFilteredNoisyTone :: IO () keyboardFilteredNoisyTone = withMIDIEvents play $ evalState (do fm <- MidiSt.bendWheelPressure channel 2 (10/sampleRate) 0.04 0.03 {- speed must never be zero, since this requires to fetch unlimited data from future. -} speed <- MidiSt.controllerLinear channel (VoiceMsg.toController 21) (0.05,0.5) 0.1 cutoff <- MidiSt.controllerExponential channel (VoiceMsg.toController 22) (1, 30) 10 resonance <- MidiSt.controllerExponential channel (VoiceMsg.toController 23) (1, 20) 5 MidiSt.sequenceMultiModulated chunkSize channel Instr.toneFromFilteredNoise (applyModulation fm . applyModulation speed . applyModulation cutoff . applyModulation resonance)) keyboardCausal :: IO () keyboardCausal = PAlsa.playFromEvents device clientName 0.01 (periodTime::Double) sampleRate $ arr ( (0.2*)) . MIO.sequenceStorable channel (\ _pgm -> Instr.pingReleaseCausal)